Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 874: Hongmeng Daoqi

Concentrating, Fang Yuan adjusted his mind, and then a sword cut into the stone tablet!

Sinking into his dream again, he saw a magnificent and vast immortal world.

He saw Emperor Huang sitting high for thirty-three days, unifying the world, clearing the world, countless powerful races in the world, including immortals, demons, gods, demons, and humans, as well as countless dragons, demons, phoenixes, and hegemons. This kind of beast has countless traditions and countless immortal temples. It seems that it is a collection of all luck between the world, multiplying and developing, endlessly endless, neither disturbed by foreign enemies nor worried about internal troubles, everyone is just After rushing to practice, all the immortals in the world even shouted, "Why not practice for longevity?"

They have indeed opened the era of longevity!

Because at this time, there are immortal emperors above and various avenues underneath, both legally protected and endless space exploration, which makes the immortals under the immortal emperor no longer need to compete for resources, nor worry about Some people are not good for themselves because of revenge and murder. The difficulties that have plagued them in their practice are gone, so what else can they do for practice?

When everything starts to become perfect, there is only the idea of ​​longevity!

Just want to live forever, in order to enjoy all this forever.

The longevity era has come so logically, this is an ideal world!

However, under this logical situation, some seemingly inevitable contradictions are hidden, and gradually appear.

More and more people have achieved longevity, and more and more people have reached the level of surpassing the previous practice system. So for tens of thousands of years, some problems that were thought to be never a problem will eventually appear, too prosperous. The Great Immortal Realm gradually became poorer due to the rise of the Immortals and the Clan, and the Great Immortal Realm, which was originally thought to be free of demand, also began to dry up.

The pursuit of longevity has begun to become a trend, so the resources in this world are no longer enough.

At this time, internal problems began to appear again.

Many people have put forward their own different ideas, and even some practices.

Some people suggested that reincarnation should be established. Except for the elders, no matter how high they are, and regardless of race, they must jump into reincarnation and go to cause and effect. Only in this way can resources between heaven and earth be given a chance of reincarnation. ...

It is also suggested that the road of ascension of the world should be blocked, so that the immortal will be immortal, and the mortal will be immortal!

Some people even propose to issue a ban on immortals to exterminate the world's spiritual practice...



All these suggestions and countermeasures, even the fairy emperor, do not know how to choose.

Today's Immortal Emperor is already the grandson of Emperor Huang Immortal Emperor who built the 33-day Celestial dynasty. At first, Emperor Huang entered the supreme realm, but he did not pursue longevity. Ten thousand years later, his mind was clear, he went to Tianwai, and there was no more news. Then his son, Emperor Ming, assumed the throne and ruled the Great Immortal Realm for thousands of years, failing to cultivate longevity, and died in Xianting.

Afterwards, it was Di Ming's son, Di Jun, who took the throne.

Emperor Jun does not have the ancestors' noble mind, he only likes to participate in research and supernatural powers to cultivate flowers and plants.

When the countless twists and turns came to him, Emperor Jun was irritable and even angry, because he was different from other immortals. Although he was a son of Immortal Emperor, he did not stand high in his life, but had experienced warp waves, He almost died, and when he reached the age of thirty in the mortal world, he was taken back by Xianting and inherited the emperor's emperor's throne, so he always wanted to be human!

He did not want to build a reincarnation, nor did he want to issue a ban on immortals.

But the voices of the following ethnic groups are getting louder and louder, and there are more and more opinions.

Di Jun knew that he couldn't solve it, and asked the Da Yu Xian, who was hailed as the most wise person in the world.

Da Yuxian said: "Whoever says tragedy will reincarnate, and whoever speaks deeds will damage the world?"

He is determined to deduce a law of all ages, which can make the world no longer have the trouble of resources and no source of tragedy!

The world thinks he is crazy.

But Di Jun believed in Da Yuxian and gave him endless support.

Dayuxian exhausted all the laws, realized the supreme law, ruled the laws of the heavens and the earth, and assembled the Daxian realm, all kinds of top magicians, Dan, array, utensils, and Fu Dadao overhauled, closed in the immortal palace, no If you participate in the law of the world, you won't go out!



After a big dream experience, Fang Yuan felt lucky again, full of doubts.

Fortunately, those legendary ancestors are very respectable!

The history he saw did not disappoint him, but kept surpriseing himself. He was really worried before. He would see some stupid things in that history, but the result was no. Those people are far more ambitious than themselves. With aspirations!

But he was a little puzzled.

When he wanted to come, what he saw in the stele was that the impoverishment of the Daxian Realm was dried up because of the arrival of the eternal age. Therefore, what Da Yuxian did was as if it had been a Solved problems...

People who practice spiritually are born without resources.

And the higher this resource belongs to the cultivation level, the more restrictions there are.

When practicing the realm of Qi, there are countless resources that can help people, and the foundation will be more critical, and Jin Dan is even scarcer.

When Yuanying got into Jinhua, it was already only Xianyuan who could help the practitioners.

Writing a book by myself, so that Yuanying can become a **** without borrowing from the fairy source, and it is not completely separated from the resources, but only reduces the resource requirements. This is already a matter of great merit, not to mention what Da Yuxian has to do. , Actually abandoned resources completely!

How can this succeed?

With full of doubts, he continued to read in this big dream!

After that, he suddenly gave birth to an endless sense of illusion, as if time jumps, history turns!



"Hongmeng Ziqi, Xuanmiao is near, inexhaustible, inexhaustible, can animate all creatures, and can evolve the world. It has the effect of reversing the heavens and the earth, and can create the foundation of the everlasting avenue. It's very rewarding, when it is called the word "Dao", it is Hongmeng Daoqi. Since then, my celestial beings will no longer suffer from reincarnation, and the worries of the endless lake for carp..."

After the feeling that the big dream broke, Fang Yuan found himself on a huge fairy.

Here, he saw the fairy emperor and the endless overhaul.

And above this Fangxian Hall, he also saw layers of purple qi, which came from the east, like a fairy cloud, and turned a side. I don’t know how many great practitioners looked at this fairy qi. His eyebrows were all gone. When they landed on the ground, they were all unbelievable, but after all, they had to admit that what they saw was real, and finally they all bowed down with trembling, three thanks to nine thanks!

Thank you both Emperor Jun from the Xie Emperor's throne and the big Yuxian beside him!

"Da Yuxian was ordered by Emperor Jun to refine the world's Hongmeng and Daoqi. Since then, the world's immortal generation will no longer be disturbed by resources..."



In Fang Yuan's heart, he was shocked.

Suddenly he stepped back from that big dream and felt endless surprise.


What I saw in this fairy monument is wrong!

He never imagined that he actually saw the successful scene of Hongmeng Daoqi refining directly.

According to the characteristics of the stele, the history I saw should be continuous.

Just now, what I saw was that Da Yuxian was going to take part in the magical method of solving the spiritual resources forever, so I made a big wish, then, in this stone tablet, I should see how he has gone through the hardships and will That was the scene of the successful refining of Hongmeng Daoqi, but it didn’t. History seemed to be interrupted suddenly, and it jumped to the end...

What I saw was the scene of Hongmeng's morality after his success!

Where did the middle piece go?

With endless doubts, he then finished reading the rest of the dream.

Sure enough, in this stone monument, in the last dream, most of the time, he was explaining the beauty of Na Hongmeng Daoqi. In his dream, he experienced all races, all traditions, tried and A scene to promote the wonderful use of Hongmeng Daoqi!

Na Hongmeng can actually replace all resources.

He can make people practice, and it is easier to use than all the auras.

He contains almost every characteristic of the Spirit Vein. It can no longer be called Aura, but it should be called "Yuan Qi"!

Yuan is the beginning of everything, so there are endless magical uses!

He can practice, he can heal wounds, he can also form an array, he can cultivate fairy medicine.

People in spiritual practice don’t even need to seek resources for promotion, they only need to improve their state of mind, and then refine their vitality to produce some kind of resources they need, they can get everything they deserve. ...

"No wonder it will be called Dao Qi..."

Fang Yuan experienced all of this in his dream, and he seemed extremely stunned.

The Tao is the source of all things, and naturally can evolve everything.

This magnificent Daoqi is almost close to the road, so he can evolve everything.

Even if Hongmeng Daoqi, which can be derived from the Dadao Law, cannot be derived?

In this way, with Hongmeng Daoqi, there are indeed all the resources!

The most important thing is that such resources are inexhaustible and inexhaustible...

The Tao has no source, and the Tao is endless!

That big fairy world, has really achieved the breakthrough of resources?

When I retired from this big Fang Yuan's whole person was still ignorant.

He even doubted whether what was recorded in the stele was true or not!

In this world, can there really be an inexhaustible and inexhaustible way to replace all resources?

If you say these things yourself, you will probably be regarded as a lunatic?

Reminiscent of the previous conversation with Tiankui Sage, Fang Yuan suddenly thought of something!

He knew what was missing in this history.

The sage of Tiankui once said that when the catastrophe of Kunlun Mountain came, this stone monument went through disaster and was destroyed for the most part. Presumably, the missing part of the dream that I saw was because of this, and from this dream. It can be imagined that as the stele was destroyed, it must be an extremely important period of history. He can almost accurately conclude that the history of burial was actually the preparation of this resource by Da Yuxian from the beginning. , Until the passage of this resource...

That catastrophe completely wiped out the refining process of Hongmeng Daoqi!

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