Master of the Stars

Chapter 1173: Smelly Puddle (Part 1)

The ink has adjusted its direction, and the lens is locked in the field again.

The camera position selected by the netizens is quite good, and the sound on the scene is really clear, at least to the point where it can be distinguished.

Also, at this height, you don't need to expect any "restrictive horizons". Condescendingly, everyone's body shapes and faces in the field, as long as the angle is right, will be unobstructed.

At this time, the roar just now has passed, and it was the turn of a very heavy voice in the field, but the tone was relatively relaxed: "...I don't understand, you? Uncle, it's all for the result, in the Municipal Plaza and SCA, What is the difference between outdoor protest and indoor negotiation?"

The person who spoke was the "black T-shirt with an inch head" that got off the off-road vehicle. I heard the person mentioned earlier that it was called Tai Chao. He is a person who looks very "social". From the perspective of the ink lens, he can see that the back of his head has been folded several times.

He was talking to the gray-haired and still-strong "fourth uncle": "Sixth uncle, you think, everyone can hear the noise outside, and who knows what is going on inside the house? You can't convince the crowd?"

The "Four Uncle" was facing the camera face-to-face, and he could see that his skin was rough and weather-beaten, and there were scars and even signs of corrosion in many places on his face, which looked quite ugly and hideous.

His voice was vague and hoarse, but his breath was full, and he was cursing again and again at this time: "Let's go outside, you are in the house, people haven't talked about it, your patty has doubled the amount of earthwork!"

Tai Chao opened his hands and said, "It's you who made Tao Tong brainwashed. If her set works, so many cities are connected, it won't be until now. You can only rant on the Internet, in reality. Just hit the waves and sink to the bottom...

"Uncle Si, you are dazzled, but you are not blind. Except for the first few days, there were a few lively events. Later, she was all told to walk around with various departments. Are you sure that she is not the marketing manager of the Internet of Things, or just some A public relations expert specially invited to cool down?"

Anyone with a brain, hearing this, basically knows what's going on.

In the eyes of most people, at least in the eyes of this group of viewers who watched the live broadcast, the vagrant parade is really nothing, and it is far from their lives. However, any exchange of interests under the surface, or even a deeper conspiracy, whether it exists or not, will be more or less confusing.

"So nervous, so excited!"

"It turns out that the crow is used in this way, and it's a waste of school!"

"The first-hand planning scene of nomad opinion leaders!"

"Speaking of this'fourth uncle', I have really seen it on the news!"

"Damn, the local current affairs news is terrifying!"

"Just a realistic question: I was found...I mean someone in the group watched the live broadcast and saw this scene, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, Miss Ruiwen is not so popular yet."

"So, this is destined to be a sad story for one party?"

"How to put it, I think this live broadcast is also going to be on the news!"

Seeing that the topics in the live broadcast room are becoming more and more dangerous, as a host, Long Qi always has to take his stand: "Everyone, you have seen this. We are just passing by. This embarrassing situation is not what we want to see... Rui Miss Wen, I think this has nothing to do with our live broadcast. Let's withdraw?"

As always, Ruiwen did not respond, but the live broadcast room was fried, and the supporters and opposition broke out:

"Ms. Ruiwen, you will be fined and deducted points for low-speed highway traffic. Go!"

"Don't shrink, it looks so exciting!"

"Watching the excitement is not a big deal, get out, Miss Ruiwen asked you to provoke you?"

"She provoked it herself!"

"It's too naive to say it. I bet at most tonight, the Thai boss who digs the earth will watch the news and scold his mother. Miss Ruiwen has one more enemy in the world."

"I'm an insider now, what should I do when someone gets killed? Wait online, I'm very anxious!"

"Laughing and crying. I was worried that the production team would hire so many people and create such a large background, and the funds would burn too fast. But now I understand that this show is not expensive and life-consuming."

"So we are really witnessing what is happening in a corner of the world... Oh my god, what kind of fairy show is this?"

A few minutes ago, no one thought that the persistent attention of "ink" would poke such a hot topic. At this time, regardless of whether it is supporting the retreat or opposing it, under the pressure of the dispute between the two sides, it is undoubtedly pushing the live broadcast room into a carnival state.

Moreover, as long as you have a certain understanding of ZM's urinary properties, you know that this veteran media, which really looks lively and does not seem to be a big deal, involves hot topics, and as long as it has nothing to do with its own capital background, it must have a few entries. , Rush to the hot search.

In fact, there are now some players who are very keen on hot search in the live broadcast room, yelling "I'm going to shake people", and happily went to Amway to spread.

This is going to be out of the circle... out of control!

By the way, the nomads at the scene still don’t know anything about it. Tai Chao is continuing to deepen the topic: “Let’s take a step back, Sister Uncle. You’re going to talk to SCA, I won’t stop you. But on the municipal square, can you make a face-to-face appearance? Even as a comfort to everyone who has worked hard to build momentum there?"

"If people don't talk secretly, there must be some entanglements here. But you can see, now in Sanzha District, road construction, lake filling, and almost finalized standard area reconstruction, are they good for everyone, isn't it?

"I know, you are thinking about sending all the big guys into the city, but kids like Weiwu can say, what about us ‘dirty people’ who can’t pass the test..."

"Evolution will do."

Probably because the Thai Super’s tone became more and more gentle, the atmosphere in the court tended to ease, a younger brother misjudged the situation, suddenly made a joke, and was stared fiercely at the moment, and he wanted to remedy:

"I mean Ten Days in the Wilderness..."

Then the atmosphere really cooled down.

A group of viewers in the live broadcast room thumped and laughed, directly dispelling the dispute between the "go" and "stay" camps:

"Sure enough, the light mutation route is the most realistic choice."

"The poor man's version is the poor man's version. It's comfortable now. You can cry when you evolve for the second time."

"Damn it, why do you still think of those unbearable past events in Zhouyi in reality!"

"We sincerely invite friends on the deformed route, let's go and open up wasteland together!"

"The wasteland is not deep blue, and the whole family is infected."

"Ethical kidnapping is dead!"

As a global game, as soon as the topic of Ten Days of Wilderness came out, the wind direction in the live broadcast room immediately changed. Yan and CP fans are dormant temporarily, and the game party is proud.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was warm. But at the scene, Tai Chao was really angry: "Why are they all piled up here? Are you out of work? Expect your wife to pay you wages? Push her to sell!

"Old bear, stare at them and work hard! Whatever is on the bank or directly into the lake, there are bright spots in his eyes."

Amid the roar of the boss, the drivers and brothers who had gathered on the side of the venue hurriedly dispersed. The engineering vehicles were almost all put into work, and the transport vehicles were also adjusting their positions, waiting to enter the venue.

The ink couldn't stay at the second-choice position either, flapping its wings to fly, and hovering in mid-air again. The flapping sound brought some interference, but the following dialogue can barely be distinguished:

"These little boys can only dream in the game... or that sentence, we'dirty people', we don't even accept satellite cities! They want to go back to the wilderness and are blocked here, except in the Sanzha district. What else can I do if I take root?"

"Uncle Si, those politicians piled us up here, maybe they made this idea, or else, why do you think they are so easy to give out this earthwork?"

Tai Chao still maintained a gentle attitude, holding the "fourth uncle" half affectionate and half force, and walked back side by side.

Someone in the live broadcast room asked: "I have heard him say several times, what is a ‘dirty’?"

"Damn, it turns out there is a real concept of'dirty' in reality. I thought it was created in the game."

"If you don't play games, can you explain what'dirty' is?"

"It should be that the aberrant gene is embedded in more than three segments, but it does not constitute a dominant structure, so... By the way, I am talking about the game."

"Don't talk about the dominant structure! I'm angry about this."

"The same qi! The same vagrant origin, they are the template of elite distortion when they are drawn. Lao Tzu has nothing else but dirty?"

"The elite template has a route limitation. I was thinking about going to the city and being killed by a mentor..."

Not to mention that the concept of "dirty" has made it clear to a group of gamers. Tai Chao's verbal reasons may indeed hit the spot, and the tone of "four uncles" has also dropped a little:

"I also know what you said...Let's think about it. Why should we send Weiwu and the others back to the orphanage first? Then I will contact you."

Tai Chao laughed: "Don't, I know where Weiwu lives. Well, the orphanage in Linqiang District. Just drop in and just walk together."

At this time, the two had already arrived at Pickup.

Ink also found its third position, parked in front of the pickup truck, and the top of the off-road vehicle that Tai Chao drove over-there was a truck partition before, but now they are all lining up to dump the earth, and the view is still good.

After landing, the camera cut obliquely, "staring" at Tai Chao, reaching out and knocking on the car window. This buddy’s fist is really like a hammer, and the rear window glass of the pickup truck rattles:

"Weiwu, let's take my cross country with your kid from Hancheng. Let's go on the high-speed, much faster than your fourth grandfather's pickup."

In other words, he was not just persuading, but was going to open the door directly.

"Fuck off!"

Tai Chao's movements are very irritating to the "four uncles".

The latter took a step forward and pushed Tai Chao away forcefully: "Don't mess with those who don't have it. Weiwu is like this. After going out, you can still think of the children at home. Do you want to harm too?"

Tai Chao took a step back and stood firm again, but the atmosphere was still suddenly tense.

From this angle, you can just see his buccal masseter muscles, which looks a little swollen.

When such a person opens his eyes, his face muscles are tense, and the horizontal stripes are densely woven, which is extremely vicious.

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