Master of Beasts

Chapter 909 Killing Dongxie

Staring at Kong Lingluo behind Henry Zhang without blinking, the shock on Cao Cheng's face gradually disappeared, and his breathing gradually increased at this time.

mysterious beast.

A mysterious beast that only exists in legends!

"If I can kill this son and make a spiritual covenant with Kong Lingluo, in less than ten years, I will be able to make the entire Ghost Realm proud!" Cao Cheng's heart was full of greedy desires.

"He killed our spirit beast?"

"My hornbill!"


Seeing that Henry Zhang didn't make the next move, those who had just started had furious expressions on their faces.

"Boy, I'm from the Song family in Anluo City, you're tired of living!"

"My master is a third-order spirit emperor."

"Xiao Hanshan in Huangquan has a lifelong friendship with me."

Pointing at Henry Zhang who was in the flames of the sun, the curses of hundreds of people filled the entire pool.

The reason why they dare to do this is nothing more than fearlessness.

Many people present are inextricably linked with some strong men or powerful sects. They believe that Henry Zhang must not dare to cause public anger.

Otherwise, why didn't he let Kong Lingluo continue to attack them after killing the spirit beast?

This is obviously jealous!

After thinking about this, their curses became more vicious, and even Henry Zhang's parents were insulted in every way.

"A bunch of idiots." Dong Xie trembled in his heart.

Even the elders of Gumen, Henry Zhang dared to kill them all, let alone such a group of cats and dogs.

"If you kill my spirit beast, your whole family must be buried with it!"

"You bastard!"

"I swear to you, I will make you regret it!"

Seeing Henry Zhang being silent, these people became even more unscrupulous.

"Using the imperial ax on so many people at once is really a waste of time."

The indifferent voice came out, Henry Zhang slowly raised his palm, and hundreds of bright lights, like elves, jumped lightly around him.

And at the moment when these bright lights appeared, all the scolding stopped abruptly, and a pale-faced spiritualist clutched his throat tightly, unable to breathe.

This feeling is like the heart is being held tight!

" can't..."

They finally felt scared, and the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

"go to hell."

The bright light shattered, and in Henry Zhang's eyes, a cold light flashed: "A group of bastards."


The water was turbulent.

The bodies of hundreds of people seemed to be tightened by invisible vines. After a moment, they and their spirit beasts turned into blood mist and burst.

At the moment of death, lingering fear and regret appeared on the faces of each of them.

Looking at this scene, those who retreated to the distance, while trembling, felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, nothing happened.

Fortunately, Henry Zhang was not forced.

Otherwise, there must be one of them among the people who are dead now!

"I don't want this opportunity!"

"Guys, do it yourself."

After a moment of silence, the pool rioted again.

However, this time, it was caused by escaping.

With a profound beast in hand, or a multi-source spiritual master, and such a person snatching a chance, apart from the word of death, they can't think of any other end.

Taking a faint look at the people who left, Henry Zhang was surprised, but he didn't stop him.

The news that he owns a mysterious beast will spread sooner or later.

Today's him is no longer that young man who must be extremely cautious when using any hole cards, for fear of being exposed.

"Dongxie, don't leave."

Looking at Dong Xie who was about to retreat, Henry Zhang smiled: "Didn't you always want to enter the Water King Palace, don't worry, I'll give you the key right now."

"Brother Xiao was joking, how dare I ask for your key, this one in my hand, you can take it if you want." Dong Xie showed a smile uglier than crying.

Now, it's over.

"Brother Cao, I give you the key, block it for me for a moment!"

Suddenly thrusting the key into Cao Cheng's hand, Dong Xie Tou fled upward without hesitation, his muscles twitched from time to time, showing the panic in his heart.

"Kong Lingluo, kill him."


Stepping heavily on the stone wall, Kong Lingluo catapults up, the speed is extremely astonishing.

Looking at this scene, Cao Cheng was expressionless.

Save Dongxie?

The key has been obtained, and their fragile cooperation officially announced a breakdown. After killing Henry Zhang, they will conclude a spiritual covenant with Kong Lingluo and take away the treasure of the Water King Palace. Who knows?

At that time, spread a false news casually, saying that the treasure of the Water King Palace was obtained by Henry Zhang, and he escaped with a serious injury, who would doubt it?

Everything is logical.

If Henry Zhang couldn't kill Dong Xie, he would instead help him.

"Cao Cheng, you are not righteous!"

Looking at Kong Lingluo flying towards him, Dongxie shouted with tingling scalp: "Bone Vulture, Night Thorn Ring!"

"call out!"

The black thorn ring shot down, the bone vulture's mouth opened, and foul-smelling black air diffused out, pouring into the thorn ring, causing the sharp thorn ring to expand to a size of ten feet.

Facing the roaring huge thorn ring, Kong Lingluo spread out her small hands, and between the blooming biluo flowers, the sharp leaf sword was caught by it, and immediately its body passed through the thorn ring.


The emerald green cut marks cut through.

The huge black thorn ring immediately broke into two halves. The screaming bone vulture just flapped its bone wings when the Ye Jian held between Kong Lingluo's two fingers pierced through its head.

"call out!"

Ye Jian's momentum remained undiminished, and the howling Dongxie, together with the skeleton vulture, was strung together in a string, floating in the pool.

"That's right, that's it!" Cao Cheng was excited.

Only such a powerful profound beast can match him.


Stealing a spiritual fruit from Henry Zhang's Kongjieshi, Kong Lingluo didn't even glance at it, and immediately slipped back to the former's spiritual gate.

"Cao Cheng, you really have a good plan." Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes and looked at Cao Cheng.

"Some people are going to die anyway, but it's the difference between early death and late death." Looking at Dong Xie's body, Cao Cheng had a smile on his face: "Are you right?"

"In the water, you are indeed difficult to deal with, but it doesn't mean I can't kill you." Henry Zhang flicked his sleeves and said indifferently.


Inserting the key into a hole, Cao Cheng spread his hands with a smile: "Maybe what you said is true, but I guarantee that you will never win too easily. Besides, is there any treasure in the Water King Palace? No one knows, if we are here to die because of an empty shell, don’t you think it’s too stupid?”

His eyes froze slightly, and Henry Zhang's wrist trembled slightly.


The two holes were immediately filled with keys.


The gate of the palace, which had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years, opened slowly. Both Henry Zhang and Cao Cheng tensed up. As long as there is a change, they will escape immediately.

However, the next moment.

An unusually surging suction force swept out from the hall, sucking the bodies of the two of them in suddenly.


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