Master of Fist

Chapter 270 Sky Twelve Swords Alliance

One sword and one heart!

Is it really just a sword to kill?

Looking at the mirror-like incision in the coffin, Jiang Heng couldn't help thinking for a while.

The problem is that what was killed was not a human being, but a monster!

He has seen Liu Shizong's long-singing sword gang before, and according to Liu Shizong, that is the best sword gang in the world.

But what is this?

Thinking about it, Liu Shizong was able to open a hole in the body of the ??-level first-grade monster with a full blow.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Liu Shizong's stepping into the realm of the master was too short, and he had too little storage of stellar energy.

But opening a hole is so different from cutting it in half!

At this moment, Jiang Heng wanted to meet this Yijian Lu Yixin!

"Good thief, die!"

The blade was bounced off by Jiang Heng's strong self-defense, and the middle-aged man in white robe was terrified.

He was originally a master of the fifth level of pulse refining, but the sword just now was a blow with anger, almost with all his strength.

But the young man in front of him hadn't even scratched the skin.

"Who is this person?!"

While secretly speculating in his heart, the middle-aged man in white robe swung his sword in his hand and chopped it off again.


Two fingers gripped the blade firmly, no matter how hard the middle-aged man in white robe exerted himself, he couldn't move.

So much strength!


Just when the middle-aged man was about to abandon his sword and charge again, Jiang Heng stopped him.

"I don't mean anything malicious! I was so reckless just now, but I also complained a lot about the palace. I wonder if you can tell me about your Heavenly Twelve Swords Alliance... really plan to send this coffin and this corpse to the palace?"

Jiang Heng spoke softly with a gentle face, he had no intention of doing anything against the members of the Twelve Swords League of Heaven.

What's more, the other party unexpectedly beheaded a demon so quietly.

In this way, the two have the same purpose, let alone being an enemy.

It's just that Jiang Heng was a little curious, since the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League refused to join the Yiqi League. Then why are you still so stubborn as an enemy of the palace and the court?

Isn't this asking for trouble?

It stands to reason that the way Cao Shouxin of Badaomen did before is the way to save his life and survive!

Seeing this, the middle-aged man in white robe softened his expression slightly, and Jiang Heng handed it off, and he also put the sword back into its sheath.

He looked at Jiang Heng, glanced at the direction of the welcoming team, and nodded slightly.

In his heart, he was extremely afraid of the young man in front of him. This feeling of powerlessness was not given to him even by those sixth-rank seniors in the sect.

"Not bad!" The middle-aged man in the white robe nodded in response.


As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng's sarcasm came.


"It's not wrong to say that you are stupid! Can your leader kill one monster, three, maybe dozens or even hundreds?

As far as I know, the strength of the Wangfu should not be underestimated, even stronger than this powerful person.

Is your Heavenly Twelve Swords Alliance wanting to die? "

Jiang Heng's words were really sincere, he really didn't understand, this Lu Yixin was either not clear-headed, or extremely confident in his own strength!


These words hit the middle-aged man's worries in the white robe.

However, he still frowned and looked at Jiang Heng doubtfully, "Your Excellency is..."


"The leader of the Hengjiang Gang, Jiang Heng!"

Jiang Heng bowed his hand, and directly reported his family name without concealing it.

"Hengjiang Gang?"

The middle-aged man in white robe frowned in thought, he had never heard of this gang.

"So it's the leader of the Hengjiang Gang!" Although he didn't know the young man in front of him, the middle-aged man in white robes still politely said.

"Okay, it's useless to talk! If you want the Twelve Swords Alliance to be buried with you...then give it a try!"

Said Jiang Heng didn't say anything and waved his hands, the wedding party simply walked back and prepared to take a detour.

Standing in the middle of the road, the middle-aged man in the white robe of the Sky Twelve Swords League was silent for a while, and his face changed.

Gao He glanced at the corpse in the coffin and felt helpless.

If it wasn't for the arrogance of this man last night, who even said harshly that he would take the leader back to the palace for interrogation, otherwise he wouldn't have come to this point.

If you don't kill him, even if the leader is captured without a fight, the Tianqiong Twelve Swords Alliance will probably have to pay a painful price to settle him afterwards.

Ba Dao Sect was destroyed overnight, and a special envoy of the palace died.

The palace will definitely not be entangled with those small gangs and factions for such a major event. The biggest suspicion is the Twelve Swords League. Even if the Twelve Swords League did nothing.

However, when the alliance leader walked out of his independent small courtyard, he looked at the arrogant and domineering special envoy of the palace in the palace.

Just spit out the word "cut" lightly from the mouth, and the opponent changed from one to two.

It was too late for the elders in the alliance to stop it. When the special envoy turned into a cold corpse, they knew that the Twelve Swords Alliance of Tianqiong would soon follow in the footsteps of Badaomen.

Gao He has a headache, and now most of the disciples have been dismissed. At the same time, the Twelve Swords League has successively announced the withdrawal of the former nine from the Twelve Swords League.

There are only three families still guarding the mountain gate, and these are the families that first joined the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League.

There may be a way for other people to withdraw, but even if the three of them withdraw, they will be missed by the palace.

Gao He is also a little helpless, he is a direct descendant of the Gao family in the Twelve Swords League, and he knows that now he and the leader of the Lu League are grasshoppers on the same boat.

At this time, it is not possible to complain about the leader. The strength of the leader is obvious to all. Over the years, the Twelve Swords League has enjoyed many benefits by relying on the strength of the leader. Now they can only trust one road without hesitation.

Fortunately, Gao He had some expectations for the clean killing last night.

Just hearing what the young man said just now, the worry in his heart can't help but arise again.

After all, that is the palace!

If this corpse is really sent to the palace, it will definitely anger the prince completely.

At least to keep this matter secret, for the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League, at least they can have more breathing time. Moreover, all the people present at that time were members of the Sword League, even though most of them had withdrawn from the Sword League, I believe that such things would not be reported to the outside world.


Seeing that the man really turned his horse's head and left like this, Gao He felt a little anxious when he came back to his senses. He looked at the receding figure and felt the breath of the other party like an ordinary person. His eyes flickered, and he finally gritted his teeth and called out.

"I also ask Gang Leader Jiang to save me from the Heavenly Twelve Swords League!"

Jiang Heng, who rode his horse first, reined in his horse slightly and glanced back at Gao He, only to see Gao He, a middle-aged man, toss his white robe, and kneel down directly on the ground, regardless of the dirt on the ground.

"Elder Gao!"


Seeing this, the disciples of the Twelve Sword Leagues on both sides hurried forward to help them, but Gao He waved them away.

Looking at Gao He who was kneeling on the ground, Jiang Heng turned his head to the side and waved to his third uncle to signal them to go back first. Seeing this, Jiang Sanhai also knew that he could not get involved in this matter, so he yelled at the wedding party to turn around and go to another path .

At this time, only the members of the Twelve Swords League and Jiang Heng were left on the official road. Jiang Heng rode his horse towards the Twelve Swords League members, but he didn't stop, and he didn't even stop when he passed by Gao He's side.

"Take the coffin and go back to your Twelve Swords League first! I'll meet your leader first!"

"But before that, we have to solve a little trouble!"

Gao He on the ground hurriedly got up when he heard the words, but when he turned his head, he found that the black horse, the Gang Leader Jiang just now, had disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of screams and the sound of gold and iron clashing in the depths of the jungle on the left. The sound came and disappeared quickly. In a short while, the jungle had recovered.

Gao He looked in the direction of the jungle with some doubts.

Someone was ambushed over there?

Gao He was a little horrified. He didn't notice anything during the time he stayed here.

After a while, with the sound of leaves and bushes being pushed aside, a burly figure slowly walked back to the official road.


A chubby head was thrown into the coffin by Jiang Heng's big hand, and it happened to be the companion of the demon corpse inside.

"Surabaya Mengyang is in charge?!"

Looking at the wide-eyed, unbelievably bald head in the coffin, Gao He felt his breathing become a little heavy.

As the elder of the Twelve Swords League, he has dealt with other gangs a lot, and he is even more familiar with the bosses of the various forces.

It's just that he didn't expect that a sixth-rank martial artist like Yang Da Pangtou would die here, and his head would be removed within a few breaths.

Gao He swallowed, and calmed down a little from his shock.

What is the origin of this person in front of him?

I didn't know there was such a person in Bazhou before, and...

Gao He looked at the young man not far away who had turned on his horse again, and felt that the other party still had the same aura as an ordinary person. Even if he just killed a sixth-grade person, the other party did not have the slightest fluctuation of Qi and blood, and his heart was even bigger. Certainly.

"Maybe it's really helpful!"

When Gao He clenched his fist silently, Jiang Heng's leisurely voice came from ahead: "Let's go, this head is a welcome gift!"


The Twelve League of Heaven is located fifty miles outside Bazhou City, almost approaching the nearby Ningshan County.

However, everyone traveled very quickly. Even if the people behind were carrying a huge and heavy coffin, it only took more than an hour to arrive at Qiuye Town at the foot of Tianqiu Twelve Swords League Mountain.

The Qiong Ding Peak is a very steep and isolated peak, and the way to climb the mountain is quite difficult. It was not until evening that many people managed to reach the main hall of the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League.

"I also ask Gang Leader Jiang to wait here, I will go in and report!"

Jiang Heng nodded and watched Gao He enter the palace first, just in time to appreciate the style of the Qiong Ding Peak.

I have to say that Tianqiong Twelve Swords League really knows how to choose a place. If you look out from Badaomen's station, what you see is a vast expanse of sentient beings, and you have the feeling of looking down on the earth.

It is like being in the sea of ​​clouds at Qiong Ding Peak, and it is as floating as a fairy like Yun Ding Tiangong.

I just looked back at the winding and steep uphill road below, thinking to myself that ordinary people would not dare to go up the mountain.

No wonder there are not many members of the Tianqiong Twelve Swords Alliance. Looking around, there are only a few people around.

Looking at the direction of the palace again, Jiang Heng was thoughtful.

The reason why he chose to come to the Tianqiong Twelve Swords League was that he was very curious about this Lu Yixin. It was obviously not as simple as an ordinary master to be able to kill a ?? level demon with a single skill.

Ordinary masters don't have this ability. I remember that old master Fu said that old master Fu Jianghe once had the experience of beheading demons. It was only by uniting several masters of the same realm to besiege and kill a wounded demon that it succeeded.

Even so, some people died on the spot.

In this regard, Liu Shizong later also told Jiang Heng clearly that the master was really more than a star and a half away from the ?? level.

From this point of view, how did this Grandmaster Lu Yixin do it? Jiang Heng was very curious about this, and besides, he also wanted to help Lu Yixin. Since this person has ?? level abilities, the advantages of making friends with him outweigh the disadvantages.

The other party dared to send coffins and corpses to the palace, obviously with the determination to die.

Yu Li, Jiang Heng didn't want the Twelve Swords League to be destroyed. The Twelve Swords League and the previous Badaomen are like the two largest trees in the entire Bazhou Jianghu.

Most of the time, these two big trees sheltered the entire Bazhou rivers and lakes from wind and rain. Now that the big tree in Badaomen is gone, if the big tree in the Twelve Swords League is gone, the consequences can be imagined Know.

Unless Jiang Heng is planning to evacuate Bazhou recently, where can he go after leaving Bazhou?

Next door to Bazhou is the capital, and the capital is the den of dragons and tigers.

As for bypassing the capital to go to the coastal state capital or to the Jiangnan state capital, it is not advisable. The main reason is that this world is not a world where there were airplanes and high-speed trains in the previous life.

All these thousands of miles have to rely on the carriage to walk on their own legs.

It sounds easy, but it is actually full of difficulties. Who knows what will be encountered on the road in such a world? It would be fine if Jiang Heng was alone, but running around with a big family is really not an easy task.

"Just pull it if you can! I hope the response from the palace is not so fast!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help recalling the two people he saw during the day, and frowned slightly.

As long as it's not a superpower coming in person, Jiang Heng feels that he can survive a few tricks in the opponent's hands.

Touching his back, Jiang Heng smiled wryly, forgetting that the blood soldiers had already been sent to Juxian Villa for another forging.

"In the future, that boy Yu Shouren must also set up a mechanism on the blood soldier, otherwise it will be too conspicuous when carried on the body."

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking secretly, Gao He trotted out.

"Leader Jiang, my lord is here to invite you!"

Gao He smiled and welcomed Jiang Heng in.

The interior of the Twelve Swords League is actually not that big. It is several times smaller than the Badaomen. There are only two or three palaces, and some wing rooms for the disciples and elders of the sect. There is a latrine and a kitchen.

All the way through a relatively large school yard, then through two palaces, then around several corridors, and finally stamped outside a relatively remote and simple courtyard.

"My lord is inside, so I won't go in, Chief Jiang!" Leader Gao He stood aside with a smile when he got here, and had no plans to move on.

Looking at the simple farmyard in front of him, Jiang Heng was a little surprised, nodded and didn't think much about pushing the door in.

There is only a stone table and stone pier and a set of tea sets in the yard, and there is nothing else.

There was a person sitting on the stone pier. This person was wearing a plain gray robe. Seeing Jiang Heng coming in, he slightly raised his head and smiled and nodded.

"But Chief Jiang?"

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