Master of Fist

Chapter 269

"This... this... bad luck!"

At this time, the front of the welcoming team was facing another team, but it was a group of nine people, and nine people came carrying the coffin!

This is clearly the funeral procession!

Funeral and Greeting Party!

This is two teams that are completely in conflict with each other.

For a moment, the third uncle raised his hand to stop the procession of the welcoming team.

Most of the people from Hengjiang's gang who came to welcome the bride began to hold their weapons tightly.

At this time, there is already a distance from the city gate, and this is the perfect distance to block the road and commit murder.

Even if they fled back to the city in such a short distance, it would be too late.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng also frowned, and looked sideways at Fu Qingshui: "Qingshui, is this the trouble you mentioned?"

"No... not quite right!"

Fu Qingshui was a little uncertain: "It's a little wrong, it's a little different from that group of people!"

Fu Qingshui stared intently at the nine people on the opposite side. He clearly remembered that it was the Sishuimeng who used the tricks secretly.

And the group of people in front of them, dressed in pure white, with swords on their waists, each of them looks not bad, with a righteous and awe-inspiring expression on their faces.

This is definitely not something that group of thugs from the Surabaya League can do.

"Big boss, is this someone from over there?"

At the same time, in the jungle on one side of the road, a group of men ambushed among them was obviously not expecting this sudden change.

With a bald spot on the top of his head and a few strands of gray hair left on his temples, the leader of the Surabaya League was also frowning when he saw the scene in front of him.

"The old fellows from Qingshui Gang and Liujiazhuang Gourd Gang never told me about this problem!"

Yang Da of the Sishui League was a little puzzled, which was completely beyond his expectation.

Originally, he planned to rob the Fifth Miss of the Fu family directly, but it would be even better if he could also capture the young leader of the Canglang Gang.

At that time, are you afraid that Yan Chongshan will not obediently hand over all the foundations of the Canglang Gang in Bazhou?

In fact, Yang Da knew right away that winning the foundation was just an excuse, and what he really wanted was the martial arts background of the Canglang Gang itself.

As a sub-helm of the Canglang Gang, even if it is not as good as the main helm, there must be a lot of martial arts classics in it.

It's just that he went in before but returned without success, so Yang Da thought of such a way when he was in a hurry.

But the flesh of the mouth suddenly killed such a person.

"Big boss, do you want to catch them all?" The confidant asked in a low voice.

"Wait first!"

He always felt that something seemed wrong.

At this time, the atmosphere on the road was a bit weird, because the official road was not very wide, and there were trees and jungles on both sides.

So the two sides stalemate for a while.

"I would also like to ask everyone on the opposite side to be convenient. I will give a birthday gift to the palace on the order of my lord this time without any delay!"

The eight people on the opposite side were carrying the coffin, and the ninth person was the first to break the silence and speak loudly.

As soon as this remark came out, the official road became even more silent, only the sound of everyone's breathing and the rustling of leaves blown by the breeze.

Everyone in the Surabaya League who was hiding in the jungle looked at each other when they heard the words.

"Da Dangtou, this..." His confidant turned his head to look at Xiang Yang Dadangtou in a daze.

"What kind of people is this?!"

At this time, Yang Da Dangtou was already full of turbulent waves.

This kind of thing happened just after the Tyrant Sword Sect was destroyed?

Yang Da also got some gossip about the Badaomen.

But because there are no survivors, and the way of death is strange.

Some people who are familiar with the behavior of the Wangfu believe that this is mostly done by the Wangfu.

Yang Da Pangtou also thought so, and even worried for a while.

After all, Badaomen was very respectful to the palace in the past. As a result, it is said to be extinct.

Now which Bazhou Jianghu forces are not panic-stricken, they are all speculating on the current attitude of the Wangfu towards Jianghu forces.

It turned out to be a good thing. It hasn't been two days since this happened, and someone jumped out again. Does this mean that Bazhou Jianghu is not chaotic enough?

At this time, Jiang Sanhai was also a little uneasy, and he had been in Bazhou for some time.

How could he not know the transcendent status of the palace in this entire Bazhou.

What's more, my nephew also mentioned Bawang's Mansion, so for the time being, he must not be provoked.

He looked at Jiang Heng at the back with some helplessness.

"Who is your ally?"

Jiang Heng rode his horse to the front of the team and looked at the group of people on the opposite side.

"Twelve sword alliances in the sky, one sword and one Lu Yixin!"

The leading middle-aged man in white robe and sword responded loudly. There is a touch of reverence between the words.

One Sword Master Lu Yixin? !

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, while looking at the coffin being carried by the other party.

The coffin on the opposite side is a bit different. It is different from the coffin of ordinary people. This coffin is obviously several times larger.

And it looks like it should be a newly built coffin, and the wood on it is still very new.

There's something in here!

Jiang Heng stared intently at the coffin and the people in the anti-coffin, and found that these people were all at the fourth-grade level of the Pulse Refining Realm, and it seemed a bit difficult to carry the coffin.

"What's in it?"

Jiang Heng pointed to the coffin and asked the other party.

The middle-aged man in white robe frowned, a little displeased.

"No comment!"

"I can't help you!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng jumped from the back of the black wind horse, and the next moment his figure was like lightning, drawing an arc in midair and falling steadily on the coffin.

The expressions of the eight members of the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League suddenly changed, obviously Jiang Heng didn't use much force.

But it feels like a terrifying weight that is much heavier than the coffin itself hits in an instant.

The eight of them hurriedly pulled back, but two of them collapsed from their shoulders in an instant before it was too late.

The coffin suddenly fell to the ground with a dull sound.


Seeing this, the middle-aged man in white robe was furious, and he drew his sword and rushed forward.

Jiang Heng turned a deaf ear to this, turned over and jumped off the coffin, and at the same time slapped his big hand, the coffin was blown out, revealing the situation inside.

Seeing the scene inside, Jiang Heng froze in place.


The blade landed firmly on Jiang Heng's neck with a crisp sound.

But Jiang Heng didn't react much to this, his eyes still fell inside the coffin.

Inside is a huge monster that looks like a weasel, which is almost the same as that day.

It's just that the weasel's death made Jiang Heng a little speechless.

The weasel's body was cut open at one time with a sharp weapon.

From the top of the head to the tail, it can even be found that the spine inside has been neatly divided into two halves.

The key is that even a blood crystal inside was divided into two halves and fell into the two halves of the corpse.

The overall section of the corpse was very neat, and the blood did not seem to be splashed instantly.

It should have been cut open in a very short time, and the weasel didn't even realize that it was dead at that moment.

"What a powerful method!"

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, this method gave him a vague sense of familiarity.

By the way, Liu Sejong!

Jiang Heng suddenly thought of Liu Shizong's extremely solid and powerful sword that was condensed into silk.

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