Master of Fist

Chapter 455 Convincing others with reason

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Heng stretched out his hands and squeezed it hard, as if he wanted to crush the space with a loud bang.

I was completely shocked to see this scene of tiger killing. I never thought that the human beings in front of me would suddenly have the transformation ability of their orcs.

And this appearance is clearly the Sky Ape!

But at this moment, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and move forward, because Jiang Heng had already moved, and his huge size did not affect his speed in the slightest. He punched out layers of oppression without stopping, as if the whole sky was crushed.

Hu Slay's eight arms were smashed out at the same time, and the power belonging to Qingtian Yuan in his body surged out like a mountain roar and a tsunami.


Like two stars colliding, a terrifying force erupted at this moment.


Hu Sha let out a cry of pain and flew upside down hundreds of meters before stopping, feeling the pain in his arm and looking at Jiang Heng in disbelief.

On the other hand, Jiang Heng also retreated tens of meters, but quickly stabilized his figure, and just shook his hands slightly, as if it was just a negligible attack.

Seeing this situation, the head of the blue shark in the middle was already full of horror.

"How could it be?! You are obviously a human race, how could you have the power of a sky-sustaining ape."

At the same time, he was even more shocked. He himself also possessed the power of the Sky Ape, even if the other party also had the Sky Ape, he would not be at a disadvantage.

"Are you a human race or... The more you think about it, the more you think it's not right. Tiger Killer looked suspiciously at the form of the opponent's Sky Ape. How could a human race have this kind of power? The strength of the opponent is simply stronger than their beast race. Orcs.

"Surprised? It's a pity that you have the talent of Qingtian Ape, but you are dragged down by Blue Shark's talent. Blue Shark's water control talent is really tasteless!"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly with a hint of regret.

"!" Hearing the words, the head of the blue shark in the middle suddenly flushed red, as if he had been humiliated, he didn't care about other things, and rushed towards Jiang Heng like crazy.


A slight smile was drawn on the corner of Jiang Heng's mouth. Since he saw that the three heads were dominated by blue sharks, he must not be able to bear the provocation just now.

Sure enough, Hu Sha was completely enraged, and his eight arms rushed towards Jiang Heng like crazy.

Every punch carries terrifying strength, and every punch is enough to shatter ordinary planets.

"Too weak! You are too weak! The talent of the blue shark should be honestly hiding in the water!"

Jiang Heng greeted him with a wild smile, but Hu Sha was even more enraged when he heard the words, his eyes were red and even the other two heads roared like crazy.

bang bang bang!

Continuous explosions exploded in this cosmic space, and the orc warriors who came with Tiger Kill did not dare to approach this area at all at this time, but if they approached a little, they would be shaken into blood mist by the terrifying force that escaped .

The force dissipated from the fight between the two sides spread so widely that even the flying boat that was protected by the star shield kept shaking as if it was in the turbulent flow of meteorites.

But this also gave Feizhou great security protection. The spread of power directly staged the possibility of an attack by the orc army behind Tiger Kill, and the two sides just looked at each other from a distance.

The flying boat was extremely silent at this time, each of them clenched their fists and watched the scene nervously. Many people watched this scene in shock.

Most people can't even see the movements of Jiang Heng and Tiger Killing clearly, they can't even see the shadow clearly, they can only see a burst of light that is not an explosion in the distant space.

Compared with most of the people on Jinhuoxing, the warriors who have been following Jiang Heng seem much calmer, and they don't have much worry in their hearts. After all, the current momentum is much smaller than that of Bidou Ke that day.

Of course, they couldn't see the actions of the two sides clearly, let alone see that Jiang Heng's current form was Qingtian Ape.

This is also Jiang Heng's concern. He didn't use Qingtian Transformation until he was far away from the flying boat, and at the same time directly turned on the high-speed fighting mode to temporarily hide the news.

The main reason is that the form of the Qingtian Change is somewhat suspicious.

bang bang bang!

In the continuous confrontation, Jiang Heng was almost pressing down on the opponent and beating him. Even if the opponent's eight arms are really troublesome, it is not so easy to defeat the opponent all at once.

Jiang Heng was not in a hurry but enjoyed the process.

"Now that I have just mastered the Sky Transformation, I will take this opportunity to adapt to the increased strength and size!"

The more Jiang Hengyue played, the more he adapted, and his strength continued to grow.

On the other hand, Hu Sha's eyes were about to burst at this time, and his heart was extremely horrified.

"The other party is obviously just a human being, why is that so?!

The tiger is unwilling to kill, very unwilling, how much he has paid for his strength, how much he has gone through, but now he is being suppressed and beaten by a human being.

It was as if someone stomped on his face and said he was incompetent!

He couldn't help but think of what happened when he was on the home planet. At that time, he was just a follower of a middle-blooded orc, but he always had a heart that wanted to become stronger.

But when his thoughts were known by the middle-blooded orcs, he was laughed at severely, and at the same time he said a very realistic sentence.

"Birth determines everything, you are just a bastard of low blood."

At this time, those words seemed to echo in his mind again, stimulating every nerve in him.

He also hated his origin all the time, hated every drop of blood flowing on his body. At the same time, he longed for those superior bloodlines, longed for everything about them.

When he was told that he had the opportunity to change his talent, he agreed without thinking. It's just that he didn't expect that his talent had changed, but his own blood still existed.

He knew that his bloodline would affect his overall strength, but since he stepped into the upper class, he gradually forgot this.

Because few people can force him to use all his hidden strength, he usually solves some unpleasant things quietly and secretly. In the form of an explosion, he would completely tear up those guys who dared to laugh at his bloodline.

But today, when the other party mentioned this again, it was like a powder keg detonated, and he couldn't bear it at all.

Husha's three heads burst out at the same time, his fists roared, and at the same time, one of his arms held a giant stick and swept away.

In an instant, the space was oppressed layer by layer.

"Boom" a piercing loud noise!

Hu Sha only felt a shock in his body, and felt an irresistible and terrifying force venting into his body again from the fists bombarded by the opponent.

Unable to suppress the injury in his body anymore, a mouthful of blood sprayed out directly, and at the same time, his body was like a ball flying upside down, rolling and flying backwards.

But Jiang Heng just withdrew his fist, raised his fist again and at the same time dodged to approach, and then slammed out with a devastating punch again.

Hu Sha's eyes darkened, and he quickly activated his natural ability, the black river, to rush to resist in front of him.


The fist slammed into the water without stopping, and this water was actually a kind of extremely corrosive heavy water. Under the talent operation of tiger killing, it looks more solid.

Generally speaking, his defensive power is not bad, and he can rely on his ability to protect him in all directions. But compared with Qingtian Yuan's talent, it is extremely insufficient.

After a burst of violent shaking, the water burst instantly and turned into countless water droplets suspended around.

Hu Sha's complexion changed drastically, and when his consciousness moved, countless water droplets exploded in an instant, and the next moment they swished and shot towards Jiang Heng at the speed of light.

Jiang Heng grinned and let the water droplets crazily shoot to the surface of his body, he just raised his fist and continued to blast.

bang bang bang!

The sound of dense water droplets colliding sounded, and Jiang Heng's body was like an indestructible fetish that could not be shaken.

At this moment, in Hu Sha's eyes, his fist was like a guillotine about to fall.



Hu Sha's eyes were wide open, and he felt that all internal organs were smashed into a meat paste by the huge force that invaded the body.

Jiang Heng's face was calm and he slammed his elbow.

Hu Sha's eight arms quickly blocked.

The sound of "Kaka" resounded continuously, and Husha's arm was directly broken.

Jiang Heng didn't care about the opponent's actions at all, as soon as he flipped his hand, he would continue to slap the opponent's chest with his palm.


Hu Sha's veins were bulging all over his body, and another majestic current gushed out and directly enveloped him.

He punched the water curtain directly, and looked at Jiang Heng again and couldn't help but frown.

With a sweep of his eyes, he saw Hu Sha shrunk in size, turned around and flew away in the direction of the war beast.

"What the hell is this human being? No! He can never be a human being! You can't fight him any longer. If you fight him any longer, I will die, I will die!"

Roaring in his heart, Hu Sha went crazy and ran back desperately, as long as he escaped with the help of space war beasts, he would be safe.

if only....

"No! Let me go! Let me go! You are an ape, we are all orcs, spare my life! Spare my life!"

Feeling the pain of his ankle being directly crushed, Hu Sha yelled in horror.

"Don't worry, I only want the blood crystals in your body and the blood of Qingtian ape!"

The icy voice made Tiger's murderous Qi Kong smoke again, but unfortunately he was powerless to resist...

Looking at the three blood crystals in his hand, Jiang Heng was a little surprised.

"Is this guy a mutant?"

This was the first time that Jiang Heng discovered the orc with three blood crystals in his body. All the orcs he killed before had only one of them, no matter whether they were low-level, middle-level or even ancestor-level.

And this guy has three in his body at once.

"But mutation should be unlikely."

Jiang Heng shook his head, this thing doesn't look like cancer, can it proliferate infinitely?

If this is really the case, Jiang Heng is afraid that he will have to wake up laughing from his dream.

After putting away the blood crystal, his eyes fell on the huge strange corpse again.

"Bring it back to Senior Brother Lin to see, maybe he knows something."

At the same time, looking at the several war beasts that were about to flee in the distance, Jiang Heng's eyes flickered and his figure had disappeared.

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