Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 210: 1 twin

   "How can Guan Ao have a sister like you?"

   Fang Yuan carefully inspected, and found that the girl was not kidding, nor was there any sign of being controlled by the consciousness. All this was really her own idea. This made him slightly stunned, and then a very complicated emotion was born. Thinking of the soft and weak appearance when he saw her for the first time, he suddenly felt very strange and even doubted his memory.

   "I just want to live, is there anything wrong?"

  Sister Guan raised her head, still like a delicate and soft porcelain doll, but her eyes were calm.

   Fang Yuan couldn't answer this question, because she wanted to live, and no one could stop it!

   And Fang Yuan is not concerned about this.

   "He is your brother after all, he brought you up, he even broke his own path of practice for you..."

   Fang Yuan stepped forward angrily, and his expression was a little angry.

   He had just killed the Yin Shan true story Gan Longjian, and the murderous spirit had not disappeared yet.

   Guan Xiaomei faced Fang Yuan's eyes, obviously a little frightened, but she clenched her teeth and didn't back away. And after hearing the disappointment and accusation in Fang Yuan's words, her transparent white face even flashed faintly...

   Not because of shyness, but because of anger.

   "He owes me!"

   She opened her mouth suddenly and crisply, with the same soft voice but very cold.


   Fang Yuan's murderousness was almost out of control, so he had to cut it off directly.

   But at this time, Guan Xiaomei had suddenly looked up at him: "How old are you?"

   Fang Yuan just looked at her in silence.

   Guan Xiaomei's specific age, he does not know, but now it seems that Xu is about 11 or 12 years old?

   "I am a twin sibling with him, I was born a little later than him!"

   Guan Xiaomei's face showed a mocking smile and gave an unexpected answer.

   Fang Yuan's expression was a little shocked, because Guan Ao's gap with this sister was too big.

   Now Guan Ao has twenty-four or five-year-olds. It seems that people in their thirties or forties are believed, but Guan Xiaomei...

  ...... This is clearly a little girl!

   But after a detailed calculation, it seems that it is not impossible...

Guan Ao said he had a younger sister, but he didn’t say how big his younger sister was, but Fang Yuan always thought it was a little kid, but in fact, this little kid, Guan Ao was purple eight years ago. When an elder from Yunfeng came back, he had already followed Guan Ao. Fang Yuan did not know how old she was at that time, but it was by no means a baby in her baby...

   That is to say, she hasn't grown up after so many years?

Guan Xiaomei looked at Fang Yuan's expression and said lightly: "Don't talk about growing up, I was born to be a person waiting to die. The previous doctor said that the reason why I became like this is because my mother is holding our At that time, a freak like him took away all the blood of his mother, let alone me, even the mother was taken out of him by him into an empty shell. After seven months of pregnancy, he had withered like a tree, before he died. We were born. If it were not for me, it would be very hard. I was afraid that it would be in the womb, so he would eat it!"

   she said, repeating seriously: "So, he owes me all this!"

   Fang Yuan listened to Guan Xiaomei's words, and felt a little sink in her heart for a moment.

   He did not know how to answer.

   "The two of us are dependent on each other, but I always hate him!"

And Guan Xiaomei said calmly, or said plainly: "So I must eat the elixir he used for cultivation; I want to see his mental method of cultivation; even before he was expelled from Ziyun Peak, Because I asked him to steal the fruit for me, this was discovered by the elders, and then it was taken out. At that time, I thought I could not live anymore, thinking that Elder Ziyunfeng would kill him, maybe we could You can go on the road together, but unexpectedly, neither of us can die so easily..."

   Listening to these words, Fang Yuan felt his back slightly cold.

He found that he really did not care too much about Guan Ao. He only knew that Guan Ao was abandoned by Zi Yunfeng before, but he didn't know that there was such an inside story. Originally, he just thought that the progress of Guan Ao's practice was too slow , This was just abandoned...

   "But after all, I still want to live!"

Guan Xiaomei said the last words quietly: "I used to hate him and had to rely on him, but now that I have the chance to survive, I will not torture him anymore, I will find my life, he will go Isn’t it good to build your own way?"

   "You can tell me this in another way!"

   After listening to Fang Yuan for a long time, he finally looked up and said a low voice.

   "You are his brother, so I don't want to be involved with you!"

   Guan Xiaomei was just cold and indifferent, and answered all the questions in one sentence.

"I promise you!"

   Fang Yuan didn't want to say anything, he suddenly raised his head and answered indifferently.

   Then Guan Xiaomei's complexion was slightly soothed, and she gently told Fang Yuan an address.

  Before leaving, she said to Fang Yuan: "Don't tell the fool in the future, he has such a sister as me!"

   looked at her and the Yinshan Zongxiao slave walked away slowly, her small figure, actually more calm than that Yinshan Zongxiao slave, Fang Yuan couldn't help but frown, but after all, he didn't say much. Guan Ao hung in his heart, he no longer hesitated. Looking around, I saw countless eyes around him, these people didn't know why he or she said so much for this girl, and no one cared about the girl's life and death, but just looked excited. Or look at yourself worriedly.

   He didn't know how to speak to these people, and finally just walked towards Mr. Zhu.

   came to Mr. Zhu as a gift, but he was in a throat, but he didn't know what to say.

  Mr. Zhu took his short goatee and smiled, "Go!"

   Fang Yuan slightly stunned: "Mr...."

Mr. Zhu said: "You have done a good job this time, but you have also caused yourself a big disaster. Before you can do these things, you are also ready for the world. Then go, I still have a few Happy New Year, I hope you can come back before I die!"

   Fang Yuan's eyes were slightly sad, and he whispered: "The disciples will!"

  Mr. Zhu chuckled and said, "I have no children and no daughters, and I still want you to hold the banner for me, so live alive!"

   Fang Yuan nodded, then stopped talking, turned his fist to the surroundings, and turned to take off.

   Behind him, Sun Guanshi picked up a handful of loess, wiped the blood on his hands, put on a hat, and followed.

   And the white cat whispered and turned into the darkness.

   The roaring beast looked around blankly and looked at the place where Yin Longjian's true story Gan Longjian died, hesitating slightly.

   But in the end he shook his head helplessly and followed the white cat aggrievedly.

   And in the mid-air, above the dark clouds, several strong horizontal air planes left along with Fang Yuan, and also suddenly covered up, leaping a thousand miles away.

   Fang Yuan came to a city in the direction of Guan Xiaomei's instructions, Shen Nian unfolded, and anxiously patrolled.

Now that he has successfully built the foundation, he obviously feels that his physical body is stronger than a moment, and his mind is also stronger than a moment. The senses of the five senses have become extremely sensitive and powerful. Clear!

   Then he quickly found what he wanted, his face slightly changed, and he leaned over and rushed down.

   "Little girl...little girl..."

   On the streets of the city, a big man stumbled, not knowing how many street vendors he knocked down.

He looks confused, it seems that the whole person is a little lost, his eyes dull, a little less of the spirituality that ordinary people will have. This is the sign after being soul-pulling, plus he seems very anxious at this time, obviously The mind has been messed up a bit.

   "Quick beat, quick hit that fool..."

  Behind this big man, a group of naughty boys gathered together, and he was laughing and throwing mud stones at him.

   "Little girl...Where did the little girl go..."

   The big man didn't know how to hide, how many times he was smashed, but he was just dull, looking around.

   in his arms, holding a porcelain bottle, has been smashed, and only half of it remains.


   Fang Yuan saw this scene in mid-air, and he already took a hard look in his heart.

   He rushed straight down into the air, then stepped **** the middle of the street.


   solid blue stone floor, he stepped out of a pit.

   All the urchins around were shocked to the ground by this one, and several of their heads broke their blood and burst into tears.

   "Ahhhh... the fairy is here!"

   Street vendors and pedestrians all were startled and hurriedly kneeled to the ground to salute.

   "Brother Guan Ao, can you still recognize me?"

   Fang Yuan exhaled with a deep voice, and walked forward, his five fingers gently touching Guan Ao's forehead, and immediately felt annoyed.

Today's Guan Ao is indeed because of the forced extraction of souls, and even the mind is a bit confused. The technique of soul search and search is originally a common technique in the practice world. Both the technique and the natural wisdom of some people. , Some people practice mess.

   Smart people search for souls, and even the searched people can do everything as usual without any influence.

   But the soul-searching technique can't get home, but it may damage people's mind.

This is what Guan Ao is doing He was forcibly searched for souls, and the memories that were taken away from him are still very precious to him, so he was very resistant at the time, and he also tried hard to remember afterwards, plus The person who took the soul pump was obviously not very careful at the time, but it made him confused for a while. His soul fell down and even his mind was messed up. At this time, it looks like a fool.

   "Brother Fang..."

  Guan Ao saw Fang Yuan, his eyes shone slightly, and his rough face was somewhat rejoicing.

   But what he called was not the younger brother Fang Yuan who used to call it, but the younger brother Fang Yuan who first met Fang Yuan.

   The color of joy on his face disappeared in a flash, and his face was crying and crying: "Brother Fang, I seem to have a little girl..."

Fang Yuan sighed inwardly, looking at his remorseful and unhappy look.

   He naturally knew where Guan Xiaomei was now, but he made a decision in his heart and sighed:

   "Come with me, I will take you to find your sister!"

   Guan Ao was overjoyed and followed without hesitation behind Fang Yuan.

   Even the originally swaying pace was much more stable at this time.

  But he didn't know, Fang Yuan took him in the opposite direction.


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