Master of Beasts

Chapter 1388 Underworld Stone Crystal

"Thank you, young master." The guard named Gao He quickly bent down, pretending to be very happy, but in his heart, he was sweating coldly for himself.

He didn't know beforehand that Qiu Jiu was doing this kind of thing.

If the woman hadn't committed suicide, he who brought Chen Yao in would probably have annoyed Qiu Jiu, and in a fit of rage, he might have killed him.

Chen Yao's pretty appearance really helped him.

Although he was extremely unwilling, he could only obediently send the duck to Qiu Jiu.

"Master Qiu Jiu."

Frightened by Qiu Jiu's lewd gaze, Chen Yao tremblingly raised her head and forced a smile: "I have something important to tell you, after listening, you will thank me."

"Let's hear it." Qiu Jiu chuckled, his unscrupulous gaze made people very uncomfortable.

"Do you know who is the next Hall Master of His Highness Dan?" Chen Yao asked cautiously.

"What does that have to do with me?" Qiu Jiu looked unhappy.

He thought something was wrong with Chen Yao.

Dan Dian, that is a colossus, he is a small character, so what if he knows the next master of Dan Dian, can he get half of the benefits?

"She's at the Baji Banquet." Chen Yao said flatteringly.

"Oh?" Qiu Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

"This person's name is Jiang Sheng, and she is the young lady of the Jiang family, one of the four major alchemist families. She is nearly nineteen years old, a fifth-rank alchemist, and can refine poison pills."

"So what?"

"As long as you can marry her and get the support of Dandian, the Four Elephant City and Baji Pavilion will not all be in your hands?" Chen Yao lowered her voice.

"Presumptuous! Have you lived enough!" Qiu Jiu snapped angrily.

Among the four divisions of Baji Pavilion, Baihu Pavilion is the strongest. He and his father do have the ambition to swallow Baji Pavilion, but how can such a thing be said.

"Chen Yao dare not!"

Almost jumped up in fright, Chen Yao knelt on the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Master Qiu Jiu, I am doing it for your own good, Qiu Sheng is incompetent, and if Baji Pavilion falls into their hands, it will only lead to decline, but if there is Jiang With Sheng's help, Baji Pavilion can not only swallow up other forces in Sixiang City, but also expand it further."

Qiu Jiu's heart skipped a beat.

What Chen Yao said, he was indeed tempted.

"Tell me about that Jiang Sheng." Qiu Jiu remained expressionless.

"Okay!" Chen Yao told Qiu Jiu all the things she had heard at the fastest speed, belittling Henry Zhang so badly that he was no doubt a waste.

Chen Yao is very clear about the character of people like Qiu Jiu.

Knowing that a woman like Jiang Sheng would be very unwilling to be captured by a person who is much worse than herself, and then try her best to get it back and prove that she is the better one.

as expected.


With one foot on the ground, the huge pit burst open, and Qiu Jiuyin's quizzical voice came out quietly: "How dare a trash who eats soft food play wild in my territory? Manager Zhu, you go there immediately."

In the second half of the speech, Qiu Jiu spoke to the sound transmission talisman.


"no problem."

"I promise to humiliate him well, and then let him get out of the Octopus Banquet."

Zhu Guanshi humiliated the other side.

"Master Qiu Jiu, the Baji Banquet was held by Master Qiu Sheng. Our people are looking for trouble, will it be..." Gao He couldn't help but ask.

Qiu Sheng?

Hearing this name, Qiu Jiu's face turned pale, and unconcealable fear appeared in his eyes.

Normally, he wouldn't even dare to fart in front of Qiu Sheng.

He had long been frightened by Qiu Sheng.

"Useless trash!"

Cursing in her heart, Chen Yaojiao said with a smile: "Master Qiu Jiu, he just insulted a little boy who relies on Jiang Sheng for food, how could Master Qiu Sheng know."

"That's right." Qiu Jiu nodded, his expression returning to normal.

Qiu Sheng generally does not appear in the Octopus Banquet.

It is nothing to let Guanshi Zhu insult Henry Zhang.

"That Jiang Sheng is beautiful?" Qiu Jiu looked at Chen Yao.

"I can't compare with her." Although he was very reluctant to admit it, it was a fact. Regardless of temperament, figure and appearance, the two were people from different worlds.

"well done."

Qiu Sheng pinched Chen Yao's face: "If the matter is successful, I will reward you as a concubine, and you will be one of the four sub-cities of Sixiang City."

The words fell.


The blade sticks out.

Staring blankly at his chest, the long knife that went straight in, the muscles on Gao He's face jumped violently, and he collapsed to the ground with a plop.

"You killed him?" Chen Yao was startled.

"He heard things he shouldn't have heard."

Pulling out the long knife, Qiu Sheng sneered and wiped the blood on it: "Now, you and I are grasshoppers on the same rope, I believe you will not betray me, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" Chen Yao nodded her head.

Annex Baji Pavilion and dominate Sixiang City.

This is what she said.

If Qiu Sheng's lineage found out, she would die a miserable death!

On the other side, inside the pavilion.

The Octopus Banquet was being held lively.

"Henry Zhang, I owe you a lot of favors. In the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult to pay back." Gu Huang said with emotion while holding a bunch of items.

These things are worth two million Lingyu.

It is difficult for him to have such a number of semi-casual cultivators after ten years of accumulation. The main reason why casual cultivators are difficult is the lack of spiritual jade.

have to say.

Alchemist is such a heavy identity, although it wastes some training time, no matter who it is on, he will rush to do it, let alone the noble seventh-rank alchemist, even the fifth-rank alchemist who is very common in Jiujue City, they rarely do it for him. Worried about training resources.

At this time, on stage.

"A few days ago, I was in a wasteland and experienced a near-death experience, and I was lucky enough to get this thing."

The young man who appeared on the stage raised the stone in his hand and breathed heavily excitedly: "This thing is named Mingquan Shijing. It is rumored that after the spirit beast is refined, it can have the ability to communicate with the nether world and bring the dead back to life. I don't want other things. I want spirit jade, the one with the highest price gets it!"

As soon as this remark came out, there was a commotion in the pavilion, and some people's eyes showed a look of burning and inevitable.

Returning from the dead, except for the fire phoenix or fire phoenix nirvana, and a few spirit beasts, other spirit beasts can only be delusion, but according to ancient records, it is possible to obtain this kind of thing called Mingquan Shijing.

Its value is self-evident!

"Two hundred thousand!"

"Three hundred thousand!"

"Five hundred thousand!"

The price kept rising, and many people almost screamed out that this level of treasure is worth their madness. After refining this thing, it is equivalent to having a second life!

"I finally saw it!" Henry Zhang was a little emotional.

I thought that I would have to wait a long time to get the Nether Spring Stone Crystal, but I didn't expect that it would take no effort to get it, and I could see it in the Baji Banquet.

After the Di Yue was upgraded, it would be easy to kill the Spirit King, and there would be no possibility of being escaped by the opponent.

He is bound to get this thing!

"Six hundred and eighty thousand!"

"Seven hundred and fifty thousand!"

"Nine hundred thousand!"

The voices of bidding came one after another.

After a while.

A voice without the slightest emotion made the noisy Baji Banquet stagnate.


Yesterday's third chapter was blocked, I don't know, I just watched the backstage just now, what a pit.

I have to bear the blame, I am missing an update yesterday, I am missing one for two, and I will make up a chapter in a few days

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