Master of Beasts

Chapter 944 Tulle

In the night, the four spirit beasts collided crazily. The hideous cracks on the ground and the collapsed buildings all proved the fierceness of the fight.

"In case... the murderer is not Henry Zhang..."

Looking at another attic that was smashed to pieces, someone made a worrying sound.

Henry Zhang has such great strength and superb alchemy at such an age, there must be someone behind him to give advice, if they kill the wrong person, I am afraid that none of the alchemists present will be able to escape.

"It's nothing just in case. Soul-devouring insects are better killed by mistake than let go." Someone immediately snorted violently.

Not to mention Henry Zhang, is there anyone backing him up, even if there is, so what?

Can he still kill all the alchemists here?

Moreover, the person who possesses the soul-devouring worm is the enemy of all the alchemists on the mainland. Once the news spreads, not to mention the Northern Territory, even the alchemists in the other three regions, and even the Dizhou, may be alarmed.

No matter what, the Soul Eater must be extinct!


A cyan pillar of wind across the sky roared down suddenly, and Xue Youmei, who was on the other side of the pillar of wind, slammed into the wall with his back, and a huge network of cracks spread out from the wall.

"good chance!"

Mu Qiu's face showed ecstasy: "Winged Bee Spirit, kill him in one go!"

The cold light in the eyes flowed, and the winged bee spirit swooped down. The six thin wings became extremely sharp at this moment, and immediately slashed towards Xue Youmei crazily.

"jingle clang clang!"

The wings collided with the snow gun rapidly, and the crisp impact sound continued to explode in the night sky.

the other side.


The silver fist carrying the dragon seal slammed into Yankui's abdomen firmly. With the sound of bone cracking, the latter coughed up blood, and the sharp knife cut out horizontally forced the Yankui back.

"The ancestral rock horned dragon rhinoceros, and...that thing, could it be the rhinoceros seal?"

Looking at the silver seal in front of the left fist of Rockhorn Rhinoceros,

A look of astonishment flashed across Qiu Yue's eyes. At his level, he had already heard a little about the legendary rhinoceros print.

"If it's under the same rank, my Yan Kui may really be defeated by your Yan Horn Rhinoceros, but there is nothing wrong with it!"

Qiu Yue's eyes turned cold: "Medium Nirvana-level spiritual skill, Eight Desolation Blade!"


Yankui raised his right hand, and the sharp knife that rotated along the palm suddenly split into eight handles, and immediately staggered to split the space, rushing to kill the rock horned dragon rhinoceros in the center.

"Rock horned dragon rhinoceros, against the rock barrier!" Henry Zhang shouted hastily.

"Don't give it a chance!"

Qiu Yue said coldly, and a sharp knife pierced through the right arm of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, causing the rock piece that had just been stretched to get stuck in an instant.


The remaining seven sharp knives cut through fierce tracks, and bright red bloodstains quickly penetrated out along the rock horned dragon's armor.

The situation turned upside down in an instant.

The emperor-level spirit beasts had no idea how much stronger they were than the Nirvana-level spirit beasts. Previously, Xue Youmei and Rockhorn Rhinoceros had the upper hand, but it was just a fluke.

Once it continues, the advantage will only turn into a disadvantage.

"Die, die!" Mu Qiu laughed.

Killing Henry Zhang will not only get a generous reward, but he will also become famous in the Northern Territory.

Before him, no one had ever killed a sixth-rank alchemist with the strength of the Linghuang.

"Clang clang!"

Under Yankui's fierce attack, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros staggered back, its eyes gradually became blood-red, and immediately a deafening roar came from its mouth.

"No matter how loud you scream, you will inevitably be killed." Mu Qiu grinned with a sneer.


A sharp light flashed, and Xue Youmei, who was covered with scars, also retreated several hundred feet under the attack of the winged bee spirit. There were bloodstains everywhere on the back of her hands, waist and abdomen.

"It's not a mysterious beast. After all, it still can't compete with the emperor-level spirit beast." Henry Zhang murmured, and quickly formed a seal with his right hand.

When things come to this, they can only call out the Little Demon Mushroom or Yubing Butterfly.

This is the moment.

Clenching his palms suddenly, he grasped all the sharp knives controlled by Yankui in his hands, and blood flowed from his hands pierced by the sharp knives.


Staring at Yankui firmly, the roar from Yanhorn Rhinoceros' mouth seemed to turn into sound waves, resounding through the sky.

Bright light condenses at high speed in front of its fists.

"That's... the third dragon seal and the rhinoceros seal?" Henry Zhang's right hand froze, short of breath.

The blood essence of the Skyhorn Rhinoceros and the Northern Sacred Beast had been swallowed by the Rockhorn Rhino long ago, but it had not been completely refined. Now, some of those two parts of blood essence have finally been absorbed!

"Yankui, take this opportunity and kill him quickly!"

Witnessing the change of the rock-horned dragon rhinoceros, Qiu Yue's eyes jumped. Although he didn't know what it meant, a bad premonition arose in his heart, and he immediately made a decision for him: "A medium emperor-level spiritual skill, Bahuang cut!"

The palm was raised high above the head, and above Yankui's palm, the eight sharp knives transformed again, spinning around, and then there was a flash of light, and the eight sharp knives merged into one place, becoming extraordinarily huge.


Yankui swung his palm down, the giant knife tore through the air, and tiny cracks emerged in the space.

A medium emperor level spiritual skill, Eight Desolation Slash!

The brand-new dragon and rhinoceros seals were condensed, and the rock-horned dragon and rhinoceros stood in the distance, raising its right hand coldly, intending to use its physical strength to fight against Yankui's Bahuang Slash!

"Idiot!" The corner of Qiu Yue's mouth twitched with sarcasm.

Look at how the right hand of the rockhorn rhinoceros was cut off in its entirety!


With a huge fall, the right hand of the rock horned dragon rhinoceros suddenly grasped the giant knife, and the blade was deeply embedded in the palm, and blood flowed from the wound where it was pressed.


Resisting the severe pain, Rockhorn Rhinoceros punched hard with its clenched left fist, cracks appeared on the wide giant knife, and in an instant, it collapsed into pieces all over the sky!

"how come!"

Looking at the drooping right arm of the Rockhorn Rhinoceros, Qiu Yue's eyes were dull.

Yankui's Bahuang Slash, did not cut off the palm of the Yanhorn Rhinoceros?


Turning its head indifferently, the Rockhorn Rhinoceros didn't seem to feel the pain from its right hand at all. When it stepped on the sole of its foot, its body rose into the sky, and the golden dragon blade popped out from under its feet.

Spiritual skill, Dragon Blade!

The golden light, like a blade cutting through the night, slanted across Yankui's body. The latter's eyes froze, and he was about to condense his sharp knife to resist again, but only saw the lower half of his body falling to the ground...

With one blow, Yankui was cut into two halves!

With indifferent eyes, the body of the Yanhorn Rhino suddenly turned around, and the clenched left fist shattered the space, blasting the dull-faced Yan Kui fiercely.


There was a loud bang.

Blood rained all over the sky...

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