Master Summoner Online

Chapter 1047: Happy day off

"I'm so tired all day ..."

Back in the dormitory, I sighed deeply. Take the mineral water on the table to your mouth and drink the mineral water in it in one breath.

After shopping all day, after the end of buying swimwear in the morning, everyone went to eat together. After that, I went to fire dance to give her a day of ‘coolie’, which took a considerable amount of time. It doesn't work like coming back to the previous line.

"Hi!" Lie on the bed, looking at the ceiling, and sighed softly.

At 8:55 am on October 6.

Everyone was standing at the gate of the school with their bags carrying things like swimwear and bath towels bought yesterday, waiting for the used school bus.

But the car didn't wait. When the time came, two people who should not be on the list came over there.

On the left is a short-sleeved shirt and a short dress with cute frills, a bag with a swimsuit in her hand, a refreshing expression with shiny hair, a petite figure but beautiful body lines. No one else is the most beautiful female teacher in the school, the former school director, Ling Xin.

The man on the right, with a tall nose, sturdy eyebrows, and sharp facial contours, and exquisite lips make people feel strict and abstinent. This product is not others.

The former is the most beautiful female teacher in the school, this one is the most handsome male teacher in the school, the two are together, so a male and female appearance, Jin Tongyu daughter!

"Hello students!"

"Sorry, everyone has waited so long."

The two teachers said separately.

"Hello teacher!" Everyone greeted the two together

"Hello!" Teacher Ling waved

"Why are you in this place?" I asked.

"?" Teacher Ling crooked her head in an incredible way.

"Classmate Longling, what are you talking about? Are we not going to Ocean Park?"

"I don't remember your two names on the list?"

Yinyue walked over and said, "I told them to come to Big Benlong. Anyway, it doesn't matter how many tickets are, and these tickets are only valid during National Day and expired. It is also a waste to use them.

"I don't blame you, it seems that I didn't tell you. Today our team will go with them." The guardian seemed to add, he said.

Shu Road laughed: "You group of little ghosts go out to play, always have a teacher bring it."

I said, "It's enough to have a class teacher. What's up with you here?"

Shu Tao twitched, "Your boy doesn't want to pass math!"

"Rely on! You do n’t honestly threaten people with your grades!" You know that my grades are not good, but you also threatened me with a passing grade. It is a shame for the teacher to do this.

Xueyue hurried over to round the field: "Okay, let's go now. The cars are all here." As soon as the Shu Road came, the old and new school bus was driving to pick out students.

"Let's go. Where do you buy swimwear, I want to buy another one." Teacher Ling said.

"In the swimsuit, Brother Long Ling took us yesterday." Xiaoguang stepped out and said.

"Hey, not bad.-Really considerate, Longling?" Then, Shu Tao cast his sight in my direction. Obviously the tone and expression are very soft, for some reason it gives a terrible feeling of cold stomach.

"Well, let's go, don't let the driver wait." A chill started and he took MM to the car.

After getting off, transfer to Zuohai Park, buy a ticket to it, the theme park that was opened a few years ago. To be honest, I haven't played here yet.

It's still October. Although indoor facilities and playgrounds can be used throughout the year, because the outdoor swimming pool as a signature area has been closed, there is much less passenger traffic than during peak times.

Although it is not as crowded as the summer news, it is not too late, at least not crowded.

Next, I went to the locker room to change clothes. The clothes changed quickly, and I walked from the locker room to the indoor pool.

Looks like the female camp hasn't finished changing clothes. Girls change clothes very slowly. Unlike our boys, they can go straight out after wearing a pair of pants. I leaned up and stretched, twisting my neck back and forth and looking around.

"Oh ... this is really amazing."

In the middle of the area covered by the semi-circular ceiling, there is a huge swimming pool like Asase. In the back, there is a waterslide modeled on the rocky mountain, which is a very provocative design.

"Brothers, let's have some fun." Ye Shuang's words came through, and colleagues looked at many beautiful women in bikinis around.

"You go by yourself." I said, seeing Xiaoxi with another new wireless headset, asked: "Are you afraid of getting into the water with this?"

"This is a completely waterproof type. Just be careful not to fall out of your ears." Xiaoxi said touching the wireless headset on her ear.


Turned around, there were all the MMs who had changed their clothes. The MMs were wearing, as I thought, the swimwear I bought yesterday.

Mrs. Ling's lilac bikini, the four-pink is a pale pink brazier that flutters like a skirt around the waist. But it's a bit old, no wonder she said she would buy a new one.

MM did not know whether he was accustomed to swimwear or because the surrounding tourists were suitable for himself to dress the same, and did not feel ashamed of the swimwear posture as yesterday.

"Beauties! Have fun today!" Raising his hand and screaming, MM was excited.

Regardless of Xueyue, Long Xin and Xiao Ai, they are all beautiful girls who are called "peerless" or "all over the country." In fact, if we are strangers, maybe we are already fascinated.

"set off!"

The MMs ran towards the pool with vigour.

Long Xin's voice came from behind.

"Brother!" Long Xin stood there with her precious beads in her arms, a white split swimsuit. The bra part is designed with a neck strap type, which is slightly subtle.

"what happened?"

Having said that, I have never seen Long Xin's swimsuit pose. Although her figure is greener than other MMs, it is also very good.

"Why, stare dead. Although biologically not a close relative **, but if you have **** with your sister, you have no medicine?" A embarrassed expression appeared. Although it seemed embarrassing, I didn't feel that way at all.

"...! It's not like that!" I have a black line on my face.

"Brother, the girls are well-dressed. At least have something to say?" Long Xin said with his hands on his hips.

"Dragon ... Long Xin."


Long Xin responded with his eyes half open. In a flash I was poor. ... I never expected that it would be so embarrassing to say something complimented.

Just then Xiaoguang came over and saved my life: "Longling brother, shall we go to the waterslide?"

Xiaoguang took my hand and said, pointing at the huge rocky mountain standing indoors. A long slide runs down from the top, and occasionally guests in swimwear slide down from above with screams and currents.

Xiaoguang's timely appearance saved me and the fire and fire, and he turned around and said, "Is Long Xin going?"

"Of course, as long as I'm with my brother." As he said, he took my other hand and walked towards the waterslide.

On the other side, there are tens of thousands of MM students. It seems that something happened. The reason is very simple. Yinyue has to remove the swimming ring from his body. The swimming ring is blocked by the chest and it is difficult to pull it out.

"Who designs a swimming ring is too small."

Having said that, Yinyue strengthened her strength. The swim ring immediately reached her chest, and by the way, pulled up her swimsuit. The soft ** is slightly visible under the swimming ring.

I hurriedly stopped shouting, "Don't drag it, let it go."

"So too." Yinyue responded. Pulling the valve of the swimming ring, the deflation of the swimming ring fell to your feet smoothly.

"Is Big Ben still reliable sometimes?"

"Uh ... well, um." Scratching his cheeks and making ambiguous words, the matter didn't matter too much.

Continued after resolving this emergency, climbed the stairs shortly, and finally reached the top of the rocky mountain. The staff at the waterslide crossing is directing the guests to slide down in order.

Fortunately, there are not many people around. It's our turn in a while.

According to the instructions of the employee, he was sitting on the water surface of the water slide while holding the edge with his hand.

"Brother, let's slide down together." Long Xin laughed.

Xiaoguang: "Longling Brother, let's slide together."

I laughed. "But will the three be a little crowded?"

"That's simple, let's go one behind the other."


When I hadn't responded, a sudden feeling came from my back against the soft object.


"Let's go then!"

Long Xin smiled innocently, and his body pressed towards him. The two weapons of mass destruction on her chest were very disturbing.

Xiaoguang, like sitting between my legs, sat down in front of me and leaned against my arms.

"Sit tight, let's go!"

With Long Xin's words, a sweet breath blew across the neck, not just the chest. The abdomen, arms, and feet, when touching soft body parts, feel that the brain will flow out of the ears.

Tong Xiaoguang also hugged my body tightly, feeling like a koala hugging a tree.

After everyone is done, push the edge of the slide to rush out!

Oh, wow, ah, ah, ah, ah!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The almost derailed trajectory was depicted. The three left wailing, silent voices, and laughter sliding down the waterway. In the final sprint phase, the three overpowered bodies flew out of the slide and were thrown into the air.

As the excitement of the two MMs passed into the tympanic membrane, the sense of floating that wrapped the whole body disappeared-and then fell towards the pool just below.

The terrible water waves were stirred and the swimming pool rippled.

"——Aha! Ahahaha! Brother once again!" Long Xin poked his face out of the water and smiled heartily.

"Yeah, what! Come again, come again." Probably like water skiing very much, Xiao Guang said with an innocent expression.

We climbed to the waterway again and did it well, but this is to see where Mo Yan is coming, where are some of the MMs in Ziyue, and an accident happened. The thing is like this. Behind her, she loosened her swimsuit. The bra part of Mo Yan's swimsuit floated gently to the water. The eyes I saw turned into spots.

Mo Yan uttered a silent wailing at the moment, covering her chest with both hands, and dived into the water together with her head. The joy of a group of MMs.

The incident was at 2:10. Our party is having some late lunch at the restaurant in Ocean Park. A group of people sit on a white plastic table with large plates of sandwiches and paper cups with drinks. Although I feel a lot of volume ... but there should be no leftover if the guard is here.

She guarded the three sandwiches and swallowed them together. "Aunt, it's delicious! I didn't expect it to be so delicious."

The guard chewed the sandwich with a big mouth, and a smile appeared. As always, she is a girl who can eat anything with relish. Long Xin Xiaoguang, who was sitting opposite him, bit his mouth slightly and nodded.

"It's ... delicious." Yinyue said cheering at the sandwich, looking cheerful.

"Yeah. That's fine."

Looking at them, I saw my heart warming.

On the other side, Shu Tao and Teacher Ling ate and drank drinks while eating sandwiches. The two talked very speculatively. If they can come together, they are probably the most enviable pair in the school.

In this way, Ocean Park played all day until 6 o'clock in the evening before going back.

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