Master of Beasts

Chapter 919: Siege of the Spirit Emperor

"Unfortunately, the Black Flame Auction House did not find the elixir I wanted."

In the blue sky, Henry Zhang whizzed past, the biting cold wind blew his black robe to the sound of hunting, and the red flame lying on his shoulder buried his little head deeply.

"The higher the quality of the material for the Zhixin Pill, the harder it is to find. The Wanling Jue, which is rare in the world, is not so easy to improve." Mo Shi said with a smile.

"No way, take your time, anyway, if you break through the Spirit Queen, you will be able to open a new spiritual gate."

There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes, and Henry Zhang's voice suddenly became a little heavy: "Master Mo, is my decision today too rash?"

"It's really radical." Master Mo nodded slowly, and then changed the topic: "However, your decision is not aimless. The Pill Pavilion can't achieve anything by only relying on those alchemists from the Thirteen Peaks. Besides, those two little guys , there is no simple character."

"You Haoxuan and Ji Jianli?" Henry Zhang's eyes flickered.

Even though they were only ninth-level spirits, these two people always gave him a sense of danger. Even the elders in the peak did not have this feeling.

"Now do you know there is someone out there?" Master Mo teased.

Henry Zhang's face was slightly red, obviously being poked into his mind.

During this period of time, he did feel a little complacent because of the rapid breakthrough in strength, but seeing Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan again, this complacency in his heart dissipated in an instant.

If he really tried to fight, without using the spirit fusion technique, he would not have an absolute chance of winning, even if the spirit door was fully opened, he would not be sure of winning.

"It's not unusual for you to feel this way. Those two guys were able to break through to the Spirit Emperor a year ago, but they were suppressing themselves." Master Mo said.

"Suppression?" Henry Zhang was surprised.

No wonder Ji Jianli and You Haoxuan always gave him a feeling of being invincible. It turns out that these two guys have already touched the threshold of Linghuang.

"I see."

Henry Zhang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if in an instant, he sorted out everything: "Probably from the moment they entered the Xingyun Peak, they were thinking about the lawless zone, where there are many lifeless stubble, It is indeed a good springboard, after breaking through to the Spirit Emperor, it is impossible to enter."

"It's really tolerable.

Henry Zhang shook his head with emotion.

If it was him, if he endured for a year without breaking through, the feeling of grasping his heart would drive him crazy.

"That's why I said, those two little guys are not simple." Master Mo smacked his lips and said with a smile.

"Master Mo, do you think it is possible for me to kill the Linghuang now?" Glancing at the back, Henry Zhang turned his head, his voice soft.

"Yes, but, after all, the Emperor Qiong-level spirit beast is a big realm higher than the Nirvana-level spirit beast, and the chance of success is very small." Mo Shi pondered for a moment, and said.


The black eyes narrowed slightly, and Henry Zhang grinned: "I have long wanted to find an opportunity to see how far I can reach today, and now, the opportunity has finally come."


With the gorgeous fire wings, Henry Zhang's speed suddenly accelerated.

After a while.

Four streaks of black streamer came violently from a distance, everyone's faces were extremely gloomy, and a gloomy aura lingered around them.

Looking at the costumes, they are all from the bone door.

It is worth noting that these are all first-order spirit emperors!

"That kid is just ahead."

The one who spoke was an ugly old woman, with a sinister light shining in her cloudy old eyes: "A kid who doesn't even have a hair on his head, actually destroyed the place where my bone door was in the lawless zone, and wiped it out completely!" Jing, you have a lot of patience."

"Hehe, no matter how hard you try, you will still die in the end." The middle-aged man next to him smiled lightly.

"Four spirit emperors are chasing and killing a ninth-level Lingpan. The sect master really thinks highly of him." The voice came from a woman with an irritable expression. She had long complained about this mission.

"Don't take it lightly, none of Dongxie and Donglang is a fool. Since that kid can make them stumble, he is definitely not as easy to deal with as you imagine." The old woman said in a deep voice.

"No matter how difficult it is for a ninth-level spiritual rebirth, how difficult can it be?" The woman curled her lips, her face full of disdain.

Her voice just fell.

"Be careful!" The old woman's complexion suddenly changed.


There was only a loud noise, and the surging water waves surged in the sky, and the air within a radius of one hundred feet was blasted away at this moment.


Half of her body was blown to pieces, and the woman who escaped from the water waves had frightened eyes, and bright red blood spurted from her mouth like she didn't want money.

"It seems that the Water Control Spirit Orb with the water storage array attached is really powerful."

The voice from the top of the head made the woman's complexion change wildly and she raised her head. Henry Zhang, who had an indifferent complexion, was holding a snow knife and stepping on top of her.


Almost without any hesitation, at the moment when the snow knife was condensed, Henry Zhang grabbed the cold handle of the knife and slashed down.

"I am the elder of Gumen, you can't kill me!" The woman's shrill scream resounded through the sky.

"The ones who killed were the people from your Gumen."

Xue Dao pressed the black Lingbi on top of the woman's head, Henry Zhang frowned slightly.

The Spirit Emperor powerhouse was stronger than he had imagined. Even the defensive spiritual spell cast by the seriously injured Lingpan was not something his ninth-level Lingpan could break through easily.

"Save me, kill him!" the woman yelled frantically.

The impact of Yushui Lingzhu damaged her spiritual gate, and she couldn't open it for a long time.

"If that's the case, let's smash it."

The snow knife in his hand dissipated, Henry Zhang's eyes were indifferent, and his clenched right fist turned into hot glass, which immediately exploded into the air and slammed heavily on the black Lingbi.


The Lingbi shook violently, but there was no sign of it breaking apart.

"Idiot, who do you think you are, you can smash the defensive spirit of the first-order spirit emperor?" The woman laughed sarcastically, with disheveled hair, like a ferocious ghost.

"Boom boom boom!"

Henry Zhang's eyes were indifferent, and his powerful fists, like a violent storm, continuously blasted on the Lingbi, with traces of blood oozing from between his fingers.

However, the expression on his face remained the same, as if he didn't feel the slightest pain.


Subtle cracks spread, and the sneer on the woman's face suddenly turned into fear the moment the light wall shattered, and the next moment, the fiery glass-like fist hit her chest heavily.


Blood spurted out mixed with internal organs, the woman's eyes widened, her chest was deeply sunken, and there was a fist-shaped bulge on her back.

A first-order spirit emperor died!

The woman's body fell, but Henry Zhang's eyes changed slightly, and his face turned to the left.

"call out!"

A sharp bone spur whizzed past like lightning, and bright red blood slowly oozed from his face.

"you are still alive?"

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