Master of Beasts

Chapter 910 Little Kraken

After Henry Zhang and Cao Cheng were sucked into the palace, the heavy palace door closed with a bang, and the fish around were startled and fled in a hurry.

"It hurts..."

Covering the top of his head that was about to crack, Henry Zhang twitched in pain at the corner of his mouth, and immediately his eyes flashed slightly, and his body suddenly tilted to the right.


The sharp lizard claws mercilessly patted the position where he was just now. The giant water lizard's eyes were cold, and when the body turned, the strong and powerful tail swept to the right with a swish.

"Snow Youmei!"

Amidst Henry Zhang's calm voice, Xue Youmei flashed out, and the snow gun erected in his hand abruptly blocked the blow, but its body shot hundreds of feet backwards.

In an underwater battle, it was very difficult for Xue Youmei to confront the Giant Water Lizard head-on.

Taking advantage of this gap, Henry Zhang stepped on the sole of his foot, and instantly retreated to the distance, keeping a distance from the giant water lizard.

"Is this the inside of the Water King Palace?" Looking around, Henry Zhang's eyes showed strange colors.

All kinds of corals are placed everywhere in the hall, and on the round stone pillars, there are water dragons carved with teeth and claws, which are lifelike.

"Shengyuan Jiao, the spirit beast of the Water King!"

Beside a stone pillar, Cao Cheng stroked the water dragon on it, his palm trembling because of excitement: "That's right, this is the Palace of Water King, the real Palace of Water King!"

Cao Cheng was so excited that he was about to call out.

As long as he got the treasure of the Water King, he didn't need to bow down in the little Jade Water Sect. One day, he would make the huge ghost domain prostrate at his feet!

"Giant water lizard, kill him!" Turning his head suddenly, Cao Cheng pointed at Henry Zhang, with murderous intent on his face.

As long as Henry Zhang is killed, he can search for treasures without any worries!


The floor under him was cracked, and the body of the giant water lizard suddenly jumped into the air. The right claw entangled in water waves tore out clear traces of the pool water.

"Snow Youmei..."

Henry Zhang’s voice just came out,

A loud, thunderous sound resounded through the hall, and the Giant Water Lizard, which was so startled, fell to the ground with a bang.

"Hehe, I dare to make trouble in my Water King Palace before I'm dead, junior, you guys are quite brave."

Hearing this voice, Cao Cheng was terrified, and a feeling of horror and fear welled up in his heart.

Water King is not dead yet?


On the empty seat in front of him, streaks of light intertwine, and a man with a majestic complexion slowly emerged, casting his gaze downward with a strong sense of oppression.

"When you see this king, why don't you bow down?"

This indifferent voice, like ten thousand thunderbolts, exploded in people's hearts.


Immediately knelt down, Cao Cheng's head hit the ground fiercely, trembling begging for mercy, one after another: "Senior, I didn't mean to offend, I hope you will forgive me!"

Lingwang, in the hearts of Lingpan and Linghuang, is supreme.

Because the throne-level spirit beasts already know how to use part of the power of space, no matter how many emperor-level spirit beasts there are, there is nothing they can do about it.

Therefore, it is said that all under the spirit king are ants.

If the Linghuang provokes the Lingwang, he will never escape death, not to mention that Cao Cheng is only a small ninth-level Lingpan.

"What about you, why don't you kneel!" Water King stared at Henry Zhang and shouted coldly.

In Cao Cheng's heart, gloating suddenly rose, and his eyes were quite sarcastic.

Dare to be arrogant in front of King Ling, you are doomed!

"I'm not interested in kneeling down to a spirit beast."

Henry Zhang's indifferent voice sounded, Cao Cheng slammed his head on the ground, and immediately froze in the pool.

Spirit beast? What's the meaning?

"Xue Youmei, attack the third piece of coral on your right."

The snow-white long hair fluttered in the water, Xue Youmei grasped it with the palm, and the sharp snow gun shot out, and a piece of purple-red coral shattered with a click.


Among the exploded coral fragments, a blue spirit beast, like a transparent jelly, lay on the ground in shock, trembling.

The spirit beast was only the size of a palm, and its upper body was extremely humanoid, while its lower body was closed together like the end of a water drop.

Little siren, water attribute.

Staring blankly at the little siren, Cao Cheng's face changed from red to purple, from purple to blue.

"Cao Cheng, how does it feel to kneel down to a fifth-order Nirvana-level spirit beast?" Henry Zhang glanced at Cao Cheng, and asked with a half-smile.

"I kill you!"

Shame and indignation turned into anger, and Cao Cheng's eyes burst out with a biting cold light: "Xiao Yang, don't think that it is great to have Konglingluo in your hand, here, the water attribute spirit beast is the real overlord, my giant water lizard, It might not be weaker than your Kong Lingluo!"

"It seems that you don't know the power of profound beasts."

Shaking his head with a smile, Henry Zhang pointed his finger: "You have seen Kong Lingluo before, so let's see this mysterious beast for you too."

Intense black air gushed out from Henry Zhang's fingertips, and within it, a deep spiritual gate flashed, and the King of Nights holding a black sickle looked coldly at the Giant Water Lizard.

"This is... the King of Ten Thousand Nights?" Cao Cheng called out sharply, his face was full of horror.

Is he blind?

It's another profound beast, how should I fight it?

run away run away!

Dominated by fear, Cao Cheng jumped on the giant water lizard's back at a loss, and was about to escape from the Water King Palace.

He thought viciously, after he got out, he would spread the news that Henry Zhang had two mysterious beasts, and let the strong surround him to death!

Just when the swift giant water lizard was about to burst out of the gate of the Water King Palace.

"King of Nights, Soul Return Chain!"


Blood spurted out, Cao Cheng stared blankly at his chest, a sharp black chain pierced through his chest, behind that, King Wan Ye coldly stretched out his right hand.


The sound of the chain twitching spread, and Cao Cheng yelled frantically, but his body, carried by the chain, was uncontrollably pulled towards the King of Nights.

"Henry Zhang, let me go, everything in the Water King Palace is yours!" Cao Cheng finally felt regretful.

It would be great if he brought all the strong men of the Bishui Sect, then, even if Henry Zhang had more means, he could only die with hatred under the siege of dozens of water attribute ninth-level spirits.

With an indifferent expression on his face, the black sickle in King Wan Ye's hand swung down, and the sharp black light slashed through Cao Cheng, splitting the Giant Water Lizard in half.


Cao Cheng, who had been turned into two halves, was eroded by the darkness before it fell to the ground, leaving not even a tiny trace in the palace.


Witnessing this scene, the little sea monster's body was deformed due to fright, and he slapped the floor with his hands, and quickly hid in a coral, trying to use the cover of many corals to escape from this place.

"Where are you going?"

The face of Henry Zhang who suddenly appeared in front of the coral frightened the little siren and fell off the coral, curled up into a ball, leaving only a pair of small eyes, panicked.

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