Master of Beasts

Chapter 945 Killing Again

The upper half of Yankui's body turned into a dark red blood mist, and Qiu Yue's body shook for a while, blood spurted out of his mouth, and his face was full of disbelief.

The ninth-level advanced Nirvana-level rock-horned dragon rhino killed the emperor-level Yankui?

Not only Qiu Yue, but also other people in the field were shocked.

This battle is too amazing.


Looking at the blood mist floating in the sky, Mu Qiu's eyes suddenly became gloomy: "Spirit of the Winged Bee, finish off the opponent immediately, and then kill the Rockhorn Rhinoceros."

Although Yankui was killed by Rockhorn Rhinoceros, it was also seriously injured. It was a question of whether it could continue to punch. As long as the Winged Bee Spirit killed Xue Youmei, Rockhorn Rhinoceros could only be slaughtered by it.

"Clang clang!"

The six wings waved quickly, and the Winged Bee Spirit forced Xue Youmei to a distance. Its transparent wings suddenly closed, and a rotating four-edged wind blade quickly formed in it.

The four corners of the wind blade are slightly curved inward, and the space at the edge is cut with deep marks.

A medium imperial level spiritual skill, Conch Wind Cut!

"call out!"

The cyan light flickered, the four-edged wind blade tore through the air, and whizzed down suddenly, dragging a long tail of light in the sky at a rapid speed.

"Kill it!" Qiu Yue yelled.

Over the years, he has often cooperated with Mu Qiu, so he naturally knows the horror of this snail wind cutting spiritual skill. There was once a first-level mid-level emperor-level spirit beast that was directly cut off by Lanyao.


Breathing out a mouthful of fishy-sweet cold air, Xue Youmei stood upright the spear in her hand, and the bright light bloomed behind her, turning into a pure white magic circle.

Advanced emperor-level spiritual skills, buried in ice and snow!

A series of snow-colored figures shuttled rapidly in the sky, but the four-edged wind blade of Hurricane Bee Spirit sliced ​​apart these stabbing figures with a spear in a powerful gesture.

The fierce wind blew up her snow-white long hair, Xue Youmei's eyes narrowed slightly, she grabbed both ends of the spear with both hands, and placed it across her chest.


The sharp edge of the four-sided wind blade,

Squeezing the barrel of the spear into a thrilling arc, dazzling sparks splashed, and Xue Youmei's body shot back uncontrollably.

The hard rocky ground has been rubbed out a deep path.

"Kill it, kill it!" Qiu Yue's eyes shone with hatred.

As long as the Winged Bee Spirit kills Xue Youmei, then the Rockhorn Rhinoceros that killed Yankui will naturally have difficulty escaping.

Looking at the bloodstains flowing in Xue Youmei's palm, Henry Zhang's nerves were tense, and his breathing stagnated at this moment.


Amidst the crisp sound, the twisted snow gun finally couldn't hold on any longer, and split into two halves with a click, and the sharp four-edged wind blade passed through Xue Youmei's body in an instant.


The wind blade was deeply embedded in the ground, Xue Youmei coughed up blood, a heart-shattering bloodstain slowly split from its snow-white clothes.

This kind of injury is enough to make it lose the ability to fight.

"Winged Bee Spirit, give it the final blow!" Mu Qiu's eyes lit up, and his tone was serious.

The wings fluttered at a high speed, and the Winged Bee Spirit swooped down. The tip of the wing, which turned slightly sideways, slashed down like a blade. The target was Xue Youmei's neck.

"Oh!" Yao Yan sighed and shook his head.

To be honest, he didn't want to make trouble like this.

However, all kinds of evidence point to Henry Zhang as the owner of the soul-eating worm, and even if he wants to forgive him, it is absolutely impossible.

After all, it is an unwritten rule in the world of alchemists to kill soul devourers as soon as they are found.

If the soul-devouring worm and its owner were allowed to grow, then the alchemists in the entire continent would die because of it. The tragic case tens of thousands of years ago is a lesson.

"Use the soul-devouring insect to murder the alchemist and improve yourself, Henry Zhang, you are really inferior to a beast, no wonder you can break through to the sixth-rank alchemist at this age."

Mu Qiu righteously shouted: "Today, let me do justice for the heavens and eliminate harm for all alchemists in the mainland!"

Just killing Henry Zhang, he is not satisfied.

He wants to use Henry Zhang's death to spread a good reputation for himself, so that, not to mention the whole continent, at least the alchemists in the Northern Territory will be polite to him.

"You think so beautifully."

With a flash of coldness in his eyes, Henry Zhang said flatly: "A bastard who is in collusion with the owner of the Soul Eater, is he worthy of such awe-inspiring righteousness?"

"Xue Youmei, Ice Barrier!"

Henry Zhang's voice fell, and the wings of the winged bee spirit happened to be less than three feet away from Xue Youmei's neck.

Two snow-white beams of light burst out from both sides of the wall, and a formation appeared in Xue Youmei's right hand, and the snow beams burst out suddenly.

Ice Barrier, a spiritual skill that Xue Youmei had comprehended before, has a huge lethality.

When it was at the sixth level, it relied on this trick to blast Dongmu's Blazing Ghost Skeleton until there was not even a scum left.

Of course, this spiritual skill has a fatal flaw.

That is the time to prepare, it is too long, with Mu Qiu's insight of the first-order spirit emperor, and the swift speed of the winged bee spirit, it is easy to avoid it.

Therefore, Henry Zhang would naturally not be so stupid as to ask Xue Youmei to summon two snow elves and set up formations in the sky, but chose to hide the two snow elves on the walls on both sides of the street in advance , and at the same time quietly unfold the formation.

Regardless of Xue Youmei's retreating route, it seems chaotic, but the place where it stopped at the end was exactly the center of Xue Ling's barrier.

In this case, the Winged Bee Spirit has a chance to react, and the chance of escaping is less than 20%!


Three pure white snow pillars bombarded the body of the winged bee spirit heavily, and a moment later, due to the accumulation of spiritual power, a snow-white ball of light exploded with a bang.


The body crossed a parabola, and fell to the ground staggeringly. The broken snow gun in Xue Youmei's hand pierced directly into the ground, stopping the retreating figure. Its eyes were fixed on the whirling energy snowball.

Henry Zhang's complexion was also extremely solemn.

If under this kind of attack, the Winged Bee Spirit still retains its fighting ability, then he can only open the second spiritual gate and let Yubingdie participate in the battle.

The aftermath of the explosion swayed continuously.

The spinning snowball gradually dissipated.

"How could it be!" Staring at the ground above the deep pit that was blown out, Henry Zhang shrank his pupils, and the winged bee spirit in it was unharmed!

"Haha, it turned out that the thunder was loud and the rain was little. What kind of magical skill, winged bee spirit, killed them all!" Mu Qiu grinned.

He enjoyed the feeling of controlling the life and death of his enemies extremely.

What's more, the other party is a sixth-rank alchemist that he usually doesn't even meet.


The Wing Bee Spirit's wings just trembled a bit, and its body quietly collapsed in the dark night, turning into dust and floating away...

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