Master of the Stars

Chapter 1137: Large platter (top)

Ronan smiled silently at Sun Jiayi's courtesy.

Interpersonal skills are the most basic skills for people like Sun Jiayi. Her greeting etiquette is by no means simply sorting down according to status.

She just smiled at a regular customer and big business like He Donglou, but she keenly discovered Mo Peng who was stuck in the crowd:

"This gentleman is a bit faceless."

Mo Peng glanced at Ronan subconsciously before squeezing a smile on his face, just like Ronan, only smiling but not talking, but everyone could see his stiffness and awkwardness.

Ronan only spoke at this time: "My cousin, Mo Peng, I didn't have much contact with our circle before. But if we want to deepen our relationship in the future, this is quite appropriate."

If Ronan can speak, Sun Jiayi will achieve her goal.

"Able to be recognized by Professor Luo, the Starry Sky Club will be with you."

The tone was courteous, but his posture was neither humble nor overbearing, and he reached out to Mo Peng: "Young Master Peng, please take care of him in the future."

Finally, Mo Peng has a large body and has a buffer in the car. This time, he really resisted it. Holding a smile, he reached out and shook Sun Jiayi briefly, which was considered to have passed this level.

Sun Jiayi greeted He Donglou and the others one by one, and finally gave Xi Wei a personal greeting.

"Weiwei, long time no see."

Their friendship may not be so deep, but the beauties with different styles and styles are so pleasing to the eye. It is very eye-catching, and it naturally helps Xi Wei to do a good job in the relevant positioning function.

Ronan didn't pay attention to these before, but discussing many commercialization paths with Xi Wei on the way, and now he can't help but think about it.

He didn't think too much about mystery, mainly because of one thing. Sun Jiayi has nothing else, that is, her eyes are a little bit similar to Ruiwen. They are narrow and not cramped, clear and energetic, but they feel biased. cold.

The difference is that Sun Jiayi has exquisite makeup and is good at interpersonal communication. The corners of the eyebrows and eyes are charming, which dissolves the natural sharpness.

As for Ruiwen, most, Moya forced her to mean it twice. If you want to become a public figure in the future, you have to modify it. Maybe this one can be a reference?

With thoughts coming and going, and the angle is so strange, Ronan's eyes stayed on Sun Jiayi for a little longer, which aroused the latter's reaction.

Sun Jiayi let go of Xi Wei and turned to Ronan, but there was no immediate exchange. Instead, he stretched out his hand and invited a group of people to enter. After a certain distance, he whispered: "Professor Luo, what else do you want?"

Ronan didn't want to say "you teach Ruiwen how to make-up". He thought for a while and said: "You are well informed. You should know what I need most now."

"It's Miss Ruiwen's business."

Of course, Sun Jiayi did her homework, and she did not hesitate to answer: "It seems that I am not going to block the temperature, but want to do the opposite and have an impact?"

Ronan didn't look at her either, his eyes only flowed from the highly designed geometric figures and lights on the promenade at the back of the foyer:

"You know me, Ruiwen's temperament, you should have heard of it. It's really difficult to get me to come up with a plan to help Ruiwen get to the stage without being annoying. Especially. After chatting with Sister Weiwei all the way, I became less confident."

His tone was as if he was chatting with friends, and he was quite frank and straightforward: "How about you, you know us well, and you are a well-known intermediary in the industry with the most extensive contacts. I wonder if there are any suitable experts to introduce you?"

Sun Jiayi didn't respond right away, but said: "You say that, I have to think about it."

"Okay, please."

Ronan just said, he didn't expect Sun Jiayi to introduce him a very suitable candidate right away. It is impossible for him to put the hope of success on this person.

Sun Jiayi is a person who needs attention, nothing more.

But right now, in this starry sky club, there are guys who need more serious attention than Sun Jiayi.

Night is really coming. According to the original design concept, there is no lighting source near the "Shore Defense Fort", which itself is the brightest and most dazzling light source. The lights are brilliant, illuminating a large area of ​​the sea that can be seen.

At this moment, I don't know how many people and how many mentalities are projecting their sights on this high-profile and dazzling "stage".

If you don't know, this kind of data is not the target that the tumultuous participants here need to pay attention to, nor can they see it.

Just as standing at the forefront of the "fortress", in the center of the dazzling aperture, standing high above the sea, of course, there is a strong sense of pleasure of giving up to others, but the fact is that it is impossible to see the lighting clearly with the naked eye of a normal person. Outside the range, there is a dark sea with sharp contrast of light.

Originally, a little outline can be seen.

For Ronan, this is certainly not a problem. But people just can't hold Lenovo, he can't help but worry:

If Ruiwen faces a similar situation, will it have any bad effects?

Of course, there are still some groundless worries about this kind of consideration at the moment. However, there is still a more realistic level of confusion.

Ronan stared at the dark sea beyond the glass curtain wall. The palm of his wrist flipped and circulated subconsciously, and between flipping and circling, a hollow metal sphere appeared in his palm, spinning silently.

This thing looks like the "scented ball" used by the rich in the homes of the rich in ancient times, that is, the gloss and texture look unreliable.

After spinning in Ronan's hands for several weeks, the "Scent Ball" made a fine "buzzing" vibration, as if something had been activated.

Its rotation speed is increasing rapidly, but there is no violent friction with Ronan's palm. Sometimes it touches it, but passes through it like a ghost, and even disappears. It seems that it is looming, and it may melt into the unknown void at any time.

But after a few more seconds, the sound of the vibration was mixed with the low noise of "Keco", which was like internal parts occluding and running out of state, extremely uncoordinated, and even the frequency of the overall vibration was disturbed.

Ronan looked down, frowning.

"My God, these people are playing too crazy!"

Mo Peng's face flushed, staggering and hitting the glass curtain wall next to Ronan, using relatively cold glass to cool his face.

Taking the night as the background color, what is reflected on the glass curtain wall is the strange figure jumping and dancing in the main venue behind.

The second generation of young people who attended the party on the dozens of days, plus the helpers and beauties who were several times more than this, specially set up the atmosphere, surrounded the huge and obtrusive iron cage in the central area, cheering and shouting.

Inside the iron cage, there are amateur but also fierce indiscriminate fighting scenes. Participants inside and outside the cage became more unrestrained and absurd because of the exciting scenes and the huge gambling funds and bonuses.

For the first time in his life, he was exposed to a similar scene. Although Mo Peng had not drunk, he was still dizzy. It's quite amazing to be able to break through the siege and come here to hide.

"When shall we go back..." Mo Peng changed his forehead to top the glass, and continued to cool his brain, speaking like a groan.

Ronan turned to look at him: "Tired?"

"It's collapsed! Staying longer, your mentality will collapse!"

Mo Peng tore off his collar to breathe himself: "It's not a person in a circle. How can we play with the second-generation official and second-generation rich here? It's torture. !"

"Then you really have to get used to it, in the future..."

"Stop, don't say anything, besides, I'm really going to collapse."


Mo Peng raised his hand and surrendered: "I know, I understand. In fact, I felt a little bit ago. Paper-cutting songs and sister Maoyan have different attitudes towards you. But your circle is not easy to understand after all, until now...Hey, Late contact is not as good as early contact, and late collapse is not as good as early collapse, but you can't collapse now, right?"

Ronan really shut up.

In a practical sense, he may be the "source of collapse" in Mo Peng's psychology.

At this stage, it is better to remain silent.

Although Mo Peng is lazy, playful, and casual, but this little fat man is also really smart, really understandable, and really sober, otherwise he would not be so distracted and always maintain the "Seven Doors All Excellent" score.

He just needs a little bit of buffer time to adapt to the sudden change of social status of his brothers and relatives, and the radiation influence it brings to him.

Maybe you have to readjust your lifestyle.

No one is really willing to change for others, even the dear ones, even the obvious good omen.

What's more, how can things be so simple?

Ronan is not suitable for the in-depth analysis of the subtle psychological changes in it-that would be suspected of offense.

But soon, Mo Peng's attention was attracted by Ronan's "sweet ball" that seemed to be faintly spinning in his hand.

His eyes were a little straight: "What is this?"

Well, a few words are really hard to explain.

Fortunately, at this time, Xue Lei, who was the star of the fighting, also broke through numerous obstacles and came here to hide.

"I really regret coming over to join in the fun..."

Mo Peng was the first to complain: "I think you are very happy to abuse food."

Half an hour ago, Xue Lei spent a total of three minutes, motionless to knock down the seven challengers who dared to play, and won cheers like a landslide and tsunami—at least on the surface.

It can be said to be a big show.

As a fat civilian who couldn't beat him in the game, Mo Peng could only envy and jealously.

Xue Lei rolled his eyes back at him: "You rushed into the kindergarten to beat the children, and then you were broadcast live, and you were analyzed by professional fighting frame by frame. Do you want to try..."

Xue Lei was actually talking about his heroic appearance in the iron cage, which was used by bamboo poles as the live broadcast material of tonight's event, and sent to the group of friends on, where he was ridiculed by the group.

Mo Peng was not on the same line with him, so he straightened his chest: "When I get out of the field, as long as those young ladies rush up, there is nothing I dare to try!"

Xue Lei shook his head, didn't bother to deal with it any more, and rubbed his chest: "This ghost place is light-transmissive from all sides, but it is breathless. I will definitely not come next time."

Mo Peng was very strange: "Where is it, so empty, and there is a fresh air system..."

"Maybe it will rain? The clouds outside are so thick that they are almost sticking to the sea."

"Wow, your eyesight is so good? I look out from here, and it's almost black. Is there any rain forecast today?"

"It's good to leave early."

Ronan agreed with Xue Lei's feelings. He put away the "seismograph" made by Dean Wan that looked like a fragrant ball, and began to look at his watch, wondering when to leave.

At this time, someone called: "I want to be beautiful!"

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