Master of the Stars

Chapter 1174: Smelly puddle (middle)

"Yeah, beware! But what do I do to harm?"

Tai Chao did not immediately get angry, but gritted his teeth with a smile: "You mean I forcibly keep people? You are allowed to take out children one by one, get subsidies, and not let me leave some labor at home? No one, I take it. What feeds such a big family?"

"Four Uncle" stared back without showing any weakness:

"Labor? Raising people? They're all back to the city. You have such a big power, how precious you are! That's right, you are the one...but don't tell me about raising people!

"If you are raising a person, you should divide half of the money of the ladies who are keeping in the satellite city here and buy more inhibitors. That way, not to mention the main city, at least the satellite city can buy more than a hundred more holes. people!

"You wolf cub, don't show good deeds if you are doing the job of ruining the roots!"

The quarrel between the two even overwhelmed the roar of the engine, causing everyone on the construction site to look at him.

Under the focused eyes of everyone, Tai Chao took a breath, and then laughed again: "Uncle Si, after talking, your bad temper should be changed."

"I can't change it. If I want to change it, it's your turn to take the lead? That means Weiwu's father died early, or..."

A heavy blow came.

Tai Chao rushed forward and made a heavy hook at the waist and ribs of the "fourth uncle". The latter seemed to have a strong, aging body, and couldn't bear it. He arched forward and crouched on the ground.

Nearby, a child's scolding was heard from the pickup truck, and the people inside seemed to be pushing the car door and rushing out. However, he made Tai overweight and slammed the iron door of the pickup into a recess, destroying the door lock device, and it would not be able to open for a while.

"Speaking of adults, don't interrupt the children!"

Tai Chao's voice was louder than when he was arguing: "I don't have a good temper, and the family is so big. It's enough to have a one-of-a-kind violent temper!"

"Four Uncle" struggled on the ground, thinking of getting up, but let Tai Chao step on the arched back.

Under the horrified gaze of a group of people on the construction site, Tai Chao directly stomped the "fourth uncle" on the ground, then stabbed the old man's flanks with his toes, and said in a special foreign language:

"Uncle Si, let me tell you the truth, you are not a leader, not because you have a bad temper, but because you have taken everyone away! It is you, and those dead ghosts, that have fascinated the lights of this summer city. Eye!"

"Four Uncle" gasped, squeezing out a voice from his throat: "Fart... fart!"

Tai Chao leaned back: "I know... Uncle, when you stand by the reservoir every night and look at Xiacheng from a distance, are you particularly proud?

"The stall of tens of thousands of people, after a few years of effort, you have to disassemble, crush, and sprinkle it like sesame and salt.

"I think it's redeemed, right? You made a contribution, right? There is only the word'into the city' left in your head, right?

"Into the city, into the city, into the city...

"Just as a maggot in the recovery layer?

"Being a dog for those capitalists?

"Anyone from SCA rubs like a ball of mud?

"Uncle Si, why don't you think about it, if you guys really thank you... and that bunch of dead ghosts, why no one came back to the grave? Please eat, one, one, one, and one meal. ?"

In the last half of the sentence, one word and one foot, with heavy feet and feet, kicked the fourth uncle's chest, abdomen, lower back, and the sound made the scalp numb.

The child in the carriage pressed the glass to rush out of the car window, but was hugged by the companion inside.

In the live broadcast room, many were also surprised by such violent scenes, and they became chaotic for a while:

"Call the police, call the police!"

"A link to the police platform has been issued."

"Here is so biased, the old man will be beaten to death before the police uncle arrives, right?"

"Long Qi brother, sister Ruiwen save people!"

"Are you crazy, dozens of people over there!"

Facts have proved that the people on the construction site are not all violent elements. Some people feel that the situation is out of control. A few close and high-status people ran up, some blocked the car windows and prevented the children from coming out; Tai Chao's arm pulled him back:

"Brother Chao, calm down, and have something to say!"

"The fourth uncle is too old and can't stand it..."

"Brother Chao, the fourth master is going to show his face in the square!"

I don’t know which word persuaded him, Tai Chao finally stopped exerting his strength and let his younger brother take him away. He quickly stood still, took a few breaths, packed his clothes, and snorted:

"He can't do anything else, he can't die with his thick skin."

Tai Chao stepped forward again, pushing away the little brother who wanted to stop him, but didn't do anything again, just staying high, his voice regained its usual lowness:

"Now that we have reached this point, Uncle Si, let's not engage in the things that have or are not, so we should speak clearly and talk about the current affairs.

"I want to see your old face, and the only remaining prestige, go to the municipal square to build momentum. You don't have to be afraid of things going wrong, we are all grabbed by the little shrimps, and naturally someone is behind to control the situation. The big fish eats the small fish, and if the small shrimp is not eaten, there will be a bit of residue... I want this bit of residue!

"As for you, it's just a cutscene. As for the death to live like this? I want to kill you. I tied you and threw you in a corner near the municipal square. He directly blasted your head. The momentum can still be blasted, and it is more drooping than you. Go there with an old face, the effect is better, believe it or not?"

On the ground, the "fourth uncle", who was curled up, was already covered in mud, and his mouth was stained red again, feeling that his mind had been blurred, but at this time he was grinning and grinning:

"I...I'm smashing it, is this plan B?"


The "fourth uncle"'s complaint was really a touch of magic. Tai Chao was obviously stagnated, and then he flew a kick, this time kicking his head.

Fortunately, a group of people were staring at this time, rushing over, persuading, blocking and pulling, not letting it really kill.

The scene was chaotic, and the live broadcast room was not much better. Affected by the continuous irritating information, there was everything in it:

"Why haven't the police come yet?"

"This kind of violent scene...Is the live broadcast room still there?"

"It's a posture of anger and anger, he really wants to blow the old man's head!"

"Speaking of the plan B, it sounds very reliable!"

"No matter how the opinion leader is, as long as he is unwilling, he will not be able to successfully build momentum... So, it is very possible!"

"Don't you think this is going to be a big deal? Thousands of thousands of viewers, let him talk about the conspiracy of the square..."

"This super brother is not good at being a human being. At this time, no one inside or outside reminded him: Big brother, are you on the live broadcast?"

"So the popularity of Miss Ruiwen needs us to make persistent efforts!"

After all, after a few rounds of barrage, the topic in the live broadcast room has a tendency to deviate.

At this moment, there was another roar on the scene: "Don't make any noise...Let go of me!"

There was a silence in the field, and the little brothers who were persuading to fight, were frightened by the accumulation of Tai Chao, hesitated, and released them one after another.

Tai Chao regained his freedom, his face was pale, his eyes swept around the court, and everyone thought he would curse a group of people bloody. But then, he lowered his eyelids and spoke in his usual low voice:

"Stop talking nonsense, I know the severity. After a while, it will be dark in the Municipal Square. Then, old bear, old bear...old bear!"

After yelling a few loudly, people shouldn't, and Tai Chao almost couldn't hold the fire.

A little brother next to him whispered: "Brother Chao, you are not sending Brother Xiong to direct the unloading..."

I didn't finish talking, there was a loud noise on the side of the stinky puddle, and the bucket of the dump truck for transportation was tilted, and the remaining sand and gravel in the puddle were thrown into the puddle, and the sewage and dust splashed.

"Don't do the job so rough!" Someone yelled, but jogged over again, "Brother Chao, you call me?"

The "old bear" who was just asked to supervise the work, whose name sounds powerful, is actually a small, black-looking, but not surprisingly middle-aged man. He is also the only construction worker wearing a helmet on site. The eyebrows are shrewd.

He probably saw that Tai Chao is now suppressing his emotions, his face just turned right, and he repeated the words again: "Brother Chao, are you looking for me?"

"Looking at this for another person, you drive the car and take your uncle and Weiwu to the city."

Old Xiong was stunned when he heard the words, subconsciously a little reluctant: "Brother Chao, my side..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was stared at by Tai Chao's fierce eyes, and all the words that followed were retracted, and he immediately agreed: "Okay, I get it."

But Tai Chao explained later: "I want to go too, but I'm afraid I can't help but beat the old man to death... By the way, if you have enough time, take him to see the injury. Don't really kill him. ."

"Uh, I know Brother Chao."

Tai Chao waved his hand, and then stopped arranging anything else, turned around with a black face, and went straight to the off-road vehicle.

At this step, I just saw the huge crow on the roof rack of the off-road vehicle.

He paused visibly, and soon continued to move forward with a black face.

"Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

"The attitude suddenly softened, and I still want to cover up..."

From the beginning of the live broadcast room, the perspective of God and the density of information for full discussion have given a group of netizens a more keen discernment than the people on site.

Soon someone clicked:

"He wants to run, someone must have reminded him!"

"Damn, who is so unscrupulous!"

"The big guy behind him, he and these little brothers don't watch the live broadcast. Others may receive the news and pass it on to him."

"The live broadcast room still exists.

The noise in the live broadcast room couldn't stop Tai Chao from leaving.

After a brief stiff, he walked to the side of the off-road vehicle, opened the door, and got in with the ink stare.

At this time, even those who didn't know much about it could see the difference: "Is such a big crow on the roof of the car, doesn't he even look at it?"

"Obviously hiding from the camera!"

In any case, the live broadcast room is not binding on the scene. Tai Chao still went off-road, the motors hummed, the wheels pushed away the dirt and rocks under the wheels, and they rushed forward.

The ink couldn't stand, flapping wings and flying.

The problem was that the car had just rushed three to five meters, and suddenly braked to the ground.

"Don't die!"

Tai Chao roared in the car. He didn't get out of the car. He only opened the window, and his high roar amplified the tremor in his voice.

The live broadcast room also exclaimed: "Damn, don't be so reckless!"

No wonder they were afraid, because when the ink was circling the camera back to the scene in mid-air, everyone could clearly see that it was the one driven by Longqi who was blocking the off-road vehicle and forcibly stopping it. Bucket motorcycle.

In the chaos just now, this small vehicle arrived at the scene somehow, and stalked in front of the off-road vehicle. If it weren’t for Tai Chao’s brakes to be stepped on in time, it would have been a tragic scene of a car accident—in every sense.

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