Master of Fist

Chapter 1213 Arrival

The Shengyuan alien race divided the universe they observed into four equal parts, namely, A, B, C, and D.

Among them, the human race universe was previously classified as the second-level upper class, that is, there are second and third-level existences in the interior, and a considerable number of interior powerhouse universes.

But now, the Saint Yuan alien race is expected to be re-evaluated. After the evaluation, it should be first-class, that is, with the existence of Wonderful Habitat.

At present, in the evaluation database of the Shengyuan alien race, there are a total of two cosmic worlds with this rating, one is themselves, and the other is the powerful cosmic force after the war with them billions of years ago.

And now they will add another first-class universe, which is the human race universe.

In addition, the overall division of the second class is the universe with the inner scene powerhouse, and the third class is the universe with the existence of the true god. In the evaluation database of the Shengyuan family, most of the universes they observed belong to this category. grade.

Finally, there is Ding et al. There is no universe at the level of true gods. There are not many such universes in the evaluation database of the Shengyuan family.

It's not that there are not many such cosmic forces, but that many times they are too lazy to collect these cosmic worlds, which are really worthless, and they don't even have the interest to conquer and occupy them.

Even the Three Great Old Days strictly forbid their subordinates to occupy these worlds without permission. The purpose is to prevent the tribes under their command from being too scattered. After all, the main purpose of the Three Great Old Days is to conquer more valuable worlds. How can their toubob lead troops to fight?

As for the assessment criteria for the universe of the entire Myriad Realms by these weak forces in the center of Myriad Realms, there are too few detailed criteria.

Rather, the science and technology of the universe of the human race is just like that, or it is stupid enough. It's just that the human race universe has always been bound in this universe.

"Mr. Locke, after the registration is complete, I hope that the purchase will be smooth. There is nothing to worry about. I recently sent an order from my family. According to my order, you must be tolerant and investigate everyone who comes and goes."

It is equivalent to a cosmic force of level 4 that has not yet belonged to an aggregate of level 3 universes, and is governed by a weak level 4 universe.

But in Qinghenghanhu, the information I know about Myriad Worlds is at least less than that of the Shengyuan alien race.

Then he smiled and said calmly: "The Fire Cloud Clan, Locke, Bafeng Clan, come here to purchase for the family's retreat."

Qingheng thinks that most of them are going to rescue soldiers.

"Hongjun said that the Miaosheng world is a vassal world of the alien race of Shengyuan. It used to be a bridgehead for us to retreat to the human universe. It is definitely a place for troops. You have to be more cautious.

In fact, the result was as expected, and Qingheng shook his head after a while.

The series of questions from the leading woman obviously did not mean to go back to the most basic registration.

In a level 4 universe, there are less than 100 Jiangheng-level weaklings, and none of them have reached the peak of Luo Yijing, and the power of the members is not higher than that of the seven level-3 cosmic forces.

A level 3 universe has the weak strength to conquer a few universes, has one or even seven Jiangheng-level weaklings, and has many subordinate forces in the universe.

"Ethnic group, name, power, the purpose of coming here."

Under the ring belt, you can see starships that are retreating and exiting, undulating. Those starships seem to be operating various businesses outside there, and sometimes they will head towards a small fortress in the distance. Flying away, there are a small number of starships constantly coming and going, which seems to be where some kind of cosmic teleportation array is located.

After all, Xiao Shao, the agent of the vassal group in foreign procurement transactions, is also the most mortal at the domain master level and even above the domain master.

Those people all had sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, like the most apes that have not yet degenerated, and the atmosphere of domain masters exudes from our bodies, scanning Qingheng up and down, and said calmly:

"What's going on? Could it be that it's because the outside is in the backline area, so it's often recruited by the aliens of the Holy Yuan?"


Qingheng was about to fly out, but at that time, the sky burst into clusters of light, and several women of different races in white law enforcement costumes appeared behind Qingheng.

The outer void port is built along the inner circumference of the ring, just like a sawtooth. Starships and even battle stars cannot retreat and dock, and retreat and designate docks according to their size.

All over the world, the entire vassal ethnic group relying on the alien race of Shengyuan is involved in trade.

To know that kind of method, as a weak person in the space Daojiang Hengjing, he can barely do it. How did we do it?

The leading woman said respectfully.

A level 5 cosmic force possesses at most one weak person in the Creation Realm, and its command is higher than 50 level 4 cosmic forces. Among the ten thousand worlds, it can be regarded as a shameless force, and has a certain degree of credibility in the ten thousand worlds .

After a rough estimate, there are more than ten Neijing-level weaklings, and that still counts the members of the Shengyuan alien army who are sitting here.

As Qingheng went all the way backward, the weak people who met me along the way all showed fear.

Qingheng raised his brows slightly, he was in a hurry, and directly penetrated the minds of those people with his spiritual thoughts, searching for the memories he wanted.

Based on my glance, let alone the whole Miaosheng world, the number of weak people is pitiful.

Time flies, and the world of Miaosheng gradually comes into view very slowly.

And our Shengyuan alien race only needs to concentrate on one thing, which is not continuous cultivation, degenerating the race, making the weak weaker, so as to sharpen the spear of our own race, so as to conquer others The universe is also more convenient.

"The investigation was done well, but is that undressing and farting? For the weak in Luo Yijing, it is basically a fortification. It is our last resort to evacuate the small army of alien races. "

We divide all cosmic forces into four levels, the first level is the strongest, and the fourth level is the weakest.

After all, the background and speed of the weak in the interior scene are still far behind, and the difficulty of such a long-distance travel is self-evident.

A level 6 cosmic force possesses at most ten good fortune realms, and the key must be that no one exists at the peak of the good fortune realm, and there must be more than five level 5 vassal cosmic forces.

Qingheng's planet was marked as a battle star, so this person guided Qingheng to a battle star stop.

At present, the Saint Yuan alien race belongs to that grade, and the human race universe is still a bit short, and the rigid requirements have been met.

And the Bafeng family is the overlord of that great power, and it has a Neijing-level ancestor. In fact, if you count the Shengyuan alien clan, among the vassal groups, the power with the Neijing-level ancestor is It is wrong to be regarded as strength.

Seeing that scene, Luo Yi didn't have any emotions, and there was no impulse that made me want to see everything behind my eyes, but I still held back.

"Stop coming, all visitors must come here to register!"

Qingheng finally drove the planet and approached the world of Miaosheng. As he kept approaching, a wave of spiritual thoughts came to his mind very quickly, which was a sound transmission.

Qingheng nodded, expressing that he didn't care, and these people disappeared from Qingheng's sight before seeing this with a sigh of relief.

After some memory retrieval just now, Qing Heng got a few useless messages.

Hearing this, the others nodded, and quickly tapped a virtual transparent screen in their hands a few times, then looked at Luo Yi with a smile.

Luo Yi's figure flashed and quickly disappeared in place. When she reappeared, she was not suspended in the air below the ring, looking down at the densely packed starships and caravans above.

In addition, the number of true god rulers is only two to eight hundred people, and there are less than tens of thousands of weak demigods. Compared with such a small universe and a transportation hub, the number of weak people is really impressive. I feel awkward.

Unless you can carry it, or some ordinary vehicles, then for us, we will never want to go out in our lifetime, and we can only become lonely ghosts in the endless void. "

"The Shengyuan alien race is a very barbaric ethnic group. We advocate fighting and are not good at using our brains. It is said that those matters such as governance and scientific research are handed over to the vassal groups at the bottom. Now it seems that the effect is remarkable. .”

As for those Li people, because the Shengyuan alien race has not stopped traveling to and from various universes, we have extremely rich experience in freeing the inner space and void, and the study of the inner space void is far comparable to that of the human race universe.

[Xiaoxiang APP search "Spring Gift" New users get 500 book coins, old users get 200 book coins] Seventh, the Shengyuan alien race still has a few main god-level weak people sitting here, and it's not that there are weak people in the inner scene, it's because of the youth To be honest, it hurts Xiaoya, as long as I want people to find out, there is someone else who can find me.

It is said that the old master of the demon sky is still here, if you meet the first, you can be the first, you have to directly use time and space to transfer quickly. "

Level 2 universe has a single cosmic power, but it has a weak individual power that leaves the individual in this universe.

For example, the first-level cosmic power is not an indigenous power in a single cosmic world, but a power that has a weak individual that has left the universe.

At the end of lowering the height, Qingheng headed all the way to the direction of the teleportation circle. I want to see the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle that can move to other universes in the distance.

And our judging standard is only the number of weak people, and also comprehensively considers the ruling territory of the forces to which they belong.

"That place is ashamed to be managed by the Shengyuan alien race. The degree of prosperity is far beyond imagination. Hongjun said that the Luoyi world was originally just a barren indigenous civilization. However, as time went by, the Shengyuan alien race continued to develop and transport. A small number of troops coming back, it can be restrained, it intensifies the communication between this place and the distant universe world, and even repairs the multi-universe teleportation formation.”

Qingheng was suspicious and conjectured, and my conjecture was closer to the truth.

The outer ring belt and the starship seem to have used some kind of ordinary material, which can make the group of inner scenes still unable to move freely in the void of the domain, and that is what the technology of the human universe can achieve.

Qing Heng sighed, that is not the disadvantage of having enough forces under his command, there are few things that are not considered by the clan, and the vassal clan is not the worst help.

Hearing this, Qingheng was taken aback for a moment, and he was less entangled and directly manipulated the planet to approach a certain port following the guidance of this person.

As for the cosmic forces at level 7 and below, the red-haired woman in the Yuansheng Patriarch Dojo didn't tell Qingheng, so Luo Yi didn't know about it either.

Qingheng sighed, I can find that there is only one inner-level weak person sitting in order to maintain order, other than that there are few existences above the true god.

Qingheng felt that it was enough, but looked closer, and saw that an artificial sky ring was built around the universe, and that huge celestial metal ring surrounded the entire Wonderful World, like a ring belt of planets, surrounding The universe spins on its own.

Qingheng secretly made up his mind, and at this time the Miaosheng World was getting closer and closer, and his vision gradually ended and was gradually covered by the small boundary of the Miaosheng World.

That group of people is mostly domain masters and above, and often there are only a few demigods and high-level weaklings.

In fact, after the rounds of fighting with the Human Race universe, it was just that the Human Race universe suffered heavy losses, and the Saint Yuan and other races also did not suffer any injuries, especially Luo Yi World, which is the backline zone, nearly forty percent The weak all died in battle. It is also the weakest Jiang Heng who can travel so recklessly in the retrograde realm. Especially, the weak at the abnormal interior level want to go from that universe to the distant universe. Hundreds of thousands of years count. It may even take longer.

Represents some cosmic forces that are weak at the interior level.

Accompanied by the slight tremors of the planet, the planet slowly docked next to the port, bound by the gravitational pull of this place, and docked firmly by the port.

"It turns out that your human race universe has been fighting against such a force with a relatively deep background. It is really incredible to be able to persist until now."

The reason why he is so respectful is that Qingheng said that the power of the Bafeng family is weak. More importantly, Qingheng exudes a demigod fourth-order aura, which is definitely a low hand among the multi-power spokespersons. low-handed.

Time passed by little by little, and before it had been a while, I finished my practice and realized something, mainly to feel the difference between the void in the inner domain and the interior of the universe, and see if I could feel anything.

Therefore, a demigod fourth rank like Qingheng is rare.

First, the alien race of Shengyuan has not withdrawn their troops yet, and almost all the troops have returned to the world of Shengyuan. For what purpose, the level of that person is basically contacted.

"The inner domain is really a land of hairs, and there are no rules and trails at all outside, there are pure laws on the ground, no wonder the true god rules those weak people who need to rely on the protection of the universe to escape from their own universe and sail backwards.

The so-called Huoyun clan is a big force of a vassal clan under the command of the Shengyuan alien clan, which is too small.

Qingheng shook his head, and after a quick scan of his spiritual sense, he became even more disappointed.

"Those ethnic groups are like sheep being enslaved by the alien race of the Holy Yuan. It is us who are wrong. It is bad for us to embarrass us."

Although the size of the wonderful world is only one-eighth of the human universe, it is still an unimaginably small celestial body for a single living individual.

That kind of cosmic power is a colossal thing in any place, such as the weak sect encountered by the Shengyuan alien race, they are moving closer to the fourth-level universe, so the first can be regarded as the lower-level fourth-level cosmic power.

Often that kind of force has not formally contacted the Myriad Realms, and learned how weak the Myriad Realms are, and finally came into contact with fewer and weaker cosmic forces.

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