Master of Beasts

Chapter 918 Eat it

In the hall of the Black Flame Auction House,

"Jianmen and Menglin will move to Xiaoxishan in the future to replace Gumen and Bishuizong. I don't know if Elder Cui can help me?"

Sitting at the round table full of food and wine, Ji Jianli raised his wine glass and looked at Cui Bin earnestly.

"This..." Cui Bin hesitated slightly.

The strength of Jianmen and Menglin is obvious to all. Even the Gumen and Bishuizong in their heyday cannot compete with them. If they start the idea of ​​the Black Flame Auction House, I am afraid that there will be no place for him in Xiaoxishan.

"Elder Cui, please don't worry, these two are my senior brothers. What they want is only the rock star veins, and they will never take advantage of expensive auction houses." Stuffing a piece of meat into the lazy Chi Yan's mouth, Henry Zhang raised his head with a smile.

"No problem!" After pondering for a while, Cui Bin took a deep breath and nodded heavily.

But in his heart, he was quite helpless.

Can you not agree?

Not to mention Henry Zhang, the sixth-grade alchemist, that young man who has been dozing off, is far from being able to resist the Black Flame Auction House. If these people really want to take Xiaoxishan as their own, then he can only stare blankly.

"Elder Cui, it seems a little reluctant." Henry Zhang saw what Cui Bin was thinking, and smiled lightly.

"Don't dare, dare not!" Cui Bin shook his head hastily.

In front of a sixth-grade alchemist, even if he was reluctant, he had to force himself to smile.

"Is Elder Cui's vision limited to Xiaoxishan?" His black eyes flickered slightly, and Henry Zhang's voice was a little playful.

Slightly stunned, Cui Bin waved his hand seriously to the maid in the hall.

"You all, get out!"


The door of the hall was closed suddenly, and there were only four people left in the arena, even Qiu Ning, who was very smart, followed the maids back to her room.


"It's good to call me Henry Zhang. It's always called by the master. My ears are almost callused." Henry Zhang smiled indifferently.


Cui took the liberty. "

Pressing his lips hard, Cui Bin hesitated again and again, and asked cautiously: "What do you mean by what you said just now?"

"Literally, don't you think that the Black Flame Auction House is just nestled in Xiaoxi Mountain, a little too aggrieved." Turning the wine glass in his hand, Henry Zhang's mouth slightly hooked: "Are you interested in eating the whole helpless area?" ?”


The teacup in his hand fell to the ground, and the sharp fragments hit his ankle. Cui Bin seemed to be dumbfounded, completely unresponsive, his eyes staring blankly at Henry Zhang.

Although the area occupied by Xiaoxi Mountain is not small, compared with the entire Lawless Zone, it can only be regarded as a small area. The number of ninth-level spirits in the Lawless Zone is at least several thousand.

For so many years, I don't know how many forces have tried to take the lawless zone into their hands, but their results have all failed without exception, and even some forces have fallen apart and lost their glory.

"It's too difficult." Cui Bin shook his head with a wry smile.

If the super powers of Yuan Shi Guan and You Hun Gu gathered together the powerful spirit masters under their sect, it would be possible to achieve this, but the price would be too high, and, after all, they were not local powers, so it would be difficult to maintain them.

"What if it's them?" Pointing to Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan, Henry Zhang still had a smile on his face.

"Difficult." Cui Bin was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

"What if, add another sixty alchemists?" Henry Zhang continued.

"Sixty alchemists?" Cui Bin looked at Henry Zhang in disbelief.

Alchemists are so precious. In the Black Flame Pavilion, there is a fifth-rank alchemist, but without exception, they paid an astonishing price. The Black Flame Pavilion spends tens of thousands of spirit jade on the alchemist every year.

Even so, that five-rank alchemist would always give their pavilion masters a bad look.

And Henry Zhang, actually said that there are sixty alchemists?

Where can I find this?

"Three fifth-rank alchemists, eleven fourth-rank alchemists, and the others are all third-rank alchemists." Henry Zhang tapped the table lightly, and smiled: "Are these enough?"


The fragments of the wine glass that he had just picked up from the ground fell to pieces again. Cui Bin opened his eyes wide and couldn't recover for a while.

Three fifth-rank alchemists, eleven fourth-rank alchemists, and several third-rank alchemists?

Even those super powers in Huangquan are nothing more than that!

"Enough is enough!"

Standing up suddenly, Cui Bin's eyes were wild.

Needless to say, the appeal of the alchemist, if you drop a few pills, there will be a lot of strong people working for it, not to mention, for the fifth-rank alchemist, even the Linghuang has to be courteous.

Coupled with the powerful Jianmen and Menglin, it is only a matter of time before the Northern Territory is conquered.

"However, your Black Flame Auction House will temporarily leave the Black Flame Pavilion and merge into the Pill Pavilion." Henry Zhang suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" Cui Bin asked cautiously, a little confused.

"Although this matter is simple to say, if it is really implemented, it will involve the interests of too many people. Many forces in the ghost domain will definitely not let it go. Once it affects the Black Flame Pavilion..." Ji Jianli smiled meaningfully Laughed and didn't go on.

Immediately, Cui Bin's robes were soaked in cold sweat, and his hands and feet were cold.

He didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

"it is good!"

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Cui Bin put on a desperate posture, his eyes were fierce: "I put my life on this!"

He is betting.

If he wins the bet, then Cui Bin's achievements in the future may even surpass the master of the Black Flame Pavilion, but if he loses, it will be his fate not to be able to take away the corpses displayed on the streets every day.

In any case, this is a rare opportunity for him.

Outside the Black Flame Auction House.

"Junior Brother Xiao, thank you very much." Walking on the bustling street, Ji Jianli said to Henry Zhang sincerely, it was actually his idea to propose to eat the helpless zone.

"I also have selfish intentions." Henry Zhang shook his head and smiled.

Su Ze dreams of growing the Pill Pavilion, so why not join forces with Ji Jianli.

"In this way, the process will be half a year faster." Ji Jianli suddenly looked at You Haoxuan.

"It's good news." You Haoxuan nodded lazily, and that movement was surprisingly consistent with Chi Yan lying on Henry Zhang's shoulder.

"What do you mean?" Henry Zhang was confused.

"The Lawless Zone is just a springboard for us. Our real goal is the Northern Territory." Ji Jianli narrowed his eyes slightly, his ambition beginning to show.

"To be precise, it is Dahuang County in the Northern Territory." You Haoxuan added.

"To be more precise, it is Tianluozong of Dahuang County."

At the mention of this name, Ji Jianli's eyes flashed a fleeting chill. It seems that this kind of emotion should not appear in a peaceful young man like him.

Tian Luozong?

Henry Zhang's heart shook.

This sect seemed to be a super power in the past. Although it has been a little lonely in recent years, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and its degree of danger is only a little lower than that of Da Leitian.

"Those bastards flattened the village where I was born. I must avenge this revenge." Ji Jianli let out a sigh of relief, and regained his former gentleness.

It's hard to imagine that such a deep hatred is hidden under this hearty face.

"If you don't mind, you can take me with you when the time comes." Henry Zhang touched his nose and said softly.

Among the Thirteen Peaks, Ji Jianli helped him too much, and that kindness has already exceeded the value of Nine Suns Sword Grass.

"If revenge is really possible, even if Jianmen and You Haoxuan's Menglin are united under Dange's gate, it's not impossible." Ji Jianli said jokingly.

"Then, it's a deal!"

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