Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 46 Deadlock

The three of them relaxed for a moment, and the swarm of poisonous bees moved again. They flew to the surrounding trees one after another, and began to bite the branches with their mouthparts.

There was a dense "rustling" sound, and they gnawed very fast. In just a dozen seconds, a branch as thick as a wrist was gnawed off.

The poisonous bees grabbed the branches with their claws, flapped their wings vigorously, and actually carried the branches that were not much lighter than them, flew above the heat shield, and dropped the branches.

When the branches passed through the hot air shield area, under the high temperature, the branches and leaves quickly dried and turned black, and soon caught fire.

A large number of burning branches fell and fell around the three of them, and the raging flames began to rage everywhere.

These poisonous bees failed to make a plan, and made another plan!

And still use the way of his own person to treat his own body. Since the heat shield is blocking the way, then simply use the heat shield to create a sea of ​​flames to attack the enemy!

The wisdom of the poisonous bee swarm cannot be underestimated!

But Lei Nuo's response was also very fast, [Reverse Heat Conduction] was activated again, heat flowed out of the flame quickly, and flowed to the heat shield, the temperature of the flame began to drop rapidly, the flame immediately dimmed, and soon completely extinguished.

This trick of the poisonous bee swarm was resolved by Renault, but all this was not without cost!

His head hurts more and more, and his mental block is bigger than before.

If the poisonous bee throws a few more rounds of branches, I am afraid that he will no longer be able to maintain the current scale of the heat shield, and will have to reduce the high temperature area.

However, he couldn't just be beaten without fighting back, otherwise he would be too passive.

With this in mind, the "Book of Thermodynamics" in Renault's soul space quickly turned to the second page, and the rune array of [Reverse Thermal Convection] emerged.

Due to the toxin, he originally didn't intend to use too much mental power to avoid aggravating the erosion of the toxin, but seeing the situation getting worse and worse, he no longer cared about the consequences.

Let's survive first!

A stream of air flowed silently and at high speed, shooting towards the location where the poisonous bees were more concentrated. The air stream continuously absorbed the heat of the air along the way, and soon turned into a scorching high-temperature air stream.

When the air flow flew near 4 or 5 poisonous bees, they felt the strangeness in the air, so they quickly vibrated their wings, wanting to fly to other areas.

However, the speed of the air flow was close to the speed of sound, far exceeding the flying speed of the poisonous bees. The scorching air flow hit them instantly, and the strong thrust generated by the air flow sent them flying backwards.

In the high temperature of the airflow, the wings of these poisonous bees instantly burned, and a large area of ​​scorched black appeared on the surface of the green body.

Then they fell from the sky. After losing their membrane wings, they couldn't control their bodies at all, and fell hard to the ground.

However, they immediately turned over and crawled quickly in the grass with four pairs of claws, and crawled away from the three of them. They didn't seem to have suffered much damage.

Lei Nuo's blow also alarmed the other poisonous bees. They flew all over the sky like a nest, and kept changing their flight directions. Lived up the opportunity.

Renault endured his headache and launched a few more rounds of attacks, but after the poisonous bees were prepared, the losses they suffered were much smaller, and the best attack only knocked down two poisonous bees. Bad, he had to stop attacking.

The rest of the poisonous bees continued to throw the branches, and they seemed to believe that this method could consume the heat shield.

Lei Nuo had to use his abilities again and again to put out the fire, and soon the three of them were surrounded by burnt black branches.

Among the branches that fell from the sky, many branches were thrown at the three of them. In order to prevent being hit by the branches, Moose and Angela kept waving their weapons and knocked these branches into the air.

After a stalemate for a while,

The unwilling swarm of poisonous bees launched another round of stinger attacks, and the stingers flying all over the sky enveloped the three of them again.

Since the symptoms of this kind of attack were relatively obvious, and the three of them had experience in dealing with it, this round of stinger attacks failed again.

It seems that when poisonous bees shoot out their stingers, they need to consume a certain substance, and it takes a certain amount of time for them to synthesize this substance, so continuous firing cannot be achieved.

At this point, the poisonous bee swarm has consumed two stingers, which also means that they can launch another round of stinger shots.

But in order to deal with the stinger's volley, Lei Nuo was forced to use [Psychic Power] to push the stinger away non-stop. After consuming a lot of mental power, his headaches intensified again, and it was even difficult for him to concentrate.

He found that the mental retardation suddenly increased a lot, and the output speed of mana energy dropped by a step instantly, and he couldn't maintain the large-area heat shield any longer!

The thing that worried Renault the most finally happened!

The high-temperature air in the outermost layer suddenly fluctuated, and the heat began to be lost rapidly. The outer layer of the hot air shield unexpectedly produced a gust of hot air, and the volume instantly decreased by nearly 1/4.

When the fallen branches pass through the heat shield, the burning speed is significantly reduced, and the flames on the branches are also much smaller.

The poisonous bees immediately noticed this, and the sound of "buzzing" wings became much louder in an instant, and the flying speed also increased significantly, as if expressing excitement!

The poisonous bees began to bite and carry the branches more vigorously, and the fallen branches in the sky became more and more dense.

Moose's eyes flickered for a moment, then he suddenly turned his head and said, "Leinuo, open a passage for me! You will cover me later..."

He knew that if he continued to delay, Renault's mental strength would become weaker and weaker, and sooner or later the heat shield would weaken to the point where the poisonous bee swarm could easily break through, and then the three of them would be in danger.

Therefore, while the three of them still had the strength to fight, Moose decided to go out and make a surprise attack, trying to kill the poisonous bees as much as possible, so as to reduce the pressure on Lei Nuo.

Such an approach is extremely dangerous, because the poisonous bee is likely to be very poisonous, as long as a stinger stung Moose, he may not be able to come back!

Angela showed a worried expression. The girl clenched her weapon tightly and said crisply, "Moos, I'll go out with you!"

Moose stared at the girl seriously, and said, "I'm an awakened one, you can't keep up with my speed."

After staring at Moose for a while, the girl bit her lips with her white teeth, and finally gave up the idea in dejection.

During these days in the Black Forest, she hardly played much use, and even became a dragging role at critical moments, and could only rely on the protection of Renault and Moose.

For this extremely tough and strong girl, such a situation is really unacceptable to her, and it also makes her hate her incompetence very much.

Regarding Moos's request, Renault just nodded silently, then controlled the flow of heat in the heat shield, and opened a 2-meter-wide safe passage.

Moose let out a low cry, the magic energy in his body suddenly fluctuated, rushing towards his limbs and bones, a powerful force was bred in his body, he clenched his heavy sword with both hands and rushed forward.

Seeing an enemy rushing out, dozens of poisonous bees that were closer to Moose immediately gathered to besiege him.

Here's your chance!

These poisonous bees are paralyzed! They actually ignored Raynor's long-range attack!

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