Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 199: 1 pulse foundation

boom! boom! boom!

As Fang Yuan entered Yunfu Mountain, the surrounding mountain protection array has slowly closed again, and Yunfu Mountain has been protected in it.

And at this time, in the far sky, I saw a world of fire, a beast with four hooves stepping on the fire roaring, sitting on the back of the beast, killing, but it was the Yinshan. It is true that Gan Longjian, a man and a beast, rushed to Yunfu Mountain with the fire in the sky, and just saw Fang Yuan entering Yunfu Mountain. He was angry. Gan Longjian raised his hand, and a giant palm came down from the sky, grabbing down towards Yunfu Mountain. At first glance, it seemed that there was a kind of god's mansion, and the sky was shaking!

But at this time, the elder of Shangqing Mountain sitting over the large array, but frowned, picked up the French seal, around the Yunfu Mountain, the Dao Dao array screamed, facing the giant palm of Gan Longjian. Collision, the two suddenly melted, invisible between!

"I'm here to catch the murderer who killed the demon king, do you dare to stop me?"

It is true that Yin Longjian from Yinshan didn't anticipate this accident. He immediately frowned, and shouted murderously.

The elder Shangqingshan calmly and quietly performed a salute, saying: "This place is a holy place for the practice of the Yue Kingdom. There are dozens of immortals from the Yue Kingdom here to build the foundation. It is the crucial time, whether you are Why is it that the old man can't let you break into it and affect their foundation work, this is the iron rule in the practice world, and the true story of Yinshan will not understand, and hope to forgive sins!"


Even Yin Shan's true biography, when he heard this, was speechless for a moment.

The other party is indeed telling the truth, and spiritual practice is a big thing, not to mention the critical time of building foundations. The other party does not let him in, it really makes sense. In this case, let alone your own, your master is coming, and there are enough reasons for people not to let in, because if you go in and chase down a person, you may provoke a chaos and harm others. All of Ki's disciples got into trouble.

In this case, even if the Five Great Immortal Gates are polite to themselves, if they want to break into Yunfu Mountain, the Five Great Immortal Gates will certainly resist with all their strength. Even if they kill themselves directly by this reason, their own master will not What to say.

"Fang Yuan Na is no longer a disciple of Qingyang Sect. You still put him in. Is it intentionally embarrassing me?"

But it was not so easy to pass the Yinshan Mountain. It looked at the elder Shangqingshan yelled and shouted in a low voice.

"I don't know what mistake he made, and whether he has been expelled from the teacher by Qingyang Sect, but he just entered Yunfu Mountain, not by the identity of Qingyang Sect disciple, but by virtue of Xianmeng's merits , The old man has no reason to stop him!"

The elder Shangqingshan answered indifferently, but it did not leak.

"Okay, a Fang Yuan, and the Five Great Immortal Gates of Vietnam..."

Yinshan really passed on for a while, and he was so angry that he turned countless thoughts in his heart. Suddenly he threw up his sleeves and sat down directly in the void. He shouted, "Well, since you want to hide inside, then I It depends on when you can hide and build the foundation, ranging from one day to three or five days at most, and it will not exceed seven days at most. I want to see if you can come out at that time..."

With this idea in mind, he hurriedly calculated again.

"Because I plan to take this child in private to see what the magic weapon is, so until now, I have concealed the Master and the fellow brothers who came out to inquire about the news. If the news is handed out, they will be together Coming to the siege, this Qingyang disciple, of course, could not escape with wings, but in this way, they would also ask me why I didn’t say it earlier, and I wanted to invite the assassin of the Nine Nether Palace?"

"My private idea was guessed by them, and this credit will also be divided by them!"

"But even if I don't say it, this matter will soon spread across the country and be known by them. I'm afraid that they will all come by then. Calculate the time and distance of the message transmission, about three days at most, they will Someone came over, so I want to..."

"... Within three days, take down the Qingyang disciple!"

"It's just this Qingyang disciple, why should he enter Yunfu Mountain at this time?"

"Does he think that after the foundation is built, he can have the strength to fight against me?"




Seeing that Yinshan Zhenchuan was staying outside, everyone else was stunned. At this time, those Qingyang Sect disciples who had escorted Fang Yuan before, and a group of people who had come to see the lively crowd were still left and left. Seeing this scene, I had endless doubts in my heart. I really don't know what Fang Yuan did at Yunfu Mountain at this time, because the situation now is already Jedi...

He cannot be hidden in Yunfu Mountain forever, he must come out!

But came out early, the true story of Yinshan will stay here, and it is natural to escape!

It's more troublesome to come out late, and there must be more and more people chasing him...

What was he thinking about?



"Golden wood, water, fire and earth, the five elements have qualities..."

At this time, Fang Yuan didn’t think so much of outsiders. It’s impossible for Yinshan to pass down to Yunfu Mountain to hurt him. He thought about it in advance. As for the following things, he didn’t think so much. Go around, the purpose is very simple!

What does Yunfu Mountain do?

Build a Holy Land!

What do you do into Yunfu Mountain?

Of course, just to build the foundation!

This piece of Yunfu Mountain can obviously feel that the aura is extremely rich, and various forces are walking through the ground, just like the big rivers and rivers. Looking up at the clouds, Yunfu Mountain is full of various caves, and each cave has more or less. The spirit of the earth's veins can be borrowed, and in the deepest part of Yunfu Mountain, in the shadow of the spiritual fog, you can see a palace, looming, very divine!

Fang Yuan knew that that was the Yunfu Palace, where the veins gathered the most!

Originally he had the opportunity to enter there to build the foundation, but this opportunity was disrupted by the man outside the mountain at this time!

Now he entered Yunfu Mountain by virtue of Xianmeng merit, and he can only find the ground to build the foundation like ordinary disciples!

In this case, there is no need to think more!

Walking in the mountains, Fang Yuan sensed the changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and soon felt that there was a strong and powerful geography not far from his side. The gas is not weak, but there is only one hot vein here, so not many people choose to build on this vein, but Fang Yuan did not think much and went straight to the past...

"Mysterious body is bright, ask the foundation!"

Standing on that ground vein, he took a deep breath, suddenly turned a mana, and then shot his right palm to the ground, and suddenly, the vast fire poured into his body, making him at this moment , Almost become a fireman!

"call out……"

At this moment, the fire above his head rose directly into the night, and in the night sky, it was bright.

"Someone has built the foundation?"

At this time, the people outside saw the flame and were shocked at once. They all knew that this was a sign of the time when some people built the foundation. Although there are many people in the Yunfu Mountain today, everyone has built the foundation. It is necessary to choose the veins carefully, swallow elixir, nourish qi and exercise qigong, and even enlighten the hexagrams and ask for divination. It is necessary to wait until your own state, time and geographical conditions are the best.

Because of this, it was still dark on Yunfu Mountain at this time, and no one had tried to build the foundation yet.

Now that the firelight appears, it means that someone is trying to draw the air of the fire line and build a foundation!

However, this panic, when they saw the change of fire over Yunfu Mountain, instantly magnified countless times...

Because they saw that the constant change of fire over Yunfu Mountain was faintly transformed into a person!

The facial features are beautiful and the expression is firm...

...Is actually Fang Yuan!

It was Fang Yuan who had just entered Yunfu Mountain and could not reach the tea time!

"Why didn't he try to build the foundation directly without any preparation?"

This thought suddenly rose in the hearts of everyone outside Yunfu Mountain.

"Don't some people say that he is qualified to enter the Yunfu Palace to try to build the four veins?"

"Even if you can't enter the Yunfu Palace, you can look for fortune in the mountains and try to build a foundation with two or three veins..."

"Actually chose a pulse to build the foundation, is he self-destructive?"

Everyone is puzzled. When anyone builds a foundation, don’t they all want to try a higher possibility?

Now that the disciples of Qingyang Sect had a better future, they actually chose to build a foundation. How can this be said?

Even Mr. Zhu's face was a little surprised at this time, but in a noisy situation, he forced to hold back and did not speak.

"Oh, interesting, can't wait to enter the foundation-building realm, so I can't challenge me?"

At this time, the Yinshan True Story Gan Longjian, who was outside Yunfu Mountain, couldn't help but a smile appeared on his face.

He was originally worried that Fang Yuan would stay in Yunfu Mountain for too When his colleagues came, he would **** his merits, but now this worry has gone, Fang Yuan has already After trying to build the foundation, it will soon be over...

After the foundation was built successfully, he would have no reason to stay in Yunfu Mountain.

At that time, wouldn't he just bring this little boy who built the foundation into his hand?

Just when Gan Longjian's face had a satisfactory smile on his face, he saw that on the Yunfu Mountain, the fire light had slowly converged and fell back to the mountains again. Everyone knew that it was the power of fire. Fang Yuan itself formed the signs of a fire-fighting road foundation. The whole process was smooth and steady, which can be said to be extremely smooth. Fang Yuan's fire-fighting foundation this time should be said to be very successful!

But just as they all stretched their heads and waited for Fang Yuan to come out, an unexpected scene appeared.

The fire that belongs to Fang Yuan has not even completely disappeared, he began to move...

Not out, but he slowly walked deeper into Yunfu Mountain!

He went to another place!

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