Master of the Stars

Chapter 1138: Large platter (medium)

In the rant, Xie Junping, who has been stuck in the crowd with the big Sike script tonight, emerged from nowhere, but couldn't stand still. He slammed into the front glass curtain wall and looked at him. I was about to collapse to the ground, and I was struggling to complain:

"I said Boss Luo, you've been hiding for such a long time, so don't you come to mourn?"


"Mourning for this..." Xie Junping patted his chest, "This already heroic Xie Dong?"

Ronan shrugged insincerely, "Thank Dong Qiangu... I'm sorry, I'm not too old to drink."

"But you are very skillful in your appetite."


Xie Junping is like a poet, leaning against the sea, and reciting affectionately: "You stand at the far end, looking at the sea, your mind is calm..."

Ronan hehe.

Xie Junping held his breath, trying to stand up, but almost sat on his ass. It was Ronan and Xue Lei who reached out at the same time and grabbed him.

"No, you hide too far."

Xie Junping yelled: "Look, you are here alone, looking for you to chat, walking a few more steps and consuming physical strength is a trivial matter. What about the evaporating courage?"

Mo Peng said "Wow": "It feels like a big boss."

"Well, that's true." Xie Junping blinked vigorously, but he was a little awake. "Obviously it is a social occasion, but it has created an atmosphere of'there is a market and priceless'... But this is not good. A bunch of people want to talk to you. As a result, before Pengzi, no one took the first step! After all, we still have to talk before we can realize the value. It doesn't need to be more, just a few."

Ronan is innocent: "Didn't you talk about it earlier?"

Xie Junping backhanded and dragged him: "Go away! Who would take that kind of unnutritious boiled water hello?"

"Is it my illusion? I think the effect is pretty good."

Mo Peng scratched his head next to him: "Obviously it was a place to beg for help, but Nan Zi didn't say anything. From the beginning to the present, he just raised his cup, and others still boasted. In the end, it seemed like this group of people had gained much face. of."

"That’s thanks to Dongme and He Donglou’s hard work. Most people still look at our face...or based on our attitude towards boss Luo. Of course there are some people who can guess our roots, but They are not obligated to help us publicize, are they?"

Xie Junping has been tossing in the mall for half a year, and he has been able to make a sober analysis of this situation.

In other words, the Cultivation Group founded by Dean Wan, the more you use your mind, the better the state of its practice. Xie Junping said a few more words, even his alcoholic spirit dissipated a lot, and he pulled Ronan's other hand harder.

Ronan didn't really resist. After all, it was the place set up for Ruiwen. The elder brother couldn't really stay out of the matter, so he shook his head and smiled, and walked over there.

Xue Lei and Mo Peng looked at each other, and they both followed.

Xie Junping's suggestion was sold, and he became more and more arrogant: "It must be necessary to have a chat. So, how many people do you remember in the venue now?"

"Do you want to roll out one by one?"

Ronan still has confidence in the sketching and memory functions of the Starry Sky of Life, especially those who are directly related to the outflow of Ruiwen-related information.

Xie Junping decisively ended this side topic: "No need."

After a pause, he said again: "I mean, I, and the circle that He Donglou pulls, are not all the second generation ancestors who are wanting and wanting. They came from the city, and that is also in need.

"According to the logic of this group of people, now they all know that you may be awesome. They want to deepen your relationship with you and earn your favor. This is good. But this is like talking about business. Everyone is at the intention stage. Just signed a framework agreement, that's a shit!

"Let’s at least let this group of people feel that we have attended this party, met a great person, left a good impression, and is worth the money. In this way, Ruiwen will at least lose a lot of money and leisure. The troublemaker... isn't it?

"How do you call acquaintance? At this time, you need to be a big boss, sit there... slap!"

Xie Junping patted Ronan on the shoulder as a dub:

"It's a final decision!"

Ronan rolled his eyes back at him: "I have improved in strength... You let me sit, where?"

This question is very familiar, and the big guy who can make a decision can't first set the person who stood up tonight to collapse, and ran into the crowd to sing and dance.

Xie Junping gave a "Uh" and turned to look: "I just discussed a location with Brother Zhugan... there! At the bar, it is said that a senior bartender made non-alcoholic drinks and desserts without his conscience!"


Ronan gazes around the field for a while, then cast his gaze to the direction Xie Junping pointed out.

There is a little distance from the iron cage fighting arena in the center, but it is also relatively close, and there is absolutely no such thing as cleanliness. However, there are a few couples of men and women sitting loose, or doglike, or giggling, which can be regarded as the aftermath of the warm atmosphere in the central area.

What's more eye-catching is that after the party started, Sun Jiayi, who did not show up again, also sat there, chatting with a mature man who was obviously older than the average age of the participants, and looked very happy.

Mo Peng also saw it, and was deeply impressed with the mature woman: "Supervisor Sun is also here."

Xue Lei snorted next to him: "That woman..."

The always kind Xue Lei conveyed such words and emotions. Ronan knew the reason, but he didn't need to be clear. He just didn't know and led everyone there.

The cheering and screaming of the crowd around the iron cage fighting arena, mixed with the clamor of music, rumbling over. And just as Xie Junping said, no matter how chaotic the scene is, his move will cause the attention of the whole audience to follow. The eyes that many people look at are shining.

The reduction of physical distance really helps the erasure of psychological distance. Don't wait for Ronan to taste the "non-alcoholic drink without conscience". When he arrived at the bar, someone made a special trip to say hello.

The one who came first is the other protagonist of this party, the "Father" Chao Shu, who released the entire fighting video of Ruiwen on the Tianjie Forum.

Ronan succeeded in hiding, and this buddy became the target of being set on fire tonight, and he was already drunk by this time. He was dragged over by his brothers and dragged He Dongliang over.

When Chao Shu was sober, he still had a "big dude" aura, and he was very particular about appearance. But now, he came up as "Brother" and wanted to clink glasses with Ronan, saying it was from Ruiwen. He was the first generation of iron fan. Whatever Ruiwen calls, he calls whatever.

As for the drunken talk, "Forums, super chat, squares, and support clubs will all be handed over to me, let me do it all", they are going back and forth dozens of times in a chariot style.

Of course, Ronan didn't care about a drunkard, but he took a second look at the old man of the Chao family, who was called Chao Fang, who was holding Chao Shu.

He Dongliang said that Chao Fang is very likely to be selected and transferred to Europa’s forward base to become a guard of Lieutenant General Joseph. Indeed, this man was young, less than twenty years old, and his physique was already quite strong, approaching the level of an awakened person on the side of the body.

Moreover, he has not yet implanted the movement and has officially become the Burner.

This is quite remarkable, it can be called a promising future.

In such a scene, Chao Fang is also a sober type who doesn't drink alcohol.

Ronan did not deliberately communicate with Chao Fang, who was also much more restrained than his fifth brother and behaved very low-key.

As for He Dongliang, who was dragged over, he didn't want to leave at this time. He secretly drank a little alcoholic beverage, which was exactly when he was excited. After a few words with Ronan, I felt that it became the focus of the audience. I had witnessed Xue Lei's heroic posture easily sweeping the audience, coupled with the knowledge of his identity, I even held Xue Lei not letting go. The "senior brother" kept repeating in his mouth.

After making up with these three latecomers, the psychological distance that Ronan gave to people became weaker. The men and women who were originally at the bar tried to raise their glasses to Ronan, but more people in the distance were eager to try.

The scene becomes more and more complicated.

At this time, Sun Jiayi, who was chatting with a mature man a little further away, suddenly turned her face and blinked here.

Somewhat frivolous, but more like a hint.

Ronan noticed, nodded slightly, and Xue Lei snorted again.

As for the mature man over there, he also cast his sight...In fact, he had been observing for a while before, and he hesitated before saying something in Sun Jiayi's ear. The two got up together and walked over.

Because of their short distance, they greeted Ronan before the second wave of people arrived.

Sun Jiayi went straight to the topic: "Professor Luo, by coincidence, I would like to introduce you to a media expert in the circle."


Ronan was a little surprised, this woman is so efficient that she lacks trust...

At this time, the mature man followed up in good time. He was dressed up to the point, and he could see that he was quite particular and had a bit of literary and artistic atmosphere.

But when facing Ronan, he used a more cautious attitude than everyone on the scene, and greeted him with a bow: "Fortunately, I saw Mr. Luo today."

After a short pause, I introduced myself again: "I am a lucky businessman, auspicious, a businessman's businessman. It is a small plan to work in the media in the circle."

With that said, he also sent a very retro business card.

Ronan took the business card, the above statement was quite concise, and the important information was at a glance. He raised his eyebrows:

"Look at each other?"

Ronan certainly knows what "look at each other" is.

As a well-known social talk show in the world, Ruiwen’s "Miss Two Thousandths" incident was the one that paid full attention to the whole process, including the global live broadcast of Ronan's first public class.

Ronan has never heard of the name of this plan called "Ji Shang", but what can be confirmed is that he is a mentally capable person, clearly a member of the inner world.

In this way, everyone knows each other.

Sun Jiayi said at the right time: "Mr. Ji is the chief planner of the newly opened "Like Ju" column group of "Langxiangguan". Recently, he is collecting styles near Xiacheng..."

"Tentative name, tentative name."

Ji Shang is very low-key. Of course, in front of Ronan, he can't make a high profile anyway: "Our program is still in the stage of collecting material, and the team is out. As a result, I dragged my legs and hung the color on the wilderness. Stay here to recuperate..."

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