Master of Beasts

Chapter 921 Purple Prison Dragon

The sharp sickle pointed downwards obliquely, and the King of All Nights stared coldly at the purple prison dragon in the distance. The dark chain was wrapped around its left hand layer by layer, and the sharp blade at the other end of the chain was directly inserted into the dragon. In the chest of the Purple Prison Dragon.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and King Wan Ye's left arm suddenly exerted force.


The body of the Purple Prison Dragon was pulled over uncontrollably, and then, the black sickle in the hands of the King of Night slammed down on its head.

"Is this chain the Soul Returning Chain of the King of the Night?"

The old woman smiled grimly: "I should see it. I have seen it. Now, I won't play with you. When you go to hell, don't forget who took your life."

"Purple prison dragon, broken teeth!"

Accompanied by the old woman's sinister laughter, the body of the Purple Prison Dragon swelled rapidly, and in an instant, it turned into a size of ten feet. The opened mouth of the Purple Bone Dragon suddenly bit down on the Wanye King in front of it.


There was a crisp sound, and the Wanye King who was holding a black sickle was swallowed in one gulp. The Zilong Dragon's mouth was tightly closed, and only a pitch-black chain was floating around its mouth.

"It's so easy." There was a mocking smile on the old woman's face: "I thought the legendary mysterious beast could be so powerful, but it turned out to be nothing more than that."

The bone-breaking teeth of the Purple Prison Dragon once bit into two pieces a first-level Emperor Dome-level Lieyang Eagle, not to mention a ninth-level Nirvana-level King of Ten Thousand Nights.

In her heart, the King of Ten Thousand Nights at this time must be smashed to pieces just like that Lieyang Eagle.

However, the mysterious beast is a mysterious beast after all, it won't die so easily, and it can be fully recovered after a while, so the old woman doesn't feel much distress in her heart.

"Purple Prison Dragon, swallow that kid too." Glancing at Henry Zhang in the distance, the old woman turned around slowly, and was about to return to the bone gate.

Just at the moment when her body turned around.


A series of fine cracks spread rapidly from the top of the Purple Prison Dragon's head, and finally split open suddenly, revealing a bit of icy cold light from it.

That is the tip of the black sickle!


Eye pupils jump suddenly,

The old woman turned her head, a look of astonishment appeared on her face.


Black rays of light bloomed, and the mouth of the Purple Prison Dragon suddenly shattered. The purple broken bones spread from the place of the explosion, and scattered to all parts of the world.

Staring blankly at this scene, the old woman let out a horrified scream after a long time.


The scream was stuck in her throat, the old woman's trembling eyes moved down, a faint line of blood emerged from her abdomen, and her body was instantly split into two halves.


Flying past the old woman, Henry Zhang's faint voice sounded from his mouth: "You have no chance to know."

With deep unwillingness in her eyes, the old woman who turned into two halves fell from the sky, and her breathing gradually weakened, proving that her life activities had come to an end.

In the sky, the purple skeleton was still suspended, but the black air surrounding it disappeared without knowing when.

After watching quietly for a while, Henry Zhang raised his right hand, and the holy sun flames gushing from it wrapped the remaining bones of the Purple Prison Dragon in it.

"call out!"

Still without even looking at Henry Zhang, King Wanye moved and entered the spirit gate.

The burning lasted for about half an hour, until the last piece of broken bone disappeared, Henry Zhang slowly withdrew his palm in silence.

"Staying in this world any longer will only be an insult to you. That's all I can do."

After the voice fell, Henry Zhang raised his head, and a stern look flashed in his eyes.


The snow knife in his hand fell to the ground, the middle-aged man with a flustered face stopped in horror as he wanted to escape, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

Xu Shi witnessed the end of the other three people. The middle-aged man's complexion turned blue, and he didn't even have the courage to threaten him.

No matter how many harsh words you say, in the end, you still can't escape a word of death.

"Notified Gu Men?"

With his palm slightly heavy, he picked up the snow knife, and Henry Zhang asked expressionlessly.

"I didn't see anything, so spare my life!" A look of panic appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, his legs gave way, and he knelt down on the ground, his forehead slamming hard on the ground.

"Go back and tell Dong Ling that if there is another time, when I step into the ghost domain in the future, his bone door will no longer exist." Henry Zhang said lightly, wiping the blade of the snow knife.

"You won't kill me?" The middle-aged man raised his head with a look of disbelief.


As soon as Henry Zhang's voice fell, the middle-aged man soared into the air ecstatically. When he swept a distance of ten thousand feet, he looked back at the young man standing in place, and endless insidiousness climbed up in his pupils.

"Little bastard, it's great to have profound beasts. You'd better pray in your heart that I won't meet you again. Otherwise, the one who surrounds and kills you will be the first-order spirit emperor."


The next moment, the middle-aged man was clutching his chest in pain, a hot flame was moving in his body, making the screams from his mouth extraordinarily shrill.

"That little bastard!"

The wings fluttered wildly, and the middle-aged man's eyes were red, as if turning into a ray of black light, he shuttled desperately through the sky, using the speed of the first-order Linghuang to the limit.

in a town.

"Teleportation array, quickly open the teleportation array for me!" The middle-aged man roared at a Bone Sect disciple with a distorted face.

Here, like the lawless zone, has a branch of the bone gate.


Not daring to hesitate, the disciple quickly opened the teleportation array, and the figure of the middle-aged man disappeared from it with a swish.

"Is that Elder Fan Ku?"

"what happened?"

After the middle-aged man left, many Bone Sect disciples stood there in a daze, looking at each other.

ghost domain.

It seems that because of the name, the world here presents a dark color, and even the atmosphere is particularly depressing.


A bright light flashed, and Li Ku, who was so frightened to the extreme, rushed out of it quickly. Under the surprised eyes of the crowd, he rushed across the street. The wings of spiritual power on his back were tattered, as if they had been scorched by flames. over average.

"That costume... seems to be someone from Gumen?"

Hugging a lovely purple cat, the girl paused, her autumn-like eyes slightly widened.

"Why don't you care, let's go to Qinghe Terrace. I heard that there is a good purple star jade for sale there today. When a set of thin jade is polished, no one will be able to recognize your emperor glaze." Glancing at Fan Ku, the woman said uninterestedly.


She nodded obediently, her fluffy cat ears trembled slightly, and Li Ling followed with a pretty smile on her face.

"Master, save me!"

Pushing away several disciples, Fan Ku collapsed in pain in the hall, and immediately the dark yellow holy sun flames covered his body amidst the horrified gazes.


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