Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1026: Scarlet Show

After the first game was over, Fire Dance played the opponent easily. The second game player came on, and the **** elite sent out the assassin girl who saved my life on the expedition battlefield. Lemon flower. The other party sent a Sanda name. Tabard for soul return. The playing field is a forest.

"Come on!"

At the beginning of the game, the opponent yelled and ran towards the direction of the lemon flower, and the lemon flower sneaked at the moment of the game.

A person who didn't look after the opponent ran a distance of 100 meters.

"Invisibility is useless to me!" Said Soul Return Tabard and took out a bottle of pink potion and shook it in his hand, and then sent it to his mouth to drink it. After drinking the potion, he glanced around for a week. , And laughed: "Sacred fist hammered!"

A punch hit the ground and suddenly rushed out a 10-meter-long shock wave. The direction of the shock wave immediately jumped out a figure, it is lemon flower. The potion that the guy just drank was probably the prophet potion or the type of prophet potion. The hidden potion seems to have made a lot of preparations for the game.

"You actually deserve me for taking out such an expensive Prophet Potion." The lemon blossom leaped and fell on the trunk of a tree next to it. It is true that the Prophet Potion is not a bargain like visible sand or dust. Thousands of gold coins are still only a small part of life players know the formula, the potion shop can not buy.

"Then I'll salute you with my best greetings!" He said six silver needles appeared between his hands and rushed towards the soul returning robe.


The soul returning to the battle robe quickly flew away and attacked, but at this time the lemon flower was no longer in the original place. The soul returning to the battle robe stood in place and began to glance around. There was no meaning for the opponent to sneak in the prophet potion. With super fast movement speed, the action is not easy for the other party to grasp, and after a while, it emerges from the ground behind the soul returning shirt.

The soul returning to the battle robe responded quickly, and quickly turned around, but the lemon flower spit out a black air mass, and the sprayed soul returned to the shirt's face.

"Ah, ah, my eyes!" Soul Guibao screamed, holding his eyes in both hands, and stepped back several steps.

At this time, the lemon flower also kicked into the air, making a difficult backflip in the air and falling on the branch: "Heavenly girl scattered flowers!" A large amount of things spilled out in an instant. This spill was not a flower, but a The strangely shaped hidden weapon was also rolled into a ball of detonation symbols.

—704, -705, -709 ...

Although the damage number is not high, but there are many wins. At least the hidden weapon attack and the additional poison damage are instantly blown away, and the explosion of the detonation symbol, the soul of the soul returning to the battle robe is no longer available.

"Body armor! The golden gun does not fall!" The soul returned to the battle robe, added two states to himself, and rushed toward the lemon flower on the branch of a tree. The lemon flower had thrown a hidden weapon to cause damage. Hundred points become dozens of points. The armor of the body is Sanda's own professional skills. It has the ability to increase its physical defense and will not fall to the ground after being attacked. It is a very good skill. As for the golden gun, it should be an additional skill of his equipment. Or skills learned from a skill book.

Although the name of this skill is very cumbersome, the effect is really good. The armor of the body will weaken the movement speed. This skill not only adds the weakening speed back, but also at least doubles the original speed. The lemon blossom rushed over.

"Shadow Net!" Lemonflower threw a handful of bitterness, and bitterness exploded into a brown net in the air. The soul returned to the battle robe and ran into it too quickly, and bumped into it, and then no more Can not move, was stuck on the Internet.

"Please go with peace of mind!" Lemonflower threw a scroll into the air, and when the soul that rolled back came back to the top of the jersey, it exploded. Numerous hidden devices fell and stabbed him into a hedgehog.

Xueyue pursed her lips and said, "This is totally **** performance time. The other party must be depressed ..."

I said, "It doesn't matter, anyway, we will finally defeat them."

"Yes." Xueyue smiled at me.

In the third game, Scarlet sent out lemongrass with a word difference from the previous lemon flower. A loli figure was dressed as a mysterious player. It was a black robe covering the whole body without using any weapons. The opponent appeared to be A magic wizard named Ring Spirit, this player is very young, confident, wearing a set of cloth, carrying a staff, there is no special dress, but there is no doubt that this kid must be very good!

After a few seconds, the battle begins! The surrounding scene turns into a valley.

Kai Ling stood opposite the stream and began to chant the spell, while the lemon grass on the other side of the stream pulled a crystal ball from his arms at this moment.

"Mind blows!" Lemongrass whispered four words followed by a voice without emotion, and the ringing tiger's body was shocked, and the singing ability was just interrupted momentarily.

"Damn!" The hard-working skills were interrupted and the spirit was very annoyed. When the staff was swung, it turned black and had a leopard's head. The human body was wearing an armor back and a green cape at the first sight. Holding a sword and holding a shield in his left hand, the monster appeared, which should be his pet: "Go! Dark panther warrior!"


The leopard warrior made a roar, and when he stepped on the foot, he crossed the stream. In front of the lemongrass, the machete was chopped down aggressively, and the lemongrass receded without thinking. There is a weird pupil inside. This pupil is not a normal white-black combination. The original white part of the eye is dark red. There is a small dot in the middle of the eye, and then there are three hook-shaped punctuation points around the small point. The angle of the hook is 120 °, when the leopard warrior's next attack, Gouyu began to rotate, clockwise.

"Monthly reading!" Lemongrass relaxed, the leopard warrior who just rushed over two steps suddenly stopped, the lemongrass swayed with his other hand, the leopard warrior was shocked, and then roared and turned towards its original owner and rushed over . At this moment, the pupils of the Leopard Warrior's eyes became exactly the same as the pupils popping out of that crystal ball. "What's the matter with the dark Leopard Warrior! Go back !? Ah!"

The leopard warrior rushed to the front of the ringing spirit and slashed it with a slash, and the ringing spirit quickly flashed away to avoid it.

"Full Moon Scimitar"

Shouted from the mouth of Lemongrass, the leopard warrior with strange pupils roared, the scimitar in his right hand waved a wave of energy for half a month, and the spirit rushed away.

"Amazing shadow!" The leopard warrior flew to him, beside the spirit.

"Cross Slash!"

The machete of the leopard warrior struck a cross on his master.

—11604—11502 The shield of the Spirit Ring fluctuates sharply, and its tenacity is greatly reduced. He quickly raises his staff to prepare for a counterattack, but the leopard warrior constantly controlled by the lemongrass attacks wildly, and does not give the Spirit Ring staff a chance, Wizard Although the shield is thicker than other transfer occupations, and the Leopard Warrior turned into white light in a short time during the continuous attack, this game was very painful.

In the fourth game of Assassin's Creed, the opponent was called the Bone Charger at ten meters. This guy touched his nose to play and seemed to feel like he was being sent to be slaughtered.

The fact is exactly the same. Although the assaulter has both close-range and long-range combat, the assaulter's difficult physical movements can not be played by anyone. All general transferees are highly flexible people. The most important thing is It was his opponent who encountered the metamorphosis of Assassin's Creed. Assassin was a speedy professional, let alone a hidden occupation.

At the beginning of the game, the map came to the grass. The assassin ’s creed did n’t even have to be invisible to rush towards the opponent. The opponent kept shooting arrows and backed up. But the enemy ’s kite was faster than his own speed. Possibly, the Assassin's Creed treated it calmly. After evading it several times, he took the initiative to attack, tied the sword on the back of his hand, and poked many times before and after the place. The assassin's bones hung silently.

In the last game, the opponent directly abstained and was afraid of being killed.

After all the games were over, the hostess came on stage and said, "Finally, after a fierce match in the morning, five teams in the decisive battle in the afternoon have emerged. They are: Dragon Fang, Rainstorm, Skyfire, and Omeki. The team is an elite team. After five minutes of rest, we will draw lots. I don't know if the lucky ones will be taken to the finals directly. Please wait and see. "

After five minutes of waiting, the list was finally announced, and the five captains went to the lottery on the spot. This afternoon, the top 5 teams were drawn out. 1. The main team of the dragon tooth vs. the rainstorm team.

2. Ome brewing team vs. Skyfire team.

Round: The Scarlet Elite Main Team

This list did not exceed many people's expectations. Even the best-screened elite team selected by the computer will inevitably be dropped, and the system operators will have nothing to do to empty a team with little strength.

"The competition list has been created. We will continue at 2 pm. The top five of the China World Championship qualifiers. Please come and watch the game on time!"


After the host's lines were finished, everyone went out for lunch.

After lunch, we have a lunch break. The afternoon is the final battle. There are more people coming to watch the game. The crowd is crowded. The armed police are full of cattle. The scene is boiling. My heart is even more surging. I must win the championship! Not to mention the generous rewards, the right to play in this World Series is seductive enough.

The summoner who likes online games, please collect: ( The summaries of online game summoners' literature are the fastest.

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