Master of the Stars

Chapter 1139: Big platter (below)

"Look at each other? Haven't heard of it? Online media?"

After all, there are many young people in the field, and not everyone can practice well. There are guys who can’t see the situation, come over and join in the fun: "Dude, you go to the wilderness to collect the wind? Not at the edge of the satellite city? If it is true, even the live broadcast should be exploded!"

Kyrgyzstan had a good temper with the object of this kind of chicken and duck talk, and laughed.

"Hehe, I'm not drunk when talking about the wilderness... Let's talk about it, buddy!"

Xie Junping's practice for more than half a year was not given in vain. At this time, he had recovered from his drunken state, and he took the initiative to attack, finding any reason, and diverting the attention of the guy who forcibly interrupted.

Ronan and Kyrgyzstan also gained room for continued exchanges.

However, Ronan did not know whether Sun Jiayi had mentioned his current needs to Kyrgyzstan. Jishang didn’t talk about Ruiwen right away, but instead introduced his own project:

"...We plan the'class gathering', in fact, we want to imitate the so-called objective perspective of naturalism, frame some phenomena that exist in reality, and study the people in our circle, everyone's'self-recognition','group positioning' and so on.

"You may know that the standards of many people in the circle are quite vague, or even extreme... Well, as a producer, I shouldn't jump to conclusions before the show takes shape, but there are some objects that provide material, compared to the traditional species of the same kind. , Perhaps it is more kind to the wilderness life with more'extraordinary' characteristics.

"This is a phenomenon that already exists. We are collecting as many samples as possible, trying to analyze, or let the audience judge whether it is qualified to become a clear trend of thought."

Ronan thought for a while and probably understood: "It's just like'don't treat people as people' or'don't treat yourself as people'."

There are indeed quite a number of people in the inner world, who call themselves "new humans" or more straightforward "super-evolutionaries", who treat ordinary people like ants, and they are not of the same kind at all.

Ji Shang laughed, and then said: "Of course we also want to observe the views and reactions of traditional society to this side... But is there a ‘wall’ right now? It’s quite difficult to find samples."

"That's true." Ronan nodded, awakening in the next second, "Are you staring at us?"

Ji Shang leaned back again, lowered his posture, and kept smiling: "Frankly speaking, Mr. Luo is indeed closely connected with traditional and secular society. Just like tonight..."

He looked around subconsciously and honestly said: "It's really rare at your level."

"It's rare to be forced to be so embarrassed."

"Uh, that's not what it meant."

Ji Shang was nervous.

Ronan just laughed at himself and didn't take it seriously. But he glanced at Sun Jiayi again: These sisters are doing business, maybe they are used to eating at home and eating at home?

But it must be admitted that the candidate she found still said.

In this world, experts in media, and operations are actually lousy. As long as there is money and resources, there is no shortage of expert hands.

It’s just Ronan or Ruiwen. The situation is very special. The inner world and the secular world are still separated by a layer of membrane after all. People who are not in this circle are separated by a layer when they do things. Some I can't understand it at all—just like the young man who had interjected in before.

In this way, in order to obtain valuable advice, it is more appropriate to find relevant practitioners in the world. Ronan doesn't know if Ji Shang is suitable, but the direction is right.

Also, at some point, Ronan can't avoid being vulgar, he will also watch the dishes.

You know, there are big guys behind the "look at each other"!

The "Similar Gathering" program mentioned by Jishang, related themes are not new in the inner world, but a bad one will offend people, and it is easy to be used to create momentum, and it is definitely highly sensitive.

To be able to make a fuss on this, "look at each other" does have its confidence-in the inner world, the status is high enough, and the media direction is the most beautiful, it is Ms. Li Baizhou. And this well-known host of the inner world, spiritually supernatural, although not involved in the specific management of "look and see", he is a well-deserved backer of the team.

Ronan didn't have a deep intuitive impression of Li Baizhou. He only had a glimpse at the summit meeting, remembering that it was a lady who seemed quiet and rational.

But in the legend, her methods are as sharp as her speech skills. She is usually the host of her talk show, and if she really starts her hands, she is definitely the most difficult type of person to provoke.

There is such a great god, even if Ji Shang is really just an inconspicuous little planner in the program group, there will be some halo blessings.

At least, let Ronan have the patience to listen to him express his views.

At this time, the friends of were making waves.

Inside, Zhugan and others have been posting videos and photos of tonight's event. When it was Xie Junping's turn, he posted a photo of Sun Jiayi, who was feasting and charming, and I don't know when he took it.

Xue Lei followed and commented: "This woman has too many eyes."

Such a bad review after the people is really rare for Xue Lei.

He then said again: "The plan she found was not specifically waiting for us, right? Why do you still want to find something here?"

Zhugan also sent a message: "The possibility of premeditating is unlikely, but her specialty is indeed the platter. No matter how many customers, you can always find something delicious on the plate."

"Ha ha."

Xue Lei's negative perception is quite obvious.

To say that with Xue Lei's honest and kind temperament, it is difficult to hold prejudices against people. For Sun Jiayi, Ronan probably knew that the most important reason was the death of the black wolf.

The Black Wolf, who was unfortunately attacked by the Soul Cultist at the end of last year, was regarded as Xue Lei's boxing friend.

The phantom fire that directly killed the black wolf and seized the house—the guy who claimed to be born in the Soul Order, or a wandering magician, was now completely destroyed and could not be investigated.

But Sun Jiayi, who had made it clear that he had an ambiguous relationship with the Soul Order and was even on the sidelines when the incident occurred, naturally did not want to get a good face in front of Xue Lei.

What's more, looking back, the black wolf was injured by Xue Lei and He Yueyin in his spine when he was possessed by a human face spider. He was almost disabled and was stimulated by the Soul Order during his rehabilitation. The doctrine of the confession gave the murderer a high degree of trust, and finally lost his life in confusion.

Most of Xue Lei's thoughts are also a continuous catalyst for guilt.

Ronan did not respond to Xue Lei's speech in the group.

Speaking of which, he is still the victim of that attempted assassination.

But there are some details, how can I go into it?

In Ronan's eyes, the so-called "soul cult assassination", the so-called conspiracy to assassinate the top leaders of various organizations in the world inexplicably, is itself an absurd joke that is far-fetched and the public opinion outweighs the facts.

Ronan became more aware of this after his round of insights in Hancheng, especially his contact with "veterans" and others.

Before the assassination, ninety-nine percent of people in the world had no idea about the "Soul Order"; after the incident, the number of insiders who surged all the way naturally gave this secret order Painted with exclusive colors and attached a unique label.

The core of the concept of "Soul Religion" has taken root in the hearts of the public.

But this ridiculous and crazy "Soul Order" that has been listed as a terrorist organization, and the "Soul Order" that Ronan has seen with his own eyes in Hancheng, has been mopped up, can't see the light, and even the core technology update is almost out of date. ", is it the same thing?

Ronan thought: No!

But even if Ronan speaks out now, how many people will believe it? Even if they believe it, who will switch their positions?

Public opinion is so utterly inadequate that it feels useless. But when I really fell into it, I felt its terrible place.

Even if Ronan himself is a group of "devil gods" who can wire in the hearts of people and list them into a net, he is very concerned about this "idea" which is different from basic emotions, seems to be rational, and is difficult to correct, and even more on top of it. The group consciousness is still quite guarded and in awe.

Because of this, he is also entangled and vigilant about the possible consequences of Ruiwen's long-term exposure to the public.

For the sake of caution, Ronan is happy to collect opinions and suggestions from all parties, fully evaluate Ruiwen's willingness to remain in the public eye, and make some countermeasures.

There is always no harm in talking more.

The problem is that at the bar, there are more and more people who come to find Ronan for "approval". Even if everyone only needs to talk to Ronan for a few words, it will take a lot of time. In addition, there are so many people with mixed eyes, it is not easy for everyone to continue to delve into the topic.

Ronan, in particular, was a little annoyed to deal with two or three groups of people. He just responded to the previous description of "embarrassed", and his patience seemed to be worn out.

"Hey, are you running here?" He Donglou, who was also drunk, came with a high-profile voice, with a clear voice.

From a purely family background, he can basically form a crushing situation in the current circle. After being drunk, he acted without scruples. He squeezed to the edge of the bar, unceremoniously pulled a high chair and sat down, with a wink beside him. , And also sent another one to Xi Wei.

They sat like this, together with Xue Lei and others, directly filled the space around Ronan, which appeared to be much crowded. Come again, you can't go behind the bar.

He Donglou supported the bar, looking around, "What are you talking about on the third floor and the third floor?"

Sun Jiayi, who was standing by with a smile, responded lightly: "About the public media."

"Media? Oh, Ruiwen's business, serious!"

He Donglou's speech and reaction seemed casual, but he was very accurate. He and Sun Jiayi cooperated tacitly to sort out the chaotic situation and determine the topic of the conversation.

The situation has indeed stabilized.

Those idlers who just came over and got acquainted with their faces would find it hard to squeeze in and bother them. Most of them left in despair after hearing a few words from the outside. Only those who think they have the face and knowledge will take the time to come, but it will not affect too much.

He Donglou, who has completed the control of the field, is quite proud. Although this is mainly the instruction of bamboo poles, he is also a good actor, isn't he?

He was sitting on a high chair, not hearing much information in his ears, but with alcohol, he became more and more hopeful.

However, abruptly, his shoulders were heavy, as if someone was pulling his shoulder with his hand and squeezing in. This angle, I am afraid it is not sticking in against the bar counter.

Squeeze again, and squeeze over the bar!

He Donglou was annoyed, turned his face, and was about to yell, but he was taken aback. What he saw were slightly curly and drooping shoulder-length black hair, as well as the soft and smooth shoulder lines and snow-white flesh under the cover.

Especially the fingers pressed on his shoulders, slender, slender, as bright as jade, and the nails painted with glamorous and dangerous black, forming a strong contrast and temptation.

Well, the perfume smell is also quite high-grade, mixed with alcohol, it is exceptionally mellow.

She is a woman, and she looks like a beauty above the standard.

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