Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 35: Burning and killing monsters

That's right, Renault had the idea of ​​monsters!

Although the monster worked tirelessly to help them kill the group of black orcs, but this guy not only didn't appreciate it, but also planned to kill the monster with revenge.

In Lei Nuo's view, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. In order to deal with the black orcs, the monster has already revealed all its hole cards and consumed all its bomb fruits, and its combat effectiveness has been greatly reduced.

Moreover, this plant-type monster is difficult to move, or it moves very slowly, even though it has many powerful roots, Lei Nuo is confident that with his special ability, he can easily clean up the monster.

He really wanted to know how much energy the "Book of Thermodynamics" would absorb if this monster was killed, and whether the third page would be opened!

After hearing Lei Nuo's question, the girl's eyes widened, and she couldn't help shouting: "Are you crazy?"

From the girl's point of view, this monster is so terrifying, any attempt to challenge it is very... stupid!

Moose also looked over, and his expression suddenly became more serious. Obviously, he didn't agree with this crazy idea either!

Renault showed a helpless expression, so he had no choice but to explain his thoughts in detail.

However, the two of them still had doubts, but Lei Nuo's determination was very firm. For him, monsters must be killed, and all opportunities to improve their abilities must not be missed.

Because God knows if there will be another wave of black orcs chasing soldiers, this time they happened to encounter monsters and luckily wiped out the black orcs, but the next time might not be possible.

Moreover, this world is too dangerous. Only by improving one's strength as soon as possible can one survive as much as possible in the next escape journey.

Lei Nuo walked to a place more than 50 meters away from the monster, and activated the ability [Reverse Heat Conduction]. The magic energy in his body slowly flowed into the rune array, and in an area of ​​more than 100 square meters, the soil began to heat up slowly.

In the case of slowly heating up, his magic energy is consumed very little, as long as he is given enough time, it is not difficult to melt mountains and seas!

Not long after, the temperature of the soil in this area has climbed to more than 100 degrees. At this time, Lei Nuo let go of the control of mental power, allowing the heat of the soil to naturally conduct in the direction of the monster.

On Renault's side, as the heat continued to accumulate, the temperature of the soil began to drop gradually, and a layer of hoarfrost actually appeared on the ground, and heat from farther away began to conduct.

Soon the soil under the monster's feet began to heat up, the monster gradually felt a little uncomfortable, and it also sensed that something was wrong, so it anxiously pulled out a few roots from the soil, and swept around randomly.

It also senses a creature in the distance, but is too far away for tree roots to reach.

As time went by, the temperature of the soil became higher and higher, and the monster gradually became unbearable. It pulled out more tree roots, and this time brought out a lot of black orc corpses. These corpses had become riddled with scars Hundred holes, it looks terrible.

The soil under the monster's feet began to become extremely dry, all the water was evaporated, and the soil was compacted in large pieces.

Seeing that the environment was getting worse and worse, it was obviously not suitable to stay any longer, so the monster planned to change to a place where it took root. It began to use tree roots to roll out the underground corpses. Before moving, it planned to take all the food away.

At this time, Lei Nuo suddenly increased the input of mana, the soil began to heat up rapidly, and the ground slowly turned dark red!

More heat was transmitted to the monster's roots, and under the high temperature, its roots began to gradually dehydrate, which made it feel more and more uncomfortable.

Although there are still many corpses under the soil that have not been brought out, the monster has decided to give up the remaining food, because the water loss is too fast, and it may be life-threatening if it continues to stay.

However, the reaction of the monster is still too slow!

This is exactly the strategy chosen by Reynolds - boil the frog in warm water,

Use a slow temperature rise to paralyze the monster, making it think that there is still plenty of time, and when it really wants to leave, it is already too late.

Lei Nuo suddenly raised his hands, and the magic energy in his body surged rapidly. At this moment, the dark red ground heated up rapidly.

The dirt has finally melted!

Behind Renault, Angela and Moose looked dumbfounded!

Because this scene is really a bit spectacular, it’s not like melting the rock wall just for a small amount of trouble, watching such a large piece of ground melt into a liquid state, and the surroundings become extremely hot, even the air is roasted and twisted, this scene Simply stunning.

Under the control of mental power, the melted liquid soil quickly flowed towards the monster, and a wave with a width of more than 10 meters suddenly appeared on the ground, a wave of death formed by the liquid soil!

At this moment, the monster finally panicked, and no longer cared about preserving food. It pulled out all the roots frantically, and used some of the roots to support the huge tree trunk, while the other part of the roots inserted into the soil far away. way to move your body.

But it is not easy to move such a huge body, and the speed is very slow, there is no way to avoid the faster flowing liquid mud.

The moment the liquid soil touched the roots of the tree, the dry roots ignited directly, and the raging flames rose instantly.

As more and more liquid soil flowed past, more and more tree roots caught fire, and the fire spread rapidly!

The monster went crazy. It started to use the roots to roll up the soil in other places, trying to block or cover the liquid soil, but it was doomed to be in vain. The soil couldn't stop the pervasive liquid soil.

At this moment, Renault's forehead was already tingling a little, which was a symptom of excessive mental energy consumption. It was not an easy task to control a large amount of liquid soil at such a long distance.

When the liquid soil unstoppably surrounded the trunk of a monster, the fire finally burst into the sky!

The monster immediately made a countermeasure, and a large amount of milky white liquid flowed out from the tree trunk to extinguish the flames, but this was only a drop in the bucket.

Under the baking of the flame, the liquid was directly evaporated, and after losing moisture, the trunk became drier and burned faster.

When the liquid soil touched the second tree trunk, the fire was out of control, and the monster went berserk. It even waved the burning tree roots frantically, trying to extinguish the flames on the tree trunk.

Then the third tree trunk also caught fire, and thick smoke billowed into the sky!

At this point, anyone can see that the monster is doomed!

Lei Nuo actually killed this terrifying monster by himself!

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