Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 221: 1 pot of sour wine

A mana force frightened out, rolled up Guan Ao, Fang Yuan's body shape was directly pulled out, and he walked away from the sky. &1t;/

As early as in the Qi realm, Fang Yuan was already able to fly through the sky with nearly one hundred feet in the sky, and now the foundation has been established, and he has the ability to fly through the sky, although he is not too skilled now. But the short journey is not a problem. &1t;/

He skimmed towards the east of the country, and not long ago, he saw a mountain in front of him. Someone was waving at himself, and he breathed out slowly, and he landed carefully towards the mountain. There, I saw that Sun Guanshi was squatting on the top of the mountain, smoking, and stood up with a chimney pot, and said with a smile: "It's all done, where are you going?" &1t;/

Fang Yuandao: "Don't think about it yet, leave Vietnam first!"&1t;/

Sun Guanshi smiled and said: "Then I will send you?" &1t;/

Fang Yuan nodded and said: "Okay!" &1t;/

Together with Guan Ao who followed behind, the two rose again into the sky and went straight to the sky. &1t;/

Above their heads, the clouds changed, and there seemed to be countless lights watching them. &1t;/

Fang Yuan can already feel the Qingyang Sect, and even the four immortal gates of the Yue Kingdom changed their attitude towards himself. He also knew that he did not need to leave the Yue Kingdom at this time, but he knew more clearly that he only had to leave, he did not want to let Become a person who has been saved by the immortal gate or the five immortal gates of the Yue Kingdom, and you want to be a person who can threaten Yinshanzong and Nanhuang City! &1t;/

To do this, he must leave! &1t;/

But if I want to leave now, I still have a little regret in my heart...&1t;/

With this sense of regret, when he was about to escape again, he suddenly heard a clear cry, and in the distance, he saw a red bird fluttering, and that bird has Fist-sized, but with a light red invitation in his mouth, it came very fast, as if the firelight slipped through the void, directly to Fang Yuan, flying up and down, indicating Fang Yuan. &1t;/

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, reached for the invitation, opened it, and looked slightly soft. &1t;/

Sun Guanshi stretched his head curiously: "What is this?" &1t;/

Fang Yuan said with a smile: "Someone wants to invite us to dinner!" &1t;/

Sun Guanshi stayed for a while: "What kind of food do you have at this time?" &1t;/

Fang Yuandao said: "It should be someone who wants to see me off, I also want to see her!"&1t;/

As he said, he saw that the red **** was leading in the front, and the three of them also leaped into the air. The **** flew so fast that a red light passed through the sky and flew about a thousand miles away. When I reached a green pine peak, the bird was planted in the mountain, and then disappeared. The three people looked around, but it was not far from the side of Sendai! &1t;/

Sendai is in the middle of the sky, surrounded by auspicious clouds, fairy wind Dao Yun, simple and elegant. &1t;/

"Brother Fang Yuan..."&1t;/

Above Sendai, a girl in a white dress, holding a hip flask in her left, gently waved towards Fang Yuan. &1t;/

The trace of regret in Fang Yuan's heart suddenly disappeared...&1t;/

Sitting above Sendai is Luo Feiling, a female disciple of Qingyang Sect Ziyun Peak. &1t;/

At this time she wore a white dress, pulled up her bun, and hung a gold ring in her ear, which only made people seem to be more expensive than usual. The skin reflects the snow, and the eyes are like stars. It's delicate and beautiful, not the color of the world, just like the appearance of heaven and earth, it makes people feel ashamed, and they dare not look directly. It was only with a bronze jug in his hand and a cunning smile on the corner of his mouth that Fang Yuan could be sure in his heart that the girl in front of him like a fairy was really the Luo Fei he knew. spirit. &1t;/

"Awesome sorcery, I didn't even see it before..."&1t;/

Sun Guanshi glanced, shook his head, gave a heartfelt sigh, and patted Fang Yuan's shoulder. &1t;/

Fang Yuan glanced at Luo Feiling quietly, and smiled softly, and walked slowly forward. When he looked closely, he could see that Luo Feiling was still the same as Luo Feiling, and even looked like the facial features. Nothing has changed, but the temperament is very different, but at this time only a glance, it makes people think that this is indeed what Luo Feiling should look like, this is her true nature. &1t;/

In the past, she should have used some secret techniques to change her appearance, so that although she looked very beautiful at that time, it was not enough in this case. But this is also the case, otherwise, I am afraid that Qingyang Sect had already overturned the sky because of her! &1t;/

Fang Yuan still remembered that Sun Guanshi once said Luo Feiling to him. &1t;/

"This girl cannot be hidden by Qingyang Sect!"&1t;/

At that time, Fang originally thought that Sun Guanshi was talking about Luo Feiling's identity, but only slightly agreed. &1t;/

But at this time, he was extremely in agreement! &1t;/

Not to mention others, just Luo Feiling's beauty, I am afraid that Qingyang Sect can not keep it...&1t;/

"I know you are leaving, I will send you specially..."&1t;/

Luo Feiling stood up from Sendai, pointing at the Quartet and grinningly: "Is this good?" &1t;/

"Very good!" &1t;/

Fang Yuan nodded, he had to prepare for the past. &1t;/

Guan Ao was stupefied, but he had to follow, but Sun Guanshi next to him grabbed him. &1t;/

Guan Aodeng looked back at Sun Guanshi: "What are you doing?" &1t;/

"You are a fool, and you are not afraid of getting bald in the future..."&1t;/

Sun Guanshi pulled Guan Ao: "Go, I will take you to touch the toad in the lake below..."&1t;/

"Oh..." &1t;/

Guan Ao glanced at Fang Yuan and nodded obediently. &1t;/

Sun Guanshi blinked to Fang Yuan, patting him on the shoulder: "Brother Fang Yuan, this price is good, sell it..."&1t;/

Fang Yuan: "..." &1t;/

Before it was time for retention, Sun Guanshi had already gone down the mountain with Guan Ao. &1t;/

And far away, there were still a few clouds in the sky that covered Fang Yuan, but after seeing Fang Yuan ascending to this peak, and after seeing Luo Fei Ling on the peak, he immediately quietly and far away, The walk was neat, without hesitation, and some of them were uneasy, and they wanted to continue to guard by the side, but were pulled away by several other people, and retreated to a hundred miles away. &1t;/

Faintly, I can still hear a few long sighs...&1t;/



"Brother Fang Yuan, not yet coming?" &1t;/

Luo Feiling looked at Sun Guanshi downhill with a grinning smile, but his face was reddish, but soon he laughed again. &1t;/

Fang Yuan was no longer polite, stepped into Sendai, and sat down with Luo Feiling next to the little fairy case on that side. Luo Feiling took two small jade cups, one green and one red, carved very much Exquisite, only the green dragon coiled, and only the red luan Gaofei, poured two glasses of wine, gave the green cup to Fang Yuan, smiled: "This is the wine that I have hidden for a long time, there is only one pot in the world..." &1t ;/

He said with a lip, and said, "I want to drink it for you, but you know the practice every day!"&1t;/

Fang Yuan looked at Luo Feiling's eyes and smiled: "If I had known such a good wine, I would feel a loss!" &1t;/

Luo Feiling rolled his eyes: "You didn't drink, you know this is good wine?" &1t;/

Fang Yuandao: "This is the wine I want to drink!" &1t;/

He started talking and took a sip. &1t;/

The glass of small wine was shallow, but he didn't count the money. Fang Yuan took a sip of it, but he felt very bitter, but a hotline went down the throat, and it seemed to turn into a Qingquan in the body, and the whole person was comfortable. A little bit of it, the flesh he just built on, at this time was invisible, and there was a little more power, and the Fang Daotai, they were more clear and crystal clear...&1t;/

"This wine..." &1t;/

Fang Yuan stunned slightly, looking at Luo Feiling, slightly surprised. &1t;/

Luo Feiling said with pride: "I made it myself, how does it feel?" &1t;/

Fang Yuandao: "A little sour!" &1t;/

Luo Feiling's face is unbelievable: "How is it possible?" &1t;/

Speaking of picking up a drink and drinking, his face suddenly changed, and his tongue came out: "It's sour..." &1t;/

Fang Yuan laughed suddenly. &1t;/

Luo Feiling was just stunned: "No, it's obviously a lot of treasures..." &1t;/

Fang Yuan was speechless: "With so many talented sour wines coming out, it can really defeat the family..."&1t;/

"Waste!" &1t;/

Luo Fei Ling shook his head regretfully, and wanted to dump the wine. Fang Yuan took it quickly and said, "Actually it tastes good!" &1t;/

But I was thinking: "There are so many treasures in the wine, can't be wasted!" &1t;/

Luo Feiling listened to the light, looked at Fang Yuan, and said with a smile: "Then I will serve you!" &1t;/

Fang Yuan was a little surprised in his heart. There was no one here. How to serve? &1t;/

Before this idea flashed, Luo Feiling's hands patted lightly. &1t;/

Then the surrounding mountains suddenly croaked, and there was a lot of noise. Soon after, I saw a wild ape coming over the mountain, holding a plate of wild vegetables, and a little clear dew. The water was very tempting. The man put it on the jade case and ran back into the mountain. &1t;/

A white deer jumped down from the mountain, and before reaching Sendai, placed a piece of Ganoderma lucidum on the jade case. &1t;/

In the wild pond under the mountain, another old turtle climbed up ashore, and camel with a lot of lotus root, and a few fresh lotus. &1t;/

At the end, there was a clear voice above the head, and a large scarlet bird flew its wings, but there was a fruit branch in its mouth. Clear, full of bright red, gently thrown on the jade case. &1t;/

"Sister Luo, what are you..."&1t;/

Fang Yuan could not help but admire his heart, and could not help asking. &1t;/

"I won't tell you..." &1t;/

Luo Feiling smiled strangely, but refused to say. &1t;/

Fang Yuan shook his head helplessly and said, "Well, you don't say it, I don't ask!" &1t;/

In fact, he had already discovered that there was a secret in Luo Fei Ling. As early as in Moxi Lake, he knew that this girl was very extraordinary, but in the past, he just thought that Luo Fei Ling might have a good background, and now she looks like she is today. , And there are scenes of the beasts offering fruit, but I feel that it is not so simple. Why is this girl's background just good, it is really very good...&1t;/

However, since Luo Feiling refused to say, he would not ask! &1t;/

After all, he also showed the power of the magic seal in front of Luo Feiling before, and Luo Feiling did not ask afterwards. &1t;/

This is a mischievous, but very sensible girl, and she is only assuming that she is the sister of Luo Feiling of Zi Yunfeng! &1t;/

Drink a pot of sour wine, both Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling have been Fang Yuan and Luo Feiling are in good volume, there are too many natural materials in this pot of wine Dibao, almost reaching the level of immortal brew, a shallow bite, enough to make people drunk for a few days, but Fang Yuan has already drank a lot, one drop has not been sprinkled. &1t;/

At the end, I thought the sour wine was also delicious...&1t;/

"Ah, I'm tired..." &1t;/

A small head suddenly leaned on Fang Yuan's shoulder. &1t;/

Fang Yuan, who was already somewhat obscure, suddenly tightened his muscles, slowly turned his head, and looked at Luo Feiling. &1t;/


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