Master of Beasts

Chapter 976 Fighting Zhou Yao

The huge light scorpion lay in front of Zhou Yao with ferocious eyes, and its two huge pair of pincers smashed the ground into cracks. Its body was crystal clear, shining like glass under the sunlight.

Aurora Scorpion, a third-tier high-level Emperor Dome, with a light attribute.


Looking at the Aurora Scorpion, Chi Yan stared at the sole of his foot, his figure crossed a parabola, and landed firmly on the ground. On the two claws, Shengyangyan and Shenglingyan burned with a bang.

"Ninth Nirvana?" Zhou Yao froze.

Henry Zhang, did you make a mistake?

"Ninth-level Nirvana-level Firefox?"

"real or fake?"

"Are you kidding me?"

On the surrounding mountains, many figures gathered. As the strongest man in this area, Zhou Yao will naturally attract the attention of many people. When they saw that Henry Zhang was fighting, it was a ninth-level fire-attribute When they were Nirvana-level spirit beasts, their expressions were extremely wonderful.

"Those two kinds of flames..." His eyes narrowed slightly, and Zhou Yao's eyes flashed brightly.

He has to know Shengyangyan and Shenglingyan. As long as the fire attribute spirit beast masters any of these flames, it can have the ability to fight at a higher level.

Not to mention, is to control two.

However, his Aurora Skylight Scorpion is at the third-order high-level Emperor Qiong, even if he has two kinds of strange flames at the same time, Henry Zhang's Firefox should not be able to resist it.

Where does Henry Zhang's self-confidence come from?

"Don't waste time, kill him quickly!" Lan Yan, who was behind, saw that Zhou Yao hadn't moved, her eyes immediately became angry, and she roared loudly.

"Aurora Scorpion, Claw of Wrath of Light!" Taking a deep breath, Zhou Yao's eyes turned cold.

Could it be that Henry Zhang wants to fight a war of attrition?

Yes, it must be so!

He has long heard that Henry Zhang is a multi-source spiritual master. With the strength of the latter's first-order spirit emperor, it is as difficult to defeat him. Only by fighting a war of attrition can he have a first-line winning rate.

Sure enough, it's nothing.

Only count on quantity!


The spiritual power below him exploded, and with the help of that impact, the Aurora Scorpion shot out wildly. Its sharp right pincers, bursting with light, slammed down on Chiyan's head.

Spiritual skills, Light Fury Claws!

Accompanied by a dull and loud sound, the right pincer of the Aurora Scorpion smashed the ground apart, while the nimble Chi Yan rolled under it, and the sharp claws surrounded by the holy sun suddenly tore the ground apart. out.


There was a grinding sound that made teeth sour, but there was no scar left.

The defensive power of the third-order imperial dome-level spirit beast is too amazing.

The red flame rolled again and appeared behind the Aurora Scorpio. The six flexible fire tails were like blades, slashing wildly one after another like a violent storm.

The fire tail slashed at the back of the Aurora Skymans scorpion, sparks splashed, the latter swept its tail, Chi Yan let out a muffled grunt, and stepped back a few feet in disorder.

Looking at the bloodstain on Chi Yan's chest, Zhou Yao sneered.

This Firefox attacked the Aurora Scorpion several times without causing any injuries, but it was only seriously injured by the scorpion's tail.

Is this teasing him?

This kind of rubbish deserves to consume the Aurora Scorpio?

The cyan-colored Shenglingyan jumped up from his chest, and quickly wiped away the scars. Chi Yan closed his eyes, and a glass-like ball of light drilled out from its forehead, and slowly lifted into the air.

The figure curled up in the ball of light is the mini Firefox.

"What is that?" Zhou Yao frowned.


The ball of light split open, and the miniature firefox within it instantly turned into flames, and immediately attached to Chi Yan's back, like a huge firefox, staring at the aurora scorpion indifferently.

Its flaming body fits perfectly with Chi Yan, but the tail behind it is not six, but nine slender tails!

That posture is domineering and flamboyant.

"what happened?"

"I haven't seen it before."

Many young strong men on the surrounding mountains stared at the nine-tailed firefox, which was the same size as the Aurora Scorpion, and they were all dumbfounded.

Is this some kind of magical skill?


The nine-tailed Firefox raised its head, and crimson flames raged wildly. The nearby ground was cracked and cracked, and the weeds growing everywhere turned into fly ash and scattered in an instant.

"The first-order high-level Emperor Qiong class." Zhou Yao's expression froze slightly.

With the blessing of the Nine-Tailed Firefox, Chi Yan's strength has reached the first-level high-level Emperor Qiong level!

You must know that the ninth-level Nirvana level is completely different from the Huangqiong level.

What was that fire-colored glass ball just now?


The figure leaped out sensitively, and the red flame rushed to the front of the Aurora Scorpion like lightning, four fire-colored streamers surrounded the whole body, and the sharp right claw tore the air into cracks.

Only a crisp sound was heard.

On the right pincer of the Aurora Scorpion, three bloodstains appeared!

"Not good!" Zhou Yao's heart skipped a beat.

Today's Chi Yan already has the ability to hurt the Aurora Scorpion!

Moments later.


The two giant pincers of the Aurora Scorpio and the two claws of Chi Yan's Firefox were tightly held together, and fiery pillars of fire, centered on the two, exploded in all directions.

A chill appeared in his eyes, Aurora Scorpion raised his right pincers, Chi Yan hurriedly dodged, retreating again and again.

Even in this state, it can't take advantage of a head-on encounter with the Aurora Scorpio.

"Red Flame, Blazing Sky Wheel!"

The dark yellow fire wheel flew towards it, the eyes of the Aurora Scorpio were flat, and the light on the right pincers burst out, like a light knife, cutting through the space.

Spiritual skill, Aurora Slash!

The sharp knife of light shook with the rotating fire wheel, and the right pincer of the Aurora Scorpion shook, and dense cracks spread on the fire wheel.

Immediately afterwards, with a crackling sound, the fire wheel was completely cracked.


After the fire wheel was smashed, the Aurora Skylight Scorpion screamed sharply, and its two huge scorpion pincers smashed heavily into the ground. In its open mouth, strong light crazily accumulated.

"Aurora Scorpion's light energy absorption?" Henry Zhang's eyes moved: "Then, should it be that trick next?"

"Red Flame, Flame Crystal Transformation!"

Above Chi Yan's head, Lie Yan spun at a high speed, and immediately condensed into a crystal flower, dragging a long tail of light, blasting towards the Aurora Scorpion.

Facing Chi Yan's offensive, the Aurora Scorpio's eyes were indifferent, and the strong light in its mouth, like a goddess scattering flowers, turned into hundreds of rays and sprayed out.

Medium imperial dome-level spiritual skill, light energy ray!

This spiritual skill, which could only condense dozens of rays of light, has produced a quantitative change with the help of light energy absorption. Its power is not inferior to the high-level emperor-level spiritual skills!

The dark yellow crystal flower was instantly annihilated in the rays and shattered away.


A large piece of bright light, in an instant, completely enveloped Chi Yan's body!

"Bang bang bang!"

A large area of ​​pitch-black potholes exploded around Chi Yan, the dust soared into the sky, and the connected deep pits caused the ground around Chi Yan to suddenly collapse!

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