Master of Fist

Chapter 629 Psionic Energy

"How many branches like this are there in the spiritual world?"

Jiang Heng thought about it and couldn't help being a little curious.

The other party listened and said without thinking: "In the spiritual world, there are a total of 121 main cities, and there are also 121 Wanbaozhai branches."

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but gasped. He originally thought that the number would not be many, but now it seems that with so many branches, any one of them has a channel to receive demigod-level powerhouses and even sell god-level items.

It can be said that although Wanbaozhai may not be as powerful as the three major forces, it is not inferior to the three major forces in terms of channels, and may even beat them.

While thinking about it, the other party led Jiang Heng to a private room and offered him a strange drink.

Jiang Heng sipped it casually, and his eyes lit up immediately.

Immediately after drinking it quickly and continuously, this thing actually has the effect of increasing the soul. After drinking Jiang Heng, the soul feels as comfortable as a fish in water.

"Senior, this is Lingming tea, which belongs to the special product of the spiritual world and cannot be bought by the outside world. It has the effect of slightly increasing the soul and eliminating the exhaustion of the soul."

Seeing that Jiang Heng likes it so much, the other party also refills the tea for him with a smile.

Hearing that Jiang Heng didn't bother about it, he looked around and then his eyes fell on the woman standing beside him again.

"You...are you going to stay with me all the time?"

Seeing the other party's attitude of providing services exclusively for him, Jiang Heng was surprised. According to the lowest standard of the spiritual world, the other party might also be a domain master-level powerhouse.

It’s nothing more than domain masters working here, and Jiang Heng was amazed to serve others so calmly and humbly.

"Yes!" The woman nodded with a smile, "Wanbaozhai pays attention to seniors who come here for the first time, especially those like you."

"I'm like this?" Jiang Heng didn't understand what was special about him?

"Of course, although you didn't reveal anything, I have received many new seniors, and most of them immediately asked us about the free sponsorship of Wanbaozhai. Some may be eager to exchange for money, while others are I felt worried and asked many times about the relationship between sponsorship funds and credit cards and whether the credit card could not be processed for the time being.

However, you, senior, are different. When you came, you directly asked me about the situation of Wanbaozhai. You wanted to get a comprehensive understanding of our Wanbaozhai first. This shows that you may have a long-term idea of ​​cooperating with Wanbaozhai. At the same time, you didn't ask about the sponsorship money at the first time, so you may have many channels to obtain psychic powers, or you are worth a lot of money. "

As the woman's words gradually finished, Jiang Heng couldn't help but look at her differently.

Can any Wanbaozhai maid have such vision, or is it just this one?

"What's your name?"

"Senior, my name is Hong Tao!" The maid Hong Tao respectfully said again.

"You keep calling me senior? Aren't you also a domain master?" Jiang Heng still couldn't help asking.

Hearing this, Hongtao froze for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Senior, you must have been misled by some people's generalization."


Is not it?

"Senior, the minimum requirement for entering the spiritual world is indeed the domain master level, but in fact, there are many spirit bodies below the domain master level in the spiritual world. These people are generally divided into three categories.

First, it is brought in by a demigod, and the soul of the demigod can directly help others open the passage to the spiritual world. Second, there are certain black households. These people were not brought in by the strong, nor did they enter by their own ability. Instead, it took advantage of some hidden weak areas of the spiritual world to take advantage of the loopholes.

This kind of weak area has always existed, and now the major city lords and our Wanbaozhai are organizing manpower to strengthen and repair it.

Theoretically, this behavior of exploiting loopholes has violated the taboo of the spiritual world. The spiritual world cannot communicate with the real world frequently, but that kind of weak area may cause turbulence in the spiritual world under the excavation of those who are interested, so such behaviors are strictly prohibited by the city masters and Wanbaozhai of the spiritual world.

Once discovered, it will never be lightly forgiven.

And the third is the local residents of the spiritual world. The ancestors of these people were the creatures imagined in the mind of the creator of this world, the ancient soul god.

Known as the soul of this god, what he thinks in his heart is reality..."

"So, Miss Heart, you are..."

"That's right! I'm indeed a member of the Spirit Race. In fact, my soul level is equivalent to the level of the Lord of the Galaxy who just entered the galaxy. So it's only natural to call you Senior."

Hearts frankly admitted.

"Spiritual Race?" Jiang Heng wanted to perceive the other party a little bit with his thoughts. Compared with the race imagined by the ancient gods, it sounds unusual.

"Senior, in fact, the spirit race is a race that lives in the state of soul. We don't have flesh and blood. What we have is this special spirit body, which is an existence between your flesh and blood body and your spiritual body. We can convert each other if necessary."

While Hongtao was speaking, she saw a kind of fluctuation on her body surface. Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng could clearly feel the qi and blood fluctuations in the opponent's body.

The spiritual world perceives the power of qi and blood, how strange this situation is.

However, it was only for an instant that Hearts switched back to the spirit body state again.

"It's also because of the particularity of our race, even in the Wanbaozhai branch in the real world, there are quite a few members of our Spirit Race who are in charge of the operation.

If we encounter danger, we can even escape into the spiritual world with our whole body, without worrying about the destruction of our physical body. "

Hongtao had a great time talking, but Jiang Heng was a little speechless.

This particularity of the spirit race is simply an expert in being the downfall of the yin and yang worlds,

Of course, after hearing this, Jiang Heng also knew for the first time that whatever the God of Soul thinks in his heart can be turned into reality.

"I don't know what is special about other gods."

Jiang Heng found that he quite liked chatting with Hearts. Although the opponent's strength is a little weaker, but the opponent's experience definitely beats him by several blocks.

"Okay, that's all. Since Miss Heart said that I didn't ask about the credit card, why don't you give me a detailed introduction. The outside world doesn't have a good reputation for credit cards."

Jiang Heng joked, of course he was trying to find a way to get a credit card. The main reason is that the credit card withdrawal limit is really life-saving sometimes when it is urgently needed.

"I thought you didn't intend to ask, senior." Heart was a little surprised, and then said with a smile: "In fact, many people's evaluation of our credit card is a bit alarmist.

I know there must be a lot of people out there programming credit cards. But why does our Wanbaozhai credit card have a bad reputation, yet there are still countless strong people who will apply for one? "

This Jiang Heng didn't know. After thinking about it, he thought of a possibility. Just as he was about to speak, Heart had already started talking.

"Credit card is related to the level of our Wanbaozhai customers. Like applying for a credit card for the first time, we Wanbaozhai will conduct a preliminary screening of the handler. The potential of the soul age is used to evaluate the initial credit score of the handler.

It's like a soul passed the test not long ago, and the soul's age is only two thousand, and it can be regarded as a domain master. Such a talented newcomer naturally has a very high score in Wanbaozhai, and may directly reach the second-level medium potential level. As a result, his credit card can draw up to a million psionic powers.

After that, the credit card also affects the guest level. In addition to the social status requirements, if you want to be eligible to go to the upper floors, this credit score also needs to meet the standard. "

This Jiang Heng was a little thoughtful. Like the Sika we met earlier, this person has broken the contract and broken promises many times, so his reputation evaluation is extremely low, and he is listed as a low-quality customer.

If he hadn't worked for Wanbaozhai for so long for free, otherwise he would have been directly arrested by Wanbaozhai and forced him to find a way to repay the money.

Regarding this, Jiang Heng can only sigh with emotion, isn't the god who created the spiritual world really a reborn person like himself?

Of course, I heard from Hongtao that the biggest reason why so many strong people are attracted to apply is because of Wanbaozhai's channels. Maybe many strong people need things that the outside world does not have, and only Wanbaozhai has them.

The benefits of such customer levels are reflected.

The higher the customer level, the more meticulous care they can enjoy.

"Then ask Miss Heart to apply for a credit card for me."

Jiang Heng didn't hesitate to directly choose to handle the business, because the credit card is really indispensable, not to mention hearing from Heart, the interest rate is not absolute. Their interest belongs to the psychic energy that has been withdrawn from the credit card. It will not generate any interest if it is not withdrawn. It only needs to pay one hundred energy crystals every 100 years.

In addition, the higher the level of the credit card, the less interest will be required to withdraw the spiritual power in the future.

Hongtao took Jiang Heng to the window on the first floor, discussed with the lady who handled it, and soon it was Jiang Heng's turn, and handed over the Wanbao order. After asking Jiang Heng for his name, he took Jiang Heng Go across to another compartment.

"Senior, here we will conduct a simple soul age test for you to evaluate as a new user!"

Heart patiently explained to Jiang Heng, Jiang Heng nodded and let the other party manipulate him.

This room is not big, but there is a strange utensil inlaid with many inscriptions on the top of the head. Just stood in front of this thing for a while, and Heart told him it was fine.

"Senior, I really didn't expect that your soul age is less than a hundred years old! My God, this is unimaginable, a hundred-year-old domain master! I don't think I can serve you anymore!"

Heart covered her small mouth with disbelief and regret at the same time.


Jiang Heng was suspicious, Heart's service attitude is still very good.

"Of course it won't be me anymore. With your potential, your credit card should be evaluated as a first-level credit card at the beginning, and there will be higher-level personnel to serve you."

Having said that, Heart is quite happy, after all, she discovered this client, and she can have many advantages compared to her.

Jiang Heng was thoughtful, the machine is a bit interesting, it can check his actual age so accurately.

As for the reputation level, Jiang Heng came this time with the mentality of gaining knowledge. Now the other party said that the initial credit level will be level one, he still doesn't feel much.

"Is there any privilege for having a credibility level of one?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Of course there are many privileges. For example, if you want to handle business in the future, you don't need to wait on the first floor, and someone will serve you. In addition, the maximum withdrawal amount of the credit card will be increased to one million powers, and the interest rate will be reduced to Fifty percent of the original. And if you participate in our auction here, you will have a private room that belongs to you alone."

Jiang Hengyue was even more astonished when he heard this, the train of thought was very familiar!

Isn't it just VIP!

After chatting for a while, Jiang Heng asked again after thinking about it.

"I heard that your Wanbaozhai has many treasures and secret methods of martial arts. It can be said that there is nothing you can't buy here. Then I would like to ask if you have spiritual martial arts or related items that can improve spiritual combat effectiveness?"

Now that he has stepped into the domain master level spiritual body, he has been stagnant in the development of spiritual power. To put it nicely, it seems that I have discovered a lot of little tricks. However, in the eyes of many domain masters, these are nothing more than tricks.

Now that I finally came to this kind of place, I naturally had to inquire about it.

"Spiritual power, that is, soul weapon martial arts? Of course we have this. Although the soul class does not involve so much, it is more cumbersome and complicated.

In fact, every soul item has a high price in the spiritual world. It's like a domain master-level soul weapon. It was auctioned here a few days ago and sold for a high price of 100,000 high-grade psionic power. "

As Hongtao said, the high-grade spiritual power she mentioned, that is, the high-grade spiritual power worth one million points, was specifically named out because the owners of some items that were sent to the auction only needed to buy them from above. Waiting for the spiritual energy refined from the warrior.

This speaks of a theory of purity. Generally speaking, in the general cognition of the spiritual world, the souls of ordinary people are very heterogeneous, and the stronger the soul, the stronger and purer it is.

The reason why many people pursue purity is related to another thing, spiritual energy refining method.

This is a secret method that can be learned for free almost as long as one lives in the spiritual world for a period of time.

It has only one function, that is to refine spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy refined by this method can directly absorb and increase the strength of the soul.

Just like Jiang Heng devoured the soul of King Langmu before, but he didn't filter it with psionic refining method, so it was very mixed, and it would affect his own soul level over time.

In the same way, although psionic power is a hard currency here, it also depends on the kind of psionic power.

Ordinary people's psionic energy has the lowest value, and generally auctions that are on the table will not collect such things.

This has also led to the psionic power of most low-level warriors becoming a commonly recognized hard currency.

After all, compared to the psionic abilities of ordinary people, even if the fighters are the worst, they are still better than ordinary people.

And Wanbaozhai's free sponsorship and credit card can be withdrawn are the psionic level of the lowest martial artist.

As the heart just said, it is a special case. Or maybe the seller just happened to be short of 100,000 high-level spiritual powers.

"However, that soul-type weapon is quite special. Although it is only at the domain master level, its power is not bad. In fact, compared to soul-type weapons, soul-type martial arts are cheaper.

Right now, Wanbaozhai has recorded no less than 10,000 kinds of soul weapons. If you need it, I can show you the list. "

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