Master of Beasts

Chapter 984: Tianling Terrace

The blue sky was like washing, with pieces of cotton-like clouds floating slowly.

under the sky.

A gigantic peak stands like a sword, and countless figures, like swarming ants, gather around the giant peak.

This gigantic peak is obviously where the Tianling Terrace is located.

"I heard that there are about forty people who got the runestones this time. When we see it, it will be another bloody battle." Jia Chen from Canglei Spiritual Academy said with a smile.

"It's nothing more than a bunch of collapsing dogs." Yuan Zong next to him had an indifferent expression, but anyone who caught a glimpse of the Red Stone God's Tomb Ring on his index finger all showed fear and quietly avoided it.

Such a strong man should not be provoked.

What's more, some people in the field didn't even have the ring of the White Stone God's Tomb. They came here purely to try their luck and see if they could catch a leak.

"It seems that there are people from the Divine Phoenix Sect who are aiming at the Tianlingtai this time." After Jia Chen said this, Yuan Zong's expression changed subtly.

The Divine Phoenix Sect is the only sect in the entire Divine Tomb Heaven that possesses two Golden Stone Divine Tomb Rings.

Even though the Divine Phoenix Sect only accepts female spiritual masters, and the number of them is very small, even less than a hundred, but if you randomly grab one from it, it's hard to deal with.

Especially the Red Frost Moon.

There are rumors that this chief disciple of the Divine Phoenix Sect has reached the sixth rank of Spirit Emperor!

Moreover, that was only the former Divine Phoenix Sect.

Recently, the Divine Phoenix Sect has produced another monstrous character, whose breakthrough speed is extremely fast, and even faintly shows signs of approaching the Red Frost Moon.

That woman has a very nice name.

Tang Honglian...

Under such circumstances, the Divine Phoenix Sect, which had two wearers of the Red Stone Divine Tomb Ring, led to Da Leitian, who was usually in the limelight, without many people discussing it for a while.

After all, compared to Da Leitian's monstrous Baiyou, people are still more interested in the beautiful disciples of the Divine Phoenix Sect.

"Hehe, the Divine Phoenix Sect can eat up to two of the nine Heavenly Spirit Platforms, and the rest is enough for us to fight for." Yuan Zong smiled indifferently.

There are nine Tianling Terraces in total.

Only Hong Shuangyue and Tang Honglian were the wearers of the Golden Stone Divine Tomb Ring at Tianlingtai in the sixth realm. Yuan Zong was confident that he could snatch the spot from others.

"That's Cheng Kun from Xingyun Peak."

A young man with a cold and resolute face suddenly appeared, which attracted the attention of many people. Jia Chen looked at the Red Stone God's Tomb Ring in Cheng Kun's hand, feeling a little apprehensive.

The fourth-order spirit emperor.

This is Cheng Kun's current strength.

"Is he that ruthless man who broke into Wan Jinlin?" Yuan Zong narrowed his eyes.

Wan Jinlin, located in the southeast corner of the sixth domain, is covered with trees born of metallic energy, which is crystal clear, especially at night, and people in the entire sixth domain can clearly see it.

However, the beautiful Wanjin Forest is a complete Jedi. Even a metal spiritual master, if he stays in it for a day, he will collapse into pure light spots and be absorbed by the trees.

But Cheng Kun, who was only a first-order spirit emperor, stayed in it for half a month.

No one knew how he survived this hellish half month.

When he walked out of it bloodstained, his strength had reached the fourth-order Spirit Emperor.

"It's Cheng Kun!"

"Finally saw our Xingyun Peak people!"

Some disciples of Xingyun Peak looked excited. Although they were surprised by Cheng Kun's rapid breakthrough, they were not too surprised.

Cheng Kun's talent and character were already very strong. If he hadn't fallen into confusion later on and didn't focus on cultivation at all, he wouldn't have been defeated by Wu Ning.

"I don't know how strong Henry Zhang is now."

"At the very least, he must be a second-order spirit emperor."

"What are you thinking, he is a multi-source spiritual master, and the difficulty of promotion is dozens of times that of others."

Many Xingyun Peak disciples talked a lot.

But at this moment, an ear-piercing voice suddenly came out.

"Henry Zhang? You probably won't have the chance to meet him." Jia Chen sneered.

"What do you mean!" A disciple of the Pill Pavilion, despite the fear in his heart,

But he still gritted his teeth and looked at Jia Chen angrily.

"Yo, a ninth-level Lingpan, with such a temper?" Jia Chen curled his lips in disdain: "Half an hour ago, Chu Ling rushed to kill Henry Zhang. Now, they should hand in their hands."

Chu Ling?

Many people breathed a sigh of relief.

That is the fourth-order spirit emperor, one of the wearers of the Redstone Divine Tomb Ring!

Being targeted by him, the person named Henry Zhang, I am afraid that there will be no good end.

Hearing this, the Dan Pavilion disciple felt a chill in his heart.

Henry Zhang is strong, but it is impossible for him to get such a great opportunity as Cheng Kun. Facing Chu Ling, the fourth-rank Linghuang, his chances of winning are almost negligible.

"Didn't you have a big temper just now? Why, were you frightened?" Jia Chen sneered relentlessly.

"The last one to die will be Chu Ling."

Hearing this, Jia Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold. He swept his eyes, only to find that the one who spoke just now was Cheng Kun with a cold and resolute face. The anger in his heart immediately seemed to be quenched by cold water.

He is only a third-order spirit emperor, and he can't take advantage of Cheng Kun.

"Friend, I know that Henry Zhang is from your Xingyun Peak, and it is reasonable to speak for him, but even if it is to support the scene, you must consider the reality." Yuan Zong said tit for tat.

Jia Chen is afraid of Cheng Kun, but he doesn't.

Besides, would a fourth-order spirit emperor die in the hands of a first-order spirit emperor?

Isn't that talking nonsense with your eyes open!

However, for Yuan Zong's thorny voice, Cheng Kun kept his eyes on the front, his expression indifferent, and he didn't have the slightest intention to respond.

His character has always been like this.

"I really treat myself as a dish." Yuan Zong sneered: "I want to see, after Chu Ling cuts Henry Zhang into a stick, what else does he have to say."

Yuan Zong's voice has not yet fallen.


The Nanyin bell around his waist rang suddenly and crisply.

A certain soul imprint on it quickly collapsed.

Chu Ling, die!

"It's impossible!" Yuan Zong's expressions changed wildly.

As Chu Ling's friends, they knew the former's strength very well. Even Yuan Zong was not sure of winning against Chu Ling.

Now, Chu Ling is dead?

"It's not true." Jia Chen shook his head in disbelief: "Something must have happened that caused an error in Chu Ling's soul imprint, so it disappeared. How could a first-order spirit emperor kill Chu Ling? Even He was really dead, and he must have been beheaded after killing Henry Zhang.”


The ground shook.

Looking at the black-robed boy who fell on the ground, many people looked astonished.

The wearer of the Redstone Tomb Ring again?

"It's Brother Xiao!"

"I just said, how could he die!"

Many disciples of Xingyun Peak cheered, but Yuan Zong, who was holding the Nanyin bell, had cold eyes. He stepped forward and stared at Henry Zhang with scrutiny.

"Chu Ling, did you kill him?"

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