Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 38 Humanoid Excavator

Renault's consciousness struggled desperately, trying to get rid of this terrible destructive consciousness, but no matter how hard he struggled, it was still difficult to get rid of it. It was always tightly engulfing him, dragging his consciousness to quickly fall into the abyss .

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed that only a moment passed, when the "Book of Thermodynamics" in the soul space suddenly moved slightly, and a stream of magic energy quickly flowed out from the "safety island", enveloping his mental power.

The magic energy isolated the mental power from the running magic energy, and Lei Nuo's consciousness instantly got rid of the violent consciousness, and an extremely strong fear immediately surged in his heart.

He never thought that the berserk magic power would be so terrifying, and it could swallow consciousness!

His behavior just now was really too reckless. Without any precautions, he rashly came into contact with the running mana, and almost fell into a desperate situation.

Fortunately, the magical "Book of Thermodynamics" seemed to have sensed his crisis and helped him in time, otherwise he might never wake up again.

Moreover, the "Book of Thermodynamics" also accurately told him how to protect his consciousness in an environment full of berserk magic energy.

After understanding the correct approach, Lei Nuo simultaneously controlled the magic energy and mental power, forming a long silk thread, which quickly extended towards the "reef" in the mist.

After entering the misty area, his mana and mental power began to gradually drain, as if being swallowed by berserk mana, and the farther he was from the "safety island", the faster the loss.

But Lei Nuo did not intend to give up. He mobilized more mana and mental power, and the silk thread turned into a streamer that traveled at high speed in the mist and shot towards the "reef".

Finally, the thread of mental power touched the "reef", and the moment they touched each other, Lei Nuo "saw" its position!

An extremely mysterious feeling told him that the "reef" was buried 6 or 7 deep underground!

So, dig it out by hand?

The next moment, Renault vetoed this approach.

Because he has a better way!

Magic energy, as a force in high-dimensional space, can interfere with reality, and spiritual power, as a special force in real space, can also interfere with reality, although the scope and intensity of interference are far lower than magic energy.

But that was just before!

Now that Lei Nuo has [Psychic Power], the interference effect of mental power on reality is finally no longer tasteless!

Therefore, it is impossible to dig by hand, and it is impossible to dig by hand in this life. Only by relying on this bit of mental strength can we barely maintain this life!

The third page of "Book of Thermodynamics" opened automatically, and the dark blue [Psychic Power] rune array was suspended above the page, and Lei Nuo's mental power poured into the rune array.

Four meters away in front of him, the soil on the ground began to be rolled up layer by layer as if being grabbed by an invisible big hand, and was thrown aside. As the soil flew, a pile of soil was quickly piled up on the ground. Heap, but also rapidly increased.

This rather fantastic scene immediately attracted the attention of the girl and Moose, and they came over curiously to watch.

Using [Psychic Power], the digging speed is quite fast, and it is very easy to move large pieces of soil. In just ten seconds, it dug a full 2 ​​meters deep, and a large pit appeared on the ground.

It was only then that Renault realized the benefits of the new skill. Not only was it extremely flexible to use, but it also felt like he could do whatever he wanted. Compared with making rock steps before, the speed was much faster.

If digging was like manual work before this rune array, now it is like driving an excavator, and the efficiency has increased by more than ten times!

Lei Nuo couldn't help sighing, the rune array produced by "Book of Thermodynamics" is indeed a high-quality product, even this seemingly inconspicuous [Psychic Power] is so powerful to use!

It's just... this style of painting is really a bit strange!

Originally, Renault expected that he could be like that black orc superhuman,

With every gesture, a flaming long knife can be condensed, or a raging fire can be ignited all over the body with a single thought, and there are all kinds of extremely cool background pictures when appearing on the stage.

But it is a pity that the skills given to him by the "Book of Thermodynamics" turned him into a humanoid air conditioner, a humanoid dryer, a god-level chef, and... a humanoid excavator!

More than novelty, not enough cool!

Moreover, these jobs are all chores done by servants!

No matter how powerful the handyman is, this level is a bit low...

As the mud pit got bigger and bigger, Lei Nuo's perception became clearer and clearer. Although he hadn't seen this thing yet, he felt strongly that the thing in the mud contained a lot of magic energy!

After digging a few meters deeper, his mental power touched something, and the instant he touched it, Lei Nuo was startled.

Because the magic energy density in this thing is very high!

This kind of magic energy is completely different from the magic energy in his body. It seems to exist in another form, and it is extremely stable, almost without any fluidity, as if it has condensed into a solid.

He instantly understood what it was!

Lei Nuo couldn't help showing joy, and stretched out his left hand, and then his mental strength moved, the thing shot up from the bottom of the pit, and landed lightly on the palm of his hand.

It was only half the size of a fist, and its surface was covered with dirt, but surprisingly, it was so light that Raynor felt as if he was holding a feather.

With a thought in his mind, this thing was suspended from his palm, and the soil on the surface fell off automatically, revealing its true colors.

It looks like a gorgeous and bright emerald, its texture is extremely crystal clear, and it also exudes a mysterious attraction. Once anyone's eyes fall on it, they will be tightly attracted by it.

Moose blurted out: "Magic spar!"

Just as Lei Nuo guessed, it really is a rare magic spar!

However, Angela's focus is obviously different from that of Moose. The girl stared at the magic spar with a little fascination, and couldn't help exclaiming: "It's so beautiful!"

Moose seemed to have thought of something, a trace of doubt appeared on his face, he asked a little puzzled: "Could it be that monsters can also condense magic crystals? But I remember that there are only violent crystals in monsters... Did I remember wrongly?" It's..."

Because according to rumors, the appearance of the rampant magic crystal and the magic spar is very different. The color of the rampant magic crystal is quite mottled, and the inside is also very turbid. It is not as pure and bright as the magic spar.

After hearing Moose's words, Lei Nuo and Angela also came to their senses. This magic crystal is indeed not a violent magic crystal, but a magic spar, so it is absolutely impossible for it to come from the monster killed by Lei Nuo.

So the question is, how did this magic crystal come about?

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