Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 37 High Dimensional Space

The berserk magic crystal is also a kind of mana spar, but this kind of magic crystal comes from monsters. During the process of absorbing berserk mana energy for many years, monsters have a certain chance to condense berserk magic crystals.

As its name suggests, this kind of magic crystal is very violent, and after receiving some kind of stimulation, a terrifying phenomenon will occur—the violent magic can explode!

In short, it is an alien version of the bomb!

Still all natural!

Due to the terrifying characteristics of the violent magic crystal, it is often made into shells of magic cannons, such as the most terrifying fire attribute magic cannonballs, which will cause a violent explosion when shot out, instantly turning into The monstrous sea of ​​flames!

Therefore, in this world, the berserk magic crystal is also a very important strategic material, and various kingdoms buy the berserk magic crystal at high prices all the year round.

Lei Nuo searched among the piles of barbecue, and when he came to a pile of corpses, he suddenly felt something in his mental power, as if a faint spot of light suddenly appeared in the boundless darkness. This strange feeling made him I couldn't help but let out a "huh".

Renault closed his eyes and concentrated on sensing carefully.

Then something amazing happened!

He "saw" a boundless sea of ​​mana!

This is something he has never encountered before. It seems that after obtaining the rune array of [Psychic Power], his mental power has undergone a magical change, and he finally broke some kind of shackles, the first time he "sees" The sea of ​​mana.

He felt that his soul was like a huge safety island, and within a certain range around the island, the sea of ​​mana could barely maintain its balance.

Outside this range, the sea of ​​mana suddenly became extremely violent. There seemed to be countless chaotic turbulent currents in the sea, as well as large and small eddies, and countless turbulent waves. It seemed that as long as anything involved in it, it would be destroyed Like a complete smash.

Lei Nuo's mental power cautiously protruded out, and he wandered freely around the "safety island", like a fish swimming in the sea.

He also found that within the range of the safety island, everything he "sees" is very clear, but outside the range, the Sea of ​​Fury seems to be shrouded in a layer of fog, which looks blurry, and the farther away from the safety island, the thicker the fog .

After wandering around for a while, he suddenly remembered his purpose - to find the thing that made him feel sensitive.

Soon Lei Nuo discovered that in the fog in the distance, a "reef" could be vaguely seen. He couldn't help but walked a few steps in the direction of the "reef", trying to see it more clearly.

Yet something amazing happened.

The distance between "The Reef" and him has not changed in any way!

But in his induction, that thing is clearly nearby, and there is absolutely no mistake in that.

Lei Nuo took a few steps without giving up, but the position of the "reef" remained unchanged. He was finally at a loss, how could this be?

After pondering for a moment, he thought of an astonishing possibility—the sea of ​​mana and the space he was in were not the same space.

In other words, the sea of ​​mana is located in a different dimension, and it is likely to be a high-dimensional space!

Only this guess is the most logical.

He wanted to use his mental power to find that thing, but he accidentally discovered something extraordinary.

At this moment, Lei Nuo seemed to be enlightened, and instantly understood a lot of things!

He understood the role of mental power!

Spiritual power is the bridge to communicate with high-dimensional space. Although human beings cannot enter high-dimensional space, they can observe it through spiritual power.

Through this point, another conclusion can be deduced, that is, there must be an extremely close connection between the real space and the high-dimensional space.

But any object with a certain amount of magic energy will, because of this magical connection,

Form a projection in a high-dimensional space.

Therefore, after he feels the existence of something in the real space, although he does not know the specific location of the thing, he can see its projection in the high-dimensional space.

In other words, the "reef" he saw was actually the projection of that thing in the high-dimensional space!

In high-dimensional space, the judgment of distance is obviously different from that in real space.

So he walks back and forth in the real space, and the relative distance between him and this thing keeps changing, but in the high-dimensional space, the relative distance between him and the "reef" does not change.

No wonder he consumes a certain amount of mental power every time he uses his ability, because only mental power can communicate with high-dimensional space, so when magic energy interferes with the real space, it needs to consume mental power to establish coordinates and connect the two spaces .

No wonder when he uses [Reverse Heat Conduction], after the magic energy flows through the rune array, it will jump to a distance in the form of a "jump". In fact, this is not a "jump", but the magic energy in the high-dimensional space Interfering with real space!

No wonder the physical laws of this world are almost the same as those of the earth, but there is such an incredible power as extraordinary power!

It turns out that all of this is because of the high-dimensional space!

According to these conclusions, the rune array should be a tool for manipulating magic energy in high-dimensional space, and it can exist stably in high-dimensional space.

The "Book of Thermodynamics" is more like a book of laws in a high-dimensional space, which can automatically condense tools related to heat energy!

At this moment, Renault finally understood the source of extraordinary power and the nature of magic energy.

At this time, Renault had a faint idea in his mind - runes, or rune arrays, may be the most transformative power in this world, not the so-called extraordinary power!

According to the information he learned from Moose, the superhuman uses a method called "element meditation" to condense supernatural power, and in this way convert the magic energy in the body into water, fire, wind and other elemental powers .

Lei Nuo had an idea in his ignorance. This method of transforming magic energy into extraordinary power seems to have... embarked on an evil path!

But at this time, he didn't think too deeply, because he thought of a way to find the "reef".

Renault's spirit was concentrated again. In the high-dimensional space, his mental power began to extend to the distant "reef". For the first time, his mental power left the "safety island" and touched the foggy area.

At this moment, he only felt a "buzz" in his head, and an extremely violent consciousness completely enveloped him. This consciousness was mixed with endless destruction, and it was an extremely pure destruction. Destroying for any purpose, simply wanting to destroy everything.

What's worse, this consciousness of destruction seems to be trying to drag Lei Nuo's consciousness into that bottomless abyss of destruction!

Renault has an extremely bad premonition, if he can't get rid of the consciousness of destruction and get out of this terrifying abyss, then his consciousness will be lost in it forever, and his body will completely lose consciousness!

In other words, he will become a living dead!

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