Master of the Stars

Chapter 1175: Smelly Puddle (Part 2)

After the horror, some people cheered and some worried in the live broadcast room, the latter accounted for the majority:

"Ah, why did you go down?"

"This is not sober!"

"What are you robbing for police business!"

Long Qi did not respond to these questions. He was still sitting on the motorcycle, with the military-style inner armor covering his body, and the dark and cold helmet looked really deterrent.

The problem is, his voice is still always clear and casual:

"Sorry, we are a member of the Xiacheng Ecological Protection Interest Group. We are currently working on the environmental management of water resources around the city. I just passed by. I didn't expect that there is such a scale of black and smelly water here... I want to ask, you guys. Is it the construction team responsible for backfilling?"

Tai Chao was a little confused by these words and didn't respond for a while.

No one in the live room will be fooled:

"I believe in your ghost!"

"Suddenly I found out that Brother Seven is terrible? Isn't it? I just opened my mouth to talk nonsense!"

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go, that guy must have known that he was shot, maybe he has entered the mode of being wronged and indebted!"

As he spoke, affected by the daring and daring interception behavior of Long Qi, the younger brothers who had persuaded him before, gathered up at this time with unkind expressions.

And the construction workers who dumped the earth found that the situation was not right, so they stopped work and jumped down, with more or less "tools" in their hands.

"It's not like just doing earthwork."

In this situation, Long Qi's performance was very calm. He even turned off the sidecar and blocked it in front of the off-road vehicle.

In the face of dozens of powerful people getting closer and closer, his response was to remove his helmet, revealing a relaxed face:

"Mr. Tai, your way of dealing with problems is not appropriate."

In the off-road vehicle, Tai Chao responded after two seconds: "Are you... Dragon Seven?"

He spent some energy to identify the target, and became even more confused and annoyed: "I have no grievances with you, you fix me!"

"What's the situation? Do you know each other?" A bunch of people in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

"I used to deal with it when I was in the fifth area of ​​the inspection." The person who responded was Long Qi himself. At this time, he was still free to respond to questions on the live broadcast.

Because of this, his response to the Thai Super League was slowed by more than a beat, until the other side honked the horn angrily, and then shrugged in response:

"I want to say I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

In the live broadcast room, there was a booming barrage passing by:

"I prove that he did not do it on purpose."

"It was Ruiwen subjectively and deliberately, no, it was the crow!"

"Nothing wrong!"

"In other words, do you think Mr. Tai is already in the live broadcast room now?"

"Huh? Mr. Tae, are you there?"

One second later, the live broadcast room was covered by numerous bullet screens such as "Tai, are you there?" So Long Qi couldn't help adding another sentence:

"You are almost a little bit!"

"You have to be almost a little bit more!"

Mr. Tai's roar instantly turned the live broadcast room into a sea of ​​joy. Then there are operations such as "Say hello from the villagers in Dongcheng District to President Tai" and "Kicheng audiences send congratulatory messages across the sea".

The onlookers on the Internet and the two parties who talked basically understood what was going on. Only those drivers and workers who were carrying large and small "tools" to help the boss show deterrence were a little dazed.

But they didn't need them to understand that in this case, Tai Chao didn't expect his subordinates to play any role. Instead, he showed his quick decision-making ability-the off-road vehicle motor rang again, the body fell back, only a few meters, and then whizzed out again.

It was also at this moment that the picture in the live broadcast room changed very smoothly.

The frame selection screen of the camcorder on the ink body, from behind the jetted off-road vehicle, along with the rock and soil that collapsed along the ground, formed an almost parallel and curved tracking shot. Finally, take the first step, "jump" to Ruiwen, and complete a shift between the clearly opposite camera positions with almost no sense of abruptness.

To achieve this kind of mirroring effect, it can only come from the super "tacit" timing capture and high-speed accompanying flight of the ink.

Few of the viewers in the live broadcast room noticed this. They just looked at the hard-core body of the off-road vehicle, wrapped in sand and dust, splashing earth and rocks, facing "they "Bumped head-on!

Amidst the exclamation of the audience in the live and live broadcast rooms, the car body circled a thrilling short arc in a relatively small space. The front of the car was almost wiped with the front of the sidecar, as well as the left thigh of Longqi. Forcibly jumped out.

This distance is too close. The sensing module here in Ruiwen faithfully restores the sharp roar of the motor when the off-road vehicle passes the front of the car, and some kind of friction that seems particularly harsh.

Of course, it also includes the very obvious vibration of the sidecar motorcycle.

"I hit it!"

"Damn, Brother Seven!"

At this moment, no one among the thousands of viewers noticed the smooth switching of the camera positions, and they were all worried about whether Long Qi broke his thigh.

It was Dragon Seven, and found the location of Ink's new machine position leisurely, shrugging helplessly:

"Dangerous driving, don't learn to say..."

It was also at this time that the off-road vehicle that successfully turned the sharp corner of life should have been on the road smoothly, but on a messy construction site, it was always slipping after several corrections, and finally stopped at a crooked angle 20 meters away.

The camera that switched and tracked up in time clearly showed that on the left side of the out-of-control off-road vehicle, that is, on the side where the "Dragon Seven Thighs" was violently rubbed, a long and narrow gap was opened, with an inner layer. The components collapsed in half, blocking the smaller half, and most of the remaining parts looked dark and heavy, not knowing how deep they were.

Look at the edges of the cracks that are still new. They are not "old wounds", right?

Under this kind of scene, anyone should associate this rift with the Dragon Qi who still has leisure for safety education in front of him.

"I wipe, how did this do it?"

When the audience in the live broadcast room was puzzled, Tai Chao's roar was clearly transmitted:

"I do it!"

Police sirens sounded on the highway in the distance, but the first to arrive was the professional security personnel at the main construction site a few kilometers away, at least they claimed to be the case.

Looking at these so-called security personnel wearing exoskeleton armor with a striking three-gate security logo on the back, if you hold a high-power Gauss rifle in your hand, you can basically go to the battlefield. The majority of netizens have said that it is impossible and normal. The old man at the gate of the construction site is making effective contact.

No matter how mighty the security personnel are, they have no power to enforce the law. However, there is a basis for those who came here. As the contracting party of the project, Sanzha Security undoubtedly has the right to maintain the normal operation order in the construction site area, and also has the obligation to assist the police in investigating and collecting evidence.

Facing the "Party A", the arrogant Tai Chao just now became very honest, but also extremely silent.

On the contrary, the little brothers under his hands were very excited and rushed to testify. Everyone was only arguing internally, without causing bad consequences...

Of course, there will be no less people asking, which shameless is it? If you are idle, you will call the police if the fart is too big!

The person in charge of security said it was difficult to explain, and asked the group to wait for the police to come.

As for the "shameless, idle egg pain" live broadcast audience, their attention has long since shifted from the ink lens, ignoring the Dragon Qi who "cooperated with the investigation" for the time being, and instead returned to Miss Ruiwen.

Zhong Man is the same, although she still has at least half of her mind, staying on the lens switching operation that just surprised her. Not to mention the difficulty of this, the most surprising thing is the agility that Ruiwen has shown, which has hardly been shown before, and the degree of cooperation that meets the public perception...

This is really comfortable.

Zhong Man also found one thing: Ruiwen this child is a little weak in autonomy, and he does not act until there is a "guide" around him. The "vampire" brother and Long Qi both play such roles.

Now this kind of "guidance" seems to have blossomed.

When the security personnel of the third gate security tried to communicate with Long Qi, Tai Chao and the group of excited boys, Ruiwen had already come to the side of the pickup...At this time, she hadn't taken off the helmet, as if she had forgotten?

However, facing the "fourth uncle" who had just been lifted up, sitting on the ground leaning against the car door, and breathing with eyes closed, Ruiwen, who had never taken the initiative to do anything, unexpectedly squatted down and stretched out her hand to check the old man's injury.

A bunch of words such as "beautiful people and benevolent", "therapeutic profession", and "group free" naturally emerged in the live broadcast room.

As for the two children in the car, I figured it out a long time ago, but let the old bear who got in the car directly put on the safety lock. In desperation, they could only look out from the rear window.

Probably he really heard what the old bear said, and he deliberately lowered his throat when he spoke:

"Sister, sister, how is my fourth master?"

The ink shots did not include the two children, and only their voices could be heard in the live broadcast room. Everyone commented:

"The mouth is very sweet."

"Are the kids nowadays so good at relationships?

After two or three seconds, Ruiwen rarely uttered a voice, probably in response:

"Can't die."

"...It's so cold!" The child was wronged.

The netizens who were just praising Ms. Ruiwen’s “human beauty and kindness” all of a sudden became dumb, and of course the licking dogs continued to say:

"So cool and handsome!"

At this time, the police officer was finally late and replaced the security personnel of the third gate security. Seeing that scene, the old bear was also a little restless in the car. He threw a sentence "You guys stay well, I'll go and see", and got off the car and headed to the still noisy scene.

However, the scene was too chaotic. He and the policemen who came to investigate the injuries with Taibe passed by. They only stopped the emotional and reluctant brothers who followed behind:

"Don't mess up! Turn off the engine first, and don't burn the oil at idle?"

Old Xiong still had some prestige in this convoy. Some people just listened to him and returned to the smelly puddle to deal with those vehicles.

Old Xiong naturally has command power: "Don't think about the following tasks at this time, just stop here..."

He was commanding the vehicle to lean against the side of the pit, but someone next to him said: "Can you wait a moment?"

He put it politely, but he was taken aback by the old bear.

No matter who is in the ear, there is a sudden voice coming in, and the source is still a subject who has just been in conflict with them, who is covered in armor.

I don't know when, getting rid of the Dragon Qi who was inquiring by the police, holding the helmet on one elbow, walked to the junction of the smelly puddle and the soil, completely disregarding the "smell" created by various factors here, and smiled brightly:

"After all, we are here to treat the black and smelly water body, and we always have to go to the scene to see... this one, interview?"

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