Master of Fist

Chapter 210 It's You

"I don't know what kind of shit luck Zhou Yan had this week, but he was able to get a fourth-grade martial art, and even stepped into the pulse-refining realm. Now it's really getting more and more incomprehensible!"

Fatty Rentu sighed and shook his head, and looked at the group of twelve-year-old children in the third-rank realm full of envy.

"You are right..."

Rentu turned his head, but the scene in front of him made him unable to react for a while. At this time, there was no one standing behind him. There were five people in the group, except him. line, the internal organs have disappeared.


this is......

Rentu saw someone squatting and chewing something with his back to him, and moved back slightly. Just as Rentu was about to shout out, he felt a crazy idea surging in his mind the next moment.

My own thinking actually split into another thinking, this thinking is crazy and extreme, with a terrifying idea, that is to cut it open! Cut open your own chest cavity and dig it out.

No no no no!

Rentu tried his best to resist in his mind, trying to block this idea desperately, but the more he obstructed, the crazier this idea became, as if absorbing the nutrients in his mind and growing rapidly.

No! don't want!

But his movements have already begun to disobey. Obviously, his consciousness has not issued any instructions at all, but another crazy consciousness has already invaded his body.

Silently, even the footsteps moved slightly to hide the figure in a corner of the corridor, and then the blade was pulled out very quickly but without a sound, everything seemed so fast and silent.

Rentu's heart was full of fear, and his face began to show a very distorted and crazy expression uncontrollably, and he tried hard to resist. But he could only control one eye to look at the black shadow not far away that was still chewing with his back.


A very fast and weak sound sounded, blood spurted out like a spring, and the fat-covered internal organs were exposed. He put down the knife in his hand with a face full of madness and piety, scratched in his chest, and quickly pulled out a knife. The internal organs of the stomach are full of rich oil.

The figure lay down slowly, the expression was still crazy and silent, as if lying on a bed. It's just an extremely distorted expression on his face.

After swallowing the last piece of viscera, the black shadow slowly came to the corpse of the fat man who had been slaughtered, and wrinkled.

"Sure enough, the strength has not been fully recovered. It took so long for my family's talent to control such an ant."

Hei Ying uttered a weak female voice, he glanced at the oily viscera in the fat man's hand, frowned and ignored it.


That is to say, but when Fatty Rentu was manipulated to death, it only took less than two breaths...


In the lobby of the Black Tiger Hall, Jiang Heng opened his eyes instantly, and six thin red blood lines flashed away.


With the demon bow on his back, Jiang Heng's figure was like lightning, and he rushed out quickly.

The opponent killed very quickly, with six energy and blood fluctuations in a row, they disappeared one after another in just two or three breaths.

"I want to see what the hell you are, a viscera eater!"

He snorted coldly in his heart, and his speed skyrocketed again.

"There is a situation!"

Zhang Fu's children have been dedicated to their duties in the yard after receiving the order from above. It can be said that they are the most vigilant in the entire yard.

Especially Zhang Fu, he just took a quick look and found that something was wrong. The group of people who were gathered there just now disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Fu's voice reminded all the little kids, most of them were panic-stricken, only two or three kids closest to Zhang Fu were calm, but not much better. trembling.

However, a few people were on alert, and few people went forward to check the situation.

Seeing this, Zhang Fu had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up by himself, tightening the blade around his waist for self-defense, he moved forward cautiously.

But before he took a few steps, his figure froze.

All the children were a little nervous, and some of the best children who played with Zhang Fu wanted to come forward to see the situation.

Zhang Fu trembled all over, he tried hard to shout out to tell them to leave quickly, but he couldn't. It seemed that a new self had been split in his mind, occupying his consciousness crazily.

He didn't know when the blade was pulled out by himself.

"Yes, much better than that fat man just now, your internal organs must be delicious!"

A cold woman's voice rang in his ears, Zhang Fu's eyes widened, he saw a black shadow standing in the depths of the corridor where no one else could see, the black shadow had a pair of dark green eyes like a hungry stomach The beast was staring at him.


I don't want to die!

Zhang Fu tried hard to control his hands, but there was nothing he could do. He could only watch the blade stabbing towards his chest and even his abdomen at high speed.


There was a roar, and the small courtyard trembled a little bit. The roar seemed to dissipate a lot of the evil thoughts in his mind. Zhang Fu controlled his hands and slowly moved it away.

Fortunately, the tip of the knife had just submerged a little. Zhang Fu looked in the direction of the corridor, and a look of reverence and ecstasy appeared on his distorted face that was manipulated.


At this time, a burly figure was holding the black shadow with one hand and punching it with one hand, boom!

The violent shock shocked the entire Black Tiger Hall, and everyone rushed over upon hearing the sound, while the little devils with Zhang Fu took a few steps back in horror.

They were the closest, and they had never seen such a scene before. Before coming here, all of them probably hadn't even killed a chicken.

"It's you!"

Hei Ying was wearing an ordinary fine attire, but a gray cloth was covering his face to cover his face. He looked at Jiang Heng with suspicion in his eyes.

"You know me? Then I know who you are!"

Jiang Heng clasped the man's head with one hand, and blasted out like a cannon hammer with the other hand. The terrifying force pierced through the body, making the man's figure bend, and the face behind the gray cloth was also extremely distorted.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jiang Heng pulled his hand, revealing a face that Jiang Heng is very familiar with.

Lu Jin!

"Commander Lu, you are hiding deep enough!"

Jiang Heng sneered, but before Lu Zhi could say anything, he held down the opponent's head with one hand, and aimed at the head with the other and slammed it out.


The majestic force was released, and Lu Zhi felt his head exploded at this moment. If it wasn't for the existence of that person in his body, this punch would have killed him.

"Ahem! Listen to me..."

"Say shit!"

Bloodline dragons emerged to the right arm, and the power of blood and blood seemed to be real.

"Die to me!"

For Lu Jin, who committed such a crime, Jiang Heng didn't bother to listen to his nonsense at all, his muscles tensed and swelled, and blood dragons swam around his arms like swimming dragons.

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