Master of Fist

Chapter 926: God Extinguishing Cannon

"Let's wait for the ship now, the legion is ready to leave the port!"

Following Xing Yun's order, nearly a thousand demigods behind him promised to fly towards their respective starships in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng and the others were a little at a loss.

"The three of you should follow Centurion Tian. The old Tian people believe that you will be very happy to cooperate with him."

Speaking of Xingyun, he pointed to the burly and rugged man standing beside him. This man also exuded the aura of a middle-ranked fourth-order physical body Dao demigod.

This made Jiang Heng slightly surprised.

It seems that his master is only at the fourth level of demigod, how come he was directly promoted to the level of commander just after returning to the legion?

Don't underestimate the commander-in-chief, the commander-in-chief is already a rare high-ranking official in the legion.

After all, being able to command thousands of demigod-level powerhouses is a force that cannot be ignored.

"It seems that family background is also important in the legion."

Jiang Heng murmured in his heart, but he remembered that his master mentioned his life experience.

It is said that the ancestors of his family were the generals who followed the Southern King, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are a family of generals.

Whispering in their hearts, Jiang Heng and the others still politely chatted with Centurion Tian in front of them.

"Come with me, you guys! Don't look like I'm not easy to provoke, but I'm actually easy to talk to. You are also the distinguished guests of the Eye of the Heavenly Territory. If you count the ranks, your department is one level higher than ours. .”

Centurion Tian smiled warmly, and as he walked, he brought the three of them into the giant warship where he presided over the overall situation.

Those who boarded the warship Jiang Heng and others knew how big this thing was.

Looking around, it seems that there is no edge, just like a vast continent.

"Hehe, our warship is only 500,000 meters in size, but we have invited strong people who are good at space formations to build the foundation of formations. So the actual area has reached 5 million meters, which is called It’s not an exaggeration to call it a mobile fortress.” Centurion Tian explained with a smile.

Jiang Heng is also keenly aware of the difference between the space here and the outside world.

"Why is it such a large area here? Could it be that we are the demigod powerhouses sitting in it?" Fu Gang looked around and found that the place was quite deserted.

After all, each giant warship belongs to a centurion squad, that is, a hundred demigods.

There are not many people but the space is huge, which also makes this place very deserted.

"Of course not, there are still nearly 10,000 domain master-level auxiliary soldiers here, but these guys are now in the living area of ​​the cabin below. In fact, they are not needed on weekdays.

Except for some personnel who need to help us maintain the armor of the gods, even if there are only a few dozen people to maintain the starship, it is more than enough.

Our starship is equipped with top-notch self-repair functions.

The reason why nearly 10,000 auxiliary soldiers are needed is that some weapons of mass destruction require manual operation by these people.

Don't look at the huge space inside the starship, in fact it still seems stretched to hold those weapons and ammunition. "

"What kind of destructive weapon can't be accommodated by such a large starship?" Fu Gang asked in surprise, he felt as if he had been away from the Legion for hundreds of thousands of years.

He remembered that he had never heard of any powerful and large-capacity lethal weapons before.

"Hey, you don't know this. Chaowei Divine Kingdom now has some hole cards, and our Dazhou also has a lot of hole cards.

Although we can't match the precision and complexity of the super-dimensional kingdom of God in the field of science and technology, we still have a lot of accumulation in the use and production of some brutal and rough weapons of mass destruction.

Like this thing! "

Speaking of which, several people have already arrived at the middle of the ship's deck, where Jiang Heng and the others saw an extremely exaggerated and huge cannon!

The shape of the cannon is actually relatively simple, somewhat similar to the bronze cannons of some ancient mortal dynasties.

But the one in front of me is really too big, the barrel alone is tens of thousands of meters long, and the diameter of the barrel is nearly 10,000 meters.

Such an exaggeratedly huge cannon, it is hard to imagine how much precious metal it took to forge it.

"Tsk tsk! This thing is actually smelted with high-concentration composite void gold!" Fu Gang couldn't help being speechless as soon as he reached out to touch the cannon.

"Haha! You still have a bit of eyesight, that's right, the material used for this God Extinguishing Cannon is indeed void gold!" Centurion Tian proudly showed off.

"Void gold? Captain, what exactly is this? Is it very expensive?" Liu Que was a little dazed, and asked straightforwardly.

"The so-called void gold is a special mineral that only belongs to the high-dimensional world. Generally, it is more abundant in the fourth and fifth dimensions, but it is also very limited. Often, the void mineral veins are relatively rare even in the high-dimensional world."

Jiang Heng has also heard of what Fu Gang said. It is said that only the three major cosmic forces currently have the control of Void Gold. This is not only because of the scarcity of Void Gold.

Another reason is that most of the void mines are in the hands of the original residents of the high-dimensional world. These high-dimensional forces that can control the void gold mines are naturally not the kind of small fish and shrimps.

Although it is not enough to compete with the three major forces, it is extremely difficult for any one of them, whether it is the gods of the Great Zhou or the super-dimensional kingdom of God, to take over the territory of these forces alone.

Moreover, it is extremely difficult to mine these void golds. It is said that only the local residents of high dimensions can shuttle through that special mine vein.

Therefore, in many cases, it is the main cosmic forces who trade with these high-dimensional forces in exchange for some void gold.

And as the transaction volume becomes more frequent, these high-dimensional forces also know that their own mine veins are more precious, so the price is always in the rising stage.

"Then is this thing very powerful?" Liu Que didn't understand this at all, and fully interpreted the image of a stupid woman who didn't read books or pay attention to reading at all.

"Ordinary people don't really know much about this thing, but some craftsmen must know it. Void gold is the best material for refining middle-ranked semi-sacred weapons. Even some high-ranked semi-sacred weapons can be added in moderation. This object is extremely rigid, and in terms of hardness, it can be regarded as the most perfect existence among the materials of the mid-level demigod.

And it has excellent adaptability to a variety of law elements, which can be regarded as compatible with various law-based semi-artifact materials. Therefore, many refiners like to use this material when forging mid-level demigods.

It's just that this thing is extremely expensive, and it costs tens of thousands of imperial coins for just one catty! "

Fu Gang's previous descriptions still made Liu Que a little confused, but when it came to the money comparison, Liu Que was suddenly stunned, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"My God, how much Void Gold did this thing use? One piece of this thing can't compare to the price of hundreds of median semi-artifacts?" Liu Que's eyes almost popped out, looking at this giant cannon Can't wait to scrape some debris down.

"Haha! It's not such an exaggeration. Strictly speaking, this item is equivalent to two or three middle-level semi-sacred weapons. Void gold has strong compatibility, and many other less valuable materials are used to forge this cannon. Otherwise, this cannon alone would be worth more than half of our southern border's tax revenue for a century."

Hearing this, Centurion Tian couldn't help laughing.

"However, forging this thing is not very precious. The real big gold swallower is still the shell of this thing!"

"Cannonball? By the way, what is this thing used as a cannonball?" Fu Gang couldn't help being a little curious. The name of this cannon is so loud, could it be possible to wipe out a large number of demigods?

"The ammunition for this cannon is God Destroyer Bullet, an iron pellet engraved with hundreds of millions of explosive magic circles. The ammunition body is made of part of Soul Eater Gold, which ensures that it can shock the souls of the demigods in the target area at the moment of explosion. Secondly. There are also many sharp void shard crystals and void gold fragments inside.

The power of a single shot can cover nearly ten light-years, and in the one-light-year area in the center, demigods with lower ranks will be smashed into pieces, whether it is the body or the soul!

Hundreds of guns hit the same target, even a high-ranking demigod has to be prepared, otherwise there will be death! "

Centurion Tian has a proud face, this is a big killer in their army. Because the number is scarce, each giant warship is only equipped with two doors.

If so, a combination of ten warships dispatched together, combined with the legion battle formation, is enough to kill a high-ranking seventh-rank demigod.

"Hiss! Are all legions so violent now?" Liu Que couldn't help shrinking her neck when she heard this, she felt that she would definitely die if she was hit by this thing.

Not to mention that she doesn't know much about Void Gold, but it can be used as a forging material for mid-level semi-artifacts, which shows that this thing is extremely hard.

As for Soul Eater Gold, she is more familiar with it, which is a unique mineral in the spiritual world. In the past, the legion had some small thunderbolts forged with Soul Eater Gold.

A blast of thunder can shake the soul of a mid-level demigod for a few breaths. If there is no treasure to protect the soul, or the soul is of a different level, this gap is enough to kill.

And this God Extinguishing Cannon has a barrel diameter of nearly 10,000 meters, and the shells are also nearly 10,000 meters. Once such a large-tonnage cannon is hit, the soul may not only vibrate, but explode directly.

"However, there are still some disadvantages of this thing. The energy storage is too slow. Each fort needs at least five demigods to deliver ignition energy at the same time. It needs to cool down for a quarter of an hour after a shot, otherwise it is easy to explode. If you forge it with void gold There is no such problem, but that thing is too expensive and no one can afford it on a large scale.

So we generally use the drift guns and rail guns on the ship! "

Seeing that Jiang Heng and the others were so interested in their ships, Centurion Tian was also very excited to talk about it.

"It's these things!"

Following the direction pointed by Centurion Tian, ​​Jiang Heng saw rows of densely packed small gun barrels on both sides of the deck. They were said to be small, but in fact the gun barrels were nearly 100 meters long.

The shape of these forts is more technological, and most of these forts are mobile forts, which seem to be stationed on the hull of a ship on weekdays.

Once encountering the enemy, these turrets will break away from the hull like a small flying shuttle, and use intelligent control to swim and attack the target.

Jiang Heng also saw some cannons in the shape of Gatling. According to the description of Centurion Tian, ​​these are high-speed cannons, all of which are intelligently controlled.

Like those free cannons, the power is not that strong, and each blow is equivalent to a peak blow from the domain master.

When you can't stand a large amount. Such a turret can spit out millions of energy cannons in one breath, and there are millions of such turrets on both sides of the hull.

Then there's the rail gun!

There are some spiral-shaped pipes inside the hull. Many thunder law formations and various acceleration law formations are added to the inside of these pipes, which can ensure that each railgun can boost its kinetic energy to an extremely terrifying state when it is carrying the orbit. .

The rail gun is considered to be the most powerful conventional weapon in the ship except for the Mie Shen Cannon.

A railgun is comparable to an ordinary low-level third-level peak demigod's full-strength attack, and the speed even reaches the middle-level fourth-level level.

Therefore, almost every shot of the rail gun can kill a low-level demigod 100%!

The number of such railguns is relatively small, but there are also ten.

After listening to Centurion Tian's description of this giant warship, Jiang Heng couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Is this the universe-level power? With the gathering of many talents, the gap between the universe-level power and the big and small and medium-sized forces will only widen in the future!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. He felt that such a giant warship presided over by legionary soldiers could easily wipe out a power as high as the hegemony of the Hundred Nations Alliance.

I'm afraid that some high-ranking demigods who are scattered people will die with hatred if they are alone!

"Master Centurion, today you have shown me. With such a killer weapon in hand, there is no reason for those omnic legions to be invincible!"

For the first time, Fu Gang had strong confidence in his own army.

"Haha!" Centurion Tian was quite pleased with what he heard, "This statement is reasonable, but there is one thing to say, the warship is dead, and the focus should be on our legion itself.

Warships are good, but they are also useful in some large-scale group battles, and they are still too cumbersome in some small-scale encounters. Waiting for these things to be fired once and then store energy, I'm afraid our warship has long been reduced to scrap iron. "

"Well, yes!"

"Okay, all the introductions have been made, and the time is almost up. The general has ordered to leave Hong Kong."

Speaking of which, Centurion Tian transmitted the sound transmission to everyone in the ship. Following the order, the booster under the giant warship began to spit out azure blue flames.

The warship slowly left the port.

Jiang Heng looked outside, and found that the densely packed frigates in the port immediately lifted off, and at the same time, nine other giant warships also left the port at the same time.

The ten giant ships and many frigates are all at the same pace, obviously all intelligently controlled to ensure that the starships are in sync during navigation.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng frowned slightly for some reason.

"What? Old Shen, do you have something on your mind? Isn't it because you are afraid?" Fu Gang saw this scene, and couldn't help laughing and joking.

Jiang Heng shook his head, his brows still furrowed.

"Captain, what do you think our legion's starships are controlled by?" Jiang Heng asked his doubts.

Fu Gang raised his eyebrows slightly, and after thinking about it, he replied seriously: "Everyone knows this! The Eye of Tianyu system is the core of the operation.

As for the intelligent Tianyu Eye operating system built inside the starship, it was deduced and simulated by several powerful seniors in our southern border.

These people are very smart, and we can't understand the operating system of their architecture. The formations and inscriptions involved in it will hurt our brains at a glance. But why are you asking this? "


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