Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 200: 4-pulse foundation

The thicker the foundation of a person in the practice of Qi, the greater the possibility of foundation success.

In addition, the less the number of five-element terrain selected, the greater the probability of foundation success.

Judging from Fang Yuan's foundation and heritage in the Qi Qi realm, some people even think that he is enough to challenge the four-vessel foundation of the Yunfu Palace, but he chose a line of fire, and such foundation is certainly not for him. What difficulty, it can even be said that he wasted his talents, almost no risk, and the foundation was successfully built.

The Qi of the Fire and Earth veins has already integrated into his body, making him a mana, gradually becoming integrated, and the Dao Foundation in his body has apparently appeared a prototype. If he returns to Qihuaxuan and converges the fire, then it is A perfect one-passage base!

But Fang Yuan didn't end...

After completing the foundation of the line of fire, he did not stop and went to the next place.

Just not far from the line of fire travel, you can feel that there is another ground vein hiddenly connected, that is the line of earth travel!

Fang Yuan didn't think what he thought, and slowly came to the earth line, and pressed his right palm, then he heard a bang, and the indescribable richness of the earth came rushing, the color was dark yellow, and he madly poured into his In his body, he combined with the Daoji that had already merged with the fire in his body, and then there was another qi from his head, surging out, and the aura appeared on Yunfu Mountain, shocking Shiye...


That spirit, like the towering mountains and the vast earth, is faintly unpredictable and unsteady.

The onlookers outside Yunfu Mountain instantly boiled!

"This... what's going on?"

"He has already completed the foundation construction, but he immediately carried out the second foundation construction..."

"His mana has already merged with the power of fire, but he has to force the power of earth again?"

These people in the Xianmen, when they saw Fang Yuan forming a line of fire and building a foundation, they still felt sorry for him, but they didn't expect it. They saw this scene soon after, and they were shocked. Such as the tide like the sea, it is indescribable for a while.

The foundation of ordinary practitioners is often a success.

It should be known that foundation building is to use the power of the ground to refine one of your mana to form a foundation, and formally enter a new stage of spiritual practice. During this period, there will be countless changes and will also form your own body. It is an indescribable load, so it is already extremely difficult to build a foundation at a time. If it can be successfully completed, it is already a matter of burning high fragrance...

Who is so bold that he will carry out the second foundation?

There are not many people who choose to build the foundation of the two veins, but that is also the person who needs to practice, find the place where the power of the two veins and the five elements converge, and at the same time introduce the energies of these two veins, so as to reduce the burden on the flesh and also Suppress changes in mana to a certain degree!

Fang Yuan's two-pronged foundation was built after the completion of one foundation.

This is like re-casting the Dao that has been cast!

The changes needed in this, the consumption of his potential and the load on his body can be said to be ten times that of ordinary foundations!

"He... if he wants to build a foundation with two veins, he can just find a place where the two veins meet, why should he go to this extreme?"

There are also many people who have built foundations around them. They understand the principles of foundations and the methods of foundations.

At this point, seeing Fang Yuan's foundation building process made them feel strangely extreme.

While looking at Fang Yuanjian's Gan Longjian coldly outside, his face was extremely cold: "What is this guy doing?"

He has enough strength to take down the original, but he was a little worried that Fang Yuan played himself dead!

After all, he still wanted to find Fang Yuan and ask about the whereabouts of the magic weapon.


The power of the earth-moving veins was introduced into the body, and Fang Yuan’s mana once again formed countless changes, one by one merged and connected, and finally attached to the Daoji, originally after absorbing the power of fire, his Part of the mana has already merged together, forming a red road foundation, but after the force of this earth movement changes, the red road foundation is suddenly changing again!

Above the red, a layer of light yellow appeared faintly, and Dawkey seemed to condense a lot!

But after doing this, Fang Yuan felt it carefully, but found that there are still many mana in his body that have not been refined. Those mana seem to be not much left, but when they feel it carefully, they find that they are all forced. Mana origin!

This made Fang Yuan's face lightly, and he thought he might have guessed right.

"When I thought about the foundation building, I thought about this possibility..."

"It's just that this may be too scary, so even I dare not make a decision easily..."

He slowly converged the energy of the earth's veins, and his mana changed around him, affecting the void, making him like a god.

"Building the foundation is to use the power of the earth's veins to refine the Tao source and turn it into a Taoist platform!"

"The best foundation is to refining everything you have accumulated within the realm of Qi practice!"

"And I thought about it before, I practiced Xuan Huang's qi, and it was once combined with the power of the magic seal blood sacrifice, the power of the dark magic breath, the mana of the hundreds of disciples of the five immortal gates, and... The power of the remaining spirits who kneel..."

"This makes me a mana... potential is unlimited!"

"If I build a foundation, the changes brought about by the force of five pulses are not enough..."

"Even three or four veins and four veins are not enough!"

"But Yunfu Mountain does not have a higher chance to make it, and even the Yunfu Palace is just a collection of four veins!"

"If I enter the Yunfu Palace to build a foundation, I may be able to build a rare four-pronged road foundation in the country, but this way, I have wasted my mana and my future achievements are limited. This is me Always hesitating to tell Xianmen!"

"Yunfu Palace, for me is not a character, but a kind of destruction!"

"If I entered the Yunfu Palace to build a foundation, it would be a waste of everything I accumulated in the Qi Realm!"



While thinking slowly, he walked forward again.

Fire creates earth, so after absorbing the power of fire, he chose the power of earth.

And native gold, so he is looking for the power of gold line now!

" are..."

But when Fang Yuan sensed all the way, when he came to a place with the most abundant power of gold, he saw that there was already a person here. Looking at the other's robe, he was a disciple of Xuan Jianzong, which was normal. If the disciples of Xuanjianzong didn’t have a better way to build foundations, they would have to choose a power of ground to build foundations, then almost all of them would choose the power of gold line!

Looking at the appearance of this disciple Xuan Jianzong, Fang Yuan even felt familiar.

They should have fought side by side during the trial at Moxihu Lake, otherwise the other party was not qualified to enter Yunfu Mountain!

"I'm here to build the foundation!"

Fang Yuan nodded to the disciple Xuan Jianzong, and then pressed his right palm on the ground.

"I know you are here to build the foundation, but you..."

The Xuanjianzong disciple has been preparing, and has not yet absorbed the spirit of the ground. Hearing Fang Yuan’s words, he suddenly burst into tears and laughter. He really recognized Fang Yuan. The five Great Sect disciples from the trial of Moxi Lake, no one I don’t know Fang Yuan, but what made him speechless is, why don’t you, a Tianjiao disciple, find a place where two veins meet, or even a treasure where three veins meet?

I'm guarding such a lonely place of gold, what are you here for?

Of course, the fact that Fang Yuan was expelled from Qingyang Sect happened a day ago, and they have all entered Yunfu Mountain for several days, but they don’t know what happened to Fang Yuan yet, so only Feeling the mist...

"...I have no other way!"

Fang Yuan saw the thoughts of the disciple Xuan Jianzong, but he felt helpless.

He didn't want to waste his accumulation in the realm of Qi, so he could only choose a more powerful character than Yunfu Palace.

Yunfu Palace is a place where four veins meet, if you want to surpass him, you can only choose a place where five elements meet!

Such a treasured place, the entire Yunzhou, I am afraid there are few places.

Moreover, it has long been held in the hands of the major immortal gates, and death will not give this opportunity to others!

So Fang Yuan can only choose another method!

Others are looking for the place where the numbers and veins meet, but he is different, building the foundation one by one!

This is a method he derived using the technique of Tianyan!

It is also the boldest and most dangerous method he has deduced in history!

To some extent, this is just theoretically feasible...

If you really want to do this, you have to follow the thin ice, one step can not be wrong, otherwise there is no bones!

Originally, Fang would not have been so risky. He should choose the treasure land where the five elements meet, so as to avoid a lot of dangers, but because of the pursuit of the Nine Nine Assassins and the persecution of the True Story of Yinshan on the way, he gave up his heart and came to go. This way!


A golden light rose into the night, and turned into Fang Yuan again, overwhelming Yunfu Mountain with a solemn expression.

"The third time, the third time..."

"He...he actually used the power of the Golden Vein to build the foundation for the third time..."

At this time, outside the mountain, the people in Xianmen who have been watching the movement here have been crazy.

They do not know how Fang Yuan has such a great ability, but they know that Fang Yuan has now formed a three-pronged foundation, which is an extremely terrible thing in itself. The elders of the Five Great Immortal Gates are basically afraid It’s all built with three veins...

"Will there still be?"

"Will he continue to walk inside?"

I don't know how many people shouted out The expression was a little angry.

When Fang Yuan built the foundation for the second time, it was already a matter of falling teeth, and there was actually a third time?

Boy, are you playing?

"Good Fang Yuan!"

Yin Long really tells Gan Longjian, at this time his face has become too green, and he sighed: "I want to see how good you are..."


His words hadn't settled yet, and the sky above Yunfu Mountain was once again filled with air.

For the fourth time, the water bank built the foundation

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