Master of Fist

Chapter 1214 Consequences of defeat

It didn't fly very far before I saw a huge thing that looked like a planetary system floating not far away.

Jiang Heng was slowly docking nearby, just staring at the incomparably shocking picture in the distance.

At this time, in the void not far away, I saw nine planets exuding circles of light. They circled a star-like metal planet in the middle area and were orbiting the star.

As auxiliary planets, nine planets are moving very regularly around the central star! Nine planets formed this super-scale space teleportation circle, the scale of which was far beyond the reach of the star system in the human universe.

The size of each planet can be called the size of thousands of ordinary planets, and the star in the middle is even more terrifying like a supernova, exuding incomparably dazzling light and heat.

The nine planets radiated terrifying fluctuations in circles, which set off waves of waves in the nearby space and caused waves of ripples, which were extremely clear and obvious.

Just talking about the scale of this magic circle, I am afraid that it is difficult for the entire human universe to reproduce it!

On the contrary, size is one aspect. The most important thing is that the surface of each planet is composed of countless inscriptions, just like aggregates of inscriptions.

"The array is so cumbersome that it can no longer be built by one person or tens of hundreds of people. It is definitely a super-giant project." Jiang Heng said with emotion, "I really don't know how much manpower and material resources are needed to arrange such a super large array. , it is estimated that even if the formation masters of the entire human universe are united, it will take millions of years to construct it, let alone say."

And that is still the key point. Among them, Wan He saw traces of the formation inscriptions of the laws of time and space, which also shows that such formations must exist because the multi-time and space dao is in charge of macro-control.

Once a group of people retreats into wandering, the disaster will end, it is like luck.

Whoosh, Wan He quickly flew towards the huge teleportation circle.

We have a choice to surrender, and we all die.

It is said that the one who was responsible for the raids and conquests in that world was the former Lord Tongxing, and he was not the weakest existence in the Shengyuan world.

It's just that we gradually realized that we were satisfied. It's not at all right to continue to lose troops instead of going up for a long time.

If you want to break through, it is basically something that can be solved by the source.

That kind of efficiency is not optimistic, and Tong Xing must be allowed to do it, as long as he survives, it can only be like this, but it can definitely be used for normalization.

"It's no wonder that the Shengyuan aliens are so keen on plundering the origin and constant conquest of other worlds. In fact, for us, it is meaningless to plunder the origin of other worlds before we achieve the original Tongxing state.

And the war was completely settled before.

The terrifying little massacre directly wiped out the entire Gu Tuo world's underhands, directly forming a complete break.

And once the universe is destroyed, what is the most intuitive disaster?

In theory, it is connected to all the universes and worlds under the jurisdiction of Shengyuan World. As long as he goes here, he cannot be directly teleported to the teleportation circle here.

Once the luck is weak enough, the cosmic group will develop rapidly, and there will definitely be a small number of weak people, and the eight of us who are weak in the original Jiangheng realm will surely be able to break through the good luck realm.

, like a huge magic weapon.

"Where are you going? Where is the destination?" A weak man in a white uniform with a weird octopus head sat cross-legged, looking down at Wanhe with a bloated body, and felt that Wanhe's aura was a fourth-level demigod. , is obviously a strong one.

"Sage Yuan World." Wan He said.

"It looks like there are very few people." Wan He glanced with his divine sense, and found that there were a lot of life forms and aircraft densely packed outside. It seemed that billions of people retreated and moved at the same time, and they also carried a small number of planets. ship, transport ship.

That is the truly cruel war. Hongjun only mentioned those words to me, and many people know the inside story.

Before the victory, the Shengyuan Clan ended the limited slaughter, because the Gutuo Clan in the Gutuo World is really hard-headed, but those who fail to cultivate will choose to surrender.

And in the case of being able to escape successfully, according to Wan He and Hong Jun's calculations, it was accidental. With the destruction of the human race universe, we two weak Jiang Heng Realm will be the first to encounter all kinds of bad luck.

Because I am afraid that if we are told, it will slightly damage the self-confidence of the weak of the human race, because the consequences are extremely terrible.

"Is it the Gutuo world? No, it took ten years to move to the Gutuo world in the past. He came back ten years ago, and he should understand the rules. He needs 100,000 holy coins."

With a flash of figure, Wan He detoured towards the central star.

The efficiency is high, and the resource consumption is huge.

It cannot be said that after the end, the Gutuo tribe is still the real Gutuo tribe, but this is only the first batch of tribesmen before the defeat.

Once it was over, it also retreated gradually, and even Miao Sheng never made a move himself, it was all the actions of the main god in his hand.

"That kind of formation is more likely to be constructed by the joint power of several or even a dozen universes. It consumes few resources, and it is mainly labor-intensive."

After a little calculation, Wan He feels that it may take a thousand years to build it by himself, which is not acceptable for a weak person in the Jiangheng Realm.

Wan He sighed with emotion, as his strength continued to improve, his horizons also became broadened, and he could see through the purpose of the alien race with a single glance.

"According to Taoist Hongjun's guess, the defeat of the human race will only be more tragic than that of the Gutuo family, because the human race's universe has no treasure, and the Shengyuan family will plunder the world origin of the human race's universe. The human race does not even have a universe. It will also disappear completely in history In the long river."

Seeing this, Wan He was not firm at all and quickly fell towards the outside.

Wan He asked again, the so-called Gutuo world is the most difficult world to conquer among all the worlds conquered by the Shengyuan world, except for the human race universe.

The center is a huge celestial body comparable to a star, but the star has not yet become a teleportation circle after being refined, and there is no platform area below it, which can accommodate many starship life forms to retreat and move at the same time.

Until then, Gu Tuo's world has completely surrendered, yes, it should be said that he was forced to surrender by weakness.

That world is said to be smaller in size than the Human Race Universe, even smaller than the Human Race Universe, and it has indeed persisted for the longest time. It has persisted for 80 million years against the continuous and violent offensive of the Shengyuan Clan.

The head of the true god said Dan Dan.

Wen Yan Wanhe nodded, I haven't extracted the rules from the opponent's mind yet.

It is true that they can make it to that wave, but the previous crisis was broken. If they want to regain stability, they must quickly capture the previous universe as another hometown in a short period of time, so that the luck of the human race will be stabilized again.


In the process of escaping, it is certain that they will encounter dangerous murders.

That's why Wanhe tried his best to devour the weak in the childlike realm, the source of human cosmic achievements, and the price was too small.

Of course, that matters to me, the small reason is to exchange for magic weapons at the trade center outside.

After a while, the war fell into a stalemate again, and there was a series of tug-of-war, just because a weak Jiang Hengjing appeared in the Gutuo world.

Seeing this, my attitude has become much worse, and the service is retreating with a smile on my face. The whole center is mainly composed of the weak.

If the human race universe had developed before, Tong Xing felt that he could not try to build an exclusive time-space teleportation circle for the human race universe.

Secondly, it is said that if one pays attention, it will be swallowed by the hidden space vortex, and thus unluckily moved to the famous dangerous place in Ten Thousand Realms.

And the true god level is not yet the supervisor level here, which is equivalent to the main person in charge there. As for the middle level, they are not demigods, the middle and high level are not domain masters, galaxy masters, and there are even a small number of low-level warrior-level workers.

My reason is also very good, and that is also the iron law that we need to abandon. However, if no one here finds a reason and dares to teleport to the world of Saint Yuan, it will directly cause trouble for me.

The central area of ​​the four planets is not the center of the magic circle, which is called the center of the star. At this time, before reaching the center, I feel a wave of fluctuations coming from the center. This is the fluctuation caused by the weak energy inside the center.

Wanhe wondered if there would be a more convenient and inefficient way to construct an ultra-long-distance teleportation circle, but it is only possible to come into contact with it from the perspective of the human universe of the Shengyuan clan.

It's just that the luck needed to break through the Creation Realm is terrifying. It's obviously so complicated to rely on luck alone, and the most important thing is to rely on ourselves.

Wan He wanted to go around the Gutuo World, mainly because of his divine sense, and found that there was nothing in the narrow Qingheng World that was worthy of my comprehension.

The destruction of the original universe of a group means that the luck of the group has been restored.

So Miaosheng's first disciple was not the seventh in the Shengyuan world, nor was he the weakest Jiang Hengjing who was in charge of the main attack.

According to Hongjun's understanding, all the cultivators in Gutuo's world were wiped out, except for some mortals who really had no practice.

And the following process is not the routine operation of Shengyuan World.

Going around the Gutuo world is sure to gain nothing. The key point is that the Gutuo world is far away from the human universe, a little farther than the Qingheng world, but you can return in time in your own space.

As for the weak at the inner scene level, the outsider exists at all, and the weak at the inner scene level belong to the real little people. At least in the entire Qingheng world, a weak person at the inner scene level can be called a powerful and weak person, and the status and power he can possess is unimaginable.

Weaken and accumulate the luck of the ethnic group in this universe. In this way, the luck will continue to grow and shrink, and it will usher in a transformation every day.

Although the teleportation circle is so large and small, in fact, the core is still around a light-year away. Around the ultra-long-distance teleportation circle, there are no areas that are usually used for accommodation. The real gods and the weak are sitting in town, and there are still a small number of domain masters, and the masters of the galaxy are busy with the daily maintenance of the small teleportation circle.


We are actually increasing the luck of our own cosmic group! "

After all, the truth is too cruel.

The Gutuo clan has changed into a similar appearance of the Shengyuan alien clan, only retaining part of the Gutuo clan's appearance, and even the ethnic group has changed. It can be seen that the invasion and change are extremely thorough.

In the past, as generations of mortals practiced the exercises of the Shengyuan alien race, our bodies and appearances have undergone earth-shaking changes.

If he wanted to go there, he couldn't choose to move to the Shengyuan world or the living world, and then sailed there alone. "

That time the effect was normal and obvious. The attack on the city and the village all the way made the Gu Tuo world suffer and directly reversed the situation.

The weak in real body just shook his head and survived.

It is the same as the human race universe, the period spans hundreds of millions of years, and Gutuo's world has actually persisted for 80 million years.

The number of weak people used was as small as a cow's hair, and the entire tribe of the Miaosheng family came out in full force.

Wanhe landed on the platform near the ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

The cosmic world of this clan can be moved by you at will. If he wants to go to the world of Shengyuan, he must first show his identity, unless he does not have a mission badge issued by the Shengyuan clan, or he himself is not Shengyuan. People of the same family, otherwise there is no way to directly move there.

In this way, the two sides saw each other like that for nearly 10 million years. Before that, the Shengyuan world was constantly increasing its troops, until it was discovered that the Nagutuo world was not a group of strong and weak people who could fight or die.

In particular, 100,000 holy yuan coins are enough to buy a demigod weapon.

Bad seems to be regressing and filling, transporting various energy elements, and preparing the energy required for the activation of the mobile magic circle.

Those who surrender are only some mortals, yes!

"How about going to Gutuo World?"

So the former master of Tongxing who was about to make a move did so. I didn't even reach the back line in person, and I killed the only weak Jiangheng in the Gutuo world in an instant with just one incarnation.

Such a small person has such a dignified status that he will come to do those trivial and important things.

So several years of massacre started directly.

The Saint Yuan currency is not a recognized currency on the Saint Yuan world system vassal, and its purchasing power is extremely weak.

Wan He's speed was extremely slow, and he also encountered some life forms of other races that he passed along the way. Some of them had little similarities with the human race in terms of body structure and appearance, but the differences were extremely small. The appearance is even more varied. We saw Wan He passing by in a flash, usually Wan He's undisguised fourth-order demigod aura spread out, which made the group of people show fear.

Although Wan He was shocked by such a large and small project, he was not envious. It was built by countless people with blood and sweat.

Looking back on those Wanhe, I don't have any emotion.

"Sage Yuan World?" The weak real god frowned immediately when he heard the words, "Do you even understand the most basic rules?

Those people are like ants under the planets, ignorant and knowledgeable, they know that the world has undergone tremendous changes.

With good luck, even the weak in the Jiangheng realm will encounter various disasters during the escape process, such as inexplicably encountering various space-time storms, void storms and other disasters during the journey.

If you want to know, if the Shengyuan clan uses dictatorial rule, hundreds of vassal clans under their command will make private contributions for us.

It can also be seen why many people who use mobile are alone, often led by chambers of commerce, which can save a small amount of expenses. Even if Hongjun and Wanhe, two weak people in Jiangheng, could escape with a small number of people in time, the disaster still exists.

The trails of the Shengyuan world directly took over the trails of the Gutuo world, and distributed the cultivation methods of the Shengyuan clan to the Gutuo people.

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