Master of Beasts

Chapter 911 Water Droplets

"Fantasy conch, you should have used this thing before to put the image of the water king back then." Picking up a colorful conch, Henry Zhang looked at the little sea monster on the ground.


Nodding his head hastily, the body of the little siren curled up tighter, obviously very afraid of Henry Zhang.

"Why are you so afraid, I won't eat you." Looking at the little sea monster on the ground dumbfoundingly, Henry Zhang thought quickly in his heart, what is the relationship between this spirit beast and the former water king?


Jumping off Henry Zhang's shoulders, Chi Yan grabbed the little siren and slowly stretched it to the sides. The latter's body was pulled into a long strip as if it had no bones.


Chi Yan loosened her two claws, and only heard a crisp sound, the little siren turned back into its original shape, and immediately grabbed the crack in the floor with horror on its face, for fear of being hit again.

"Have you been in the Water King Palace for a long time?" Bending down, Henry Zhang asked the little sea monster.

Flustered on the small face, the little siren nodded repeatedly, pointed to the throne at the front, then pointed to himself, and drew a shape of a spiritual gate on the ground.

"Spiritual covenant? Are you the spirit beast of the water king?" Henry Zhang was slightly startled, seeing the little sea monster nod again, and asked suspiciously: "How can a strong spirit king conclude a spiritual covenant with a fifth-order Nirvana-level spirit beast? "


The elongated arms stretched back, and the little sea monster showed anger. Its body shook and suddenly swelled to a size of a thousand feet, like an invisible film, covering the entire palace.


In an instant, faint blue formations emerged one after another from outside the palace, glittering and glittering, resplendent and gorgeous in the dim pool water.

"This is... a moving formation?" Henry Zhang's face became extremely surprised when he felt the slow movement until he passed by the palace in the pool.

Such a complex formation can be driven without the presence of a formation master?


The little sea monster returned to its original state again, and the fast-moving Water King Palace slowly stopped.

"That formation,

Was it you who manipulated it just now? " Henry Zhang asked in surprise.

With a sideways glance at Henry Zhang, the little siren raised his head with pride.

"Although a spirit beast like the little siren has no fighting power, its wisdom is far beyond that of ordinary spirit beasts. Tens of thousands of years ago, some alchemists even used them to replace Dantong, and the formation masters followed suit one after another. .”

Master Mo's voice suddenly rang out, scaring the little sea monster out of his wits.

"However, because of their high value, many spirit masters wantonly captured them. About three thousand years ago, there was no news about this kind of spirit beast. If there is no accident, this should be the last little sea monster on the mainland. .”

Hearing this, Henry Zhang was a little stunned.

According to the information he has learned, the water king who ruled the lawless area tens of thousands of years ago is a powerful formation mage. According to this, it is not surprising that the little sea monster can drive the magic formation he arranged.

"Apart from the mobile formation, is there anything else?" Henry Zhang then asked.

Scanning around, the little sea monster was extremely at a loss for the voice just now. It looked up at Henry Zhang, and after thinking for a moment, he waved his hand casually, and formations of different colors shone one after another in the hall.

"Teleportation array, reception array, three thousand water source array..."

The corners of Henry Zhang's eyes trembled without a trace.

In addition to the regular formations, there are actually three powerful offensive formations among them.

Once it is opened, not to mention his ninth-level spirit pan, even some weaker spirit kings will be blasted to pieces!

"Fortunately, the water king is magnanimous and not very murderous, otherwise, I would have died without a whole body before I approached the hall." Henry Zhang wiped off his cold sweat, with lingering fears in his heart.

With a shake of the little hand, all the formations were put away, and the expression on the little siren's face became more and more smug.


With a dry cough, Henry Zhang said to the little sea monster: "I came here for the treasure of Senior Water King, old man, did he leave anything behind?"

Sitting on the ground, the little siren turned around arrogantly, ignoring Henry Zhang.

After a while.

Holding the little siren with both hands and pulling it around, Henry Zhang walked in the dim corridor, his curious gaze swept around every corner.

"Which way?"

Standing between the two corridors, Henry Zhang pulled the little siren.

Pointing in one direction with difficulty, the little sea monster even wanted to die.

I thought that Henry Zhang would beg it hard, but who knows, he abused it like this, playing cards out of common sense at all!

Do you know, only it knows where the treasure of Water King is!

Following the instructions of the little siren, Henry Zhang turned around several corridors, and finally stopped in front of a low door.

"It's in here?" Henry Zhang asked.

There is a small dent on the low door, which seems to require some special item to open it.

Breaking free from Henry Zhang's hands, the little siren lay on the dent, his body turned into jelly, then he took a breath and spun suddenly.


Under Henry Zhang's astonished eyes, the low iron gate slowly moved upwards.


Looking at the little siren floating in the water, Henry Zhang's head was covered with black lines, and he was extremely speechless.

Make your own keys.

It's crazy!

In the narrow dark room, it was extremely dark, but on the stone platform in the middle, there was a small drop of water flowing with crystal blue light.

Staring at the water drop, the little siren was silent for a while, then slowly turned sideways.

"This is what the water king left?" Henry Zhang looked puzzled.

a water drop? What's the use?

"call out!"

Just when Henry Zhang was puzzled, the water drop suddenly turned into a blue light, and sank into his chest with a swoosh. The lightning speed made it too late for him to react.


His complexion changed for a while, Henry Zhang quickly felt in his body, above the crystal nucleus, faint blue water droplets, quietly suspended.

"No change." Henry Zhang couldn't figure it out for a while, this water drop neither brought him an improvement in strength, nor did it speed up his absorption of spiritual power, as if it had no effect.

Glancing at the completely dark room, the little siren looked at Henry Zhang with a complicated expression.

It does know a little about the usefulness of this water droplet, but it cannot be utilized for the time being.

One day, when the water droplets shatter, Henry Zhang will know what a rare opportunity he has obtained, even if the wealth of dozens of spirit kings and powerhouses is added up, it cannot be compared.

Also, this Water King Palace.

Before the fall of the Water King, he explained that the winner of the water droplet will be the next owner of the Water King Palace, and it needs to do its best to protect it.

If it is an ordinary spirit beast, it may be difficult to remember these things after the death of their spiritual master. However, it is a wise and powerful little sea monster. To a certain extent, under the training of the water king, it has already learned some The mind of a psychic.


The door of the Water King Hall was slowly closed, Henry Zhang watched for a moment, then raised his head to look upwards, a faint light flickered gently on the top of the pool.

"Water Lotus Flame has been obtained, and a water droplet with unknown purpose has been harvested."

"It's time to leave."

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