Master of Fist

Chapter 211

But just when the strength of the fist collapsed to the limit and was ready to explode suddenly, Jiang Heng's whole body stopped, and the movements of his hands became even more stiff.

But at this time, Lu Zhi's eyes burst into green light, staring at Jiang Heng like night pearls.

"It's so strong, why didn't I find out that there is such a top product in this broken place? I can recover in one fell swoop after swallowing you!"

The cold female voice slowly spit out from Lu Jin's mouth, which seemed quite weird.

But Jiang Heng's mind at this time was not on the other party at all, but in his consciousness.

There seems to be another consciousness in the mind, this consciousness is full of malice, it seems to gather all the twisted and crazy consciousness into one, and it is madly affecting Jiang Heng.

How could this be?

This was the first time Jiang Heng encountered such a situation, and he was completely unprepared.

This consciousness soared with the gaze of the other party's eyes.

At this moment, there is not only one consciousness, but multiple consciousnesses are starting to affect Jiang Heng crazily. Digging out his own eyes, all kinds of thoughts were crazily intertwined in his mind, as if countless crazy thoughts were constantly lingering in his mind, and all kinds of crazy ravings were raging in his body.

"How? It's a pity that you can't use your strength at all. A peaceful death will be your best destination!"

Jiang Heng tried his best to move his eyes to Lu Chen's face not far away. He really wanted to smash the face in front of him with a wave, but his body seemed out of control, and his blood could not be mobilized at all. In the case of mixed consciousness, there is a tendency to riot.

Black ball!

right! I still have black balls!

Jiang Heng quickly sank his consciousness into it and wanted to drive the black ball to see if he could break the game.

But as soon as he took action, other consciousnesses seemed to be aware of it, and they crazily obstructed what Jiang Hengyue wanted to do, and fell into a stalemate for a while. From the perspective of outsiders, Jiang Heng seemed to be standing still and shaking his hands.

What exactly is this ability?


Let alone resisting now, under the siege of these several consciousnesses, Jiang Heng can only maintain a certain degree of clarity, his eyelids keep twitching, the blood dragon on his right arm begins to fade, and he slowly raises his hands to grab his eyes.


At this moment, there was a sudden shout of killing in the vicinity, and everyone in the Black Tiger Hall finally arrived, but Zhou Yan regretted his life and did not rush to the front. To Jiang Heng's surprise, Zhang Fu, the brat, rushed forward with a bloody knife in his hand.

"A group of ants!"

With a cold snort from the woman, Lu Zhi moved his figure, turned his head and swept towards the people in the Black Tiger Hall, his eyes were dimly lit. At this moment, the small courtyard fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone's movements froze, and a distorted look began to appear on their faces. At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt his spirit relax.

good chance!

There are still several consciousnesses in the mind, but at this moment it seems extremely weak, Jiang Heng quickly gained the upper hand? The mastery of the body is also gradually restored.

But Lu Zhi turned his head to look again? A pair of dark green eyes were still staring at him firmly.

"Hehe, it's still a little difficult to control everyone at once with the current strength, let's kill you first!" Lu Zhi's expression suddenly turned fierce.

Jiang Hengzhi wanted to scold his mother? Just touched the black ball? At this moment, he was pulled back by the sudden surge of other strands of consciousness again? He began to continue and crazily encroach on his territory.

Only a pair of eyes moved from time to time, full of bloodshot eyes? It seemed to be filled with infinite anger.

not good!

Jiang Heng only felt that his consciousness was becoming more and more depressed? Several strands of consciousness were advancing all the way, forcing Jiang Heng to shrink into a ball.

Jiang Heng had never experienced this kind of confrontation before? He could only regret it.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Soon you will be completely finished!" The woman's voice still spit out slowly from Lu Zhen's mouth? There was a hint of cheering, and at this time Lu Zhi looked at Jiang Heng with a dull expression like a puppet.

Just when Jiang Heng was about to completely lose the power of resistance, a flash of silver and bright horses quickly cut towards him like a silver-white silk thread.


This sudden change was obviously not expected by the woman in Lu Zen's body. She turned her head and her green eyes were about to do something? The next moment her neck felt cold.


A head was thrown flying without hindrance, as if cutting a piece of tofu, the head rolled on the ground before it stopped? A pair of dark green eyes quickly dimmed.

"Sing in one breath! Slash!"

A light heh sounded, followed by another silvery white silk thread slashing quickly? Everything it passed was cut open, as if it was unstoppable.

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But this time, Lu Zhen's headless corpse was alert, rolled away, and narrowly dodged the sword. The headless corpse seemed to have eyes, and as soon as it lifted the head, it was like lightning and rushed to the dark place.

Jiang Heng stared at the direction where the other party was leaving, wanting to move? But although the other strands of consciousness in his mind had weakened, they still existed. He could only desperately grab back the lost territory.

Lu Zhen, who was holding his head, jumped out of the courtyard very quickly, followed by Liu Shizong, who also flew after him with a sword in his hand.

After ten breaths, Jiang Heng regained control of his body one by one.

He twisted his neck, moved his hands and feet, and felt a sense of survival after disaster.

What the hell is this Lu Zhi?


What he saw tonight really subverted his previous cognition, and now he is not sure what it is.

At this moment, I can't help but think back to some words that Mr. Fu said in the past. Demons have different abilities. Could it be that they are really demons?

"But it's a monster...that would be terrible!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but secretly startled, it wasn't about defeating the enemy head-on at all, but directly from the consciousness.

This method... really treacherous!

Even when the opponent's head was cut off just now, he took the time to drive the black ball with all his strength, but there was no response at all. That is to say, the things at the level of consciousness, the black ball cannot swallow them.

"Big trouble!"

Jiang Heng rubbed his head, which was still a little absent-minded. After so long, he still felt like there were other voices in his head.

Looking at the others, he saw that everyone in Heihutang was similar to him, and they all resumed their actions, but all of them were floating and rubbing their heads.

But they were just stared at by the other party for a while, and I was stared at by the other party for more than ten breaths alone, and I still have enough energy...

This is the only thing that makes Jiang Heng feel lucky. I don't know if it's because he abused himself too much, and his consciousness is much stronger than ordinary people.

"I don't know if Liu Shizong succeeded! This guy doesn't seem to be physically strong!"

Muttering to himself, at this time Jiang Heng didn't have the heart to pursue him anymore, his whole body felt tired, his head was swollen and uncomfortable.

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