Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 222: Green gourd

Feeling the warmth from Luo Feiling's soft body around him, Fang Yuan only felt that the wine had woke up most of the time, but another sense of dizziness gradually rose, one in his chest Suddenly, a heart suddenly jumped...

There seems to be a very strange feeling, only to feel the heavens and the stars, never shine so bright for a moment.

Being leaned on this thin body, he had a feeling of suffering and losing, which has never been seen before!

He always wanted to practice, and when he was rarely greedy for joy, because he was always dissatisfied and empty, which required him to constantly force himself to practice and step up step by step. Sometimes, he felt that only practice The scenery on the road can fill his heart, but he never thought about it. Sometimes, it is just these gentleness that is enough.

"Brother Fang Yuan, I have to go..."

Luo Feiling suddenly said gently: "After dawn, I will go back with my aunt!"

"Go back to your house?"

Fang Yuan didn't know how to answer, so he only asked so gently.

This was an expected thing. His departure was an accident, but Luo Feiling seemed destined to leave, because she did not belong to the Qingyang Sect, nor to this place, just did not expect that they The time to leave is so close!


Luo Feiling agreed softly, and then quietly again.

"Actually I haven't played enough..."

After a while, she suddenly laughed softly again: "It's too late to meet you, otherwise we will go to the rivers and lakes in black and white, gather the dew in the morning, evening sunset, pick a few stars, steal half of the moon, all go to Have a hide in that gourd, and then use him for 180 years to make a pot of good wine, ride the breeze, sing a song, and drink it and get drunk for a lifetime, what a fun thing..."

Fang Yuan listened to her interestingly, and found it fun in her heart.

I remembered the experience of living and dying together with this girl in Moxi Lake while at Moxi Lake!

The name of black and white Shuangsha is still circulating in the five immortal gates of Vietnam...

"It's not too late!"

He smiled softly and whispered.

"Oh, it's a little late..."

Luo Feiling turned around and sat back to back with Fang Yuan, his small head resting on Fang Yuan's shoulder. He seemed drunk, looked up at the stars in the sky, and remained silent for a long time before his voice was low. : "Brother Fang Yuan, you have to go, and I have to go back. I don't know how long it will take before we meet again. I don't know if we can meet someone as good as you..."

Fang Yuan stunned slightly, he always felt that Luo Feiling was a happy and carefree day, and suddenly heard her say this, but felt that his heart was deep and could not help but whisper. Asked: "Is the people around you bad for you?"

Luo Feiling's head shook, and said: "They are very good to me, whether it is the ancestors or a few aunts, it is very good!"

After a pause, he added: "But they are different from you after all!"

Listening to these soft words, Fang Yuan's nose can smell the warm fragrance from Luo Fei Ling's body, and a strange emotion suddenly developed in his heart, trying to reach out and hug her, but his temperament, but In the end, he couldn't do anything like this. He could only sit calmly and let Luo Feiling lean more comfortably on his body, whispering: "It will be the same in the future!"

"Just like before, will you not leave me even if you are going to die?"

Luo Feiling asked, his voice seemed a little nervous.

She seemed to care about Fang Yuan's answer.

And Fang Yuan also seriously considered for a long time, whispered: "Yes!"

Fang Yuan could feel that Luo Feiling's body seemed to be trembling gently. He wanted to turn his head around, but he still endured. He just sat quietly all the time, feeling that Luo Feiling gradually calmed down, and there was more in his voice. A little bit of usual brisk meaning: "Brother Fang Yuan, you are really good. Although you are usually like wood, you don’t know to let me drink when you drink, but also bully me for the white cat, but I I know you are really good, I don’t blame you for the white cat, you are now the best person in my heart..."

Fang Yuan listened to the child, but he was a little excited.

But he still breathed out a long time, calmed his mood, and whispered: "You don’t have to praise me like this, I know what kind of person I am, I usually don’t care about many things, and only you, I don’t think I’m too bored..."

"You don't care about a lot of things because you don't take them out casually because you put your mind at ease!"

Luo Feiling replied casually, paused, and added a sentence, saying: "The same is true of people!"

After listening to this, Fang Yuan was slightly stunned. He froze for a long while, bowed his head, and gave a soft wry smile.

"Brother Fang Yuan..."

Suddenly Luo Feiling made a decision, suddenly turned to Fang Yuan, and faced him, with a very serious expression on his face, and took out a pale blue gourd from behind him. The original handed it over, Fang Yuan knew that the gourd was her usual body, and at this time she looked carefully, and she saw a light cloud pattern on the gourd, which was carved into a red luan look.

"Isn't this your baby?"

Fang Yuan looked at the gourd, but couldn't help smiling.

"This is my baby, for you, you have to keep it..."

Luo Feiling said very seriously.

Fang Yuan nodded and took the gourd over.

Luo Feiling stopped talking, and after a while, she said: "Brother Fang Yuan, one day in the future, I don’t know how long it may be. It may be ten years, eight years, or maybe decades. In short, At that time, the sky in the South China Sea will turn red. At that time, the red luan bird on this gourd will come alive, fly to the South China Sea, and take you to the South China Sea to participate in a fairy party. You must come by then. ..."

"A fairy club?"

Fang Yuan stunned slightly, looking at the red luan in his hand, somewhat puzzled.

"Brother Fang Yuan, do you agree?"

Luo Feiling looked at Fang Yuan, his expression seemed anxious, even worried.

When Fang Yuan saw this, he nodded solemnly and said, "You can rest assured that I will definitely go!"

A smile appeared on Luo Feiling's face and said, "I knew you would go, and I would never ignore me!"

It seemed like she had put something down in her heart. She leaned against Fang Yuan, subconsciously reached out and embraced Fang Yuan's arm, hummed a ballad gently in her mouth, and slowly fell asleep, the night breeze came, Yun Danyueming was silent for a while.

"This night has passed, should we go to separate things?"

Fang Yuan gave her the wine gourd playing with her, and her feelings were extremely complicated.

Gradually, he sighed and looked up at the night sky, suddenly hoping that the East would never turn white.

"Hey, the two of you guys are drinking and fooling around here, but I am tired of my old man running around..."

Most of the calm night had passed, even when Fang Yuan was about to fall asleep, he suddenly felt something was wrong, the wind around him, I don’t know when it disappeared, the hidden beasts in the distant mountains also disappeared, he turned When he turned his head, he saw a woman dressed by Taoist, gently thumped her waist, came to Sendai, and sat down in front of him, looking at him with a smile.


Fang Yuan did not panic when he saw the aunt, but asked politely.

This side of Sendai was originally a fairy treasure. If an outsider came in, he would be bounced by Sendai immediately, but the Taoist seemed to come home, and even the sleeping Luo Feiling was not alarmed. That was only one reason. This Sendai was originally hers, and as soon as he saw the aunt, he set up a mysterious enchantment, and knew that she must have something to say to herself.

"I am the elder of this little girl, and she can also be regarded as her guardian. You can call me to be a nun. But now, you can call me a benefactor and there is no defense. Just now I have dealt a lot for your little child. Things, come and see..."

The aunt robe sleeve gently waved, and suddenly something appeared on the ground.

Fang Yuan took a closer look, but was slightly taken aback, but he threw seven or eight Qiankun bags on the ground, all of which were of excellent quality, some were still stained with blood, and there were four or five magic weapons, some complete and some incomplete However, the key is that those magic weapons are actually true magic weapons. The grade has passed the magic weapon more than one kind, but now they are piled on the ground like garbage...

"It was all sent from the Yinshan Sect to find your disciples, and some demon from Nanhuang City came to stare at the Yinshan Sect disciples and grabbed their hands. Although it is not worth a few dollars, maybe it may have some effect on you. I brought it to you and let you pick it!"

Jiu Gu smiled softly, and the wind was light.

Fang Yuan was slightly startled, and he had already guessed the truth.

Since the Qiankun bag and magic weapon of these people have been robbed, the end of those people naturally need not be said.

He couldn't help but look at Luo Feiling again. At this time, Luo Feiling was still asleep quietly, and a sudden appearance of this Taoist abducted a strange field power. In this field, this dialogue, Probably only myself and her can hear.

The feeling in Fang Yuan's heart is a bit complicated.

He didn't think that Yinshan Sect and Nanhuang City actually had so many backhands.

He naturally also knew that Qingyang Sect and even the Five Great Immortal Gates of the Yue Kingdom would probably protect themselves after seeing their heavenly path built, but in this way, they would inevitably face these demons, and I don’t know how big they would be. There is no way to know how many people are going to die, even if it is so, even if so many masters are staring at them, it is also a matter of whether they can save their lives...

Luo Feiling, the girl, secretly helped herself so much, but she did not mention it just now.

"No need to thank me!"

Jiu Gu smiled softly and said, "I was too lazy to manage this girl. This girl has been entangled with me for two days, but I have to shoot!"

She smiled and looked at Fang Yuan intentionally or unintentionally, without using her terrifying thoughts, just like an ordinary person, looking at it with eyes, especially saw Luo fell asleep holding Fang Yuan's arm When flying spirits, a playful smile appeared in the corner of the It was just this smile, but when he saw the green gourd in Fang Yuan's hand, it slowly disappeared.

"She gave it to you?"

She looked at Fang Yuan's face and spoke lightly, her voice soft and slightly serious.


Fang Yuan nodded and put away the red luan, saying, "Sister Luo also invited me to a future fairy banquet!"

"Little girl is quite confident in you..."

The corner of Jiu Gu's mouth again showed a playful smile, saying: "However, are you sure you will really go?"


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