Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 47: Sneak Attack

Renault activated [Reverse Thermal Convection] without thinking, and immediately shot out a scorching airflow.

The 8 poisonous bees gathered together were caught off guard, and their wings were directly ignited by the high-temperature airflow, and fell to the ground. The rest of the poisonous bees were also frightened, and flew away with a "boom".

Moose had just rushed out of the heat shield area at this time, and when he saw these poisonous bees crawling all over the ground, he immediately roared, and then an amazing thing happened!

His body and limbs swelled instantly, and the large muscles on his arms swelled up. His arms became twice as thick as before, and his whole person became a size bigger. The originally loose leather armor was tight. Tightly stick to the body.

Moose detonated the magic energy in his body and entered an awakened state!

His speed increased immediately. He stomped on the ground and crashed into the swarm of poisonous bees. He raised the epee with both hands and spun it at high speed. The sharp blade cut the air at high speed, making a sharp whistling sound.

It is the combat skill blade whirlwind!

Even among the awakened, this combat skill is a very high-end skill! It has very high requirements for speed, strength, and skill, and if any of them fail to meet the requirements, this combat technique cannot be successfully launched!

At this moment, countless sword lights passed over the bodies of several poisonous bees, and intensive slashing sounds rang out.

Due to the huge kinetic energy contained in the high-speed moving blade, every time it brushes the body of the poisonous bee, it directly breaks the carapace on their body surface. Then he cut it quickly.

Sword lights flew past one after another, knocking these poisonous bees far away, and sprinkled a large amount of body fluid along the way. The body of the poisonous bees that landed was covered with deep wounds, and the body fluid that flowed out quickly soaked the ground.

In just one second, Moose eliminated the 8 poisonous bees!

The rest of the poisonous bees immediately reacted and came to Moose one after another, but in order to guard against Lei Nuo, they did not dare to launch a large-scale siege, so they could only besiege Moose in twos and threes.

At this time, you can see Moose's superb fighting skills. He ran quickly in the grass, and his positioning skills were very clever, and he didn't give the poisonous bees a chance to surround him.

After awakening, his strength increased a lot. The originally extremely heavy epee was as light as nothing in his hands, and he swung it at an astonishingly fast speed. After the poisonous bee approached him, the poisonous stinger at the tail had not had time to stab him. Will be the first to swing his sword and hit them!

Most of the places where Moose hits are the weak points of the poisonous bee's wings, abdomen, or the joints of the body, which can easily cause serious injuries. In addition, the power of the epee is extremely heavy, and Moose can easily kill them with a single sword. Knock.

Some poisonous bees flew past Moose quickly, and wanted to attack him with poisonous stings at the moment of passing, but Moose's movements were faster and his predictions were extremely accurate. Before the poisonous bees launched their stings, He dodged it first.

Sometimes when the poisonous bees flew over, he would quickly stretch out the epee across their flight path, and the poisonous bees that couldn't dodge would bump into the sharp blade, and a deep scar immediately appeared on his body. Wound.

Lei Nuo always pays attention to Moose's situation, and supports him from a distance. Once the poisonous bees tend to gather, he will immediately use [Reverse Thermal Convection] to disperse the poisonous bees.

If there are a lot of poisonous bees gathered, and Lei Nuo has no time to disperse them, Moose will immediately launch the whirlwind of the blade, and the extremely fierce sword light will kill those poisonous bees that are too late to dodge in an instant, and the other poisonous bees will fly away in a hurry Far.

After the battle lasted for a while, the poisonous bees were completely helpless against Moos, and killed or injured more than 20 of them.

Relying on his superb fighting skills, Moose was not injured at all, and only a few slight scratches appeared on the leather armor. Although he had the upper hand, he didn't feel relaxed at all.

Because the swarm of poisonous bees can have many chances of failure, but he can't afford to make a mistake, even if the stinger cuts a little bit of skin,

He can only die!

So for Moos, this battle is like dancing with death!

At this time, Lei Nuo also discovered something that surprised him—the condition of the mental retardation actually started to improve, and even the symptoms of headaches were relieved a little!

This shows that the detoxification effect of the magic spar has worked!

After killing a few more poisonous bees, Moose suddenly slashed with both swords, forced the queen of several poisonous bees away, turned around and rushed towards the heat shield area.

According to the time estimate, the swarm of poisonous bees is about to launch a salvo of stingers. No matter how good his combat skills are, it is impossible for him to cope with such a dense stinger attack, so he must return to the heat shield area as soon as possible.

Moose's sudden retreat caught the poisonous bees around him by surprise, and none of them could restrain him in time, allowing Moose to approach the heat shield smoothly. Reynolds immediately began to transfer the heat, opening up a safe passage for Moose.

Moose ran as hard as he could, and rushed into the heat shield area without slowing down at all. He didn't worry about hitting the hot air at all, because he believed that Renault would open the passage for him in time.

After entering the high-temperature area, Moose couldn't help showing a smile on his face. When he went out, he was desperate for his life, but he didn't expect the action to be smoother than he imagined. The number of poisonous bee swarms was quite small Nearly 1/4 of it!

However, at this time, four large poisonous bees in the distance suddenly lowered their flying heights, and their abdomens tried to lean forward. Accompanied by a slight vibration, the stingers flew out!

They actually shot out the stinger ahead of time!

Moose was running at this time, with his back turned to them, and he didn't see the poisonous stinger at all!

These 4 poisonous bees are so cunning that they suddenly launched a sneak attack when Moose let down his vigilance!

Angela, who had been staring closely at Moose, immediately noticed the stinger, and the girl's face instantly showed great horror. She opened her mouth to remind Moose.

Moose noticed the girl's expression immediately, and immediately had an extremely bad premonition in his heart, so he rushed forward without thinking, trying to avoid the stinger flying from behind.

Moose's movements were extremely fast, and his huge body fell heavily to the ground, making a muffled sound.

Only then did the girl's voice sound: "Moos, be careful..."

The sound stopped abruptly, because she saw very clearly that the 4 poisonous thorns on Moose's back had pierced through Moose's leather armor, and at least 1/5 of the length had penetrated into his back. Under the effect of inertia, these stingers are still shaking.

The stinger's speed was too fast, and Moose couldn't avoid this sneak attack!

The moment the poisonous sting hit his back, Moose only felt a pain in his vest, then a tingling numbness in his vest, and soon he lost consciousness, and the range of unconsciousness was still expanding slowly.

He secretly screamed that it was not good, but his hands and feet were not slow at all. He immediately got up from the ground and ran towards the two of them.

Renault's eyes froze suddenly, and he immediately shouted sharply: "Angela, prepare the antidote and water!" Then he immediately increased the output of magic energy, the heat shield began to expand quietly, and the temperature also rose a little.

After hearing Lei Nuo's roar, the girl came to her senses. She quickly took off the small leather bag containing the spar powder from her belt, and hurriedly untied the string on the leather bag.

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