Master of Beasts

Chapter 920 Battle Spirit Emperor

The ripples of the rippling water in the sky gradually dissipated, and a purple bone dragon slowly appeared. The old woman with a violent face stood on its right paw, staring at Henry Zhang coldly.

"You're not dead yet?" With his eyes slightly squinted, Henry Zhang raised his right hand, and wiped away the blood on his face indifferently.

"I haven't killed you yet, how can I take the first step."

Scanning the surrounding space, the old woman said in a cold voice: "One water-controlling pearl took the lives of three first-order spirit emperors. Even if you are buried here, you are worthy of pride."

A strong Linghuang is not a cabbage on the side of the road. The death of the three Linghuangs is undoubtedly a big blow to Gumen.

"It's two." Henry Zhang looked at the old woman from a distance, and smiled faintly: "There is another one, whose life is harder, and she survived by luck."

"Call out Kong Lingluo." The cloudy old eyes raised slightly, and the old woman said indifferently: "I have long wanted to see how powerful the legendary mysterious beast is, and it will attract countless strong people on the mainland. Lose your life."

"As you wish, but you won't be able to see Kong Lingluo, but I can show you this mysterious beast."

Amidst Henry Zhang's faint laughter, a thick black mist surged in front of him, and the King of All Nights, who was holding a black sickle, stepped on it, his eyes cold.

"This is……"

The old face changed for a while, and the old woman's voice shook: "The King of Nights?"

In addition to Kong Lingluo, Henry Zhang actually has a mysterious beast!

Many strong men on the mainland can desperately work for a trace of a mysterious beast, but Henry Zhang not only owns a mysterious beast, but also has two?

"Great!" The complexion gradually recovered, and the old woman's eyes burst out with excitement: "After killing you, Kong Lingluo turned to the bone gate, then the King of Ten Thousand Nights is an old man."

"Purple prison dragon, be gentle, don't accidentally kill it." Excitedly spreading the black wings, the old woman shot back violently, appearing thousands of feet away.

"Purple prison dragon." His eyes fell on the purple bone dragon, and Henry Zhang's face was slightly dignified.

The Purple Prison Dragon, one of the branches of the Purple Prison Dragon, has true dragon blood and is extremely tyrannical. Thousands of years ago, Tan Xu, the spirit king and powerhouse who ruled the Northern Territory, made a spiritual contract with a Purple Prison Dragon.

At that time,

The continent's four domains, east, west, north, and south, are far from being as stable as they are now. The continuous wars throughout the year have involved countless spiritual masters, and blood flowed like rivers.

Under the frenzied attack of the Southern Territory, the Northern Territory was about to fall and was in danger. In order to prevent the spiritual masters of the Northern Territory from being enslaved after the defeat, countless strong men rose up to resist and saved the land of the Northern Territory at the cost of their lives.

Tan Xu was one of the more famous ones in that war. With the strength of a seventh-rank spirit king and his own Purple Prison Dragon, he killed a ninth-rank spirit king in the southern region with great difficulty, making the North The weak situation in the field was brought back a little bit.

However, after the war, he was also seriously injured and died at the same time as the Purple Prison Dragon. Otherwise, he must be one of the peak powerhouses in the Northern Territory today.

"Do you know how much the old man paid to get the remains of the Purple Prison Dragon?"

With the eyes of looking at the baby, he kept looking at the bones of the purple prison dragon, and the voice of the old woman could not conceal his pride: "Tan Xu's graveyard is located in the Mingshui River, and the old man stayed there for three days. After several months, the remains of the Purple Prison Dragon were finally successfully salvaged."

Hearing this, Henry Zhang's mind roared.

Is this skeleton Tan Xu's Purple Prison Dragon?

Looking at the smiling old woman, Henry Zhang's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a strong anger welled up in his heart little by little.

In order to protect the Northern Territory, both Tan Xu and Ziyulong died in battle. After a few years, not only did they not get the respect they deserved, but instead they were humiliated like this, the bones that should have been silent?

"You also think that the remains of the Purple Prison Dragon are very suitable for my bone gate, right?" The old woman seemed to have not noticed the change in Henry Zhang's mood, and her laughter was hoarse and unpleasant: "How can such precious bones be wasted so easily, wait If there is a chance, I will collect some more materials and refine them."

"Wan Ye Wang, kill her." Henry Zhang spoke softly, in his flat voice, the killing intent was restrained.

If you don't kill this old woman, he won't return to Thirteen Peaks today!


As if turning into a cloud of black smoke, the figure of the King of Thousand Nights passed straight across the sky, and the scythe blade shone with cold light in his hand, tore through the air and slashed down suddenly.

The target was the old woman's neck.

"Purple Prison Dragon!" the old woman shouted coldly.


The bone tail that was flowing in purple light was thrown on the edge of Wan Ye Wang's blade, sparks shot out, and the latter's figure shot hundreds of feet backwards.


Sitting around the old woman, the Purple Prison Dragon roared.

Even though it's just a skeleton, its voice contains undisguised dragon prestige. If it is really tempered according to the bone door's secret method, perhaps it will regain its former style during the holidays.

But whether it is now or at that time, it is not a real purple prison dragon, but just a corpse without life consciousness.

"After all, it is an emperor-level spirit beast. You can no longer treat it with the same attitude as you would deal with a Nirvana-level spirit beast."

Looking at King Wan Ye who was withdrawn by one tail, Henry Zhang shouted in a concentrated voice: "Advanced Nirvana-level spiritual skill, You Ripple!"

Spiritual power permeated the sickle blade, and the sharp light in Wan Ye Wang's eyes flashed, and then swung out horizontally, and the large space in front of him twisted rapidly at this moment.

"What a powerful spiritual skill!" The old woman was not surprised but delighted: "After all, it is a mysterious beast. After today, this powerful mysterious beast belongs to me!"


With a flap of its broad bone wings, the Purple Prison Dragon opened its mouth, and a stream of purple mist, like a tidal wave, spewed out from its throat suddenly.


The two attacks collided in the middle, setting off a series of whirlwinds. Among them, a black shadow passed by, and the sharp sickle blade slashed towards the head of the Purple Prison Dragon.

The core of the bone tempering method of the bone gate is located at the former spiritual nucleus, as long as it is destroyed, the false life activities of the Purple Prison Dragon will be completely stopped.

"Good boy, it seems that he has dealt with my Gumen a lot."

The old woman sneered again and again: "However, do you think that you can smash its spirit core by doing this? How naive, Purple Prison Dragon, let him see how terrifying your speed is."

"Clang clang clang!"

The sharp sickle blade and the bone claw of the Purple Prison Dragon collided continuously in a dazzling posture, and the clear and crisp sound of collision exploded in the sky one after another.


Suddenly, a dull explosion sound spread, and the bodies of the Purple Prison Dragon and the King of Ten Thousand Nights retreated violently at the same time.

And at this moment, a cold light flashed in Wan Ye Wang's eyes, and the black chain on his right arm turned into a black line with a swish, and the sharp point shot towards the head of the Purple Prison Dragon.


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