Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 34 Can Monsters Eat?

The airflow flew forward silently. As Lei Nuo injected more and more mana, the airflow became faster and faster, and soon approached the speed of sound. However, under the influence of the runes, the airflow unexpectedly only There was a slight whistling sound.

Moreover, during the flow of this airflow, it constantly exchanges heat with the surrounding air, continuously transfers heat energy out, the temperature of the airflow becomes lower and lower, and soon becomes an extremely cold airflow.

In less than a second, the air flow flew over a distance of more than 100 meters, and with a huge chill, it rushed towards the running Transcendent.

When the airflow approached within 30 meters, the extraordinary man realized that something was flying towards him quickly, and he quickly turned his head to look to the left, wanting to see what it was.

But he didn't see anything, he was a little puzzled: Since there is nothing, why is there a sound?

The extraordinary man suddenly realized something, a trace of fear appeared on his face, he wanted to change the direction of running, but it was too late!

At this time, the extremely cold airflow finally landed on him. At this moment, he actually felt a needle-like feeling on his skin. The next moment, the huge impact brought by the high-speed airflow fell on his back, knocking him down. Shocked and fell to the ground.

A large wave of cold air completely enveloped the extraordinary man's body, and the cold air spread rapidly. He suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, no, it was colder than an ice cave!

In Lei Nuo's soul space, a strange rune flickered, and a phase change happened!

A large piece of frost condensed instantly, covering the body of the superhuman, and a layer of frost appeared on the ground within a radius of 5 meters. At this moment, a severe winter descended on this area!

The Transcendent wanted to get up anxiously. He knew that if he didn't get up in time, the deadly tree roots behind him would entangle him tightly, and he would never be able to get up.

But he was really too cold, the all-pervasive cold air penetrated his armor, his clothes, his skin, and finally penetrated into his bone marrow, making his body gradually stiff!

His body trembled involuntarily, and his muscles began to tremble spontaneously to generate heat to fight against the severe cold!

At this moment, the extraordinary person misses his extraordinary power and the blazing flame!

At this time, the roots also caught up. The moment they came into contact with the cold air, a large area of ​​frost also appeared on the surface of the roots. After a little hesitation, the roots continued to move forward.

The Transcendent looked into the distance with despair on his face. At this moment, he was less than 5 meters away from escaping from the sky!

But this short distance of 5 meters is the distance between life and death!

The tree roots quickly rolled onto the extraordinary man, entangled him tightly, and then quickly dragged the prey back. This monster seemed to dislike the terrible cold air very much.

The Black Orc Transcendent is doomed!

On the cliff, the blond girl couldn't help but cheered, a large blush appeared on her fair cheeks, in her eyes, this was simply an incredible victory!

The three of them miraculously eliminated the army of more than 300 black orcs without firing a single shot, and even killed a superhuman!

You must know that there are less than one thousand superhumans in the entire human world, and there are no more than two thousand superhumans in the race of black orcs. They are the real group of people standing at the top of the pyramid of power!

At this moment, the girl really admired Lei Nuo a little bit. This task, which was absolutely impossible to complete, was actually accomplished so easily by him ingeniously with the hands of the monster!

The wisdom of the "devil" is really amazing!

Even Moose's expressionless old face showed an irresistible smile!

Renault also laughed, but his eyes quickly locked on the monster at the bottom of the cliff. At this time, its roots were tying up the black orcs, forcing them into the soil one by one.

Obviously, the monster intends to use them as fertilizer. At this moment, many black orcs are still alive, and their bodies are still twitching slightly. In other words, these unlucky black orcs will meet a tragic end of being buried alive by the monster.

When the three of Lei Nuo entered this canyon, before approaching the monster, Lei Nuo keenly sensed that something was wrong, because the mana energy in front of them was unbelievably violent, a phenomenon he had never seen before.

Lei Nuo still looked excited and thought that he had encountered a magic plant again, but he found that it was not the case, because this "magic plant" was so big, he had never heard of a magic plant weighing more than a few hundred tons.

After coming to the front of the strange tree, he found many things that were wrong.

For example, on the ground around the strange tree, there are many fragments of fruit; on the rock wall near the strange tree, there are potholes everywhere; in the soil under the strange tree, many bone fragments can be seen faintly; around the strange tree It was dead silent.

All these clues lead to a conclusion, this strange tree is an extremely ferocious carnivorous tree!

So Lei Nuo used his ability to test it out. When he hid in a hidden place and used [Reverse Heat Conduction] to burn the strange tree, the strange tree directly dropped a few bomb fruits, which taught him a lesson!

A lot of milky white liquid also emerged from the trunk, extinguishing the burning flames.

At this point, the result is very clear, this strange bomb tree is the legendary monster!

When the two were trying to find Moos, Lei Nuo used monsters to scare the girl, but he didn't expect that they actually encountered a monster just a few days later.

When the black orcs came after them, Lei Nuo decided to use his tricks and gave the monster a feast of flesh and blood!

Under his careful arrangements, the plan went even smoother than he had imagined. Relying on the large number of people, the Black Orcs easily jumped into this deadly trap under hesitation, and ended up being wiped out!

Even though the monster had dozens of tree roots to use, it took a long time to bury more than 300 black orc corpses in the soil, and then it calmed down.

The canyon returned to tranquility, as if the fierce battle just now was just an illusion.

If it weren't for the large amount of light blue blood left on the ground, no one else would have thought that this humble strange tree would have killed hundreds of black orcs so cruelly!

It is a pity that when the black orcs died, the distance between the two sides exceeded 70 meters, and Lei Nuo dared not approach the monsters at all, so the "Book of Thermodynamics" hardly absorbed the souls of the black orcs.

Only the transcendent's soul strength is higher, barely allowing him to absorb a sliver of energy, but after a fierce battle, the transcendent's magic energy has been exhausted, and the "Book of Thermodynamics" only gained a little spiritual power.

After the three climbed down the cliff, Lei Nuo stared fixedly at the monster, his body motionless.

Seeing this, the girl asked curiously, "What are you looking at, Lei Nuo?"

Lei Nuo turned his head and grinned at the girl. His smile was extremely clean. In this dark environment, his teeth looked extraordinarily white. Then he asked a question.

"Can monsters eat it?"

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