Master of Beasts

Chapter 985 Pretend to be passionate?

"Chu Ling, did you kill him?"

Yuan Zong's voice full of questioning sounded, and the noise around him subsided instantly, and all the surprised eyes gathered on Henry Zhang, waiting for his reply.

"You want revenge?" Henry Zhang glanced at Yuan Zong lightly.


Shocked uproar suddenly erupted, and a look of shock surged on the face of a famous spiritualist.

Henry Zhang, really beheaded Chu Ling with the strength of the first-order Linghuang?

"Tell me, what kind of indecent means did you use!" Yuan Zong's eyes turned cold, and he stared at Henry Zhang aggressively.

He didn't believe that Henry Zhang killed Chu Ling with his own strength.

"Tell you? Which onion are you?" Henry Zhang smiled inexplicably.

He has seen many confident people.

But people who are overly confident are idiots.

"You..." Yuan Zong was furious, and was about to attack Henry Zhang.


The clear sound of Fengming came from the distant sky, and the purple flames, like the haze covering the sky, were magnificent and beautiful.

Purple Flame Phoenix!

Many people showed excitement.

Only the Red Frost Moon of the Divine Phoenix Sect has this rare spirit beast!

Although they had heard the name more than once since they entered Shenlingtian, this was the first time they could see a real person. If it was placed outside, they would not even have the qualifications to observe it from a distance.

For them, a woman like Hongshuangyue is really like a divine phoenix in the sky, untouchable.


A coquettish laugh sounded, and the woman in red fell from the back of the Purple Flame Fire Phoenix. That fire-like enchanting aura caused many male spiritual masters to straighten their eyes.

The so-called fairies are nothing more than that.

"Red Lotus, be careful."

Hong Shuangyue stretched out her hand, smiled and took a somewhat cramped girl from Ziyan Huohuang's back. It is not difficult to see that the relationship between the two is very good.

As soon as the girl appeared, many male spiritual masters were petrified on the spot.

Another one!

Are the disciples of the Divine Phoenix Sect all so superb?

Moreover, unlike the extremely charming Hongshuangyue, the young girl's cheeks are both intoxicatingly charming and pure.

In the world, is there such a woman?

"red lotus!"

Looking at the girl who appeared, Yuan Zong ignored Henry Zhang, and immediately greeted him with a shy face, pretending to be graceful: "Why do you come here?"

This uninspired strike-up immediately made many people roll their eyes.

However, due to Yuanzong's strength, no one dared to laugh out loud.

"Red... red lotus?"

To say that the most shocking one was Henry Zhang, who was left by Yuan Zong. He couldn't help being in a trance when he saw the girl's pretty face.

How did Tang Honglian become a disciple of the Divine Phoenix Sect?

Moreover, judging by her aura, she was almost catching up with Hongshuangyue beside her.

Is this still the girl who was protected by him back then?

Looking casually, when the gaze fell on Henry Zhang, Tang Honglian's beautiful eyes widened a little bit, and endless surprises flooded her cheeks.

Since entering the Divine Phoenix Sect, she has heard Henry Zhang's name a lot.

However, she always thought that it was just someone with the same name as Henry Zhang.

How could anyone climb to the number one position on the star list in just a few years?

If she hadn't gotten a great opportunity, she wouldn't be able to have the strength comparable to Hongshuangyue now.

She never underestimated Henry Zhang.

It's just that, according to the normal progress, Henry Zhang should still be in Sixiaofeng at present, but today's meeting let her know that the name at the top of the Starfall list is Henry Zhang!

With her red lips curled up slightly, Tang Honglian shifted her steps and walked out slowly.

Seeing Tang Honglian approaching, Yuan Zong's eyes surged with ecstasy.

This made the woman he had been dreaming of respond to him.

Moreover, it is in public!

This greatly satisfied his vanity.

"That kind of thing can also win Tang Honglian's favor?"


I really ate the swan meat. "

Everyone was jealous and slandered in their hearts.

Compared with Tang Honglian, Yuan Zong was like a toad, especially in the eyes of these male spiritual masters.


With a smile on his face, Yuan Zong stretched out his palm.

However, Tang Honglian brushed past him with a seductive fragrance, and immediately after, there was a muffled hug sound from behind.


Quiet to the extreme.

Everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Tang Honglian who was curled up in Henry Zhang's arms like a kitten, everyone's face was full of disbelief.

It turned out that Tang Honglian didn't go for Yuanzong?

Her goal is Henry Zhang?

"These years, you must have been wronged." Reaching out his hand to gently touch Tang Honglian's waterfall-like black hair, Henry Zhang smiled slightly, and at the same time felt a little distressed.

The strength has never been in vain.

He could imagine how much hardship the girl in her arms had endured in order to get to where she is today.

"A little bit." Burying her small head in Henry Zhang's arms, Tang Honglian snorted coquettishly, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had suffered in these years.

"Wait..." Hong Shuangyue couldn't turn her head around for a moment.

She has never seen Tang Honglian, who has always shown her tough posture, have such a side.

"Damn, Brother Xiao is Brother Xiao, amazing!"

"It's too embarrassing for Xingyun Peak, she is the proud daughter of the Divine Phoenix Sect!"

"Keep your voice down, you are not afraid of being pinched by Hong Shuangyue."

Many Xingyun Peak disciples held their heads high and looked at Yuan Zong who was still maintaining his previous actions with a look like a fool.

In fact, the same is true for other people in the field.

How grand was Yuan Zong before.

Now it seems that he is an idiot!

Tang Honglian didn't pay attention to you at all, okay!

The corner of the mouth twitched, Jia Chen and the disciples of Canglei Spiritual Academy felt a little ashamed.

How embarrassing!

"Xiao Yang..."

Jaws clenched tightly together, Yuan Zong turned his head with bloodshot eyes, and scolded: "Who allowed you to hold Honglian, let me go!"

Hearing this, Henry Zhang had a weird face.

What kind of thing are you? What do I need to do without your permission?

"Did you hear that!" Yuan Zong's eyes were bloodshot.

He felt insulted.

If he doesn't get his face back, then it will be a joke for him to be in Shenling Tianzhong in the future.

"Yuanzong, you are really embarrassing."

A man waving a light fan suddenly walked out of the crowd with a smile: "My girl, does it have something to do with you? You don't have much strength, but your ability to be affectionate is very big."

Looking at the man walking out, a flash of vigilance flashed in Hong Shuangyue's beautiful eyes, and immediately her eyes moved down slowly, landing on the man's right hand.

There, a golden ring of the tomb of the gods is extremely dazzling.

"Wang Sheng, it really is you."

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