Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 873: Kunlun Mountain Remnant

Master Lei said nothing loud, but it sounded like thunder bursts in Fang Yuan's ears.

He no longer knows how to answer!

Since the inheritance of the Lord of Darkness, knowing the reincarnation of these robbery demons, Fang Yuan has been unable to let go.

The head of the heart is a big stone. He doesn't know how to make a choice, and he doesn't know whether he should publicize the reincarnation of the devil, even if he comes over this time, he is already prepared to make it public, but there are some He was still worried about the reasons for being forced to help, because he had not found a solution. If the matter was made public, it would probably be in chaos!

But he did not expect that before he could tell the secret, Master Lei gave himself a surprise.

It turns out that they already know the existence of the robbery.

Counting from this point of time, perhaps they know that it is earlier than themselves and before the Lord of Darkness...

"Fangyuan Daoyou, you don't actually need to carry this weight alone!"

And the voice of Saint Sage Tiankui suddenly sounded from behind Fang Yuan: "We know what you are worried about, because the existence of these robbery goblins is too terrible, it is likely to ruin all hopes of robbery on earth. So after knowing this secret, we also had no countermeasures, and chose the same path as you, temporarily blocked this matter, and slowly found a solution!"

Fang Yuan remained silent for a while before keeping his inner peace. He suddenly said, "Did you find it?"

Tiankui Shengren said: "I found it, what about you?"

Fang Yuan looked up and looked at Tiankui Sage's eyes, saying, "I found it!"

From each other's eyes, they all saw certain perseverance, even fierceness!

Then they all knew that on this issue, they had thought of going together!



Fang Yuan knew what Xianmeng had asked him to come over.

The purpose of Xianmeng to come here is the same as the purpose of coming to Xianmeng!

So, after he nodded slowly, he settled on this matter, and then raised a question: "I know that Xianmeng should keep some kind of stele, I hope to take a look at these steles, and then explore some of them what!"

Listening to Fang Yuan's request, Tiankui Saints did not feel surprised.

"Both stone tablets have been brought to Xiaoleitai, you can go to see them!"

He said very calmly and naturally, saying: "We all know that you are involved in the stone tablets in all the holy places, and know that you will find Xianmeng sooner or later, so this time I brought it back, although...maybe You have learned all the stone tablets, and you may not be able to discover anything. After all, you are not the first person to understand the stone tablets, but if you want to see them, then take a look!"

"Two stone tablets?"

Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, and was also happy.

He wanted to come to Xianmeng this time, in addition to doing that big thing, he wanted to help himself find the remaining stone tablets through the power of Xianmeng, but he didn't expect that he didn't have to open his own words. After Xianmeng guessed his thoughts , Already ready for yourself.

This fit is smoother than you think.

Sage Tiankui smiled bitterly and said, "When you see it, you will know, alas, there are some historical records in the stone monument. This matter is no longer a secret, but unfortunately, the people who participated in the research Quite a lot, but in the end no results..."

Fang Yuan stunned slightly, and looked at the sage of Tiankui: "Predecessors have also learned about the stele?"

The Heavenly Sage Saint was silent for a long while before saying: "Thousands of years ago, there was a group of people on Kunlun Mountain who specially participated in the stone stele. Perhaps they had already penetrated the stone stele and at least learned some secrets, but as a result, they were all miserable. Holocaust, and, as far as the old man knows, even if they had studied through the stele, they did not find any solution to the big catastrophe, because at first those people were interested in the stele, but when they first entered the Kunlun Mountains, the following years Here, they have been doing other things..."

Fang Yuan frowned slightly and listened to the past.

It was vaguely guessed that perhaps the people on Kunlun Mountain first learned some inspiration from the stone tablets.

But what is recorded in the stele must not be the secret of solving the catastrophe, otherwise they will not be justified and continue to develop.

Maybe the Lord of Darkness would later be interested in the stele, also because of the influence of those people on him.

These are of course only speculations, and what happened on Kunlun Mountain is unknown.

Fang Yuan didn't want to say anything, but decided to talk after seeing the stele first.

Fang Yuan was led by Detiankui Sage and others to arrange other things, and came to a very secret cave house in Xiaoleitai. Here, he saw two unfathomable steles, looking at himself There is no difference, one of them is well-preserved and full of handwriting, but the other is actually destroyed by more than half, and some traces of fire damage can be seen on it.

"This stone tablet is the remainder of the Kunlun Mountain catastrophe?"

Fang Yuan looked at the stone tablet with only half left, and he was slightly surprised.

He had heard the sage of Tiankui said that this stone tablet was the one that was brought into Kunlun Mountain by senior monks. However, Kunlun Mountain was later robbed, and all the secret methods destroyed most of it, but this stone tablet is lucky, or Survived...

I really don't know what happened on this stele, and Fang Yuan had no time to think about it.

He sat down, boiled a cup of tea and drank himself, calming his mind.

Then he looked at the stele and looked at the inscription on it.

The inscription on this tablet, which he had seen before, was in the Tuowen left by the Lord of Darkness.

One of them is the story of fishing and hunting fish, and the other is the story of Emperor Yuanyuan meeting immortals.

These are not good-looking, Fang Yuan did not delay time too much, when the mind was calm, he fell into the monument with a sword.

I was immersed in my mind for a while, and I entered the stele, a long dream.

This time, he came to the era of the Second Emperor Xuanhuang fighting for the world!

As early as the torn stone slab of Qingyang Sect, Fang Yuan saw that Emperor Xuanhuang began to confront, as if destiny was coming, and finally ushered in a war. Now this stone slab takes that part of history down , And nothing unexpected happened, the battle between the two of them appeared as expected, also as tragic and wonderful as expected!

Whether it is Emperor Xuan or Emperor Huang, they all have funds that are out of the world, and they all have the ambition to never change.

But because of their demeanor, there are countless races and superiors who follow them. Therefore, a battle, like the appearance of the appointment, the immortals on both sides of theirs, they tried their best, collided on the nine days, released Brilliant brilliance!

Fang Yuan was immersed in that dream and could not wake up.

He had never dreamed of it, and he could see so many unscrupulous strongmen fighting against each other for nine days!

It's a shame to be so natural.

Many legendary strongmen fell in this battle.

Many rare Taoisms and quaint studies were lost in this era and disappeared.

Fang Yuan experienced such an era in his dream, and even felt heartache and endless regret.

However, this is the first half of the dream.

Fang Yuan soon saw that in this world war, there were some shocking things.

The collision of the peerless masters and the mighty attack with the army made countless wisdom appear in such a pitiful situation. I don’t know how many new great practitioners have grown up, nor how many powerful magical spells have been taken in one step. Step by step, Fang Yuan saw that no matter whether it was Emperor Huang or Emperor Xuan, there were great wise men who included and derived this supernatural power...

......It seems to be a competition, they have abruptly practiced the system and launched a new realm!

Both parties saw the existence of that state, so they always wanted to fight in front of each other.

It was a situation of countless immortals, who worked hard to fight for the world!

Fang Yuan didn't know how many immortals had burned the last ray of blood in order to develop this new state.

Then, after this battle lasted for three thousand years, this competition, with a result, Emperor Huang and Emperor Xuan two emperors personally launched a worldly war on a fairy mountain, they are both invincible and comprehend the Avenue After the fighting method, Emperor Xuan was defeated by Emperor Huang, sitting on the top of the mountain, and Emperor Huang successfully realized the last step and entered a new realm!

It is a new state beyond the imagination of the world!

At this time, Emperor Huang became the 33-day co-owner.

Before history, an unprecedented great emperor, a unique existence among the world!

When seeing this result, Fang Yuan was somewhat fortunate.

He was very worried at first, and he would see that because Emperor Xuan and Emperor Huang were fighting for the world, they finally broke the thirty-three days, triggering a scene of the source of the catastrophe, because if so, he would be somewhat disappointed and lament the sadness of the world. , And the world's helplessness.

But he did not expect that the results he saw were totally different.

The final result of the battle of the Second Emperor Xuanhuang was the emergence of a new spiritual The realm was so high that even this big dream could not be left as a brand , Leaving that kind of Dao Yun in Fang Yuan’s sea of ​​knowledge, but Fang Yuan can feel that it is a state beyond Mahayana, an unimaginable state. I have practiced for so many years and I haven’t even heard of it. This kind of realm, presumably, only exists in the history of the Great Immortal Realm.

Retreating from the big dream, Fang Yuan pondered for a long time.

He didn't know what he should think, while he was glad, and he had full respect for those legendary predecessors, but under his heart, he couldn't help but feel a bit lost, because maybe the result of their struggle for the world did not let him down, but also did not have a big disaster Secret!

Therefore, his eyes quickly turned to the last stone tablet.

If the people in Kunlun Mountain did find something in the stele, it might be in the stele.

This is the last stone tablet known to the world!

Those people in Kunlun Mountain, who had just brought this stone monument into Kunlun, did not know what secrets were hidden in it!

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