Master of Beasts

Chapter 908 Persecution

The crowd near Henry Zhang retreated with a bang, and their gazes, like the others, carried some persecution.

"Hand over the key."

Extremely satisfied with everyone's performance, Dongxie stretched out his hand, and there was a trace of inexplicable excitement hidden in his cold voice.

With two keys, you can open the Palace of Water King, which hardly needs to be questioned.

But Water King's treasures are limited after all, maybe the person who holds the key can get more, or even... all of them!

Otherwise, they wouldn't spend a lot of money to take the key.

Therefore, the current Dongxie is undoubtedly going to use other people's hands to force Henry Zhang to hand over the key!

"Water King Palace is right in front of you, hurry up and give the key to Dong Xie."

"That's right, take it out quickly!!"

"Hurry up, I can't wait, don't force me to do it!"

Everyone spoke one after another, the gesture of course, as if Henry Zhang's secret key was not bought with Lingyu, but picked up for nothing.

"Why did I give it to him instead of him giving me the key in his hand?" Henry Zhang raised his head and said coldly.

"You don't want to enter the Palace of the Water King, don't you think others don't want to? In case, the time for Wubotan to recover is limited. Once the time passes, it will become solid again. At that time, there will be no one else who will be able to enter. I won the Wubo Lake, and I have seen the treasures of the Water King Palace!" Dong Xie said with righteous indignation.

As soon as the word "treasure" was mentioned, the eyes of many people in the field suddenly became greedy, and the voices that came out were also full of impatience.

"Little brother, how can you be so selfish? You don't want to enter, and you won't let others enter?"

"Yeah, hurry up and give the key to Dongxie, he is a senior, can he still lie to you?"

"Since you are so small-minded, why did you make such a fuss back then? You might as well give it up to the Green Water Sect!"

Everyone blamed together.

"Are you finished?"

Looking at the suddenly quiet crowd, Henry Zhang sneered and said: "You guys have such a big aura, don't you think you can't grab it? I bought the key for 30,000 Lingyu.

How to deal with it is my business, and it has half a penny to do with you? "

"Since you are in a hurry, then give me 30,000 Lingyu, buy the key, and give it to Dongxie. You are not generous, are you not worried? Then you give Lingyu."

Everyone was instantly dumbfounded.

Of course they don't feel bad about giving Henry Zhang's things to others, but if it is spread on them, ten thousand of them are unwilling.

"Hehe, who is selfish, don't you know? If you are really generous, it's fine, a group of people who can only fake generosity, how dare they pretend to be so sanctimonious?" Henry Zhang sneered.

These words immediately aroused the anger of several people.

They were the happiest jumping just now, among those who took the lead in denouncing Henry Zhang, there were a few of them.

"Sharp teeth, strong words, everyone, come with me and take the key from his hand."

"Our ninth-level spirits are enough to kill him."

"You don't need to be merciful when dealing with people who don't know what to do."

Amidst the sinister smiles, a spirit beast appeared in front of several people, and many people looked at each other, summoning the spirit beast with serious eyes.

There are always many people who like to add insult to injury.

What's more, there are still a lot of fire lotus seeds in Henry Zhang's empty boundary stone. Even if there is no treasure of Water King, if you take some fire lotus seeds back, you can still make a lot of money.

Seeing such a scene, the corners of Dongxie's mouth curled up in a sarcasm.

very good.

This is what he wanted.

"Brother Dong's method of killing people with a knife is very good." Cao Cheng, who was on the side, said with a lot of meaning.

"Brother Cao, don't worry, you must have a share of Water King's treasure." A bloodthirsty gleam flashed in Dong Xie's eyes.

It is obviously impossible to swallow the treasure alone.

Even if their bone gate is the final winner, as long as there is even the slightest leak, even the bone gate of Huangquan will be fatally hit.

Therefore, none of the people present can stay.

However, it is very difficult for him to do this alone, and it is extremely cost-effective to share part of the treasure and let the Clear Water Sect bear the danger together.

"Brother Dong can figure this out, and things will be much easier." Cao Cheng smiled with satisfaction.

"We'll just wait for the key, and someone will hand it over obediently." Dong Xie grinned, laughing loudly.

"Are you paying or not?"

Hundreds of people surrounded Henry Zhang, and everyone's face was full of murderous intent.

"If we join hands, even a water-attribute ninth-level spirit will be doomed."

Another person shouted at Henry Zhang like a demonstration.

Looking around at the covetous crowd, Henry Zhang smiled and shook his head.

"that's it?"

As soon as this statement came out, many people were startled.

What is that? Are you scared and stupid, don't know what you are talking about?

"Since that's all there is, let's leave them all."

The green vines on the fingers are entwined, and Henry Zhang's laughter is as flat as ever.

"I think he's blown his head off."

"In this case, let's help him recognize the reality."

Amidst the gloomy sharp shouts, spirit beasts of different shapes swarmed Henry Zhang overwhelmingly, and the huge number buried Henry Zhang among them in an instant.

"This is the first time I've seen someone I'm looking for." Cao Cheng twitched his lips in disdain.

"Hehe." Dong Xie also chuckled.

"Konglingluo, chaotic rattan lock!"

As soon as the shout fell, countless green vines jumped up in the pool, as if they were endless, and tightly strangled all the spirit beasts that were rushing towards Henry Zhang, forming a huge ball.

"What is that!" Everyone's eyes trembled.

"What a strong fluctuation." The disdain on Cao Cheng's face instantly turned into surprise.

"No, this aura... this aura is not a spirit beast!" Dong Xie turned pale with shock, "Did he call Kong Lingluo just now?"

There was a bang in Cao Cheng's mind, like thunder on the ground.

That's right, it's Konglingluo.

That is a mysterious beast!

"Kong Lingluo, get rid of them!"

Henry Zhang's faint voice came out, the spirit beasts strangled together by vines, before they even had time to struggle, burst into blood mist, that extremely eye-shocking scene made people shudder .

Surrounded by hundreds of balls of blood, Henry Zhang's face was as calm as a deep pool, but in the eyes of everyone, it looked like a demon descending from hell.

The eyes of all the spirit beast owners were filled with panic.

What kind of existence did they provoke!

"Mysterious... mysterious beast..."

Pointing at the petite figure behind Henry Zhang, Dongxie's jaws kept bumping together, making a rattling sound.

It was the first time he felt the fear in his purple heart since he had been wandering around helplessly for many years.


His throat rolled, and Cao Cheng's eyes were dull.

Profound beasts, ethereal radishes...

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