Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1025: Fire Dance Game

"Ding ~! Congratulations, your team successfully defeated the opponent and advanced to the top 5 ~!"


"Pretty, won!" Mo Yan said happily.

I said, "Let's go. Our morning game is over. Let's go out to the theater!"

"it is good!"

Several people went offline and came out of the game room with their helmets. There was a burst of thunderous applause. Congratulations to the two teams for the wonderful game. The pure men of the Earth League are not bad. It is almost luck. The opponent should win.

Back to the sidelines, we will sit down in the player's rest area. Immediately, a short group of staff members brought drinks. Of course, a group of reporters continued to pick up photos and shoot photos. Although interviews were not allowed on the scene, they did not say that photos were not allowed. That camera shutter is the same as the machine gun. "Kah Kah Kah Kah" This group of guys don't care about the film consumption, but the shutter life, the flash flashes constantly, how the dragon teeth are also popular in this offline championship Team, just take a few more and that's fine.

Putting the drink aside and pulling my PSP out of the backpack to play, but I found that I was playing games online and now offline, it was really helpless.

Fire Dance came to sit to my left and said, "It's very good, it's beautiful to win."

I haven't spoken yet, Xueyue smiled: "Of course, how could I lose before I play against you."

I nodded: "Yes, I'm going to attend the World Series. Your game is a while away. Who's next?"

"Well, hasn't this gone?"


I looked up, and sure enough, two groups of people have already entered the ring. The group of young plums on the left, two men and three women, the appearance of two men is basically freewheeling, two three women, two of them look beautiful. They are all very good, but the most eye-catching is a little loli among the five, seeing her face pale and clear, her eyes clear and bright. When she smiled, her mouth was like a quiet meniscus. Her eyes were small, long and slender, but she was very charming. When she smiled, it became two seams. The nose is slightly upturned, giving a playful feeling and looks very cute. She was wearing a dress with blue flowers on a blue background. This is a girl who is only fifteen or sixteen years old. If she grows up, all her world, can anyone escape her charm. Seeing her, I couldn't even hold the little p in my hand, and didn't shout out verbally, but my heart was shouting: So cute!

Opposite this team is the magic team, a purple and tidy team, I see this team I understand that they lived with us yesterday on the same floor.

The two sides entered the game room and lay in the game room. This game was a match between the Ome brewing team and the Devil team.

Not long after, the big screen appeared on the list of the two sides-falling rain silent (ranger) LV-160VS Shenmo night wind (knight) LV-160 green strawberry (swordsman) LV-160VS **** devil punishment day (Sanda) LV-161jb1g (Knight of the Abyss) LV-160VS God Demon King (Judo Family) LV-160 Alto Lili (Mage Master) LV-163VS Demon Storm (Magic Magistrate) LV-160 Ji Yong (priesthood) LV-160VS God The game started on LV-161, I also took out my laptop to check the information. I found that these two teams were very unexpected. The demon is a guild that was established four months ago and is not a weak force. , Usually relatively low-key, not as wealthy as the guilds are so detached, and often organize large-scale leveling clearance, PK, vendetta, making himself look angry.

This guild became the Seventh Alliance of the War Soul two months ago. The original Seventh Alliance of the War Soul was disbanded due to improper management. This demon guild replenished this position. This president is not someone else but the demon. MM, after joining, he was transferred to the main league. Now the president of this guild is God Devil. This team has a lot of luck to get here.

The Ome brewing team is not even a guild. The five people are all free players. They come because they are like-minded. Ome brewing is just the name of a mercenary group.

This is a contest between dark horses and dark horses. Although there is a lot of luck on the side of the gods and demons, it is a pity that the strength alone is a small one. The rain is silent, jb1g, eh, it's so difficult to pronounce a name! We will call him a professional name in the future. In the end, Lily should be her mercenary Jin Jin, and she has almost won all the way. Although the two of them are not stable scorers, their position operations are very essence. Strength cannot be underestimated.

Soon the first game began, and the demon Yefeng held a sharp sword and smiled slightly: "It is a fate to be able to fight the celebrities of the G list today, and we must go all out to show respect for your strength! "

The sound of falling rain is almost the same as the reality, with a slight smile: "The G list was worthless years ago! But for the sake of fate today, we will do our best to fight"

The other side smiled heartily: "Then, let's martial art friends!"

"it is good!"


Chat. After the chat, the game started. The two teams did not spend too much time seeing each other. The game was divided. The green plum wine defeated the demon 4: 1, and the green strawberry lost to the **** devil. The two men are evenly matched. God Devil has a good pet, a six-legged lizard. This lizard is very scary, it will scruff the ground, and it will spray venom. The most important thing is that the bite will petrify. The green strawberry is He was defeated by Xingtian when he was bitten by this lizard, otherwise the two could fight for a while. In addition, the abyss knight actually dresses up as a female archer with a mercenary, but has never stood up in a relatively dark place, and can only see one more figure but can't see his face.

In the third and fourth games, the torrential rain team VS Shuiyueyu team, the tiger king and the Tianhe team VS the Tianhuo team, these four teams are all we have not heard of, but the unknown name does not mean that it is not strong enough, some After the **** fight, the two teams of Rainstorm and Skyfire went to victory. Both teams killed very fiercely, both were 3; 2 to win. These four teams, several participating players have very high levels and are very well equipped. , Very difficult to deal with! Among them, there is a rare occupation of a fighter in the heavy rain, and the scary high attack is a very powerful character.

Finally in the fifth game, the Scarlet Elite Main Team vs. the Longling Team.

Fire Dance (Shadow Rider) LV-161VS Stigma Hero (Priesthood) LV-160 Lemon Blossom (Amazing Raider) LV-160VS Soul Returning Robe (Sandal) LV-161 Lemongrass (Illusionist) LV-160VS Ring Spirit (Magic) LV-161 Assassin's Creed (Assassin) LV-161VS Bones (Assaulter) LV-160 Gray Sun (Organization Division) LV-160VS Crooked Monkey (Elemental Division) LV-161 is another disparity in strength In the first game of the game, Fire Dance, a black cloak wrapped in a gorgeous figure, his face mask no longer blocked the entire face, only the upper part, and his opponent was a handsome priest with a silver face. His long hair and two sword eyebrows, British eyes and magnetic extraordinary voice, wearing golden armor, the pure energy of the holy light surging.

"Unexpectedly, my opponent is still a handsome guy, let's have fun." Huo Wumei laughed.

"Dark girl, don't want to confuse me!" The priesthood revealed his weapon: "All those who desecrate the Holy Light will be punished, and all the wicked will be sheltered by the Light."

"... Little handsome, are you reading too many heroic novels, or is the Holy Light of the transfer taking you silly? The Holy Light of the Priesthood and the power of my shadow are not the same. They are used for fighting. "Fire Dance smiled sympathetically.

"No matter what you say, don't want to shake my faith, now, before I punish you in the name of the Holy Light, repent!" The priesthood said, holding up the cross surrounding the Holy Light.

"Oh, it looks like, are you going to purify my evil soul with holy light? If you mean purifying my evil body with yourself, maybe I will still be a bit interested ..." action.

The audience behind is already crazy. Frankly speaking, Fire Dance is really charming, long and smooth hair, captivating eyes, and the hot body and long beautiful legs ...

The playing field came to the sunset plain.

The system announced the start of the game, Huo Wumei smiled and threw a move, fear, and suddenly the stigma hero's body had run away uncontrollably in the wilderness.

"Bright badge!" The opponent did not respond too slowly. He left his useful skills during the stroke, relieved his fear effect, and hurried back towards the fire dance twenty yards away.

"Running towards the sunset ..." Fire Dance was throwing another horror, and the priests who rushed into the ten yard range were afraid again, and the stigma hero ran towards the sunset.

"Consecration! Divine Storm!" After surviving this horror, all the power of the holy light of the cleric player erupted.

"Dark shelter! Shadow fountain!" Fire Dance left to apply a layer of shield to block the opponent's skills, and at the same time he also cast a skill.

"Wow ..."

In the huge eruption of shadow energy, the priesthood was instantly consumed by the shadow.

"In the name of the Holy Light! Holy Shield!" In the Shadow Fountain, the stigma hero was surrounded by a layer of golden light, and rushed out of the darkness unharmed.

"Invincible, I really want to use it." After running, he turned around, and the other was invincible and died. That is stupid. Divine Shield is one of the priesthood skills. It is the only invincible skill in ordinary occupations, but invincible. Time is only 12 seconds.

Fire Dance is a wizard. She is a demon martial arts professional. She runs and flies quickly. On the contrary, she carries this invincible egg shell and chases the unscrupulous hero. The priest is heavily armored and runs lighter than one The fire dance is much slower.

"Spiritual exile!" After running for a while, Fire Dance suddenly turned around, hitting an energy spike on the head of the stigma hero, and the other side was dizzy, and then Fire Dance prepared it for Haibian.

"Shadow Bomb! Shadow Bomb! Shadow Bomb!" This Shadow Bomb skill is completely instantaneous and does not cool down at all.

After five or six seconds, the other party finally woke up. "Damn ... the flash of light! The flash of light! The flash of light! ..." Seeing his blood plummeting, he rushed to himself as a mad treatment.

"Handsome guy, the game is over!" Fire Maimei smiled and shot a green light from her hand: "Sleep!"

A large 'Z' floating on the head of the stigma hero has fallen asleep, but the sleep effect is different from other effects. Just hit it and see the fire dance to make the other person fall asleep. Is the other party seconds?

"Dream! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare! ..." Fire Dance used these two tricks in turn, only reducing two or three hundred points of blood each time, but the other party did not wake up after the stroke, waiting for the other party Wake up and dance again and let the other person fall asleep, and then continue.

In this way the health of the stigma hero plummeted again.




30% ...


Hit the ground ...

"Khan, so I'm hung up. I thought I could play for a while ..." Huowu smiled, put her hand to her lips, and gave a flat kiss to the flat hero.

The system announced that Fire Dance won.

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