Master of Fist

Chapter 456 Trouble

After a while, Jiang Heng slowly got to the deck to be spotless, and the resonance force on the body surface had already cleaned everything up without leaving any traces.

"Master...Master!" Zhou Fu stepped forward quickly, glanced at the large area of ​​severed limbs and legs that were almost destroyed by violence behind Jiang Heng, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Have someone prepare the rope, I will take all these corpses back!"


Without hesitation, Zhou Fu quickly called a group of people and let the flying boat move closer to the corpse. There were some steel cables mixed with high-quality materials in the flying boat. With the help of these steel cables, large objects could be easily dragged.

After the flying boat approached, thousands of warriors began to fly out towards the corpses of war beasts and tigers. Fortunately, the corpse of the tiger was killed, but the corpse of the war beast was extraordinarily huge, each of which was equivalent to one third of the size of the flying boat, which required a lot of steel cables.

Fortunately, space travel is a gravity-free environment. It is not a matter of whether the spaceship can be successfully launched with so many huge objects on the surface of the star.

Everything was busy, and it was not done until four or five hours before the spaceship entered the speed of light again and sailed towards the city of Tianchen.

And many people on the deck were still very interested in pointing at the several huge war beast corpses and tiger corpses dragged by the tail of the spaceship.

"Hiss! Such a big guy."

"It's really shocking. The war beasts of the orcs are so huge when viewed up close. No wonder they can hold so many orcs."

"Do you think those orcs were all killed by Mr. Jiang's punch?"

"That's for sure. Master Jiang can shatter stars with one punch. How can the beasts inside survive if all the war beasts are dead?"

"The superior existence is really not as powerful as we can imagine!"

Everyone on the deck was amazed. There were not only warriors participating in the battle, but also many civilians. The warriors had some common sense, but those civilians were really shocked. It is estimated that the most shocking scene I have ever seen in my life is before my eyes.

As Jiang Heng's disciple, Zhou Fu was not much better at this time. No matter how many times he watched it, he was still amazed. He had watched it carefully before, and Master killed a war beast with one punch.

Compared with the war beast, the tiger kill is the most resistant, and it just lasted for a long time.

Fortunately, Zhou Fu had seen Jiang Heng's previous fights, and he had also seen several big shots with Zhou Yu before, and he was shocked, but he didn't show it to the outside.


Zhou Fu thought of his business and led a group of people to knock on Jiang Heng's door.


Zhou Fu entered the room, accompanied by more than a dozen warriors holding large wooden barrels. Although the barrels were bigger than people, it seemed a bit difficult for several warriors to carry them.

This wooden barrel is nothing but the blood extracted from the tiger kill, and the mass density of the high-level blood is far beyond what ordinary people can compare.

"Master, this is the animal blood extracted from the ancestor-level beast clan!"

Zhou Fu bowed and said, a little curious in his heart, but he knew that he should not ask more questions.

"Well, back off!"

After everyone closed the door and retreated, Jiang Hengxuan immediately set his eyes on several large barrels.

The potential field was slightly activated, and immediately several wooden barrel lids opened by themselves, and a strong bloody smell instantly permeated the whole room.

The extremely strong and even nauseating bloody smell made Jiang Heng frown slightly.

"This thing seems to have fused the blood of a Sky-Speed ​​Ape, and I don't know what it is. But his blood and blood crystals should be able to extract a lot of Sky-Sky Ape's blood."

Thinking secretly about Jiang Heng's big hand move, suddenly several vats of blood in front of his eyes floated up like weightlessness and floated slowly towards Jiang Heng.

Jiang Heng's palm trembled slightly, and the red blood gushed out instantly, covering all the blood in front of him, and a terrifying high temperature rose in the blood.

Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the blood in the qi and blood began to concentrate continuously. At the same time, a burst of qi gushes out and seeps into the blood, like a high-precision instrument, and begins to search for the ingredients in it.


At this time, in Jiang Heng's senses, a sea of ​​blood appeared in his mind, but the sea of ​​blood showed three forms, one was soft and soft, one was extremely sharp, and the other was violent.

The three kinds of blood did not mix together, but they were distinct and opposed.

This situation made Jiang Heng a little surprised. To be able to fuse into one body, the blood would at least be mixed together, but the three were forced into one body as if they were forcibly spliced ​​together.

"It's amazing that it hasn't exploded yet!"

Jiang Heng clicked his tongue in amazement, this is an obvious reason. For example, Jiang Heng's practice of Qingtian Bian also adopts the situation of refining first, first refining it with Qi and blood, removing the corrosive power in it and only retaining the power of blood in it, and then refining it in the body again. So Jiang Heng still didn't dare to absorb it directly, but stored it in the acupoints.

It is only pulled and used when performing Qingtian Transformation, and usually Jiang Heng will not let it leave the acupoint at all.

Even if he used Qingtian Bian, when the blood that did not belong to him was flowing freely in his body, Jiang Heng still felt extremely uncomfortable in his body, with a feeling of bursting blood vessels.

This is due to the operating route of Qingtian Bian, but now the tiger kill can perfectly integrate the three, and it does not even cause conflicts in normal times, and the three are clearly separated and very peaceful, which is very strange.

"This monster is very weird. I hope Senior Brother Lin can see something when he brings it back."

Jiang Heng shook his head and began to decompose and extract the blood of the Qingtian ape with all his heart. With the help of the precision of the Qi machine, Jiang Heng began to separate it from the other two blood veins little by little.

After half an hour, Jiang Heng couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.


"Finally finished!"

Jiang Heng found that his clothes were already soaked in sweat. Every time he started to separate the blood of the Qingtian ape, the other two bloods would start to fight back. It was just such a little bit of counterattack with those two bloods, Jiang Heng wasted so much much time.

Jiang Heng frowned, and stretched his big hand directly into the two blood vessels, using the power of the ball, to absorb it with a single brain.

These two bloodlines made Jiang Heng a little annoyed. After absorbing and venting them, Jiang Heng let out a sigh of relief.

His eyes once again fell on the only remaining Qingtian ape blood, and Jiang Heng did not hesitate to absorb it again.

At the same time, he turned his hand, and a round blood crystal appeared in his hand, it was the blood crystal of Qingtian Ape.

There are three blood crystals in Husha's body, and almost every level is a high level.

The blood crystal energy also flows into the ball.

"Okay! Let's start!"

Jiang Heng began to close his eyes and use his full strength to execute the movement route of the Ape, and at the same time, the power of the Ape's blood in the ball began to feedback rapidly.


half moon——

Looking around, the population of Tianchen City has been increasing. Not only the houses in the city are crowded, but also the barracks outside the city are crowded. Now you can see many helpers starting to expand the foundation near the port, and many warriors who participated in the war also joined Among them, several middle-level fighters are in charge of supervising the work.

The housing in the city is tight, not only the housing is tight, but also the food in the city is in short supply, although high-level and middle-level warriors can reduce their food intake by virtue of their huge energy absorption rate during cultivation.

But many low-level warriors have an extremely large demand for food. It's okay for ordinary people to say that these low-level warriors are just at the moment when they have a huge demand for food.

Now some orc corpses that were originally hoarded for alchemy and other uses began to be dismembered and then cooked for the warriors in the city to eat temporarily.

Even so, the reserves of Tianchen City are getting thinner day by day......

At this time, the City Lord's Mansion——

"City Lord Yue, our reserves are seriously insufficient right now." An elder cried to City Lord Yue Shan with a bitter face.

"That's right, City Lord, the current rations for common people have been changed from one meal a day to one meal of porridge a day, so it can only last for one month!" Another deacon in charge of logistics said helplessly.

Listening to the description of the two, Yue Shan sat on the chair with a sullen face and was speechless for a moment.

After a while, Yue Shan sighed, "Let's give some of the rations of the warriors in the city to the common people!"

"No way, city lord, even if the corpses of the orcs are processed, they are not something civilians can touch. There are still some food reserves, but those are for the city lord's mansion..."

"Give it to the civilians, and if you can last one more day, you can last one more day!"


"Nothing but, warriors can eat animal meat, why can't the people in the city lord's mansion eat it? How can the city lord not eat it? And I will discuss with other senior brothers to change their rations to animal meat temporarily. Ordinary people can survive for a few more months."

City Lord Yue Shan said firmly.

"But the city lord, even if it is like this, the animal meat in the city can't last for two months." The elder was a little helpless. Right now, the food in the city is carefully calculated, and it is almost two portions of one piece of meat.

"Moreover, people from the rescue continue to return, so let alone two months, it's hard to say whether it can last a month!"

The more Yue Shan heard it, the more he frowned.

"Hey, is there a way to expand the space wormhole?"

The reason why these various predicaments can appear at the moment is mainly because the space wormhole is damaged and cannot communicate with the outside world. The material supply that was originally once a month has now been cut off.

Otherwise, there is no need to worry about such a small problem as food.

Hearing that the elder and the deacon both shook their heads bitterly, they couldn't solve the problems that even high-ranking figures could not solve.

Yue Shan also sighed helplessly. He didn't know how difficult it is to expand the space wormhole. To expand the space wormhole to the original level, at least ten superiors must transmit energy at the same time.

But right now there is no such condition at all.

Yue Shan waved his hand and made the two of them retreat in annoyance, and then stood alone in front of the window, looking at the dim lights outside the city, his mind was full of thoughts.

Da da!

At this moment, a series of crisp footsteps came.

"Master, there is news of entering the port. Master Jiang's flying boat has returned." Xiaoyue walked in quickly, her tone obviously tinged with excitement.

"What? Are you happy?"

Yue Shan looked at Xiaoyue with some doubts, it was just an ordinary thing, so it was strange to be so happy.

"Master, it's good news! Lord Jiang heard that he had beheaded another ancestor-level orc, and is now dragging the body back to the voyage!"

Xiaoyue's face was filled with joy, and her eyebrows danced for a while.

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