Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1046: Day off with swimsuit

Ding Ding ...


噗 尼.噗 尼.

(Well, what is this touch? What exactly is this slippery and soft object in the duvet?)

However, the time to return to sleep is not to satisfy curiosity. I don't want to give up this good feeling. Did Xiaoguang attack me at night while I was sleeping, she wasn't afraid, that day I paid her no attention. Having said that, being able to be attacked by beauties at night is also a kind of happiness ...

Forget it, wake up Xiaoguang first. In this way, I really can't help but open the quilt ... Inside ... Inside scene-"Shou ... Shou ... Guard !!!!"

How is this going! !! Isn't Xiaoguang coming at night? Why is the guardian lying on my bed! What happened after I got drunk!

However, this is not the problem. The question is why she wasn't wearing clothes. In other words ... she is ... naked. Don't girls like to wear clothes when they sleep?

"Hmm ... what ... it's morning?"

"I still want to know about this. And you hurry up! Put on your clothes!"

Ignoring my confusion, the guard rubbed his eyes and restored his usual expression to be as calm and reliable as Hua Lian. This is not the time to think about it. Just when I was in a daze, the guard gave a haha ​​and spoke.

"Can Dragon Spirit help pull up the curtains? I want to sleep for a while."

"Go back to sleep on your vacation!"

"No, it's troublesome."

"No trouble!"

"To sleep here, at least put on your clothes."

"Don't! People have loved to sleep naked since they were young." As I suppressed my excited brother, the guardian said an extremely stout sentence.

"Big Ben, it's morning! Get up and we're going to Ocean Park!" Just as we argued about sleeping and getting dressed, Silver Moon, always energetic, pushed my door violently as usual and strode forward Come. Whoever said that men and women locked the door must be a girl, and I was locked here every day, and no matter how many locks I locked, they would easily open the door of my room the next day. And they haven't locked the doors one by one, and they are even more sturdy. They don't even close the door when they sleep, basically they are not half open or completely open.

"What are you doing, Big Ben?" Yinyue looked at us sitting with interest.

"I don't see it, Big Ben ..." Yinyue narrowed her eyes with a bad expression.

"What is Brother Long Ling doing?" Xiaoguang suddenly probed in.

"I ..." I spoke, and now I can only say more and more dark.

Coaxed the guard, put on clothes, and then everyone had breakfast together, and it was taken for granted that they sat together during the meal. Shining on the MMs in the morning light, shining with brilliance, is really beautiful.

"Is there any show today?" I said, chewing the churros in my mouth.

Yinyue Road: "Don't you say you want to go to Ocean Park today?"

"Also." Speaking of lottery is really strange, Yinyue actually got a stack of more than 20 tickets. This theme park was just built a few years ago. The interior is made up of various swimming pool facilities and large-scale The water area composed of baths, indoor scenic spots and entertainment areas mainly composed of outdoor amusement parks. If it is summer vacation, it is a very popular place visited by many families and couples near and far, just in Zuohai Park.

Fire dance said excitedly: "Then we go to swimwear after dinner!"

"Swimming, swimwear ...!" As soon as he heard these words, his cheeks began to heat up, and Xueyue Yunlan appeared in their heads in a bikini.

"The prize money for the game has arrived and we are quite well funded now."

"Yeah, what kind of swimsuit to buy."

"However, is it too nervous to buy today? It's better to pick it first and then go tomorrow, you say right, Dragon Spirit." Fire Dance said in a natural tone. I narrowed my eyes and narrowed my cheeks.

"Why ask me?"

"You're the only guy here. Sometimes you should think."


Although I wanted to immediately refute ‘it ’s not the time’, I just imagined that my cheeks became hot just a few tens of seconds ago. It is really hard to say that. Woo ... gritted his teeth and nodded with a sigh.

"go together."

Then the conversation ended, and the next step was to go shopping for swimwear. Accompanying beautiful women to buy swimwear is really a happy thing. Of course, people who do n’t pass by are not only us, Long Xin, they are of course, there are many votes anyway.

Returning to the urban area with a used school bus, such a large group of beauties walking together is really eye-catching. The rate of return is more than 1000%. I, Ye Shuang and Xiaoxi all along the way blocked countless waves of MM Guy, came to a department store, took the elevator, and pressed the button on the destination floor.

As a holiday, this person naturally went more, but fortunately, there are a lot of elevators and the speed is fast, we quickly squeezed into a step elevator.

"Speaking of which, why do we guys buy swimwear to follow suit?"

Then, the elevator began to make a low driving sound, Ziyue looked at our three big men and said.

"Protect flowers." Ye Shuang "carry bag." Xiaoxi "paid." Why am I so tragedy!

"Okay." Ziyue little, the boys who accompany the girls can only do these three things. Speaking of which, the school's physical education class has not yet started a swimming course, and the college does not have a swimming pool. It seems that when can go to Zhao Bo to suggest.

Leaving the elevator, the space displaying colorful swimwear immediately came into view. It's October. It is not a good time for shops to sell.

After leaving the elevator, they entered the swimwear sales area with the MMs. The clerk sounded "Welcome-".

The first to rush out was Xiaoguang. It was curious to look around in the shop and laughed: "Well, Brother Long Ling will wait a while to help Xiaoguang choose."

"No, you pick it yourself." Ask me to help girls choose swimwear, don't do this.

"It's the first time I'm here to buy this thing." Mo Yan on one side widened her eyes and shook her hands. He took a one-piece swimsuit carefully and looked carefully. After stroking his hands as if confirming the material, he suddenly looked up as if he noticed something.

"Don't you come out and buy underwear before?" Fire Dance said to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan blushed and said, "Yes, but it was the first time I went out and sold it with my mother."

"Okay, okay ... go and try on the one you like." MM nodded immediately and Mo Yan nodded shyly.

Fire danced his eyes and said, "How about we play?"

"Game?" I tilted my head.

"What is the game ...?" Mo Yan also asked.

"Hmm. Today we are here, than whoever made the three men there nosebleeds, and the winner will get the right to use Dragon Spirit for one day."

"Why ...?" I was about to talk with my eyes wide open, and Xueyue shouted, "Don't just treat her husband as a prize."

"It's okay, after we agree," Yun Lanye said.

"So do you agree?"


"I don't agree!" Roared protesting aside, but gorgeously ignored.

"Longge really has you." Xiaoxi smiled.

"Have your sister!"

"For my brother, for you, I would like to cut my sword!" Ye Shuang patted my shoulder and said with great care.

"Plug your sister's knife!"

"The game started, turning Dragon Spirit into my stuff." Huowu went to pick a swimsuit with a smirk.

"Big Ben is mine." Yinyue was also excited.

"Xiaoguang wins and dates with Long Lingge!"

"I won't give up my brother to anyone." Long Xin clenched his fists and placed himself in a challenging position. He walked into the trial room with several swimwear.

"You have to defend your husband's right to use it!" The college clenched his fists and picked up the swimsuit at hand. Yun Lan, with the same expression of despair, walked into the nearby test room.

"... that" always decided without permission. Distressed scratching cheeks.

There are still people on the side who don't seem to have chosen the right swimwear. Ziyue is recommending a high-sexy **** swimsuit for Hua Lian. On the other side, Mo Yan looks like she doesn't know what to wear at all, and her face is very distressed.

"Longling!" Xueyue's locker room door opened, and Xueyue was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, showing her stocks a bit shyly.

"Oh, oh ..."

Again the three men opened their eyes at the same time. As a priceless beautiful girl, of course, she has an outstanding body proportion. However, this opportunity to see everything from the top of the head to the toes is very rare. The swimsuit itself is just a very simple design. It just emphasizes the beauty of scalelessness, which stimulates all of our chests.

"Oh! It's the simple design that can fully show the beauty of the girl, which is great!" Ye Shuang sighed with two thumbs up.

Just as Ye Shuang sighed, the curtain opened on the other side.

"How about Dabenlong!" Yin Yue came to the curtain to see the figure, and she couldn't speak for a moment.

"It's my turn!" Yinyue announced her upcoming victory with hands on hips.

"Don't be too happy!"

Yun Lan said to open the curtain. She was wearing a bold bikini, her cheeks were pink, and her hands were covering her thighs and navel-but she did n’t open up her hands, but she could n’t cool down repeatedly.

"This, this is ..."

I couldn't help but swallow a saliva. This doesn't count. Next, Feng Feng, Xiao Guang, Long Xin, Guardian, and Xiao Xiaoyue, Xiao Ai, everyone's swimsuit looks very eye-catching, and everyone has a different charm. Honestly, I can't help it.

The two goods around me have long been unable to bear the shock, and fell into a pool of blood, and my assassin was completely intoxicated by their gorgeous appearance.

"Can't help but don't give up."

"By the way, my sister hasn't come out yet." Huo Feng looked at the curtain and remained closed, a little puzzled.

"Yeah, why can't you come out now." Xueyue, who is familiar with Fire Dance, also wondered.

"Ah!" Suddenly screamed from the fire dance dressing room.

Suddenly everyone was taken aback, and I rushed to it in panic and opened the curtain. The curtain was opened forcefully. Then-yes there.

"how do you feel?"

A hot sensation reached the nostrils, and the loudest alarm sounded in his head.

"Too treacherous ... cheating ..."

Shouting in a pool of blood, he stretched out his hand and shouted unwillingly.


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