Master of Beasts

Chapter 975 Aurora Scorpion

The deep yellow flames, like meteors, shuttled from the sky.

Henry Zhang looked at the scene in the distance, a touch of unconcealable anger suddenly appeared on his face.

"Zhou Yao, you are going to die!"

"The killing array, open!" Seeing the figure flying down, the corners of Lan Yan's mouth slightly turned up, and she immediately clenched her palm, the violent spiritual power suddenly roared up, turning into a vast white array, sweeping Xiao Yang enveloped it.

"Sure enough, idiot." Zhou Yao smiled sarcastically.

Even he is afraid of the sixth-rank killing formation. Henry Zhang, who is only a first-order spirit, once trapped in it, no matter how many methods he has, it will be difficult to recover.

"If I make a move, I must be 100% sure." In Lan Yan's eyes, there was a flash of pride.

Even the elders of Dalei Tian are amazed by her accomplishments in formations. After all, the sixth-rank formation mages in the entire Northern Territory can be counted on their fingers.

Although her mastery of the killing array is not pure, but it is enough to deal with Henry Zhang.

"It's over..." Wu Ning and Gu Huang looked ugly, and Tong Ran in front of Lu Chu was extremely desperate.

Facing Zhou Yao, they didn't even have the chance to throw out the fragments of the Shenling and be teleported out of the Heaven of the Shenling.

Once Henry Zhang died, their ending would still not change.

Especially Tong Ran.

In a killing zone like Shenlingtian, beauty can only bring misfortune.

Her fate may be even more tragic.

"Die, die!"

The hands changed rapidly, Lan Yan laughed loudly, in the vast white killing formation, rays of light intertwined wildly, and the figure in it was instantly cut to pieces.

The broken pieces of black cloth swirled in mid-air and slowly fell down.

With just one breath, Henry Zhang, who was the first-order spirit emperor, was buried in the killing array!

"Same as the last guy, vulnerable to a single blow." Lan Yan's tone was disdainful as she crushed the black piece of cloth into the rocky ground with one kick, but in her heart she was complacent.

If Baiyou knew about this, her impression in the former's heart should increase significantly.

She is happy to solve Baiyou's troubles.

"The sixth-rank killing formation is indeed powerful." Zhou Yao grinned.

After Henry Zhang's death, there will be no one in this area who can take him to heart.

"Let me handle this kind of stuff, so as not to dirty the hands of Brother Baiyou in the future." Lan Yan glanced at Wu Ning and the others, and said lightly: "Zhou Yao, I have already solved the trouble for you, so, You have three days to kill all the Xingyun Peak disciples in this area."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Even though he was extremely disgusted with Lan Yan's commanding tone, Zhou Yao, who was on the side, still had a smile on his face.

the reason is simple.

The Scorpion King Sect's current position in Huangquan could not do without Da Leitian's help, so even Zhou Yao had to be polite to Da Leitian's core disciples.

What's more, Lan Yan is not an ordinary core disciple.

With that powerful formation technique in his hand, there is no guarantee that Zhou Yao will ask Lan Yan one day.

"Both of you, it's time to send you to the west." Walking towards Wu Ning and Gu Huang with a smile on his face, in Lu Chu's right hand, a thunder spear gathered rapidly, and immediately stabbed out.

The thunder spear stabbed towards him, Wu Ning and Gu Huang's faces were ashen.

This time, it really fell.

"There are indeed people who want to go to the west, but it's not them."

A ghostly figure flashed beside him, Lu Chu's pupils shrank suddenly, and the sharp spear pierced the air, stabbing out with his backhand.


With a flash of sharp saber light, Lu Chu's movements froze, and his head was half thrown away.

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Tips for novel netizens: please pay attention to rest your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

----This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The air, like a spring of blood, sprayed on Lan Yan's face, which made her stunned.

Moments later.


Feeling the hot temperature on her face, Lan Yan screamed in horror, the sharp tip of the knife,

Whirling the pure white snowflakes, they stabbed at her throat.

"you dare!"

Zhou Yao clenched his right hand, and a bright shield of light appeared, shaking the figure holding the knife back.

"You're not dead?" Looking at Henry Zhang who was intact, Wu Ning and Gu Huang were stunned for a moment, and then their pupils flickered slightly.

Henry Zhang seems to have the magic of creating clones.

And that avatar is no different from itself!

"Kill him, kill him quickly!" Blood was all over her body, Lan Yan pointed at Henry Zhang, yelling hysterically, like a shrew.

She loves to be clean.

Being covered like this is worse than killing her.

"You go first." Henry Zhang whispered, staring at Zhou Yao with a gloomy expression.

"it is good."

Without any nonsense, Gu Huang set up Wu Ning, who was covered in blood, and quickly retreated to the rear, while Tong Ran, who had a pretty face full of panic, followed closely.

They knew very well that if they stayed here, not only would they not be able to give any help, but they would become Henry Zhang's burden.

"How did you do it?" Zhou Yao asked in a dark voice.

He clearly saw that Henry Zhang was strangled in the big formation, how could he still be safe and sound now.

"Am I obligated to tell you?" Henry Zhang glanced at Zhou Yao lightly, and then turned to Lan Yan, a dangerous light flashed in his dark eyes: "You made the blood hole on Wu Ning's body?"

"It's dirty, it's dirty!" Lan Yan desperately used her spiritual power to wash away the blood on her body.

How could there be such a dirty thing in this world?


Finally wiped off the last trace of blood, Lan Yan shook her palm angrily, the fiery flame exploded, and Lu Chu's body was instantly burned to ashes.

"You..." Zhou Yao showed anger.

Lu Chu was one of his few brothers, but after his death, his body was humiliated like this?

"What are you looking at, why don't you hurry up and kill him, trash!" Lan Yan cursed.

If it wasn't for Zhou Yao, she would have died under Henry Zhang's hands long ago.

But in her heart, there was no gratitude at all.

In her opinion, only Da Leitian's disciples can be regarded as human beings. As for Zhou Yao and Lu Chu, they are just her servants and should be beaten or scolded.

"it is good!"

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Zhou Yao looked at Henry Zhang viciously: "Today, not only will I kill you, but all the Xingyun Peak disciples in Daleitian will be skinned by me!"

"It's really sad." Henry Zhang sighed and shook his head: "Zhou Yao, who is a majestic Scorpion King, can be regarded as the number one person in this Shenlingtian, but in the end, he became a dog for a first-order Linghuang, and even his brothers The corpse is humiliated, and I dare not have the slightest complaint, it is sad, sad."

Being poked at the sore spot by Henry Zhang, Zhou Yao's face suddenly became hideous.

"Boy, you are tired of living."

"Aurora Scorpion!"

Zhou Yao's words sounded, and a huge black shadow hit the ground with a bang, and the surging air wave swept towards the surroundings, stirring up dust all over the sky.


With a flash back, Lan Yan stood on the rock in the distance, her eyes were fierce.

She wanted to watch with her own eyes, Henry Zhang was torn into pieces by Zhou Yao's spirit beast!

The air waves blew the black robe slightly up and down, Henry Zhang raised his eyes slightly, and muttered to himself.

"Is this one of the strongest spirit beasts of the Scorpion King Sect, the Aurora Skymanscorpion?"

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