Master of Fist

Chapter six hundred and thirtieth dog blood

"Oh! I am extremely happy!" Jiang Heng naturally wanted to see the so-called soul weapons.

Even if it costs millions of psychic powers that can be withdrawn, it is not hesitating. As for how to repay the loan?

This Jiang Heng didn't have too much worry. He could choose to repay the loan within ten years or within a hundred years.

Heart Tao also left unambiguously and walked in holding a jade slip-like thing after a while.

"This is the Shenyue Jade, and you can instantly browse all the things in it through the spiritual body perception!" Said Hongtao has already handed over the Shenyue Jade.

After receiving Yueshen Yujiang Heng, he probed into it after a little groping, and soon countless knowledge flooded into his mind.

There are so many things on this Shenshen jade, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as all-inclusive.

Among them, it is generally divided into several categories, including weapons, magic tools, secret methods, martial arts, knowledge, and materials.

Among them, weapons and magic tools are divided into ordinary and spiritual. Needless to say, secret arts and martial arts, as for knowledge, they belong more to omnic life.

Even Jiang Heng saw blueprints that were not related to machinery in this category. Among them was an armor named Phantom God Armor. According to the above description, this is a super-giant mecha with a scale of 100,000 meters. Its power is even Comparable to domain masters!

In addition, there are many drawings of the same level on it. The master-level blueprints seem to be wholesale, but the price is more expensive than the other.

As for weapons, there are quite a few common ones, and the price of domain master-level weapons is generally around 100,000 for high-grade psionic power. This is only the last time. As for the slightly better ones, it can reach 500,000 energy crystals, or even a million energy crystals, or millions of nearly tens of millions.

As for spiritual weapons, it is even more terrifying. It turns out that the 300,000 high-grade psychic powers mentioned above are just ordinary goods, and the ones that are slightly better can be worth millions or even hundreds of millions.

And these are only at the domain master level. As for the demigod level, there are only a hundred or so pieces above, and each of them is ridiculously expensive, ranging from billions of dollars, and many of them cannot be purchased with ordinary psionic power. Spirituality will do. There are often tens of millions of spirit matter.

After reading these Jiang Heng only felt that he was really poor.

"If you need spiritual weapons, I suggest you buy this Ling Yuesuo, the price is relatively affordable."

Listening to the object pointed by the heart, Jiang Heng looked at it. Ling Yuesuo looked like a small needle, made of silver, with rather complicated inscriptions on it. Other than that, what was more special about this object was that it looked like a small needle. It looks a little translucent.

It should be said that most of the spiritual weapons have such an illusory appearance that can be directly incorporated into their respective spirits.

As for the price of this item, Jiang Heng couldn't help but gasp, it actually required 10,000 high-grade spiritual powers!

This should belong to the most inferior spiritual weapons.

If so, the price is based on the 1:100 exchange ratio of high-level spiritual power and low-level spiritual power. That is to say, Jiang Heng’s credit card’s exchange quota of one million low-level spiritual powers will be exhausted before it can be exchanged for one. this thing.

Jiang Heng had a toothache.

"I definitely need spiritual weapons. If there is an additional spiritual weapon, it will definitely be invincible to the enemy in the future!"

Jiang Heng knew that things like spiritual weapons were invisible and qualityless, and ordinary people couldn't defend against them at all.

Just thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng turned his eyes to the aspect of spiritual martial arts, and after a rough reading, Jiang Heng frowned suddenly.

"It's so expensive!"

The cheapest of the spiritual martial arts above cost 100,000 first-class psionic powers!

That's 10 million low-level psychic powers!

Jiang Heng was depressed, but after reading the introduction of spiritual martial arts, he felt that these things were worth the money.

Many spiritual martial arts have the soul out of the body and have a very strong lethal ability, such as spiritual puncture, which can seriously injure the domain master in the early stage if caught off guard.

Another example is ghost killing, palming tens of thousands of soul tentacles and scrolling in all directions, etc...

There are also demigod-level spiritual martial arts, and the number is also very small, only dozens of books. There is one Jiang Heng who is more interested, and it turns out to be an incarnation outside the body.

The principle seems to be to divide one's own spiritual body into two in a certain way, one occupies one's physical body, and the other can take it away or choose to refine the physical body.

It can be said that no matter which one is dead, the other is also himself, and the two share the same vision and the same mind, the strength that the two can play together is by no means as simple as one plus one.

However, Jiang Heng was just looking at these things, and in the end he gritted his teeth and decided to buy Ling Yuesuo.

It is indeed cheap, and he can't afford it no matter how expensive it is.

Jiang Heng simply asked Heart to help with the process, and after only a cup of tea, Jiang Heng received the delicate box handed over by Heart in the reception room.

"Senior, spiritual weapons need to be wrapped with this kind of equipment made of soul wood. If it is not necessary, try to open this thing as little as possible. Of course, you can also sacrifice it directly. The method of sacrifice is very simple, just drop a drop of soul Just blood!"

To put it bluntly, the soul blood is the source of the soul. Jiang Heng carefully opened the box, and there was indeed a thin silver needle in it, which was somewhat illusory and transparent.

Controlling himself with a wave of Jiang Heng's hand, the first green translucent water drops fell on the surface of the object.

The water drop fell into it and disappeared instantly. Almost at the same time, Jiang Heng also clearly felt an extension of his mind, and this extension was Ling Yuesuo.

Has it become part of your own thoughts?

Jiang Heng felt that manipulating Ling Yuesuo was like manipulating his own mind to do whatever he wanted.

This is incomparable to holding a weapon in the flesh, as if Ling Yuesuo is a part of his own consciousness, and it will move with his mind.

I saw Ling Yuesuo, who was lying quietly in the box, was constantly flying in the air, like a naughty child cheerfully and freely.

Jiang Heng thought it was interesting, but seeing that the hearts were still there, he still resisted the idea of ​​continuing, and then saw Ling Yuesuo disappear into Jiang Heng's eyebrows with a turn.

It was as if he was one with Jiang Heng, without the slightest discomfort.

When the spirit is separated from the spiritual world, Jiang Heng still feels like he is in a dream.

"Wanbaozhai? Ling Yuesuo?"

Jiang Heng touched and found that the Wanbao Token was indeed still in his hands, and immediately he hooked up the Wanbao Token again, and soon he entered the spiritual world again.

Withdrawing again, Jiang Heng has completely believed that this is not a dream.

With a thought, Ling Yuesuo flew out from between the eyebrows as if in the spiritual world, like a flying sword as thin as a hair, constantly circling and shuttling in mid-air.

It's just that this thing is invisible to others, only Jiang Heng can see it, and this thing can't cause any harm to the entities in the real world at all, and even passes through the objects directly.

"Only for the soul?"

Jiang Heng's thoughts spread rapidly, and almost instantly included everything in the vicinity in his mind.

Several streets away from here, this is a dirty and smelly dark alleyway.

Several burly men were holding a woman's white arm and pulling it in.

"Haha! You little girl thought this was some kind of empire?"

"Hey! Brother, what are you talking about with this bitch. The bodyguards of this bitch are already dead. This woman is not allowed to be manipulated by us now. Besides, those who came from the empire are either fugitives or enemies. Even if he dies here, who knows."

"Yes, yes, yes! Today we are going to eat meat, which is a rare commodity. Tsk tsk, look at this white and tender skin, it looks like you can pinch water."

"That's right, those women in the abandoned land have very dry skin. It's really the first time I've seen such a woman. Come, come, let's go together!"

The three big men said that they were going to do some indescribable things according to the woman.

"No! father is the Emperor of the Empire, and I...I am Princess Chenxi!"

Although the woman was extremely frightened, she mustered up her courage and trembled.

"Princess Dawn?"

Hearing this, several people were taken aback, and their movements couldn't help but pause.

But soon several people burst into roars of laughter.

"Haha! I laughed so hard, your father is still the Emperor of the Empire? Then the young master is the Emperor of the Empire's father!"

"Princess Chenxi? The princess will come to this place? This is an abandoned place, you bitch won't make up a better lie to scare people!"

Several people laughed immediately, they had seen someone who frightened people before, but they had never seen anyone who frightened people like this.

"My father is really the emperor of the empire. The reason why he came here is to find the general!"

The woman's face flushed red, but she continued to speak.

"What general? Well, we brothers don't have the time to listen to your nonsense!"

The leader waved his hand. He had never heard of such a general, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it. He immediately winked at the two brothers. The three of them were a little impatient.

Seeing lewd smiles on several people's faces, the woman couldn't help but her legs went limp and she sat down on the ground, trembling uncontrollably all over.

"Don't be afraid, little girl, the uncles will love you well, haha!"

While laughing, the leader was about to touch the pair of plump parts, but his movements were normal, and suddenly he stopped in place as if he was stuck.

"Brother, why are you moaning..."

The people beside me just reminded them, and then they also froze in place.

Feeling the disappearance of the surrounding voices, the woman looked up tremblingly, her pretty face couldn't help but froze. The few people in front of them seemed to have stopped suddenly.

Even the expression remained unchanged from the previous second.

Bang bang bang!

The next moment, the three burly men suddenly fell to the ground one by one as if they had completely lost their internal support, motionless.

This scene made the woman turn pale with fright, she cautiously stretched out her hand to check the breath of several people, but there was no breath, and the chest stopped heaving.

Just when the woman was puzzled, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.


Not only did the sudden voice not startle the woman, but it made her look ecstatic.

"Is it Uncle General?" Li Xiaoxi's face was full of excitement, as if seeing the closest person in his life, his eyes couldn't help turning red.

"Xiao Xi, why are you here?"

As soon as Jiang Heng finished speaking, the body of the leader on the ground stood up again.

This startled Li Xiaoxi, and quickly stepped back.

"Don't be afraid, it's me!" Jiang Heng said again.

"Is it really you, Uncle General?" Although he heard a familiar voice, Li Xiaoxi was still extremely cautious.

"Of course, I attended your birthday dinner last year, don't you remember?" Jiang Heng smiled.

Hearing that Li Xiaoxi didn't doubt anymore, he ran into Jiang Heng's arms and began to cry bitterly.

"Uncle General finally found you! Finally found you!"

She kept repeating this sentence sentence by sentence, her voice was trembling and even more nasal as she cried.

"Okay! It's all right."

Jiang Heng patted the little girl's head helplessly, and at the same time he couldn't help being curious. He just wanted to test Ling Yuesuo's strength, but he never thought that he could see the little daughter of the emperor's family.

This feeling is very magical, as unreal as if the second dimension suddenly ran into reality.

Who is Li Xiaoxi?

The youngest princess in the empire, and she is deeply loved by the emperor, and she is named after Chenxi, which shows how much she loves her.

On weekdays, the emperor loves this little daughter meticulously, and he is often escorted by masters when he comes in and out. Let alone a place like the abandoned land, even if he leaves the imperial capital, the emperor will be worried.

Right now this...

"By the way, you haven't said why you came here?"

Jiang Heng was full of confusion. If possible, he would ask Brother Changchun to send Li Xiaoxi back temporarily.

Hearing this, Li Xiaoxi wrinkled Xiao Qiong's nose, wiped away her tears, lowered her little head and said timidly: " father asked me to come."

"Do you think I'm that easy to deceive?"

Jiang Heng looked at the little girl seriously, this little girl still wanted to lie to him, she had already told him everything on her mind.

"You fell in love with Young Master Yang? You ran away with him!!!"

After carefully reading the voice in the other party's mind, Jiang Heng frowned.

This son of the Yang family is none other than the eldest son of the former military minister, Mr. Yang, a gentleman who is now nearly two thousand years old!

Now Li Xiaoxi actually fell in love with the son of the Yang family who lived two thousand years old?

Let's not talk about anything else, what is the state of the Li family now? It is already in a state of being liquidated and questioned. If it wasn't for the fact that Yang's parents had been away from home all the time, they would have been arrested and brought to justice long ago.

Now for some reason, he hooked up with a stupid woman like Li Xiaoxi, and then lured her to elope and flee the empire to the abandoned land together.

Li Xiaoxi's pretty face was completely pale as paper at this time, at first she wanted to use excuses to hide it from the general, but she didn't expect the general to see through her thoughts at a glance.

"I heard from my father that the general's strength is unfathomable, but this..."

How can this be described as unfathomable, it can be described as unpredictable.

Li Xiaoxi didn't know what to say for a moment, his face was both pale and ashamed of being exposed a lie.

"Now that kid from the Yang family is leaving you alone?"

After saying this, Jiang Heng continued to look at Li Xiaoxi, in fact, he was waiting for her thoughts, and this question was just an introduction.

'Of course Yang Lang didn't leave me alone, he said he would come back soon after going out to do some business, should I take the general to see him now? '

Hearing what Li Xiaoxi was thinking, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly.

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