Master of Fist

Chapter 926 Blitz!

And in the center of the crowd of demigods, there are nearly a thousand demigods covered in red all gathered together. These are the main battle members of the Asura Legion.

After these people gathered together, it was like a whole that quickly connected all the individuals together, and the overall strength skyrocketed.

At this moment, with thousands of demigods as the core, a piece of Dinghaishenzhen is formed in the invisible and monstrous waves.

In fact, these scenes fell in the eyes of the onlookers in the hall at this time, and it looked like they were performing a mime.

The people in Shura's resident are like fighting ghosts, fighting with a group of invisible and intangible enemies.

If it weren't for the formation of the battle formation, an extremely strong shield would be formed around the periphery of the battle formation.

If it weren't for the constant shaking of the shield surface and the continuous explosion of sparks, everyone would have suspected that the members of the Asura Legion were out of their minds.

And after something hit the shield and exploded, everyone finally knew what it was that attacked Shura's garrison.

It was a diamond-shaped metal creation, and everyone could tell that it was a small piercing attack ship based on their knowledge.

If it weren't for these small attack ships colliding with the shield and breaking, it seems to affect the internal equipment and get out of the invisible state, I'm afraid everyone still can't really understand what the enemy is until now.

But now everyone knows that the only one who can have this kind of method is the omnic legion of the super-dimensional kingdom of God.

For a moment, everyone in the hall was breathing heavily.

However, blurry screens appeared on the screen soon, and then the screen was completely black, as if the photographer had died in battle.

It wasn't until this moment that everyone slowly came back to their senses, Rao Shi still showed astonishment, suspicion and bewilderment on their faces.

"This is ten minutes ago, when an investigative demigod who served in the Asura Legion shared his perspective. Now this brother seems to be in danger.

The war started, and it started quietly. What do you guys think when you see these? "

General Huo sat back on the main seat, folded his hands and looked at the crowd and said in a low voice.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a long time.

"Xingyun, you have a good brain, tell me what you think!"

After being named, Xingyun kept his brows tightly furrowed, but still got up slowly, pondered for a while before saying: "This... this is a long-planned war!

The super-dimensional kingdom of God not only deceived us, but also the entire southern border and even the entire universe.

Before that, no one would think that the super-dimensional kingdom of God could make any big moves this time. But considering that our southern border is not the southern border of two million years ago. So the super-dimensional kingdom of God is probably trying to make some real achievements in the main universe plane this time! "

"Keep talking!" General Huo nodded.

Xingyun coughed lightly, straightened his thoughts and continued: "From the information just now, we can see that the super-dimensional kingdom of God hides a big killer this time. It seems that the people of the Shura Legion cannot distinguish the trajectories of those invisible attacks, so that This is a massacre at all. Only the Shura tribe urgently formed a battle formation to persist.

But this situation of being passively beaten would not last long.

In addition, this is the information ten minutes ago, but until now the Eye of the Sky system shows that there is still no call for help or even a warning from the Shura garrison. Does this mean that they can bypass our Eye of the Sky detection system?

The Asura army we encountered now is like a fierce tiger hiding in the dark, we know nothing about them.

In my estimation, if they want to open up the situation quickly, our intelligence will be outdated by now.

They may have passed the Shura Legion's garrison long ago, and even began to advance directly towards the hinterland of my southern border.

Therefore! The humble job asks the general to quickly warn Tiannan City and let them be on strict alert! And dispatch the rest of the legions that are still resting nearby to immediately encircle and suppress this invisible omnic legion! "

What Xing Yun said, many officers present couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Who would have thought that these omnic legions in the Rosyth Kingdom were just training partners for them, but in a blink of an eye the training partners became coaches,

"Commander Xingyun, isn't this a bit too alarmist?" A commander of the same level frowned.

"It's not alarmist talk, I'm just telling a fact!

From the picture just now, it is not difficult to see that the Asura Legion has no power to fight back. In this case, if the Asura Legion cannot be completely wiped out in a short time, then this omnic legion will definitely bypass the garrison and go straight to the hinterland of our southern border. And they only need to pay a small amount of troops to slowly eat away at the Asura Legion! "

Xing Yun's analysis is quite pertinent, but these are guesses after all, but sometimes the military can't ignore any guesses.

Listening to these Master Huo, he directly swept a pair of sharp eyes towards Jiang Heng and the other three standing outside.

"It seems that what the three of you said before is true, so why don't you tell me what you think of my subordinate!"

Hearing this question, Fu Gang and Liu Que looked directly at Jiang Heng.

This change made General Huo raise his eyebrows slightly. He thought that Fu Gang was the captain of this team. After all, the other party was indeed the captain no matter his cultivation level or his previous actions.

This made him a little curious about Jiang Heng's ordinary-looking man.

"What do you think of this brother?" Master Huo looked at Jiang Heng and said lightly.

"Returning to the general, I think that the adult's guess just now is very reasonable. Judging from the means displayed by the super-dimensional kingdom, this must be a technology that is enough to arouse the fear of all forces.

I have a deep understanding of this, I have had close contact with this omnic army, and found a very strange place. That is the perception that this legion seems to be able to shield my divine sense. And now everyone has seen that they can even block the detection feedback of the Eye of the Sky system.

Even humble guesses, they have now blocked all means of communication! "

Jiang Heng clasped his fists and said the words he had already prepared with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude.

"Blocking divine sense detection? How is this possible?"

Jiang Heng's words were like stabbing a hornet's nest, and the originally silent hall suddenly became extremely noisy, and everyone seemed unbelievable and deeply suspicious.

Their reactions were exactly the same as that of Fu Gang and Liu Que before, but what surprised Jiang Heng was that General Huo and his master present looked as usual.

"Can you ignore the divine sense investigation... Regardless of whether this is true or not, it is certain that the other party can block the Eye of the Sky system. As for blocking all our communication systems, why did the general just receive messages from the Shura Legion?" The image of the station?" General Huo rubbed his chin and pondered.

"Return to the general, I heard from the general and others earlier that this image was shared by a scouting demigod in the Asura Legion's resident. As far as I know, perspective sharing is part of the use of laws for the scouting demigod, right? !"

"That's right, but so what?" A commander was puzzled.

"Of course it's different. I have dealt with the opponent before. At that time, I was aware of the enemy's attack because I had some law-based detection methods. Therefore, I boldly guessed that although the technology mastered by the omnic legion can block the detection of spiritual sense and even half The investigative communication of scientific and technological means such as artifacts, but it cannot be shielded from simple laws."

Jiang Heng spoke slowly.

"So now many legions like me have become isolated islands? Can't communicate with each other? Can't even report information to Tiannan City?" A commander was even more surprised and even a little terrified.


Jiang Heng just nodded, and soon a commander whispered to Lord General Huo.

"General, what this person said is true. I have just sent a message to the nearby Leibu army station, but I haven't received any response!"

The news of this person can be regarded as a direct confirmation of what Jiang Heng said.

As a result, everyone became even more restless, guessing in their hearts, since the communication shielding mentioned by the person in front of them has been confirmed, whether other guesses such as the shielding of spiritual thoughts are also true.

But the means of shielding divine thoughts is obviously enough to make every demigod strong feel a chill.

Without the detection of divine sense, wouldn't it be a blind man without vision for every demigod powerhouse.

If there is no demigod of scouting law in the team to share the vision, I am afraid that they will all be reduced to lambs to be slaughtered.

"Order to go on, let the investigators in the legion take action, and let them establish communication channels with the nearby major legions as soon as possible." General Huo is still as calm as ever, as if he is the magic needle in the hearts of everyone, no matter what time it will be. The slightest emotion is revealed.

"But general, our brothers who are good at scouting may be able to contact the nearest Leibu at an extreme distance, but it is impossible to contact the farther legion station."

A chief ten thousand opened his mouth and said helplessly, most of the investigative demigods belong to the minority avenue, and their cultivation level is not high, and occasionally a middle-level demigod can be produced, which is an extremely rare talent.

In the third part of the championship, there are also some low-level scouting demigods, and the range that these people can scout at the longest distance is still very limited.

"Then contact the Lei Department first and tell them to let them distribute part of the army's strength as soon as possible to assist our department to garrison." General Huo continued to issue his own instructions.

"Assist our troops in the garrison? General, could it be that our troops have made some moves?"

"In 30 minutes, all members of our department are waiting for the ship to prepare for sailing. The target is Tianhe Fortress!"


After receiving this order, all the officers showed their faces at this moment, and each of them became excited.

They are very clear that if their general said so, it must mean that there is going to be a big move next, either to intercept the hidden omnic army that rushed into the hinterland of the southern border, or to return to defense. In short, this is something to do .

"Then the meeting ends! Xingyun and you left the rest to leave!" General Huo pointed at Jiang Heng and waved to the others!

Hearing this, all the officers and Fu Gang and Liu Que turned around and left although they were suspicious. Leaving Xingyun demigod Jiang Heng and General Huo in the hall.

After the door was closed, Master Huo immediately spoke again.

"What's the name of this brother from the Eye of the Sky Team?"

"Silence from humble office!" Jiang Heng directly reported his alias without any hesitation.

"Silence! Are you the captain of this Tianyu team?"

"No, that was my captain just now, and it's only been a year since I joined the team!" Jiang Heng replied honestly.

"One year? You look like this, maybe you are almost a million years old?" General Huo looked at Jiang Heng's appearance carefully and was a little surprised.

In his impression, most of the members of the Eye of the Sky team are relatively young. It is because the task of the Eye of the Sky team is too difficult, and some elderly people may not be able to keep up with such a powerful frequency.

"It's true that Humble Job only joined the Eye of Tianyu last year, and this matter has been recorded." Jiang Heng responded quickly.

"It's really strange, but you should be the person who witnessed that incident, then you and the general will repeat everything, and the general will have to report everything truthfully!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng had no choice but to explain everything he had experienced before in great detail, but this time he eliminated some subjective thinking, which allowed the general to have a clearer thinking.

"Well, well, I already know about it." After a while, Chief Huo nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face.

He looked at Xingyun and then smiled and said, "Xingyun, you have a better brain so let me tell you what you think about this matter?"

Xingyun was stunned when he heard the words, but still nodded and said: "My lord, I still have the opinion just now. I think that the super-dimensional kingdom of God must have been premeditated for a long time, and their appetite is definitely more than that, otherwise this card will be in vain. wasted."

"Well, it makes sense!" General Huo nodded, although as a general, he would not be easily swayed by other people's will.

But considering the worst case scenario, what Xing Yun said is definitely not alarmist.

"Actually, I have ordered you two to stay here."

Is there anything to order?

Wen Yan Xingyun and Jiang Heng both looked puzzled, one was completely unaware of the identity of the strange middle-aged man beside him, the other was knowing that the other was his master, but also knew that the other didn't know his identity.

So both of them are quite puzzled now.

"Silence, you have the experience of fighting against each other, then I will assign you and your Tianyu Eye team to my commander, what do you think?" General Huo looked at Jiang Heng and said with a smile .

Jiang Heng was stunned, he didn't expect that he would be able to work under the hands of his master in the end, and he didn't know whether this was due to luck or a pre-existing pattern.

"A lowly position, but the general is the master!" Jiang Heng hastily cupped his hands and bowed.

Xingyun frowned, but looking at the strange middle-aged man beside him, he didn't know why he always felt that the other person looked very kind. After thinking about it, he nodded and did not refuse.


"This is the fleet group of the Commander-in-Chief. Since you join my command in the future, the officers will treat them equally. It's just that the three of you know the rules in the army, especially if there are so many fighters in the physical body here, they will inevitably be irritable. , I still hope to bear it."

Nebula introduced Jiang Heng and the other three to his fleet with some pride.

Wen Yan, Jiang Heng, Fu Gang, Liu Que and the three looked at the several giant warships behind each other, the number was only ten, excluding those frigates. And there is no doubt that these ten giant warships are definitely manufactured by the empire's top technology.

Perhaps it is much inferior to the technological means of the super-dimensional kingdom of God, but looking at the entire universe, it is also at the top level.

The key is that nearly a thousand demigod powerhouses standing straight and orderly behind the other party, each of them with aura like a rainbow, gathered together like a terrifying sea of ​​energy and blood, burning cheeks with pain.


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